• Title/Summary/Keyword: Safe navigation supporting system

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Conceptual Design of Network-based Pilot Supporting System (네트워크 기반의 예선사용 지원 시스템 개념 설계)

  • Kim, Yeon-Gyu;Kim, Sun-Young;Park, Se-Kil;Gong, In-Young;Yang, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 2009
  • The ship without thrusters and special propulsion system is supported by the tug boats during berthing and unberthing. The orders to tug boats are made by a pilot. If the positions of ship, tug boats and port are displayed in 2D map, it will be helpful to pilots. In this research, a network-based pilot supporting system(NPSS) has been conceptually designed NPSS, necessary for safe and efficient pilot, has two main functions. One is the monitoring of the situation of berthing and unberthing. And the other is the automatic calculation of the tug forces considering environmental conditions. The NPSS is designed on the basis of network system around the harbor. The NPSS will be validated using ship-handling simulator in the future.

Performance Improvement of VHF Train Radio Transmitter by Using Vibration-Proof Pads (방진패드를 이용한 VHF 열차무선 송신기 특성 개선)

  • Kim, Sung-Dong;Koo, Kyung-Heon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.475-481
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    • 2009
  • This paper focuses the performance improvement of the train radio system (TRS) supporting the safe and accurate operations. The causes of troubles and the performance drift in TRS have been analyzed and measurement indexes have been selected. Frequency shifts of transmitters causing from train vibrations have been shown, and the improvement of frequency stability has been confirmed by use of vibration- proof pads.

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Ship Collision Avoidance Support Model in Close Quarters Situation (II) (근접상황 선박충돌회피지원모델에 관한 연구(II))

  • Yang Hyoung-Seon;Yea Byeong-Deok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.10 s.106
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    • pp.827-832
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, as a fundamental study of ship collision avoidance supporting system in close quarters situation, we propose ship collision avoidance support model for decreasing ship collision accidents those have occurred due to navigator's unsuitable maneuvering in close encounter. This model will effectively support maneuvering for collision avoidance through displaying the feasible area and the method of collision avoidance using own ship's turning characteristic about action of target ship's keeping course and velocity.

Ship Collision Avoidance Support Model in Close Quarters Situation(II) (근접상황 선박충돌회피지원모델에 관한 연구(II))

  • Yang, Hyoung-Seon;Yea, Byeong-Deok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, as a fundamental study of ship collision avoidance supporting system in close quarters situation, we propose ship collision avoidance support model for decreasing ship collision accidents those have occurred due to navigator's unsuitable maneuvering in close encounter. This model will effectively support maneuvering for collision avoidance through displaying the feasible area and the method of collision avoidance using own ship's turning characteristic about target ship's keeping course and velocity maneuvering actions.

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UAM Airspace Surveillance Environment Analysis and Surveillance System Implementation (UAM 운항공역 감시 환경 분석 및 감시 시스템 구현)

  • Chang-hwan Heo;Kwang-chun Kang;Heung-keun Yoon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.872-878
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    • 2024
  • Urban air mobility (UAM) has emerged as a key solution to address urban traffic congestion and enable environmentally friendly flight at low altitudes. Operating in densely populated urban environments, UAM requires precise airspace management and surveillance systems due to its unique operational characteristics. In particular, UAM airspace involves simultaneous operations of multiple vehicles, necessitating an integrated system capable of managing both cooperative and non-cooperative aircraft. This study analyzes the surveillance environment for cooperative and non-cooperative aircraft within UAM operational airspace and derives the requirements for UAM surveillance systems. Specifically, it proposes a system design that incorporates multi-sensor data fusion and real-time response capabilities for abnormal flight scenarios, supporting seamless airspace surveillance in mediumto high-density operational environments. These findings aim to contribute to the development of safe and efficient urban airspace management systems as the UAM market matures in the future.

Development of Solution for Safety and Optimal Weather Routing of a Ship

  • Nguyen, Van Minh;Nguyen, Thi Thanh Diep;Mai, Thi Loan;Nguyen, Tien Thua;Vo, Anh Hoa;Seo, Ju-Won;Yoon, Gyeong-Hwan;Yoon, Hyeon-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.318-320
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    • 2018
  • When a ship sails on sea, it may be influenced by the environmental disturbance such as wind, wave, sea surface temperature, etc. These affect on the ship's speed, fuel consumption, safety and operating performance. It is necessary to find the optimal weather route of a ship to avoid adverse weather conditions which can put the crews in serious danger or cause structural damage to the vessel, machinery, and equipment. This study introduced how to apply A* algorithm based on sea trial test data for determining the optimal ship routes. The path cost function was modelled as a function of minimum arrival time or minimum energy depending on the time of various environment conditions. The specially modelled path-cost function and the safety constraints were applied to the A* algorithm in order to find the optimal path of the ship. The comparison of ship performances estimated by real sea trial's path and estimated optimal route during the voyage of the ship was investigated. The result of this study can be used to create a schedule to ensure safe operation of the ship with short passage time or minimum energy. In addition, the result of this study can be integrated into an on-board decision supporting expert system and displayed in Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) to provide all the useful information to ship master.

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Improvements of ENC display module on mobile devices (모바일 기기에서의 전자해도 표출을 위한 디스플레이 모듈의 개선)

  • Lim, Yong-min;Park, Geun-hong;Park, Dae-won;Park, Suhyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.252-254
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    • 2015
  • In the maritime field, desktop-based ENC systems and services have been used for supporting the safe navigation of ship. However, with increasing level of needs for mobile device-based marine information service, ENC systems that provides basis for maritime service needs to be ported to mobile device. It is difficult to directly port desktop ENC system to the mobile devices, because the system operating environment and methods such as process management and memory management of the mobile devices are different from the desktop. In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of the Android-based mobile devices. Based on this, during porting process of desktop-based ENC system to android system, we modified and improved the display module with the characteristics of Android-based mobile devices in mind.

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Mobile-based Universal Integrated Control Module for an Efficient Vehicle Control System (효율적인 차량제어를 위한 모바일기반의 범용 통합 제어모듈)

  • Hwang, Jae-Young;Lee, Ju-Han;Lee, Ho-Jin;Chung, Yeon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.1993-1998
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents an integrated control module for controlling transportation machine and automatic navigation using a combined technology of mobile telematics and transportation machine telematics, i.e. Mobile In Vehicle (MIV). This development includes hardware implementation and its verification of control mechanism applied to vehicle. In particular, the module is designed to be versatile in such a way that it can collect various information and facilitate various options for convenience by supporting existing networks, such as TCP/IP, Wi-Fi and 3G mobile radio networks. The study offers its versatility, intelligence and cost-effectiveness by enabling the module to support network-independent service, whereas conventional modules operate only in a certain network. Based on this module, a multiple of subsequent convenient functions for transportation machine can further be developed for safe and intelligent transportation machines.

Design of a Displacement and Velocity Measurement System Based on Environmental Characteristic Analysis of Laser Sensors for Automatic Mooring Devices (레이저 센서의 환경적 특성 분석에 기반한 선박 자동계류장치용 변위 및 속도 측정시스템 설계)

  • Jin-Man Kim;Heon-Hui Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.980-991
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    • 2023
  • To prevent accidents near the quay caused by a ship, ports are generally designed and constructed through navigation and berthing safety assessment. However, unpredictable accidents such as ship collisions with the quay or personal accidents caused by ropes still occur sometimes during the ship berthing or mooring process. Automatic mooring systems, which are equipped with an attachment mechanism composed of robotic manipulators and vacuum pads, are designed for rapid and safe mooring of ships. This paper deals with a displacement and velocity measurement system for the automatic mooring device, which is essential for the position and speed control of the vacuum pads. To design a suitable system for an automatic mooring device, we first analyze the sensor's performance and outdoor environmental characteristics. Based on the analysis results, we describe the configuration and design methods of a displacement and velocity measurement system for application in outdoor environments. Additionally, several algorithms for detecting the sensor's state and estimating a ship's velocity are developed. The proposed method is verified through some experiments for displacement and speed measurement targeted at a moving object with constant speed.