• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rural household

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Developing an Energy Consumption Model of Household Unit in Rural Area (농촌지역 농가 에너지소비 모델 개발)

  • Rhee, Shin-Ho;Wang, Jun;Yoon, Seong-Soo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2008
  • As the price of traditional fossil fuels continue to increase, more people attach importance to the pollution of the environment caused by fossil fuel's burning, developing and using renewable energy resources has become a very important project all over the world. Also, the rural energy planning which is another method to improve energy utilization ratio and reduce environment pollution, is also regarded as a very effective way to reduce the energy consumption. There is a quantity of renewable energy resources and natural tribes in rural area, which is both feasible to develop the renewable energy and the regional energy planning. To carry out this, it is needs to know the area's quantity of renewable energy resources and the total energy consumption. This paper is to find out the relationship between rural energy consumption and rural conditions, and to found a energy consumption model which can conjecture the energy consumption in rural family. and the cost of rural family's energy consumption was founded to conjecture how much money dose it cost in rural family's energy consumption. The energy consumption model was concluded using the surveys of 76 families in 14 villages at the area of Chungcheongbuk-Do(province). The main factors to energy consumption was selected out which were number of family members, acreage of house, acreage of farmland and family's annual income.

Characteristics of food purchasing depending on socio-demographic factors -Focusing on metropolitan area in South Korea-

  • Park, Seonghee;Choe, Young Chan
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2013
  • Demographic transition drives changes in consumer demand for food products. This study examines how rising incomes and population trends affect spending on food purchased for home. The objective of this study is to characterize the relationships between selected socio-demographic factors and food selection among South Korean households. Panel data from Rural Development Administration (RDA) in South Korea in 2010 was used (n=971). Household food purchases were classified into one of the five food groups from Composition of Foods of RDA. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the effects of household size and income based on the expenditure share on each food group. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS/ PC version 9.3. Results show that household socio- demographic characteristics have a strong influence on food purchasing, with the purchase of vegetables and fruit, and processed food and pre-packaged being particularly sensitive.

Exploring Social Service Demand and Policy Implications of the Vulnerable in Rural Areas (농어촌 취약계층의 사회서비스 수요탐색과 정책함의)

  • Kim, Yun-Yong;Lee, Seok-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.332-345
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    • 2020
  • This study sought to explore the demand in the social service sector and present policy implications, focusing on the vulnerable in rural villages exposed to worse conditions amid the Covid-19 crisis. To this end, the social service needs of vulnerable groups by household type were analyzed by utilizing the raw data of the 2018 Survey on Rural Well-Being. Analysis showed that the greatest demand social services for all rural villages, the elderly, the disabled, one-person, one elderly and low-income households were income support services, while in household that included children the demand was for childcare and education-related services. The second-highest social services in terms of demand were cultural leisure vacation support services for all rural villages, healthcare-related services for the elderly, the disabled, one elderly and low-income households, cultural leisure vacation support services for households including children and daily life support services for single-person households. Based on these results, a measure was proposed to support social services, tailored to vulnerable groups in rural villages. In addition, the government's lack of a consultation system between urban and rural welfare policies, such as a basic plan for health and welfare in rural villages, led this paper to discuss the need for a feedback function and dedicated formulation of mid- to long-term policies in rural villages. It also proposed the establishment of conditions for providing customized social services for rural villages.

Economic Life of Rural Residents (농촌마을 주민의 경제생활실태 연구)

  • Ko, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.329-340
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to analyze on the economic life and financial state of rural inhabitants in case study 4 villages by questionnaire interview. To analyze the economic life of rural inhabitants, the data were collected from 191households and the SPSSWIN / ver12.0 was used for analyzing them. The major findings of this study are as follows; 1) Most of them earned living expenditure themselves, over 15% inhabitants lived with their children supports. 2) Over 70% of them couldn't save at all, over 40% of them had debts except inhabitants in plain area. 3) The financial condition of rural inhabitants is very unstable, for the small and irregular agricultural income. Moreover, the ratio of national pensioner and payer are very low. 4) The present economic life compared with 10year ago and future prospect are pessimistic. And the elder household have much financial problems, they live in poor and inferior surroundings. According to the results of research, the policy on support and assistance for economic life of rural inhabitants must be enlarged and enforced, and the financial program and education for them must be carried out nationwide and systematically.

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A Study on the Space Analysis of Rural House Plans and Types in Bonghwa Area Using the Space Syntax (봉화지역의 농촌주택 유형과 공간구문론에 의한 공간 분석)

  • Hwang, Yong-Woon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.142-150
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analysis the change of rural house type and house plans in Bonghwa province. According to definition of rural area, the scopes of the research of rural houses limited the Bonghwa rural area(1 eup, 9 myeon). The method of study is to compare and analyze about housing situation, structure of house, housing type and construction of house space etc. through the statistical data of Bongwha statistical yearbook, space syntax(convex analysis) and other various data etc. during these 10 years. As a results of the analysis 1) According to Change of family member the supply ratio of detached house is steadily decreasing and changing from a detached house to multi-household house in Bongwha areas. 2) Most of houses structure were using lightweight steel construction because of cost-cutting of construction and easy way to construct etc.. 3) The highest Integration space is living space in rural house plans 4) The highest segregation space is bathroom space of master bed room in rural house plans. Some of bed rooms are classed as segregation space regardless of Integration space 5) Traditional front yard's function is changing from the place with the various functions to the place with the specific functions.

The Effects of Reverse Mortgage Including Lands for Rural Elderly Households (농지를 포함한 농촌형 역모기지 효과)

  • Lee, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.45 no.9
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to find the effects of reverse mortgage including lands for rural elderly households. The data were drawn from 2005 Farm Household Economy Survey. And 1,165 households, which householder age were 65 to 75 and owned lands, were selected. The major findings as follows; First, in the case of conducting mortgage using only lands in rural area, the average substitute rate of current consumption was found to be over 100%(LTV=100%). This result implied that the conducting mortgage with land could be very effective for enhancing economic well-being of rural elderly households. Second, in the case of conducting mortgage using only shelters in rural area, the average substitute rate of current consumption was found to be only 25.7% (LTV=100%). This result implied that the conducting mortgage with only shelters could be no use for enhancing economic well-being of rural elderly households. Third, with FTA, it is time to rebuild agribusiness from small farm with family business to scale of farm business. It is expected the mortgage system with lands may very effective for not only enhancing economic well-being of rural elderly households, but for better farm business.

Problems in Management of Rural Special Production Area and Improvement of Political Countermeasures (In the Case of Chungnam Province) (농어촌(農漁村) 특산단지운영상(特産團地運營上)의 문제점(問題點) 및 정책적(政策的) 개선방향(改善方向)(충청남도(忠淸南道)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Lim, Jae Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.88-101
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    • 1993
  • This study is aimed at evaluating the present management status of the rural special production area development projects and identifying managerial problems to propose new direction of the political countermeasures for the projects. In the con text of implementing the five year's economic developent plans for the past three decades, agricultural production and farm-household income have also been grown rapidly. However the income gap between rural and urbarn laborer, as an internal problem, has widened during the decades and the UR problems concerning free trade of agricultural products, as an external problems, are now agonizing the small-holder farm economy in Korea. The internal and external farm problems could be solved through improvement of agricultural structure and provision of off-farm jobs for farm household income increase. As a part of the off-farm income sources, the rural special production area development projects have propelled by the government throughout the country. The main problems to be solved for the successful implementation of the projects are as follows : 1. Present loan amount by the financial fund was estimated at 6-7% of the total installation costs required. To expand and implement the project successfully, enough financial credit support with favorable terms and conditions have to be considered by the government. 2. The operation patterns of the special production area development project should be recommended from the view point of cooperative and private operation to maximize farm household incomes including profits, marketing charges and dividens. 3. Improvement of the marketing channel of the products and marketing information through TV program and other mass communication should be implemented strongly to promote marketsales by the financial supports of the government. 4. In connection with the off-farm income increase, the population migrating to urban area in outside Chungnam province equivalent to 10-12 thousand persons with age of 20-49 years should be taken into account politically to be employed in the projects in the province. 5. Surplus farm labors should be created by means of improvement of agricultural structure including large farm management with farm mechanization and job opportunities have also to be provided in connection with the rural special production area development projects. The two imminent subjects are the prerequisites to increase off-farm incomes for the farmers living in Chungnam province. 6. Required credit supports for investment and operation costs of the projects should be taken actions by the government.

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An Analysis of Consumer Expenditure Patterns according to Household Characteristics (가구특성에 따른 소비지출행태 분석)

  • Park, Moonsoo;Chong, Hogun;Koh, Daeyoung;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.5564-5577
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    • 2014
  • This study examined how the differences in household characteristics influence consumer expenditure patterns. The Price-Scaling AIDS model with household income and expenditure survey data were used for the analysis. The results showed that the income elasticity of the service items is greater than non-service items, indicating an increase in higher demand of service items with the same increase in household income. The household expenditure patterns vary according to the commodities, holding age and income level. The so-called traditional pattern, which emphasizes spending for non-service items, changed to the one with a higher expenditure ratio for service items. Such a change in household expenditure patterns naturally derives the expansion of the relevant service market; hence, the growth of the related service industry. This highlights the need to formulate an appropriate response from the supply side that deals with the changes in the service market.

Association between household food insecurity and nutritional outcomes among children in Northeastern of Peninsular Malaysia

  • Naser, Ihab Ali;Jali, Rohana;Wan Muda, Wan Manan;Wan Nik, Wan Suriati;Shariff, Zalilah Mohd;Abdullah, Mohamed Rusli
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 2014
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between household food insecurity and nutritional status of children in low-income households. A cross sectional study involved a survey of households (n = 223) receiving the financial assistance. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Eligible mothers that fulfilled the inclusion criteria such as non-pregnant, non-lactating mothers, aged 18 to 55 years with their youngest children aged 2 to 12 years, were purposively selected. The Radimer/Cornell hunger and food-insecurity instrument was administered and children's height and weight were measured. RESULTS: About 16.1% of the households were food secure, while 83.9% experienced some kind of food insecurity. Out of food insecure category, 29.6% households were food insecure, 19.3% women were individual food insecure and 35.0% fell into the child hunger category. Education of the mother (P = 0.047), household size (P = 0.024), number of children (P = 0.024), number of children going to school (P = 0.048), total monthly income (P < 0.001), income per capital (P < 0.001), number of household members contributing to the income (P = 0.018) and food expenditure (P = 0.006) were significant risk factors for household food insecurity. The prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting in children were 61.0%, 61.4% and 30.6% respectively. Based on multinomial logistic regression, children in food-insecure households were 2.15 times more likely to be underweight and three times to be stunted than children in the food-secure households. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that household food insecurity is associated with the nutritional status of the children in the rural area of Northeastern Peninsular Malaysia.

Factors Influencing the Health-Related Quality of Life (HINT-8) of the Elderly with Arthritis: Comparison of Single-Person Household and Multi-Person Household (관절염 유병 노인의 건강관련 삶의 질(HINT-8)에 미치는 영향요인: 1인가구와 다인가구의 비교)

  • Ji-Kyeong Park
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2023
  • Purpose : As the population aging deepens, the number of elderly people with arthritis is also continuously increasing. Accordingly, this study intended to identify the factors influencing the health-related quality of life (HINT-8) of the elderly with arthritis according to household type and provide baseline data for developing a measure to enhance the life quality of the elderly with arthritis. Methods : The factors influencing the health-related quality of life (HINT-8) of the elderly with arthritis were identified based on the raw data from the Korea national health and nutrition examination survey conducted in 2021. Data were analyzed with SPSS Statistics ver 25.0 for windows (IBM Corp), and the significance level (α) was set to .05. Statistical analysis was performed with t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and post-hoc analysis with Duncan test. Results : The factors that influenced the health-related quality of life (HINT-8) of single-households were medical aid (β=-.17, p=.045), restriction of activity (β=-.17, p=.023), self-rated health status (β=.29, p<.001), and anxiety scale (β=-.36, p<.001). The factors that influenced the health-related quality of life (HINT-8) of multi-households were an age of 75 or over (β=-.14, p=.011), living in rural (β=-.14, p=.003), the outpatient department treatment experience (β=-.09, p=.047), self-rated health status (β=.26, p<.001), anxiety scale (β=-.29, p<.001), and stress (β=-.22, p<.001). Conclusion : Factors affecting the health-related quality of life (HINT-8) of the elderly with arthritis were found to be different between single-person households and multi-person household. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare measures to improve the quality of life of the elderly with arthritis by considering the factors influencing the health-related quality of life (HINT-8) of the elderly with arthritis according to the household type identified in this study.