• 제목/요약/키워드: Sanitary Facilities

검색결과 222건 처리시간 0.026초

군 급식에서 주방과 홀 서비스 만족도에 관한 연구 (A Study on Satisfaction with Kitchen and Mess Hall Service in Military Foodservice)

  • 김기영;여운승
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2004
  • This study investigates and analyzes the diversity of menu in military meal services that are recognized by the soldiers who are familar with meal services and, suggest the implications on the results of the analysis. For the ranks of respondents in terms of demographic features, the sergeants were 43.2%(186), the corporals were 29.7%(128). It was identified that the diversity of menu had significant influences as 57.5%. Thus, for the satisfaction on the kitchen and mess hall service, the sanitary condition was the most considerable factor as 41.6%. Next, water supply facilities, sewer hygiene and towels in washstaynds were the issues to be considered more. In conclusion, this study was limited only to the air soldiers in Chungcheon. Then, the future study needs to expand the samples more than this study to apply the results to the entire army. Moreover, the study could not be actively performed because of the particularity of the army. Consequently, it is required to make these kinds of researches dynamically performed like for any other meal service industries.

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초등학교 급식소에서 제공되는 닭고기 주요리의 급식품질 확보를 위한 HACCP 시스템 적용연구 (HACCP System Application on Chicken Entrees Served by Lunch Program of Elementary Schools)

  • 조경동;이복희
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to establish the hygiene standards for chicken entrees (deep-fried breast chicken, chicken and potato in red pepper paste and smothered chicken) served with in 3 different elementary school lunch programs during 2002. The study evaluated the layout characteristics of the food facilities, and determined the physical and microbiological hazards for the production of chicken entrees based on the HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) system. The kitchen layouts needed to be remodeled for the separation of soiled and clean work areas. The pH values for all items were over 6.0, which require careful attention. The microbial assessments of 3 chicken items revealed that the TPC, coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus were within normal ranges, but Salmonella was found at several stages in the production of all products, with the exception of smothered chicken. The bacterial counts of the kitchen utensils and cooks' hands exceeded acceptable limits, and workers' sanitary practices were poor in terms of sanitary handling and holding of foods and utensils. The CCPs determined related to the steps of receiving, cooking and breaking of egg shells. From our findings, it is recommended that chicken entrees should be prepared and served very carefully, as salmonella was detected at several stages during meal production, and the aim of the HACCP system is to secure against food-borne illnesses due to reckless school food service operations.

의료소비자가 인식하는 치과의원의 감염관리와 외부자극을 통한 재이용의사에 관한 연구 (A study on re-use intention through external stimuli and infection control of dental office perceived by medical consumer)

  • 조민정
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.571-580
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : This study focused on examine the relevance between behavioral changes of customers and re-use intention on medical institution after experiencing infection control through external stimuli. Methods : This research was based on self-standing survey conducted from August to November 2010, 214 people who randomly selected from five dental clinics located in Busan were analyzed as the final group. Collected data were performed using SPSS 12.0 for Window. Results : 1. 82.8% of those surveyed who experienced external stimulation have changed their behavior on hospital environments and facilities, and 80.5% of them answered the stimuli influenced their re-use intention on medical institution. 2. There were no significant differences between participants by general characteristics on 'The reason why medical team wear sanitary appliances'. In age group 30~39, 85.4% of participants chose the answer so the difference were statistically significant(p<.001). Result by household income showed significant difference in group over $1,000 to $2,000 as 82.7% response(p<.05). 3. 94.4% of participants chose 'Required' for both surgical suits and gloves in research of 'The necessity level of personal sanitary appliances' which medical teams wear for treatment and 79.4% agreed that medical teams need to change their medical gloves whenever treating each patients. 4. The survey revealed that the most important appliance in patient's awareness were surgical gloves and protective goggles has chosen as the least important one. Conclusions : Patients as medical consumer were highly noticed of importance of the infection control in dental clinic and necessity of personal sanitary appliances. The patients who has accessed dental infection control information by external stimuli in advance showed objectival changes of their visit and behavioral changes with bringing medical environments together. This aspects influenced those patient's re-use intention in conclusion.

시판 떡류 생산에서 HACCP Plan 개발을 위한 연구 (The Development of the HACCP Plan in Korean Rice Cake Manufacturing Facilities)

  • 이효순;장명숙
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.652-664
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    • 2008
  • In this study, a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan was developed for the sanitary mass production of commercial Korean rice cake products (Gaepidduk, Injulmi, and Julpyon). The microbiological properties of manufacturing flow were evaluated in order to develop the HACCP Plan. The moisture contents of the rice cakes ranged between 36.2${\sim}$55.3%, whereas the water activity of all samples ranged between 0.954${\sim}$1.0. Microorganisms testing was conducted during various phases of the product flow of Korean rice cake preparation, and included assessments of food equipment, work environment, and cooking employees on a small scale. During the manufacture of Injulmi, Julpyon and Gaepidduk, CCPs were purchasing & storage, steaming and cooling, molding, and holding in the A and B manufactories. At the critical limit of CCPs, storage was conducted below at $5^{\circ}C$ in soybean powder, oil, and paste with redbeans. The steaming process was conducted above at $99^{\circ}C$ for 40 min. Cooling and holding processes were conducted for 2 hours below at $15^{\circ}C$. The molding process included sanitary education for foodhandlers and training for operators. Thus, certain prerequisite programs had to be implemented prior to the implementation of the HACCP system. High levels of bacterial contamination were detected in the aprons worn to work by some employees. Additionally, periodic sanitary education for foodhandlers and training for operators or managers was required. Cross contamination by materials was expected at the place where materials were processed or stored.

학교급식 기기류 소독관리에 관한 영양사와 조리사의 업무현황 비교분석 -경기도 지역- (Comparative Analysis of Dietitians' and Cooks' Performance for Equipment Sanitation Management at School Foodservices in Gyeonggi Province)

  • 이미정;장명숙;이진미
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.250-264
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to compare dietitians' with cooks' actual sterilization performance for improving points of sanitation practices of cooking instruments and facilities in Kyonggi Province school foodservices. A total of 400 questionnaires were mailed to the dietitians and the cooks at elementary and middle schools in Kyonggi Province. Finally, 140 dietitians and 140 cooks replied by making a total of 280 replies(70%). The results of this study found that the cooks' attitudes toward the sterilization of the vegetable cutter body, multiple shelf, and distributing cart showed higher frequencies than the dietitians'. Cooks disinfected the vegetable cutter blade, multiple shelf, distributing cart, cook's aprons, and 'L' transporting cart better than dietitians' guides expected. In the sterilization method, cooks performed better than indicated when cooking with rubber gloves. The most difficult thing in dietitians' managing sterilization was the lack of cooking facilities and instruments. They strongly demanded the detailed explanatory notes according to their own Cities and Provinces and the circumstantial manual of disinfection parts in School Foodservice Sanitary Management Guide. There were possibilities of food-poisoning, infection and safety incidents due to the budgetary shortage of cooking facilities and instruments.

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도시근교형 자연휴양림 이용 행태와 만족도 분석 - 서울 근교를 중심으로 - (Visitor Behavior and Satisfaction in Suburban Recreational Forests - Focused on the suburbs of Seoul -)

  • 서주환;최현상;전형석
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2003
  • This study researches attributes , behaviors , satisfaction factors and degrees of curiosity of visitors to recreational forests in the suburbs of a large city. It aims to present suggestions for urban forest development and management policy by offering basic data which help to plan, design and manage recreational forests to increase the quality of these environments. The results are as follows First, in attribute, the visiting rate of males is higher than that of females, and the main users are in their thirties and forties. Sixty percent of visitors graduated from university and their rate of employment is evenly distributed. 95 percent of visitors are residents of the metropolitan area. In terms of behavior, major visitors are family units visiting during summer seasons and for overnight stays. 75% are re-visitors. 85% of visitors came to escape the city with families and friends, keep in good health and experience nature. Second, to extract the factors affecting visitor satisfaction in recreational forests, the natural environment, facilities, and management/use systems were identified as independent variables, while subordinate satisfactions were dependent variables. so regression analysis was used. Thus, the variables affecting the natural environment are quality of water, stream use, biodiversity, fresh air and landscape factors. The variables affecting facilities are puking, convenience, play facilities, sanitary arrangement and camping. Most important among the variables affecting management/use systems are educational facilities and access condition. On the basis of generalizing the study in the existing individual site, we must verify the visiting characteristics in recreational forests in the suburbs of a large city. Since development of recreational forests is understood as a sequence considering a site and a given condition, and since management and improvement must unfold according to these characteristics, a strategy is needed to reveal visitors' opinions about the site. Depending on the facilities and service, satisfaction of recreational forests is generally influenced by social and economic qualities. Also, this study can look into the effect according to use pattern motive and season. As suburban recreational forests have many overnight-users and younger men, programs suitable for these groups are needed. On the basis of variables affecting satisfaction according to natural environment, facilities, and use system, policies which can manage the natural environment and introduce educational programs are needed.

병원급식에 일반위생관리기준과 HACCP 제도 적용을 위한 시설모델 개발 (Development of a Hospital Foodservice Facility Plan and Model based on General Sanitation Standards and RACCP Guidelines)

  • 이정숙;곽동경;강영재
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.477-492
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    • 2003
  • The purposes of the study were to establish HACCP-based standards and guidelines for conducting a plan review to build, or renovate, hospital food service establishments, and ensure the safety of foodservice and reduce the risk of food borne illness. The scope of the study included suggestion for the planning of hospital foodservice facilities: layout, design, equipment and modeling. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The development of a foodservice facility plan based on the results of a survey, literature reviews and the results of interviews with foodservice managers from 9 general hospitals. This was composed of operational policies in foodservices, layout characteristics, space allocation, selection, design, specification standards for equipment and the construction principles of foodservice facilities. 2) Two foodservice facility models were developed, one for general hospitals with 900 beds (2,000 patients and 2,500 employee meals per day) and the other for general hospitals with 300 beds (600 patients and 650 employees meals per day). 3) The suggested kitchen space requirements for the foodservice facility models were 341.2 ㎡ (W 17,100mm x L 23,700mm) and 998.8㎡ (W 35,600mm x L 32,800mm) for the 300 and 900 beds hospitals, respectively, with both designs being rectangular. The space requirements for the equipment, in relation to the total operational area, in terms of ratios were 1:3.5 and 1:3.8 for the 300 and 900 beds hospitals, respectively. The recommended space allowances per bed for the developed foodservice facility models were 1.15 ㎡ and 1.11 ㎡ for the 300 and 900 beds hospitals, respectively, which were increased by more than 30% compared to those suggested in the precedent study, and considered appropriate for the implementation of the HACCP system. 4) The hospital foodservice facilities plans and models were developed based on the general sanitation standards, guidelines and the HACCP system, and included foodservice facility layout, product flow, physical separation between contaminated and sanitary areas, foodservice facility specifications with a 1/300 scale for a 300 bed, and a 1/400 scale for a 900 beds blueprint. 5) The main features of the developed foodservice facility plans and models were; physical separation between contaminated and sanitary areas to prevent cross contamination, product flow in one direction from the arrival of the raw material to the finished product, and separation of different work areas and the process of receiving & preparation of products, refrigeration & storage, cooking, assembly, cleaning & disinfection, employee areas and janitorial facilities. The proposed models from this study were presented as examples for those wanting to build, or renovate, their facility for the production of foods.

영유아 보육시설의 영양교육 프로그램 개발 (A Study on the Development of Programs for the Nutrition Education of Preschool Nursery Facilities)

  • 이난희;정효지;조성희;최영선
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 2001
  • This study was aimed at development of a nutrition education program, which was designed for children, their parents and personnel in preschool nursery facilities and carried out by dieticians. The program was conducted at 6 preschool nursery facilities for 3 months from July to September 1998. Four-hundred thirty-three children aged 2 to 7 years were engaged in the program. Children in each class were given nutrition education practice once a week by dieticians using education materials and a guide book based on a 12-week program. The themes of nutrition education for children consisted of 'knowledge of food sources and foods', 'relations between food and health', 'other roles of food', 'right eating habit', and 'cooking practice'. Each of five leaflets on nutrition education for parents was delivered eery three weeks in a series and leaflets were posted on a bulletin board. Nursery school teachers were educated by their participation in the class with dieticians using education materials. Evaluation of nutrition education by children, parents and personnel was carried out by interviewing and using questionnaires before and after the program. Children responded more positively more positively on their eating behavior and sanitary behaviors after nutrition education. Parents'opinions on the nutrition education program were positive : 72.3 described the nutrition education program as 'very good'and 'good'. In addition, 71.3% answered that the education materials for parents were helpful. A majority(93.8%) of personnel in facilities evaluated the nutrition education program effective. Nursery personnel evaluated the importance of general nutrition knowledge, childhood nutrition, and obesity control for nutrition management and nutrition education more highly after nutrition education. This study indicates that nutrition management and nutrition education programs for preschool nursery facilities are necessary and they would be effective when implemented by dieticians.

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원격지 단체급식을 위한 포장용 도시락 생산설비의 최적화 연구 (Optimization of the Korean Packaged Meal (Dosirak) Production Facilities for Food Service Delivered Long Distance)

  • 박형우;고하영;박노현;강통삼;모수미
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 1988
  • 국내 도시락 공장을 조사 분석하여 대량생산에 적합토록 그 문제점을 보완 개선했다. 특히 식품위생법과 건축법상의 공장허가 사항을 고려해서 3가지 면적별로 모델 도시락 공장을 설계하였다. 작업장은 하나의 개방공간에 배치된 기기류를 오염지역, 준청결지역, 청결지역으로 나누어 작업중의 2차오염 문제를 배제시켰고, 기기류는 밥급속냉각기, 냉장고 겸 냉각기를 설치하여 위생안전성을 부여했으며, 청결실에 멸균(집진)기를 설치하여 완제품의 초기 미생물 농도를 줄이고 2차오염 요인을 제거함으로써 위생적인 도시락 생산유통이 가능한 도시락 생산공장을 설계하였다.

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대구지역 공중위생법 규제대상시설의 실내공기중 입자상 오염물질의 계절별 및 지점별 농도분포 특성 (Seasonal and Locational Concentrations of Particulate Air Pollutants in Indoor Air of Public Facilities in Taegu Area)

  • 백성옥;송희봉
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.163-176
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    • 1998
  • In this study, airborne particle samples were obtained to determine the concentrations of particulate air pollutants in indoor and outdoor air of public facilities in Taegu area. Total of 12 public facilities, regulated by the Public Sanitary Law, were selected as sampling sites, which include three underground arcades, one railway and two bus terminals, three general hospitals, and three department stores. In each place, sampling was carried out seasonally during the period of October 1994 to July 1995, and four samples per each site per season were collected both indoors and outdoors simultaneously. After determination of suspended particulate matter (SPM) mass concentrations, the particle samples were divided into two parts for subsequent chemical analysis: one for the analysis of trace elements and the other for water soluble ions. Seasonal levels of SPM appeared to be the highest in spring and the lowest in summer both indoors and outdoors, while locational variations of highest in statioyterminals, and lowest in department stores . SPM concentrations indoors and outdoors did not show any significant differences each other in most places . However, there were significant correlations between indoor and outdoor levels of SPM and other chemical species . These results indicates that indoor SPM levels are likely to be significantly affected by outdoor sources in many places. The most significant source of SPM was estimated to be the resuspension of soil/road dust both indoors and outdoors . The concentrations of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu) in underground arcades appeared to be very much lower than the established air quality guidelines for underground environments. In addition, it is likely that micro-environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, and air velocity, play a less significant role than outdoor air quality as a factor affecting the levels of particulate pollutants in indoor environments of public facilities in Taegu area.

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