• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sales Team Performance

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A Survey on Egg Laying Performance and Distribution Status of Animal Welfare Certified Farms for Laying Hens (산란계 동물복지 인증 농가의 사육 및 유통 현황 조사)

  • Hong, Eui-Chul;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Park, Ki-Tae;Jeon, Jin-Joo;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Chan-Ho;Kim, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to evaluate animal welfare approved farms in three housing systems (open, windowless, and free-range). The survey was conducted in 25 animal welfare approved farms, and 10 farms were surveyed for distribution status. The main breed in all animal welfare approved farms of laying hens was Hy-Line Brown variety. In the case of open house, laying hens were bred in traditional and panel houses simultaneously; however, the ratio of panel house was 58.3%, which was higher than that of the traditional house. All the windowless houses were made of panels and more than 15,000 laying hens were housed in a single windowless house. In the case of free-range house, it was maintained on a small scale of less than 12,000 birds. Fifty-six percent of the surveyed farms were breeding at $7{\sim}8birds/m^2$. In terms of male and female ratios, most farms maintained 1 male:15 females, but there was a farmhouse that switched 17 or 20 females to 1 male. The daily dietary allowance was 110~170 g, and 32% of the surveyed farms provided feed of more than 150 g/day, which showed that forage feed was important. The age of at the first egg was 123 days, 122 days, and 120 days, and the peak percent was 91.8%, 94.9%, and 86.5% in open, windowless and free-range houses, respectively. The average egg production rate was 74.0%, 84.6%, and 72.7% in open, windowless, and free-range houses respectively, thus, there was no correlation between feed intake and hen-housed eggs. Distribution of welfare certified eggs was mainly a direct deal with the consumer or through contract production. The ratio of direct transactions between large-scale marts and eco-friendly specialty stores of welfare approved eggs was higher than that of conventional eggs. The rate of contract sales of eggs in both the barn and free-range systems was high, and the percentage of courier sales farms was also high. Excluding courier services, price of eggs in the barn system rose to more than 30 won/egg in the second half of 2017 (after AI). Price of eggs in the free-range system rose to more than 50 won/egg in the second half of 2017 (after AI). In the case of courier sales, the same price of 500 won was maintained before and after AI. In conclusion, the results of this study can be used as basic data for improving the animal welfare certification system for laying hens in Korea.

Impact of Design Consulting on Competitiveness of SMEs -Based on the 'Design Innovation Project in Industrial Complex' of Busan Design Center (디자인컨설팅이 중소기업의 경쟁력에 미치는 영향 - 부산디자인센터의 '산업단지 중소기업 디자인 컨설팅 지원 사업' 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ma, Hoon-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.3203-3210
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    • 2013
  • Amid the importance of design is being emphasized as a new barometer for boosting enterprise competitiveness, high expectations are being placed on design consulting that evaluate design from a comprehensive perspective. SMEs, however, are not easy to gain access to design services compare to their counterparts - large companies. This will eventually cause them to ignore the importance of design, not to mention lack of financial resources for investing in design. With this regard, the paper analyzed the design status and design consulting performance of SMEs in industrial complex through the 2012 Design Innovation Project in Industrial Complex of Busan Design Center; also analyzed the effect of design consulting on improving competitiveness of SMEs as well as design awareness. As a result, the study found that a majority of companies do not invest in design or postponed investment, despite they are not satisfied with their design performance. However, 65.6 percent of SMEs that realized the importance of design after consulting have carried out design development, which brought about sales increase through their improved corporate images and product images. We believe design consulting played an important role for boosting awareness and competitiveness of SMEs. Eventually, we need to provide an intensified design analysis process that can facilitate SMEs. Design consulting support projects should offer practical design development programs through continuous follow-up, including interaction with state projects and design-specialized companies.