• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sediment Volume

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Non-point Source Pollution Modeling Using AnnAGNPS Model for a Bushland Catchment (AnnAGNPS 모형을 이용한 관목림지의 비점오염 모의)

  • Choi Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2005
  • AnnAGNPS model was applied to a catchment mainly occupied with bushland for modeling non-point source pollution. Since the single event model cannot handle events longer than 24 hours duration, the event-based calibration was carried out using the continuous mode. As event flows affect sediment and nutrient generation and transport, the calibration of the model was performed in three steps: Hydrologic, Sediment and Nutrient calibrations. The results from hydrologic calibration for the catchment indicate a good prediction of the model with average ARE(Absolute Relative Error) of $24.6\%$ fur the runoff volume and $12\%$ for the peak flow. For the sediment calibration, the average ARE was $198.8\%$ indicating acceptable model performance for the sediment prediction. The predicted TN(Total Nitrogen) and TP(Total Phosphorus) were also found to be acceptable as the average ARE for TN and TP were $175.5\%\;and\;126.5\%$, respectively. The AnnAGNPS model was therefore approved to be appropriate to model non-point source pollution in bushland catchments. In general, the model was likely to result in underestimation for the larger events and overestimation fur the smaller events for the water quality predictions. It was also observed that the large errors in the hydrologic prediction also produced high errors in sediment and nutrient prediction. This was probably due to error propagation in which the error in the hydrologic prediction influenced the generation of error in the water quality prediction. Accurate hydrologic calibration should be hence obtained for a reliable water quality prediction.

Comparison of Settleable and Non-settleable Suspended Sediment in Streams and Lakes (강우시 하천과 호수에서 침강성 부유토사와 비침강성 부유토사의 비교)

  • Eum, Jaesung;Jung, Sungmin;Choi, Yongsoon;Lee, Hyungjin;Choi, Joongdae;Kim, Bomchul
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 2012
  • Total suspended solids (TSS), settleable suspended solids (SSS) and nonsettleable suspended solids (NSSS) were compared in streams and lakes during rain events. Samples were collected in Lake Soyang and nine agricultural streams during storm events over two years. To measure NSSS, samples were settled in 1 L cylinders for one hour and then 50% of the total sample volume was taken from the center of the cylinder. The SSS/TSS ratio in streams (0.50) was higher than in Lake Soyang (0.20). The ratio of TSS to turbidity decreased from 1.21 in the inflowing river to 0.69 in the reservoir outlet. Turbidity and NSSS showed higher correlation ($r^2$=0.82) compared with the correlation between turbidity and TSS ($r^2$=0.66). Median particle size decreased from $11.4\;{\mu}m$ in the inflowing river to $4.2\;{\mu}m$ in the lake outlet. The results indicate that only fine particles of less than $5{\sim}10\;{\mu}m$ can be transported downstream of the lake. Because fast-flowing water in streams includes not only fine particles but also coarse particles, an overestimation of suspended sediment concentration results if only TSS is measured. Consequently, TSS and NSSS should be measured separately to evaluate the effect of suspend sediment loadings of turbid streams on aquatic habitat during the monsoon season.


  • A.A.Salehi Neyshabouri;R.Barron;A.M.Ferreira da Silva
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2001
  • The time consuming and expensive nature of experimental research on scouring processes caused by flowing water makes it attractive to develop numerical tools for the predication of the interaction of the fluid flow and the movable bed. In this paper the numerical simulation of scour by a wall jet is presented. The flow is assumed to be two-dimensional, and the alluvium is cohesionless. The solution process, repeated at each time step, involves simulation of a turbulent wall jet flow, solution of the convection-diffusion of sand concentration, and prediction of the bed deformation. For simulation of the jet flow, the governing equations for momentum, mass balance and turbulent parameters are solved by the finite volume method. The SIMPLE scheme with momentum interpolation is used for pressure correction. The convection-diffusion equation is solved for sediment concentration. A boundary condition for concentration at the bed, which takes into account the effect of bed-load, is implemented. The time rate of deposition and scour at the bed is obtained by solving the continuity equation for sediment. The shape and position of the scour hole and deposition of the bed material downstream of the hole appear realistic.

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A well-balanced PCCU-AENO scheme for a sediment transport model

  • Ndengna, Arno Roland Ngatcha;Njifenjou, Abdou
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.359-384
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    • 2022
  • We develop in this work a new well-balanced preserving-positivity path-conservative central-upwind scheme for Saint-Venant-Exner (SVE) model. The SVE system (SVEs) under some considerations, is a nonconservative hyperbolic system of nonlinear partial differential equations. This model is widely used in coastal engineering to simulate the interaction of fluid flow with sediment beds. It is well known that SVEs requires a robust treatment of nonconservative terms. Some efficient numerical schemes have been proposed to overcome the difficulties related to these terms. However, the main drawbacks of these schemes are what follows: (i) Lack of robustness, (ii) Generation of non-physical diffusions, (iii) Presence of instabilities within numerical solutions. This collection of drawbacks weakens the efficiency of most numerical methods proposed in the literature. To overcome these drawbacks a reformulation of the central-upwind scheme for SVEs (CU-SVEs for short) in a path-conservative version is presented in this work. We first develop a finite-volume method of the first order and then extend it to the second order via the averaging essentially non oscillatory (AENO) framework. Our numerical approach is shown to be well-balanced positivity-preserving and shock-capturing. The resulting scheme could be seen as a predictor-corrector method. The accuracy and robustness of the proposed scheme are assessed through a carefully selected suite of tests.

Applications of Surface Cover Materials for Reduction of Soil Erosion (토양유실 저감을 위한 지표피복재 적용)

  • Won, Chul-hee;Shin, Min-hwan;Choi, Yong-hun;Shin, Jae-young;Park, Woon-ji;Choi, Joong-dae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.848-854
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this research was to experimentally test the effect of rice straw mats on the reduction of runoff, sediment and discharge under a laboratory scale with different rainfall intensity and slopes. We used the small runoff plots of $1m{\times}1m{\times}0.65m$ ($L{\times}W{\times}H$) in size were filled with loamy sand. Experimental treatments were bare (control), rice straw mats + PAM(SP), rice straw mats + PAM + sawdust(SPS) and rice straw mats + PAM + rice husks(SPR); slope of 10% or 20%; and rainfall intensity of 30 or 60 mm/hr. Runoff volume and coefficient from covered plots were significantly lower than those from control plots. Under the 30 mm/hr and 10% simulations, average runoff coefficient of covered plots decreased more than 92%. Under 60 mm/hr and 20% simulations, the ratios were between 39.8~58.1%. Under the condition of 30 mm/hr rainfall and 10% slope, sediment discharge from covered plots was practically zero. And at 20% plots, sediment reduction ratio was more than 95%. Under the condition of 60 mm/hr rainfall, sediment reduction ratio of 10 and 20% plots ranged between 86.3~95.3% and between 79.8~86.5%, respectively. The differences in initial runoff time, runoff and sediment discharge among different cover materials were not significant. Rainfall intensity showed higher impact on initial runoff time, runoff, and sediment discharge than slope. It was also shown that even if runoff reduction by surface cover were low, sediment discharge reduction could be very significant and contribute to improve the water quality of streams in sloping agricultural regions. It was concluded that the use of straw mat and PAM on sloping agricultural fields could reduce soil erosion and muddy runoff significantly and help improve the water quality and aquatic ecosystem in receiving waters.

Numerical Prediction for Reduction of Oxygen Deficient Water Mass by Ecological Model in Jinhae Bay (생태계모텔에 의한 진해만의 빈산소수괴 저감예측)

  • Lee, In-Cheol;Kong, Hwa-Hun;Yoon, Seok-Jin
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2008
  • As a basic study for establishing a countermeasure for an oxygen deficient water mass (ODW), we investigated the variation of ODW volume according to the enforced total pollution load management in Jinhae Bay. This study estimated the inflowing pollutant loads into Jinhae Bay and predicted the reduction in ODW by using a sediment-water ecological model (SWEM). The result obtained in this study are summarized as follows: 1) The daily average pollutant loads of COD, SS, TN, TP, DIN, and DIP inflowing into Jinhae bay in 2005 were estimated to be about 12,218 kg-COD/day, 91,884 kg-SS/day, 5,292 kg-TN/day, 182 kg-TP/day, 4,236 kg-DIN/day, and 130 kg-DIP/day. 2) The calculated results of the tidal current by the hydrodynamic model showed good agreement with the observed currents. Also, an ecological model well reproduced the spatial distribution of the water quality in the bay. 3) This study defined the ODWDI (ODW decreasing index) in order to estimate the ODW decreasing volume caused by a reduction in the inflowing pollutant loads. As a result, the ODWDI was predicted to be about 0.91 (COD 30% reduction), 0.87 (COD 50% reduction), 0.79 (COD 70% reduction), 0.85 (ALL 30% reduction), 0.66 (ALL 50% reduction), and 0.45 (ALL 70% reduction). The ODW volume was decreased 1.5 $\sim$ 2.6 times with a reduction in the COD, TN, and TP inflowing pollutant loads compared to a reduction in just the COD inflowing pollutant load. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce total pollution load management, not only for COD, but also fm TN and TP.

Prediction of reservoir sedimentation: A case study of Pleikrong Reservoir

  • Thu Hien Nguyen;XuanKhanh Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.36-36
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    • 2023
  • Sedimentation is a natural process that occurs in all reservoirs. Sedimentation problem reduces the storage capacity of the reservoir and limits its ability to provide water for various uses, such as irrigation, hydropower generation, and flood control. Therefore, predicting reservoir sedimentation is important for ensuring the efficient operation and sedimentation management of a reservoir and . In this study, the HECRAS model was applied to predict longitudinal distribution of deposited sediment in the Pleikrong reservoir to 2050. Different scenarios was considered: (i) no climate change, (ii) climate change (under two emissions scenarios, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5), and (iii) climate change and land use change (followed land use planning of the watershed). The computation results with different scenarios were analyses and compared. The results show that the reservoir reduced storage volume's rate and sedimentation proceed toward to the dam in the case of climate change is faster than in the case of no climate change. Analyses also indicates that following the land used planning could also improve the long-term problem of the reservoir sedimentation. The outcomes of this study will be helpful for a sustainable plan of sediment management for the Pleikrong reservoir.

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A Study on The Coagulation Characteristics of The Aluminium Etching Waste (알루미늄 식각폐액의 응집 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Ho;Lee, Chang-Hwan;Lee, Cheol-Ho
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the performance of Aluminium foil etching waste(PWF100) as a cohesive agent was estimated and the methods to commercialize it were investigated through comparison of physical properties between Aluminium foil etching waste(PWF100) and commercial cohesive agent(PAC17). The height of sediment bed was measured according ot the change of the concentration of BKN-100, BKR-110, and BKR-120 prepared by using PWF100. When the concentrations of BKN-100, BKR-110, and BKR-120 were increased, the heights of sediment bed were constant after decreased. Also, the density of sediment bed was investigated according to the change of the concentration of BKN-100. When the concentrations of BKN-100 were increased, the densities of sediment bed were decreased. In addition, based on the concentration of BKN-100, BKR-110, and BKR-120, the sediment rate was experimented. When the concentrations of BKN-100, BKR-110, and BKR-120 were increased, sediment rates were rapid and then slow. Moreover, the volumes of sediment bed were measured according to the change of the concentration of BKN-100. According to increasing the concentrations of BKN-100, the required time for getting to the minimum volume of sedment bed were reduced and then increased. Lastly, the required time for sedimentation based on the concentration of BKN-100, BKR-110, and BKR-120 was investigated. When the concentrations of BKN-100, BKR-110, and BKR-120 were increased, the required times for sedimentation were increased after decreased. From these results, it can be concluded that the PWF100 acts as a cohesive agent.

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The Effect on the Marine Water and Sediment Quality by the Use of Nano-S 1. Result of Water Tank Experiment (Nano-S가 해양수질 및 저질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 1. 실내수조실험 결과)

  • Cho, Hyeon-Seo;Cho, Chon-Rae;Jang, Young-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.158-163
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to observe the effect on the marine environment by the use of Nano-S. Nano-S was made to apply to improve the red tide bloom. The experiment was performed at round tank with volume of 180 L. Each tank was filled with an aggravated sediment about $14{\pm}1cm$ hight and sea water. The water flow-rate of tank was established on the rate of 6.25 L/hr. Sea water level was fitted to 40 cm, therefore the filled water was about 150 L. The sediment was stabilized during one week. Then the Nano-S and the red mud were added into each tank 0 kg(control), 1 kg(tank A), 2 kg(tank B), 5 kg(tank C) and 10 kg(tank D) each other. The quantity was fulfilled with 0 kg(control), 2.75 kg(tank A), 5.51 kg(tank B), 13.77 kg(tank C) and 27.55 kg(tank D) per square meter of sediment. The experiment was performed during 30 days. Water and sediment samples were collected from each tanks on the before 1hour and after 1, 3, 6, 12 hour and 1st, 3th, 5th, 7th, 10th, 15th, 30th day of the experiment period. The change of water and sediment quality was analyzed before and after applying the Nano-S and the red mud.

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Simulations of Runoff using Rice Straw Mats and Soil Amendments (볏짚거적과 토양개량제를 이용한 강우유출 모의)

  • Won, Chul-Hee;Shin, Min-Hwan;Choi, Yong-Hun;Shin, Jae-Young;Park, Woon-Ji;Choi, Joong-Dae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this research was to experimentally test the effect of rice straw mats on the reduction of runoff, sediment discharge and turbidity under a laboratory scale. We used the small runoff plots of 1 m ${\times}$ 1 m ${\times}$ 0.65 m ($L{\times}W{\times}H$) in size filled with loamy sand. Experimental treatments were bare (control), rice straw mat cover of straw mats + PAM + Gypsum (SPG), rice straw mats + Chaff + PAM + Gypsum (SCPG) and rice straw mats + Sawdust + PAM + Gypsum (SSPG); slope of 10 % or 20 %; and rainfall intensity of 30 mm/hr. Runoff volume and rate of covered plots were significantly lower than those of control plot. Average runoff rate of covered plots, slope of 10 % and 20 %, decreased 85.6 % and 72 % in respectively. Sediment reduction ratio was more than 99 % regardless of slope. The differences runoff and sediment discharge among different cover materials were not significant. It was also shown that even if runoff reduction by surface cover were low, sediment discharge reduction could be very significant and contribute to improve the water quality of streams in sloping agricultural regions. It was concluded that the use of straw mat and soil amendments (PAM and Gypsum) on sloping agricultural fields could reduce soil erosion and muddy runoff significantly and help improve the water quality and aquatic ecosystem in receiving waters. But mixing effect of PAM and Gypsum was minimal.