• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sediment Volume

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A Study on Establishing Optimum Scale of Sediment Basin for Preventing the Outflow of Sediment - In the case of Buju Mountain in Mokpo city, Korea - (토사유출 방지용 침사지 적정규모 설정방안에 관한 연구 -목포시 부주산을 사례로-)

  • 우창호;황국웅
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 1999
  • This study examines the existing theories related to detention basin and embodies the calculation process of sediment basin. It investigated the scale of sediment basin by actual measurement at Buju Mountain, Mokpo city which causes the environmental problems like erosion and outflow of sediment due to the excessive development, finds the problems of existing sediment basin by applying and analyzing the physical factors which affect the execution of sediment basin using GIS as the method establishing the scale of sediment basin embodied in this study and then suggests the oteimum scale. Comparing the surface area of the existing sediment basin and of the required one, all of the surface areas of the existing sediment basins were smaller than those of the required one. Therefore, it can be expected that the trap efficient of sediment will be declined. The required one. Therefore, it can be expected that the trap efficient of sediment will be declined. The required minimum depth was fully satisfied, but it is analyzed that the volume of sediment basin will affect the neighboring environment because it can not accomodate the inflow discharge volume except sediment basin C. It is consistent with the actual situation which causes a serious environmental problem due to the overflow of sediment basin during the heavy storm event except sediment basin C and also it verifies the validity of calculation process of establishing optimum sediment basin suggested in this study.

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Design of Optimum Volume of Sediment Settling Pond at Highland Agricultural Watershed Using WEPP Model (WEPP 모델을 이용한 고랭지밭 경사도별 침사지 적정용량 산정방법)

  • Hyun, Geun-Woo;Park, Sung-Bin;Park, Jeong-Hee;Geon, Sang-Ho;Choi, Jae-Wan;Kim, Ki-Sung;Lim, Kyoung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2010
  • The optimum volume of sediment settling pond is determined by the maximum rainfall and surface peak rate runoff from crop field. Based on analysis of measured rainfall and runoff data, it was found that rainfall intensity of 2 mm/min would result in peak rate runoff from the agricultural field of study area. Optimum pond volume under various slope scenarios were determined using the WEPP model calibrated with measured flow and sediment data for the study watershed. For the agricultural field with the slope of 7 % and area of $2,600\;m^2$ at the study area, at least $6.4\;m^3$ of sediment settling pond is needed as shown in this study. The results presented in this study could be used as a guide in designing appropriate volume of sediment settling pond at highland agricultural areas because both very detailed field measurement and calibrated WEPP model results are used in the analysis.

5-MHz Volume Backscattering Strength Measurements from Suspended Sediment Concentrations (5 MHz 신호를 이용한 부유물의 농도에 따른 후방산란강도 측정)

  • Lee, Changil;Choi, Jee Woong
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2013
  • The erosion, suspension, and transport of sediment frequently occur in the coastal waters and estuarine. These processes often generate the so-called fluid mud layer, which is defined as a high-concentration aqueous suspension of fine grained sediment (> 10 g/l), consisting mainly of silt and clay-size particles. Therefore the high-resolution ultrasound is mostly used to detect or monitor the fluid mud layer. Because the sound attenuation tends to increase rapidly with the suspended sediment concentration, it is necessary to consider the accurate attenuation correction to estimate the backscattering strengths from the suspended sediment layers. In this paper, the volume backscattering strengths with various suspended sediment concentrations were measured using 5-MHz ultrasound signal in a small-scale water tank. The sound attenuation due to the viscosity and scattering from suspended sediment particles was predicted by the Richard's model and applied to the sonar equation to estimate the volume backscattering strengths from the suspended sediment concentrations. For the case that the additional attenuation was not considered, the volume backscattering strengths increased to the concentration of 20 g/l, and over this point, the backscattering strengths were roughly constant. However, for the case that the attenuation due to the suspended sediment concentration was considered, the backscattering strengths increased with the concentration.

Simulation of Surface Flow and Soil Erosion on a Forest Road Using KINEROS2 Model

  • Im, Sang-Jun;Lee, Sang-Ho;Kim, Dong-Yeob
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • The physically based model KINEROS2 was applied to forest road segments for simulating hydrology and sediment production. Data on rainfall amounts, runoff volume, and sediment yields were collected at two small plots in the Yangpyong experimental watershed. The KlNEROS2 model can be parameterized to match the volume of surface flow and sediment yields during seven storm events. Model predictions of hydrology were in good agreement with the observed data at two plots in the year 1997 and 1998. A comparison between the observed and predicted sediment yields indicated that the model provided reasonable estimates, although the model tended to under-estimate for some storm events. The overall result shows that the KINEROS2 model properly represents the hydrology and sediment transport processes in the forest road segments.

Evaluation of contamination for the Andong-dam sediment and a magnetic separation for reducing the contamination level

  • Hong, H.P.;Kwon, H.W.;Kim, J.J.;Ha, D.W.;Kim, Young-Hun
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2019
  • Andong-dam was built up in 1967 and it is one of the biggest dams in Korea. Previous studies showed that the sediments are highly contaminated with heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead. Many research projects are going on to find out the source of the contamination, to evaluate the toxicities to ecosystem, to estimate the volume of sediment to be treated and to find out a good remediation method. Reports show that the sediment is highly contaminated and the main contamination source is supposed to be abandoned mines and a zinc refinery located upper stream of the river. A magnetic separation has been tested as a treatment method for the dredged sediment. Lab scale test showed that the magnetically captured portion is about 10% in weight but the contamination of heavy metal is much higher than the contamination of the passed portion. This indicates that a magnetic separation could be applied for the purpose of reduction of sediment to be treated and for increasing the volume of low toxic sediments which can be dumped as general waste. A magnetic separation using a HGMS has been tested for the sediment with variable magnetic field and the results showed the higher magnetic field increase the captured portion but the concentrating effect of heavy metal was weakened. Further study is needed to establish a useful technology and optimization between decontamination and reduction of sediment volume.

Effect of Sirikit Dam Operation Improvement on water shortage situations due to the land use and climate changes from the Nan Basin

  • Koontanakulvong, Sucharit;Suthidhummajit, Chokchai
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.232-232
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    • 2015
  • Land use and climate changes are the important factors to determine the runoff and sediment loads from the watershed. The changes also affected to runoff volume/pattern to the dam operation and may cause flood and drought situations in the downstream area. Sirikit Dam is one of the biggest dams in Thailand which cover about 25 % of the runoff into the Central Plain where the Bangkok Capital is located. The study aims to determine the effect of land use change to the runoff/sediment volume pattern and the rainfall-runoff-sediment relationship in the different land use type. Field measurements of the actual rainfall, runoff and sediment in the selected four sub-basins with different type of land use in the Upper Nan Basin were conducted and the runoff ratio coefficients and sediment yield were estimated for each sub-basin. The effect of the land use change (deforestation) towards runoff/sediment will be investigated. The study of the climate change impact on the runoff in the future scenarios was conducted to project the change of runoff volume/pattern into the Sirikit Dam. The improvement of the Sirikit Dam operation rule was conducted to reduce the weakness of the existing operation rules after Floods 2011. The newly proposed dam operation rule improvement will then be evaluated from the water shortage situations in the downstream of Sirikit Dam under various conditions of changes of both land use and climate when compared with the situations based on the existing reservoir operation rules.

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The Study of Sediment Volume Concentration in Liquefied-Layer of Debris Flow (토석류 유동층에서 토사체적 농도 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sungduk
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the sediment volume concentration of the liquified-solid mixture which is included fine sediment fractions, according to the variance of the channel slope and the water supply. The numerical model was performed by using the Finite Differential Element Method (FDM) based on the equation for the mass conservation, momentum conservation and the equation of coarse sediment an fine sediment. In comparison of varying the channel slope, the deeper the channel slope, the inflection point of the sediment concentration was occurred rapidly. In comparison of variance of the water supply, as the water supply increases fluctuation with high sediment concentration. In this situation, debris flow changes to the turbulent flow and the sediment becomes to be floated. In comparison varying the length paved saturated sediment, the longer the length, the high concentration of sediment occurred, for the safety of the slope it is needed to check the possibility of the erosion in the slope by debris flow. The results of this study will provide useful information in predicting of the disaster by the liquified-solid mixture and in prevention of the debris flow with various the slope in the mountain side.

Seasonal Patterns of Sediment Supply to Coastal Foredune of Seungbong Island, Korea

  • Woo, Han-Jun;Seo, Jong-Chul;Kweon, Su-Jae;Je, Jong-Geel
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2002
  • The seasonal patterns of sediment supply were investigated during the period of June 1999 to June 2000 on a coastal foredune of Seungbong Island, Korea. Sediment supply was determined from measurements of geomorphic changes in the foredune and beach along six lines. Most sands were deposited on the dunefoot and foredune area during the winter and spring, from November to April. The largest amount of sands was deposited along the lines 5 and 6 near the sea-dike in the southern tip of the dune area. In general, the sand on the beach was gradually eroded in spring, summer and fall but deposited in winter. Total sediment accumulation over the study period was $484m^3$ for the foredune and $345m^3$ for the beach. The volume of the foredune increased in the winter and spring, whereas the volume of beach increased in the winter. Variation in sediment deposition appears to be controlled primarily by variations in the seasonal wind regime.

Prediction of total sediment load: A case study of Wadi Arbaat in eastern Sudan

  • Aldrees, Ali;Bakheit, Abubakr Taha;Assilzadeh, Hamid
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.781-796
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    • 2020
  • Prediction of total sediment load is essential in an extensive range of problems such as the design of the dead volume of dams, design of stable channels, sediment transport in the rivers, calculation of bridge piers degradation, prediction of sand and gravel mining effects on river-bed equilibrium, determination of the environmental impacts and dredging necessities. This paper is aimed to investigate and predict the total sediment load of the Wadi Arbaat in Eastern Sudan. The study was estimated the sediment load by separate total sediment load into bedload and Suspended Load (SL), independently. Although the sediment records are not sufficient to construct the discharge-sediment yield relationship and Sediment Rating Curve (SRC), the total sediment loads were predicted based on the discharge and Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC). The turbidity data NTU in water quality has been used for prediction of the SSC in the estimation of suspended Sediment Yield (SY) transport of Wadi Arbaat. The sediment curves can be used for the estimation of the suspended SYs from the watershed area. The amount of information available for Khor Arbaat case study on sediment is poor data. However, the total sediment load is essential for the optimal control of the sediment transport on Khor Arbaat sediment and the protection of the dams on the upper gate area. The results show that the proposed model is found to be considered adequate to predict the total sediment load.

Natural and Artificial Bed Change Analysis through Sediment Budget Analysis of Nakdong River Channel (before the Four Rivers Restoration Project) (낙동강 하도의 유사수지 분석을 통한 자연적 그리고 인위적 하상변동 분석(4대강살리기 사업 이전))

  • Son, Kwang Ik;Ji, Un
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2015
  • General features of sediment budget for the Nakdong River before the Four Rivers Restoration Project were analyzed using surveying, dredging, and mining data for the past 20 years, as well as sediment data measured from the tributaries, and numerical modeling, etc. As a result of the sediment budget analysis of the Nakdong River before the Four Rivers Restoration Project, sediment inflow supplied from the watershed is $2,100,000m^3/yr$ and sediment outflow including mining and dredging volumes is $10,180,000m^3/yr$. Therefore, the bed change volume estimated by the sediment budget analysis is $-8,080,000m^3/yr$ of the bed erosion volume which is similar to the analysis result ($-8,300,000m^3/yr$) of natural and artificial bed changes using the surveyed data.