• Title/Summary/Keyword: SIR : Stepped Impedance Resonators

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The Design of 2.4 GHz Band LTCC Bandpass Filter using $\lambda$/4 Hairpin Resonators ($\lambda$/4 Hairpin 공진기를 이용한 2.4 GHz 대역 LTCC 대역통과 필터의 설계)

  • Sung Gyu-Je
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.11 no.4 s.33
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, a $\lambda$/4 hairpin resonator is applied to reduce the size of planar resonators for a 2.4 GHz Band LTCC MLC bandpass filter. The $\lambda$/4 hairpin resonator operates as stepped impedance resonator (SIR) without changing the width of the planar resonator. It is composed of two sections those are parallel coupled line and transmission line. The characteristic impedance of two sections is different each other. The design formulas of the bandpass filter using the coupling element at the arbitrary position are derived from even and odd-mode analysis. The formulas can take account of the arbitrary coupling of lumped and/or distributed resonators. The advantage of this filter is its abilities to change freely the coupling structure between two resonators. Experimental bandpass filters for 2.4 GHz Band are implemented and their performances are shown.

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Design of CPW-fed Slot Antenna for Harmonic Suppression (고조파 억제를 위한 CPW급전 슬롯 안테나 설계)

  • Yeo, Junho;Lee, Jong-Ig
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a design method for a CPW-fed slot antenna for harmonic suppression is studied. The structure of the proposed slot antenna is a rectangular slot antenna appended with stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) at both ends of the slot symmetrically. Optimal design parameters are obtained by analyzing the effects of the length and width of the SIRs on the input reflection coefficient. The optimized harmonic-suppressed slot antenna operating at 2.45 GHz WLAN band is fabricated on an FR4 substrate with a dimension of 42 mm by 30 mm. The slot length of the proposed harmonic-suppressed slot antenna is reduced to 33.3% compared to that of a conventional rectangular slot antenna owing to the appended SIRs. Experiment results show that the antenna has a desired impedance characteristic with a frequency band of 2.39-2.49 GHz for a VSWR < 2, and a measured gain of 2.5 dBi at 2.45 GHz.

A temperature stable bandpass filter using dieletric-filled stepped impedance resonators (접합된 Stepped impedance resonator를 이용한 온도보상형 유전체 대역통과 필터)

  • Lim, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Jun-Chul;Kim, Duck-Hwan;Ha, Jong-Su;Oh, Chang-Heon;Sim, Hwa-Sup;An, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.35D no.2
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 1998
  • The design method of a temperature stable bandpass filter using dielectric coaxial resonators of with two dielectric ceramics with opposite signs of temperature coefficient of dielectric constant (${\tau}_{\epsilon}$) to compensate for each other in this method. $MgTiO_3$(${\tau}_{\epsilon}$=+99 ppm/${\circ}C$) as a positive ${\tau}_{\epsilon}$ material and Ba($Zn_{1/3}Nb_{2/3}$)$O_3$(${\tau}_{\epsilon}$=-77ppm/${\circ}C$) as a negative material were selected. The length of a SIR for the temperature stability was calculated according to the design method and the susceptance slope parameter of the SIR was obtained. A temperature stable bandpass filter using dielectric SIR's was designed, simulated and fabricated. The center frequency of this filter was 915 MHz and the pass bandwidth was 20 MHz. Temperature properties of this bandpass filter by simulations were compared with the measured results of the bandpass filter fabricated.

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The Design of 2.4GHz Band LTCC Bandpass Filter using $\lambda/4$ Hairpin Resonators ($\lambda/4$ Hairpin 공진기를 이용한 2.4GHz 대역 LTCC 대역통과 여파기의 설계)

  • Seong Gyu Je;Choe Jae U;Park Hyeon Sik;Park Jang Hwan;Yeo Dong Hun
    • Proceedings of the International Microelectronics And Packaging Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.260-264
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a $\lambda/4$ hairpin resonator is proposed to reduce the size of planar resonators for a LTCC MLC bandpass filter. The $\lambda/4$ hairpin resonator operates as stepped impedance resonator (SIR) without changing the width of the planar resonator. It is composed of two sections those are parallel coupled line and transmission line. The characteristic impedance of two sections is different each other. The design formulas of the bandpass filter using the coupling element at the arbitrary position are derived from even and odd-mode analysis. The formulas can take account of the arbitrary coupling of lumped ana/or distributed resonators. The advantage of this filter is its abilities to change freely the coupling structure between two resonators. Experimental bandpass filters for 2.4GHz Band are implemented and their performances are shown.

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Coplanar Waveguide Bandpass Filter Using the Folded-line Stepped- Impedance Restorator (접힌 스텝 임피던스 공진기를 이용한 CPW 대역 통과 여파기)

  • 이진택;이창언;신철재
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.8A
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    • pp.620-625
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    • 2003
  • The coplanar waveguide bandpass filter using folded-line stepped-impedance resonators(SIRs) is proposed. The folded-line SIR has about λ/8 length using the short-circuited end on coplanar waveguide. It make that the bandpass filter has the half size in comparison with general λ/4 SIR filter. In this paper, we derive the equivalent circuit and design the bandpass filter by using that. We design and fabricate the bandpass filter which has 5 GHz center frequency and 3 % fractional bandwidth. The measurement results fur 4-pole folded SIR bandpass filter agreed well with full-wave simulation and equivalent circuit results. The fabricated bandpass filter has a good spurious characteristic, which the harmonic frequency appeared at 2.5f$\_$0/). The proposed folded-line SIR bandpass filter are applicable for MMIC and High-Tc superconducting filters. bandwidth.

Design of Balanced Dual-Band Bandpass Filter with Self-Feedback Structure

  • Chen, Xinwei;Han, Guorui;Ma, Runbo;Gao, Jiangrui;Zhang, Wenmei
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.475-477
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    • 2009
  • A balanced dual-band bandpass filter based on ${\lambda}$/2 stepped-impedance resonators and open-loop resonators is proposed in this letter. By employing a type of self-feedback structure, an extra transmission zero is introduced near the common-mode resonance frequency, and the common-mode signal is suppressed. The measured results indicate that the filter can operate in 2.46 GHz and 5.6 GHz bands, and the insertion loss is 1.85 dB and 1.9 dB, respectively. Also, better common-mode suppression is achieved.

Miniaturized UWB BPF design that is applicable to Ultrafast Wireless Communication Systems (초고속 무선통신에 적용 가능한 소형화된 UWB BPF 설계)

  • Kim, Song-Min;Song, Jin-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.620-624
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, design and manufactured UWB BPF. Manufactured UWB BPF can miniaturize the structure by controlling impedance and biographical one dimension that is allocated in transmission line each section. Proposed UWB BPF designed most suitable using Agilent company's ADS2008 Momentum and Ansoft company's HFSS 10. Manufactured UWB BPF has pass-band filter of 3.1 [GHz]~10.6 [GHz] and insertion loss is 0.39 [dB] in 8.3 [GHz], and reflection loss displayed special quality of 12.394 [dB] in 9.37 [GHz].

Characteristic Simulation of the High Temperature Superconducting Micostrip Bandpass Filters using $Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-x}$ Films ($Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-x}$ 박막을 이용한 Ku-밴드 HTS 마이크로스트립 대역통과 필터의 전산모사 특성)

  • Park, Kyung-Kuk;Chung, Dong-Chul;Lim, Sung-Hun;Yim, Seong-Woo;Jeong, Yong-Chae;Han, Byoung-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07d
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    • pp.1332-1-1332-4
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    • 1998
  • This paper described design and simulation of the high-Tc superconducting (HTS) microstrip bandpass filter (BPF) on MgO substrate using $Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_{7-x}$ films that show superconductivity ${at \fallingdotseq}90$ K. Design parameters for the characteristic of the bandpass filter in Ku-band were obtained by approximate design formulas. It used parallel coupled stripline stepped impedance resonators (SIR). Microwave design system, MDS(EEsorf S/W) was used to derive the optimal pattern of the filters and to simulate frequency response. In computer-aided results, optimally designed HTS filters got good performance compared with the gold counter-parts on frequency response $S_{21}$, $S_{11}$.

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