• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sea water intrusion

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Seasonal Variability of Internal Tides around the Korea Strait: 3-D High-resolution Model Simulation (대한해협주변 내부조석의 계절적 변동성: 3차원 고해상도 모델 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Jung;Lee, Ho Jin;Park, Jae-Hun;Ha, Ho Kyung
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates spatial and temporal variations in the generation and propagation of internal tides around the Korea Strait using a three-dimensional high resolution model (Regional Ocean Modeling System; ROMS). The model results were verified through comparison with in-situ current measurements from an array of 12 acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) deployed in the Korea Strait. Fluxes and distributions of internal tidal energy were calculated using simulation results gathered in February and August. Our analyses reveal that energetic semidiurnal internal tides are generated in a region around the Korea Strait shelf break ($35.5^{\circ}N$, $130^{\circ}{\sim}130.5^{\circ}E$), where the strong cross-slope semidiurnal barotropic tidal currents interact with a sudden topographical change. The semidiurnal internal tidal energy generated in summer displays values about twice as large as values in winter. Propagation of semidiurnal internal tides also reveals seasonal variability. In February, most of the semidiurnal internal tides propagate only into the open basin of the East Sea due to weak stratification in the Korea Strait, which inhibits their southwestward propagation. In August, they propagate southwestward to $35.2^{\circ}N$ along the western channel of the Korea Strait because of strong stratification. In addition, semidiurnal internal tides generated in a region west of Tsushima Island are found to propagate to the coast of Busan. This can be explained by the intensified stratification due to the strong intrusion of bottom cold water in the western channel of the Korea Strait during summer.

Water Masses and Circulations around Korean Peninsula (한반도 주변의 수괴와 해수순환)

  • 승영호
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.324-331
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    • 1992
  • Water masses and circulations around Korean peninsula are briefly described based on recent studies. The results of theses studies are discussed from the physical point of view. Oceanic conditions in this region are largely due to the roles played by the Tsushima Warm Current, an onshore extension of the Kuroshio, and local conditions such as wind, surface heat flux and fresh water input etc. To the south and west of Korea, the northern/western border of the Tsushima Warm Current Water is roughly the line joining Taiwan and Cheju island. In summer, it is affected by large amount of fresh water discharged from the Changjiang and in winter, an intrusion of this water into the Yellow Sea is induced by the prevailing northwesterly monsoon wind. To the east of Korea, the Tsushima Warm Current Water presents roughly south of the line joining the wast coast of Korea near 37-38$^{\circ}$N and Tsugaru-Soya Straits in the northern Japan. But this situation, together with those in deeper layers, may greatly be changed by winter atmospheric conditions (wind and surface heat flux). The seas around Korea are not yet physically well understood and many problems wait physical explanations. Some problems, along with personal views of them, are mentioned.

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An Effect of the Eddy Intrusive Transport Variations Across the Shelfbreak on the Korea Strait and the Yellow sea Part 1 : Barotropic Model Study (대륙붕사면에서의 에디 유입에 의한 해수수송량 변화가 대한해협 및 황해에 미치는 영향 제1부 : 순압 모델 연구)

    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 1993
  • A time-dependent primitive two0dimensional calculation is conducted to investigate the variations of Vol. transport onto the Yellow Sea and the Korea Strait with real bathymetries and to tract the Lagrangian movement of water particles. A series of experiment of the barotropic Kuroshio intrusions shows that the eddy induced branching of Kuroshio has sufficient intensity as to modify the continental shelf circulation. This intrusion seems to be one of the important forcing terms such as winds. tides and buoyancy that can also affect the dynamics in the region of the continental shelf. Transport variations across the shelfbreak due to the branching of Kuroshio which come particularly from the southwest of the Kyushu Island, have a strong relationship with the transport variations across the Korea Strait and in the southern area of the Yellow sea. The particle trajectories of the model results are well agreed with the trajectories of satellite tracking drifters obtained by one of the WOCE/TOGA program except the longer travel time period in the present model.

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The Effect of Tidal Cycle and River Runoff on the Dynamic of Nutrients in Keum river estuary (금강하구역에서 영양염 거동에 대한 조석 및 담수유출의 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Gu;Kang, Hoon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.519-528
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    • 2002
  • This study was to evaluate the impact of river runoff and salt intrusion by tide on nutrient balance of estuary during a complete tidal cycle. 24 hours time series survey was carried out during a spring tide July 2001 on a tidal estuary in the Keum river. Three stations(A,B,C) were set along a transect line of about 10km, which linked the lower part of estuary dyke to the subtidal zone. Surface water was sampled simultaneously at each station every hours f3r the determination of nutrients. Water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured in situ. Riverine input of silicate and nitrate during ebb tide significantly increased the concentration of all stations. Conversely, during high tide, nutrient concentration were lowered by the mixing of fresh water with sea water Ammonium nitrogen concentration were higher at intertidal zone(Stn.B) due to sewage inflow to Kyeongpo stream and ammonium release under anaerobic conditions. Also, these results was discussed as a biological component that influences the processes of nutrient regeneration within the estuary. Best correlations were found at lower part of estuary dyke(Stn.A) for salinity against DIN(Y=0.121 Sal.+4.97, r2=0.956) and silicate(Y=0.040 Sal.+2.62, r2=0.785). But no significant correlation was found between salinity and ammonium. Unbalanced elemental ratio(N/P, Si/N and Si/P) depended significantly on the import of nutrients (silicate & nitrate nitrogen) from river and stream. The effect of the tidal cycle and river runoff is important that in determining the extend of the variations in nutrient concentrations at all station.

Hydrography and Sub-tidal Current in the Cheju Strait in Spring, 1983 (1983년 춘계 제주해협의 해황과 해류)

  • Chang, Kyung-Il;Kim, Kuh;Lee, Suk-Woo;Shim, Tae-Bo
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.203-215
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    • 1995
  • Two hydrographic surveys along with direct current measurements using drogues and moored current meters were conducted in Cheju Strait during April and May, 1983. The data clearly demonstrate that a branch of the Kuroshio characterized by high temperature and high salinity enters the Cheju Strait after turning around the western coast of Cheju-Do. The width of the current turning west of Cheju-Do is about 60 km and reduces to 20∼30 km in the strait, resulting in a high speed(>10 cm/s) at the western entrance and in the middle of the strait, compared with a low speed (>5 cm/s) west of Cheju-Do. The Tsushima Current water also originating from the Kuroshio shows its influence in the eastern part of the Cheju Strait. Thermohaline fronts formed between the warm current waters and the coastal waters suggest the southward extension of the Yellow Sea Coastal Water west of the Cheju Strait. A warming of the warm current waters occurs in May, while a cooling takes place in other areas. The major freshening and cooling of water take place in the middle of the Cheju Strait in May due to the intrusion of cold and low salinity water from the west of the Cheju Strait.

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The Influence of the Surrounding Groundwater by Groundwater Discharge from the Subway Tunnel at Suyeong District, Busan City (부산 수영구 지하철 터널에서의 지하수 유출이 주변 지하수에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Sang-Yong;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Park, Nam-Sik
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2012
  • This study carried out several kinds of investigations such as geology, hydrogeology, groundwater level and quality, surface-water quality, and the quantity and quality of groundwater discharge from the subway to identify the causes of groundwater contamination around the subway tunnel at Suyeong District in Busan City. Geostatistical analyses were also conducted to understand the characteristics of groundwater level and quality distributions. There are Kwanganri Beach and Suyeong River in the study area, which are basically influenced by seawater. The total quantities of groundwater utilization and groundwater discharge from the subway tunnel in Suyeong District are 2,282,000 $m^3$/year, which is 2.4 times larger than the sustainable development yield of groundwater. The lowest groundwater level around the subway tunnel is about 32 m below the mean sea-level. The large drawdown of groundwater led to the inflow of seawater and salinized river water toward the subway tunnel, and therefore the quality of groundwater didn't satisfy the criteria of potable, domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. Distribution maps of groundwater level and qualities produced by kriging were very useful for determining the causes of groundwater contamination in the study area. The distribution maps of electrical conductivity, chloride and sulfate showed the extent of seawater intrusion and the forceful infiltration of the salinized Suyeong River. This study revealed that seawater and salinized river water infiltrated into the inland groundwater and contaminated the groundwater around the subway tunnel, because the groundwater level was seriously drawdowned by groundwater discharge from the subway tunnel. The countermeasure for the minimization of groundwater discharge from the subway tunnel is necessary to prevent the groundwater obstacles such as groundwater depletion, groundwater-quality deterioration, and land subsidence.

Evaluation of salt water intrusion and soil salinization in agricultural reclaimed lands by sea level rise (해수면 상승에 따른 간척지의 해수침투 및 염류화 영향 평가)

  • Jung, Euntae;Park, Namsik;Park, Jihoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.223-223
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    • 2019
  • 기후 변화에 따른 해수면 상승은 해안 지하수의 해수침투를 야기해 해안 지하수의 염도를 증가시킨다. 또한 해수면 상승은 토양 염류화를 심화시켜 농작물에 피해가 발생하며, 지하수위를 증가시켜 불포화대의 토양두께가 감소한다. 이처럼 지하수 해수침투가 발생하는 포화대와 토양 염류화가 발생하는 불포화대는 서로 연관되어 있지만, 대부분 포화대와 불포화대 연구는 별도로 진행되어왔다. 본 연구에서는 해안 간척지의 해수면 상승에 따른 포화대의 해수침투 및 불포화대의 토양염류화 영향을 연계하여 모의하였다. 포화대 모의는 미국지질조사국(United States Geological Survey, USGS)에서 개발한 3차원 이송확산 모델인 SUTRA, 불포화대 모의는 미국환경청(United States Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA)에서 개발한 1차원 이송확산모델인 VADOFT를 사용하였다. 해수면 상승 시나리오는 IPCC에서 공표한 바와 같이 RCP 4.5와 RCP 8.5 시나리오를 사용하였고, 미래 2100년까지 자료를 사용하였다. 해수면 상승 시나리오에 따라 해수침투 및 토양염류화 면적 그리고 지하수위 및 불포화대 토양두께를 정량적으로 산정하였다. 한반도 91개 간척지에 대해서 모의를 수행하였고, 과거 대비 미래 후반기 RCP 4.5 시나리오에서는 지하수 해수침투 면적이 $82.19km^2$, RCP 8.5 시나리오에서는 $83.71km^2$ 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 토양 염류화 면적은 과거 대비 미래 후반기 RCP 4.5 시나리오에서는 $22.25km^2$, RCP 8.5 시나리오에서는 $24.86km^2$ 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 담수호 또는 저수지가 있는 대상 지역에서는 해안선으로부터 거리 및 관리 수위가 해수 침투를 야기시키는 중요한 요인으로 나타났으며, 해수침투 저감을 위해서는 해안선 인근 저수지 수위의 적절한 유지관리가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 해수면상승에 따른 해안선의 위치변화와, 기존 관정에서의 양수량, 강수량 변화를 고려하는 것에 한계가 있기 때문에, 향후 위의 세 가지 사항을 복합적으로 고려한 추가 연구가 필요하다고 사료된다.

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The Outbreak of Red Tides in the Coastal Waters off Kohung, Chonnam, Korea: 1. Physical and Chemical Characteristics in 1997 (전남 고흥 해역의 유해성 적조의 발생연구: 1.물리${\cdot}$화학적인 특성)

  • Yang, Jae-Sam;Choi, Hyun-Yong;Jeong, Hae-Jin;Jeong, Ju-Young;Park, Jong-Kyu
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2000
  • Physical characteristics and nutrient distributions in seawater were investigated to understand the mechanism of red tide outbreak in coastal waters off Kohung area. To identify any physical and chemical differences before, during and after the red tide outbreaks, 6 times of field observations have been carried out from May to October, 1997. We found that major environmental properties of the seawater in the study area were determined not by the local meteoric conditions or nearby-land influences, but by the intrusion of seawater from offshore. In particular, extreme environmental variations in seawater were found during the period of red tide outbreak from August to September. Before the red tide outbreak, high concentrations of DIN(Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen)were found in seawater, but they decreased during the outbreak. Whereas no significant variations of DIP(Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate) were found. For the water mass in the semienclosed northern part of the study area, local nutrient sources originated from nearby-lands were estimated to cover 70% of total DIN input, but the rest part of the water mass in the study area, sporadic intrusion of offshore water mass could account for the major source of DIN supply. An offshore water mass influenced by Yangtze river effluent was suggested as one of the candidates with its high nitrate contents, high seawater temperature and low salinity. A red tide related phytoplankton, Gyrodinium impudicum, was found in seawater on the 21th day of August and, on the same day, a unique water mass with high temperature and extremely low salinity suddenly appeared in the study area. On the 22th day of September, after one and half month duration of red tide we found that red tide had disappeared simultaneously with the intrusion of new water mass with different characteristics.

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A Study on the Flow and Dispersion in the Coastal Unconfined Aquifer (Development and Application of a Numerical Model) (해안지역 비피압 충적 대수층에서의 흐름 및 분산(수치모형의 개발 및 적용))

  • Kim, Sang Jun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, the aquifers at the coastal areas are mostly shallow alluvial unconfined aquifers. To simulate the flow and dispersion in unconfined aquifer, a FDM model has been developed to solve the nonlinear Boussinesq equation. Related analysis and verification have been executed. The iteration method is used to solve the nonlinearity, and the model shows 3-D shape because it is a 2-D y model that consider the undulation of water table and bottom. For the verification of the model, the output of flow module is compared to the 1-D analytic solution of Lee (1989) which have the drawdown or uplift boundary condition, and the two results show almost the same value. and the mass balance of dispersion module shows about 10% error. The developed model can be used for the analysis and design of the flow and dispersion in the unconfined aquifers. The model has been applied to the estuary area of Ssangcheon watershed, and the parameters have been deduced as a result : hydraulic conductivity is 90 m/day, and longitudinal dispersivity is 15 m. And the analysis with these parameters shows that the wells are situated in the influence circle of each others except for No. 7 well. Groundwater discharge to sea is $3700m^3/day$. And the chlorine ion ($cl^-$) concentration at the pumping wells increase at least 1000 mg/L if groundwater dam is not exist, so the groundwater dam plays an important role for the prevention of sea water intrusion.

Internal Waves and Surface Mixing Observed by CTD and Echo Sounder in the mid-eastern Yellow Sea (황해 중동부해역에서 CTD와 음향탐지기로 관측한 내부파와 표층 혼합)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Jeong, Woo Jin
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2013
  • Acoustic backscatter profiles were measured by Eco-sounder along an east-west section in the mid-eastern Yellow Sea and at an anchoring station in the low salinity region off the Keum River estuary in September 2012, with observing physical water property structure by CTD. Tidal front was established around the sand ridge developed in 50 m depth region. Internal waves measured by Eco-sounder during low tide period in the eastern side of the sand ridge were nonlinear depression waves with wave height of 15 m and mean wavelength of 500 m. These waves were interpreted into tidal internal waves that were produced by tidal current flowing over the sand ridge to the southeast. When weakly non-linear soliton model was applied, propagation speed and period of these internal depression wave were 50 m/s and 16~18 min. Red tides by Dinoflagelates Cochlodinium were observed in the sea surface where strong acoustic scattering layer was raised up to 7 m. Hourly CTD profiles taken at the anchoring station off the Keum River estuary showed the halocline depth change by tidal current and land-sea breeze. When tidal current flowed strongly to the northeast during flood period and land-breeze of 7 m/s blew to the west, the halocline was temporally raised up as much as 2 m and acoustic profile images showed a complex structure in the surface layer within 5-m depth: in tens of seconds the declined acoustic structure of strong and weak scattering signals alternatively appeared with entrainment and intrusion shape. These acoustic profile structures in the surface mixed layer were observed for the first time in the coastal sea of the mid-eastern Yellow Sea. The acoustic profile images and turbidity data suggest that relatively transparent low-layer water be intruded or entrained into the turbid upper-layer water by vertical shear between flood current and land breeze-induced surface current.