• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction by clinical training task

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Analysis of satisfaction with clinical training in dental hygiene students (치위생(학)과 학생의 임상실습 만족도 분석)

  • Jeon, Eun-Young;An, So-Hee;Park, Il-Soon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.353-365
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    • 2019
  • This study examined satisfaction with clinical training according to school system and school-related characteristics and analyzed the effect of satisfaction by clinical training task on the overall satisfaction with clinical training. Participants were convenience sampled from students of K University in Gangwon-do (n=279) and K University in Gyeonggi-do (n=154) who have undergone clinical training. The overall satisfaction with clinical training in dental hygiene students differed according to the school system, school-related characteristics, satisfaction by clinical training topic, and satisfaction by clinical training task. Satisfaction by clinical training task had an effect on overall satisfaction with clinical training. Thus, substantial effort, such as ensuring appropriate contents and methods of training.

Importance of Job Tasks, Job Training Requirement and Work Satisfaction felt by Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 수행업무의 중요성·업무에 대한 교육훈련의 필요도와 만족도 조사연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2005
  • The study aimed to estimate the importance of job tasks, job training requirement and work satisfaction felt by dental hygienists to help dental hygienists work efficiently and effectively. A total of 142 dental hygienists working in dental hospitals located in J participated in the study. A SPSS 10.10 for Windows was used for statistical analysis. The statistical significance was defined as ${\alpha}$=.05. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. The mean score for the importance of job tasks was 4.09. The respondents considered dental clinic management and assistance to dentists the most important among their job descriptions showing the mean score of 4.44. The need for job training was 4.15 in average. The respondents wanted to have training on how to make a dental health insurance claim to receive payment other than any training with the mean score of 4.42. The work satisfaction of the respondents was 3.65 in average. The respondents were most satisfied with their work in dental assistance. 2. By the category of job tasks, the levels of importance of job tasks, job training requirement and work satisfaction were higher in plague removal with an ultrasonic scaler related to clinical oral prophylaxis, pit and fissure sealants related to preventive dental treatment and instruction in the correct usage of toothbrush related to public dental health education 3. In dealing with dental radiation machines, the radiation protection was considered the most important. While the training for periapical radiography was most needed, the respondents were satisfied with working in the same area. The levels of job importance, training requirement and work satisfaction were high in preventive dental care in the community performed in relation to the public dental health care. 4. In the dental health insurance claim category, the levels of importance of job task, training requirement and work satisfaction were higher in insurance claiming. The levels of job importance and training requirement were high in dental clinic management and assistance to dentists performed for preventive dental treatment. The work satisfaction was higher in maintaining medical chart records. The levels of job importance, training requirement and work satisfaction were higher in dental assistance in relation to dental protection. 5. There was significant relationship between the level of importance and work experience. Those with a longer period of work experience had higher levels of job importance in dental health insurance claim, dental clinic management and assistance to dentists and the overall task(pE0.05). 6. A significant relationship was observed between the need for job training in dental cleaning and preventive dental treatment and work experience. Those with more than 8 years of work experience demonstrated that job training is most needed(pE0.05). 7. The work satisfaction level was higher in the group with more than 8 years of work experience, compared with those in other work experience periods(pE0.05). 8. A positive correlation was seen between the level of importance and the need for job training among three variables.

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Development and Usability Test of the Prototype of the "Smart Stacking Cone" Based on Dual-task Using ICT (ICT를 이용한 이중과제 기반의 스마트 스태킹 콘의 시제품 개발 및 사용성 평가)

  • Lim, Seung-Ju;Won, Kyung-A;Kim, Dae-Gyeom;Kim, Young;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2021
  • Objective : This study aimed to develop prototypes of "smart stacking cones" by combining ICT to evaluate and train the upper extremity function and dual task performance in patients with central nervous system impairment, and to identify the complementary point to the completion of the device through a usability test. Methods : This prototype comprised of a hardware and software system that enabled the evaluation and training of patients and the management of data obtained from patients' performance. Specific measurement variables were established so that patient performance could be measured correctly. Based on the measurement variables, a the prototype included a 'single task evaluation modes', 'dual task evaluation mode', 'single task training mode', and 'dual task training modes'. Additionally, a usability test was conducted to assess clinical applicability and overall satisfaction for the prototype. Results : The results of the usability test were generally found to be appropriate. The 'content adequacy' in the usability test was the area with the highest level of adequacy and the lowest level of inadequacy. Additionally, overall 'satisfaction' in the usability test was the area with the highest appropriate and inappropriate levels. Hence, the overall satisfaction results were unstable. Conclusion : Future studies should be conducted to identify the clinical effectiveness of the device by applying an upgraded smart stacking cone to an actual patient group.

A study on career competency, task and job satisfaction of dental hygienists - Focusing on public officials, public institution workers, and researchers (치과위생사 취업 역량, 업무, 직무만족에 관한 연구 - 공무원·공기업 취업자·연구원 중심으로)

  • Jeong, So-Hyeon;Nam, Sang-Hee;Park, Ji-Hyeon;Shin, Eun-Ji;Oh, Na-Won;Yu, Ha-Rim;Kim, SeolHee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.477-488
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate career competency, tasks, and job satisfaction of public servants, public institutions, and researchers. Methods: The survey was conducted about career competency, job satisfaction, and satisfaction on work life. Next, they interviewed on the characteristics of each job by two or three dimensions. The following conclusions were obtained from July to August 2017. Results: Career competencies were GPA with 3.87, 818 points of TOEIC score, and ITQ certification. Public servants required the information on literacy skills for employment and job performance, while civil servants need more than one year of clinical experience in the dental hospital. The non-commissioned officer needed a written test and fitness training. The health insurance review and assessment center required more than one year of experience from general hospital or medical institutions. Researchers required a research career, language skill, and professors required research and teaching experiences with clinical experience more than three years. The main job tasks were as follows; for public servants, they were official document processing and community projects. For the civilian workers and military/noncommissioned officers, they were medical assistant and administrative works. The employees of the health insurance review and assessment service are examining the medical expenses and the medical examination, the researchers are experimenting, researching and writing articles, and the teaching staff are lecturing and conducting individual research. Conclusions: The results of job satisfaction survey showed that occupational satisfaction was the highest in civil servants, researchers, and teaching professions. Job security was the highest in health workers and health inspectors' evaluation centers, and time vacancy was the highest in civilian workers and military/noncommissioned officers. If you want to work in such an institution, you should prepare elements that match your basic literacy and job specific characteristics. And we should try to increase the satisfaction of work even after work.

Research trend analysis of Korean new graduate nurses using topic modeling (토픽모델링을 활용한 신규간호사 관련 국내 연구동향 분석)

  • Park, Seungmi;Lee, Jung Lim
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.240-250
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the research trends of articles on just graduated Korean nurses during the past 10 years for exploring strategies for clinical adaptation. Methods: The topics of new graduate nurses were extracted from 110 articles that have been published in Korean journals between January 2010 and July 2020. Abstracts were retrieved from 4 databases (DBpia, RISS, KISS and Google scholar). Keywords were extracted from the abstracts and cleaned using semantic morphemes. Network analysis and topic modeling were performed using the NetMiner program. Results: The core keywords included 'education', 'training', 'program', 'skill', 'care', 'performance', and 'satisfaction'. In recent articles on new graduate nurses, three major topics were extracted by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) techniques: 'turnover', 'adaptation', 'education'. Conclusion: Previous articles focused on exploring the factors related to the adaptation and turnover intentions of new graduate nurses. It is necessary to conduct further research focused on various interventions at the individual, task, and organizational levels to improve the retention of new graduate nurses.

Role accomplishment and job satisfaction of hospice nurse (호스피스간호사의 역할수행 정도와 직무만족도)

  • Han, Hyoung-Suk;Choe, Wha-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide the basic information on the improvement plan by identifying the role accomplishment and job satisfaction of the hospice nurses and analyzing the factors that impact such role accomplishment and job satisfaction. Methods: The data was collected of 189 hospice nurses who have been working more than 6 months in 56 hospice programs registered in Korea Hospice Association and Korean Catholic Hospice Association from October to November, 2007 by structured questionnaire which was developed by Ryu(1979), based on the Riehl's nursing role and the research of Choe(2005) on the role of hospice nurse. Results: The role accomplishment and job satisfaction of the study subject were 3.53 point and 3.39 point, respectively. The roles of hospice nurses were accomplished by the order of advocator, nursing care provider, coordinator (cooperation), educator, quality manager, counsellor, administrator, and researcher. The job satisfaction of the hospice nurses was shown highest in the satisfaction of professional status, followed by the satisfaction of the interaction, satisfaction of the task itself, satisfaction of the administrative aspect, satisfaction of the autonomous, and the lowest in the satisfaction of the pay. The role accomplishment of the subjects according to their socio-demographic and job characteristics was found to have a significant difference by their age, marriage status, academic background, and position. It also has a significant difference by whether they play role of coordinator, whether they took whole responsibility as hospice, working experience as hospice/palliative nurse, and the level of hospice/palliative nursing training(p<.05). In the study of job satisfaction of the subjects according to their socio-demographic and job characteristics, the job satisfaction was found to have a significant difference by the increase of age, the number of duties consisting the hospice team, whether they play role of coordinator, whether they take whole responsibility as hospice, the level of hospice/palliative nursing training, and whether they wish to work for as long as possible(p<.05). The role accomplishment and the job satisfaction of the subjects showed a statistically significant positive correlation. (r=.541, p<.01) Conclusion: Raised saiary will be increased hospice nurse's job satisfaction. And we suggest a repetitive study using the identical tool to the equally extracted subjects with same representativeness of each hospice/palliative institute type. For the expanded role and enhanced professional standard of hospice nurses, we also suggest a study on the improvement plan to enhance the roles of researcher and administrator.

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Perceptions on Pharmacy Students on Consumers' Demand for Transparent Dispensing Room in Community Pharmacies (지역약국 조제실 투명화 요구에 대한 약대생의 인식)

  • Na Hyun Kim;So Jeong Tae;Hyun Jin Kim;Hyun Soon Sohn
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2023
  • Background: Dispensing of prescription drugs is the most important task for community pharmacists. However, the public's satisfaction with pharmacist services is not high, and distrust due to dispensing by unqualified person and/or under unsanitary conditions led to demands for transparent dispensing room (TDR) in pharmacies. Objective: This study was conducted to investigate how pharmacy students perceive pharmacists' credibility and professional ethics in conjunction with the TDR issue. Methods: A survey using 20-items questionnaire was conducted from July 12 to 20, 2019 in pharmacy students nationwide. Results: Among 218 respondents, 84.1% attended pharmacy school located in the metropolitan area, 61.1% were the 3rd or 4th graders, and 81.2% had no practical training in community pharmacy. 56.2% were unaware of the TDR issue, and 66.8% agreed on the public's demand for TDR. 68.8% disagreed that TDR was the best way to solve the problem of unqualified dispensing, while 51.9% agreed that TDR was the best way in solving unsanitary dispensing problem. Publics' confidence level of community pharmacists was mean 5.84 (range 1-10). In a question asking how expertise and professional ethics affect pharmacist confidence, 50% said expertise was more important, 31.7% the same, and 18.3% said professional ethics was more important. Conclusions: To overcome the demand for TDR which began with public distrust in pharmacists, it is necessary to seek measures to increase the credibility of pharmacists, and as part of this, pharmacist ethics should be systematically educated at pharmacy school.

Application of Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model: A Case of Child With Sensory Integration Dysfunction (작업치료중재과정모델의 적용: 감각통합기능장애 아동 사례)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2011
  • Objective : Purpose of this study is to discuss benefits and implications of the clinical reasoning process and re-evaluation in the OTIPM by introducing a single case that occupational therapy intervention is provided based on the OTIPM. Methods : The case subject is a boy aged 5 years and 10 month who had diagnosed as attachment disorder and anxiety disorder from a pediatric psychiatrist before. The boy is referred to sensory integration therapy clinic and underwent occupational therapy intervention service twice a week for four month. Therapeutic activities for the intervention were consisted of sensory integration activities for restorative model, care-giver education for educational model, and performance skill training for acquisitional model. Measurements used in the initial evaluation are JSI-R, DDST-2, Social Maturity Test, KPPS-R, and observation-based performance task analysis. For the performance task analysis, performance skill items were constructed based on the Occupational Therapy Process Framework (OTPF), and those were assessed by the evaluation system of Assessment of Motor and Process Skill (AMPS) and Evaluation of Social Participation (ESI). Results : The detail process of implementing of the OTIPM in this study is reported by following four phases; 1) establish client-centered performance context; 2) establish baseline and interpret cause (initial evaluation); 3) intervention planning and implementing; and 4) recognize intervention outcome (reevaluation). Conclusion : In this case, occupational therapist could provide the client an occupation-based intervention within comprehensive performance context based on the OTIPM. Therapist could clearly identify the cause of problematic performance skills and behaviors and so provide effective intervention to improve client's occupational performance. Additionally, it was found that client's satisfaction of the intervention can be raised when the concept of 'who is the client' is expanded based on the OTIPM. From this study, it is proposed that OTIPM may be a model educible 'comprehensive' enhancement of 'specific' occupational engagement, as it considers both improvement of occupational performance and satisfaction.

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