• 제목/요약/키워드: Safety Management Cost

검색결과 974건 처리시간 0.026초

스마트건설안전 비용의 안전관리계획서 계상 현황 분석을 통한 활성화 방안 연구 (A Study on Activation Policy of Smart Construction Safety Cost by Analyzing Actually Estimated Amount in Safety Management Plan)

  • 원정훈;장남권;유지영
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the smart construction safety cost included in safety management plans that are approved before construction. Specifically, it refers to the cost incurred in constructing and operating a safety management system using wireless communication and facilities. Based on the obtained statistical results, an activation policy for the inclusion of the smart construction safety cost in building safety management plans was proposed. The smart construction safety cost must be included in the safety management cost; notably, this is mandated by the Construction Technology Promotion Act. However, there are some problems with the inclusion of smart construction safety costs. To analyze the problems encountered when calculating the smart construction safety cost and including it in safety management plans, in this study, statistical analysis was performed using the data of 1,334 safety management plans received at the Construction Safety Management Integrated Information (CSI) from June to August 2021. The results show that only 50.7% of the safety management plans included the smart construction safety cost although the current law mandates 100% inclusion of these costs. Thus, it is apparent that the smart construction safety costs are only included in a low proportion of sites. In addition, the calculated smart construction safety costs were shown to have a small correlation with the construction cost; moreover, they appeared to be distributed at a constant cost level. In this context, it is believed that perfunctory cost calculations were performed at most sites since the effect of the construction cost on the smart construction safety cost was negligible. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the inclusion of smart construction safety costs by strengthening the authorization process of the approval institute of safety management plans. In addition, institutional support, such as guidelines that promote the calculation and inclusion of appropriate smart construction safety costs according to the characteristics of sites, are needed.

전력구 설치 공사의 안전관리비 계상 기준에 관한 연구 (Safety Management Cost Accounting for Underground Electric Power Transmission Facility Construction)

  • 김민호;신성우
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제37권6호
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2022
  • In the Construction Technology Promotion Act (CTPA) of the Republic of Korea, safety management cost is enforced as a statutory cost that must be included in the budget of construction projects. However, the construction of underground electric power transmission facilities (UEPTFs) is not included in the category of construction works defined in the CTPA. Consequently, the statutory safety management cost does not apply to the construction of UEPTFs. To overcome this limitation, the clients of UEPTF construction projects generally provide internal guidelines enabling the addition of the safety management cost in the project budget. Nevertheless, even after the execution of the internal guidelines, some important cost items are omitted from the budget owing to the incompleteness of the guidelines. In this context, this paper proposes a complete set of accounting items and their calculation methods for appropriate budgeting of the safety management cost of UEPTF construction projects. To this end, the current budgeting method of the safety management cost of UEPTF construction projects is analyzed, and a questionnaire study is performed to confirm the necessary cost items and their appropriate calculation methods. Based on the results of the questionnaire study, a set of accounting items and their calculation criteria for the budgeting of the safety management cost of UEPTF construction projects are proposed.

가스 공급기지에서 FMEA/HAZOP에 의한 안전관리 비용-편익분석 (Cost and Benefit Analysis for Safety Management Cost by FMEA/HAZOP at Governor Station)

  • 장서일;이헌창;조지훈;오신규;김태옥
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2001
  • Cost-benefit analysis was investigated to propose the analysis method of the effect of investment and the optimum investment level of safety management cost for preventing gas accident in the B governor station. From five classifications of safety management costs consisting of cost items with similar characters and potential accident costs calculated by risk assessments(FMEA/HAZOP), we found that the order of the benefit(the reduction cost of the potential accident cost) was the instrument increase and repair cost > the safety checking and inspection cost > the labor and training cost > the safety equipment and corresponding cost > the research and development cost. As the benefit was increased with increasing the investment cost, the effect of investment was increased with decreasing the Investment cost. As a result, the optimum safety management cost was estimated and the investment level was analyzed by the model of optimum investment level.

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건설기술진흥법 상 안전관리비에 대한 적산 및 품셈을 통한 적정 요율 산정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Proper Rate of the Safety Management Cost under the Construction Technology Promotion Act by Direct Calculation)

  • 채용섭;윤영근;오태근
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2018
  • The safety management cost system under the Construction Technology Promotion Act has contributed greatly to the prevention of construction accidents according to the chronological changes and social demand, but various problems have been pointed out. The biggest problem is that the safety management cost is earmarked very low because other items of safety management costs except for the safety inspection are not appropriately included in the actual construction site. Furthermore, it has been pointed out that it is difficult to settle the orderer due to the lack of specific use criteria. Therefore, in order to secure the proper safety management cost, this study is to estimate the actual cost by using of specification, quantity, material cost, labor cost for each type of the safety management item The results of this study were compared with the 71 cases of safety management costs in the safety management plan. In addition, analysis of unclear or unnecessary items in the current safety management cost and criteria and suggestions for improvement are provided. It is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to the rational safety management rate calculation.

정량적 위험성 평가에 의한 안전관리 투자의 비용-편익분석 (Cost-Benefit Analysis for Safety Management Cost using Quantitative Risk Analysis)

  • 장서일;조지훈;김태옥
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2002
  • The quantitative evaluation method of the safety management cost was suggested to prevent a gas accident as a major industrial accident. In a gas governor station, process risk assessments such as the fault tree analysis(FTA) and the consequence analysis were performed. Based on process risk assessments, potential accident costs were estimated and the cost-benefit analysis(CBA) was performed. From the cost-benefit analysis for five classification items of safety management cost, the order of the cost/benefit ratio was estimated.

합리적인 건설안전 관리를 위한 건설기술진흥법상 안전관리비의 적정요율 산정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Estimation of the Proper Rates of Safety Management Cost in the Construction Technology Promotion Law for Reasonable Construction Safety Management)

  • 윤영근;오태근;이명구;성주현;정민형
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2018
  • Despite the government 's efforts to reduce constructional disasters, it has been pointed out that the safety management cost of the Construction Technology Promotion Act does not reflect the actual site. Therefore, it is necessary to study the proper guideline of the safety management cost which can be used as the most fundamental measure to prevent construction accidents. Moreover for the securement of the reasonable safety management costs, it is important to calculate its appropriate rate. Thus, in this study, the appropriate rate of safety management cost was proposed by the construction cost & type based on the 111 execution plans of safety management cost, and the rate is analyzed to be 1/10 of the occupational safety and health management cost. The results of this study will be a guideline in improvement to the proper schedule rating system improvement and in implement of pilot projects.

제조업의 재해손실비용산정을 위한 소프트웨어 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study on Development of the Software for Measurement of Safety Cost in Manufacture Industry)

  • 권희봉;조수원;이창호
    • 대한안전경영과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한안전경영과학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2001
  • The existent system of management for Measurement of Safety Cost are not effective because of the data loss and time loss and occurrence of errors through manual calculation. Therefore, tile development of the software for measurement of safety cost can solve the problem through the systematic calculation for safety cost and converting the related data to database, and also can build the strategy of the investment of Safety cost through analysing and comparing with the past data in the database. As a part of development of the software of Measurement of Safety Cost which is appropriate for the domestic environment, this study is developing a software based on Noguji method, which is one of the methods of Measurement of Safety Cost, and to appraise the efficiency of the management of Measurement of Safety Cost we will implement and improve the software in the case of the domestic enterprises.

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제조업의 재해 손실 비용 산정을 위한 소프트웨어 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study on Development of the Software for Measurement of Safety Cost in Manufacture Industry)

  • 권희봉;조수원;이창호
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2001
  • The existent system of management for Measurement of Safety Cost are not effective because of the data loss and time loss and occurrence of errors through manual calculation. Therefore, the development of the software for measurement of safety cost can solve the problem through the systematic calculation for safety cost and converting the related data to database, and also can build the strategy of the investment of Safety cost through analysing and comparing with the past data in the database. As a part of development of the software of Measurement of Safety Cost which is appropriate for the domestic environment, this study is developing a software based on Noguji method, which is one of the methods of Measurement of Safety Cost, and to appraise the efficiency of the management of Measurement of Safety Cost we will implement and improve the software in the case of the domestic enterprises.

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  • Gurkan Emre Gurcanli;Nesimi Teoman Korkutan;Ugur Mungen
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 4th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management Organized by the University of New South Wales
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    • pp.168-175
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    • 2011
  • Construction accidents are major problem in Turkish Construction industry and especially fatally rates are very high. Current legislative system on occupational safety in Turkey enforces employers to implement safety measures as well as safety management systems. However level of consciousness in the industry is unsatisfactory and safety are perceived as extra cost and unnecessary expenditure. Moreover, especially in small residential building constructions which have a big share in the industry and unfortunately safety measures to mitigate or abate construction risks do not exist. The study focuses on small residential building construction sites and in the scope of this study, thirty building projects are examined. For each building project, project cost including labour and material costs, service and consultancy costs for mechanical, electrical systems as well as architectural and structural services, costs for supervision and finally general expenditures for construction site facilities were calculated. On the other hand, occupational safety costs for personal protective equipment, collective protective measures, consultancy and training were determined. Work breakdown structures were established and for each work item firstly occupational risks were evaluated and furthermore according to risk scores safety measures to be implemented were defined and related costs were calculated. The study gave results for total safety cost on average, in terms of percentage of total project cost (3.73% of total project cost), safety cost per man-hour (0.40 USD) and safety cost in terms of unit construction area (11.60 USD per square meter). Since safety management is a part of whole project management process, study gives suggestions and techniques to calculate safety costs and implement safety measures as a part of project management service for professionals. Authors believe that suggested approach may easily developed by the usage of more data to establish a model for estimation not only for building construction sites but also for all construction projects.

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서포트 벡터 머신을 이용한 건설업 안전보건관리비 예측 모델 (Construction Safety and Health Management Cost Prediction Model using Support Vector Machine)

  • 신성우
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to develop construction safety and health management cost prediction model using support vector machine (SVM). To this end, theoretical concept of SVM is investigated to formulate the cost prediction model. Input and output variables have been selected by analyzing the balancing accounts for the completed construction project. In order to train and validate the proposed prediction model, 150 data sets have been gathered from field. Effects of SVM parameters on prediction accuracy are analyzed and from which the optimal parameter values have been determined. The prediction performance tests are conducted to confirm the applicability of the proposed model. Based on the results, it is concluded that the proposed SVM model can effectively be used to predict the construction safety and health management cost.