• Title/Summary/Keyword: Route surveying

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A Study on Deriving The Diversion Curve of I.C.s (I. C. 유형별 전환곡선식의 도출에 관한 연구)

  • 손진현;이용재
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.77-97
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    • 1990
  • Compared to modal split, the methods of forecasting traffic volumes diverted in various types of I.C.s have not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this study is to derive a new diversion function that can represent the directional traffic volume in accordance with various geometrics of I.C.s. In general, knowing various traffic impedances and the amount of traffic production and attraction, one can estimate proper traffic volumes associated with directions by using a well-defined diversion function. This function is usually made by a series of process such as surveying directional traffic volumes on several I.C.s, analyzing with a regression method and verifying those results by statistical approaches. The function has been developed by rigorous statistical testings, mainly a regression analysis. This paper presents an effective method in planning and designing new roads, I.C.s and route choice of subway. Finally, some comparisons and improvements and suggested when one uses different types of relevant models and functions.

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Using the GA in the Public-Transportation Route-selection Process

  • JUN, Chul-min
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2004
  • As the applied fields of GIS are expanded to the transportation, developing internet-based applications for transportation information is getting attention increasingly. Most applications developed so far are primarily focused on guidance systems for owner-driven cars. Although some recent ones are devoted to public transportation systems, they show limitations in dealing with the following aspects: (i) people may change transportation means not only within the same type but also among different modes such as between buses and subways, and (ii) the system should take into account the time taken in transfer from one mode to the other. This study suggest the framework for developing a public transportation guidance system that generates optimized paths in the transportation network of mixed means including buses, subways and other modes. For this study, the Genetic Algorithms are used to find the best routes that take into account transfer time and other service-time constraints.

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Analyzing Public Transport Network Accessibility

  • Jun, Chulmin
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2004
  • Due to the traffic congestion and public-oriented transportation policies of Seoul, public transportation is receiving attention and being used increasingly. However, current transport routes configuration is showing unbalanced accessibility throughout the city area creating differences in time, expenses and metal burden of users who travel the same distances. One of the reasons is that transport route planning has been partially empirical and non-quantitative tasks due to lack of relevant methods for assessing the complexity of the transport routes. This paper presents a method to compute the connectivity of public transport system based on the topological structure of the network of transport routes. The main methodological issue starts from the fact that the more transfers take place, the deeper the connectivity becomes making that area evaluated as less advantageous as for public transport accessibility. By computing the connectivity of each bus or subway station with all others in a city, we can quantify the differences in the serviceability of city areas based on the public transportation. This paper is based on the topological interpretation of the routes network and suggests an algorithm that can automate the computation process. The process is illustrated using a simple artificial network data built in a GIS.

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Error Assessment of Attitude Determination Using Wireless Internet-Based DGPS (GIS를 활용한 지진위험도 분석)

  • Koh June Hwan;Kwon Jay Hyoun;Choi Yoon Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2005
  • It is the general consensus that korea is safe from some disasters, particularly earthquake. However, it is not difficult to see the countries considered as safety zones have occasionally experienced a severe earthquakes. In this case, damages and casualties are much serious because they were not prepared for the earthquakes. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a counterplan about an earthquake. In this paper, we analyzed several damages by earthquakes using GIS based methods, and derived a counterproposal. The disasters caused by earthquakes are categorized into three riskiness factors, that is, a building destruction riskiness, a blaze riskiness and a refuge riskiness. Then, it is quantitatively analyzed by the degree of damage so that overall riskiness of the earthquake are assigned. In addition, it was shown that the analysis can be utilized to establish the escape route from the earthquake. It is expected that this study shows an good example of GIS application especially for preventing disasters.

Implementation of Open Source SOLAP Decision-Making System for Livestock Epidemic Surveillance and Prevention (Open Source SOLAP기반의 가축전염병 예찰 및 방역 의사결정 지원시스템 구현)

  • Kyung, Min-Ju;Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2012
  • The spread of infectious diseases in the event of livestock is getting faster and the route of spread gets more varied. It is important for the responsible agency to detect early and establish a prevention and surveillance system. If the spread cannot be contained effectively, great damage and loss will be inevitable in terms of social, environment and economic aspects as well as the welfare of the farmers. At present in Korea, a web-based Infectious Livestock Diseases Statistics System (AIMS: Animal Infectious Disease Data Management System) has been already implemented for this purpose and the service is available to the general public. But this system does not provide geospatial information and does not provide support for decision making and does not provide multi-dimensional information. In this study, an open source-based SOLAP (Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing) technology is applied to enable many diverse forms of data analysis from many aspects to support decision making. The SOLAP system was designed to integrate geospatial information and the analysis of information has been largely divided into map-based analysis and table-based analysis.

Construction of Three Dimensional Virtual City Information Using the Web 3D (Web 3D를 이용한 3차원 가상도시공간정보 구축)

  • 유환희;조정운;이학균
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2002
  • Recently, as advancing the technologies for Web 3D and Virtual Reality, the studies have been progressed actively to provide three dimensional information on the web. Especially, the various applications for providing urban information in 3D space have been developed using EAI(External Authoring Interface) that serves an interface between VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language), standard language for embodying virtual reality, and JAVA applet in HTML. In this study, as constructing 3D virtual city information using Digital Map, IKONOS satellite image, VRML and so on, we could provide users which need several information with building location and various urban living information. In addition, applying 3D skills such as texturing, panorama and navigation, users were enabled to perform various route searching and scenery analysis. Finally, to serve urban living information in real time, we designed to search information faster through interfacing database and to update data using ASP(Active Server Page) on web.

Analysis of suitable evacuation routes through multi-agent system simulation within buildings

  • Castillo Osorio, Ever Enrique;Seo, Min Song;Yoo, Hwan Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.265-278
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    • 2021
  • When a dangerous event arises for people inside a building and an immediate evacuation is required, it is important that suitable routes have been previously defined. These situations can happen especially when buildings are crowded, making the occupants have a very high vulnerability and can be trapped if they do not evacuate quickly and safely. However, in most cases, routes are considered based just on their proximity or short distance to the exit areas, and evacuation simulations that include more variables are not performed. This work aims to propose a methodology for building's indoor evacuation activities under the premise of processing simulation scenarios in multi-agent environments. In the methodology, importance indexes of simplified and validated geometry data from a BIM (Building Information Modeling) are considered as heuristic input data in a proposed algorithm. The algorithm is based on AP-Theta* pathfinding and collision avoidance machine learning techniques. It also includes conditioning variables such as the number of people, speed of movement as well as reaction ability of the agents that influence the evacuation times. Moreover, collision avoidance is applied between people or with objects along the route. The simulations using the proposed algorithm are tested in NetLogo for diverse scenarios, showing feasible evacuation routes and calculating evacuation times in a multi-agent environment. The experimental results are obtained by applying the method in a study case and demonstrate the level of effectiveness of the algorithm, and the influence of the conditioning variables analyzed together when performing safe evacuation routes.

Ortho-image Generation using 3D Flight Route of Drone (드론의 3D 촬영 경로를 이용한 정사영상 제작)

  • Jonghyeon Yoon;Gihong Kim;Hyun Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • Drone images are being used more and more actively in the fields of surveying and spatial information, and are rapidly replacing existing aerial and satellite images. The technology of quickly acquiring real-time data at low cost and processing it is now being applied to actual industries beyond research. However, there are also problems encountered as this progresses. When high-resolution spatial information is acquired using a general 2D flight plan for a terrain with sever undulations, problems arise due to the difference in resolution of the data. In particular, when a low-altitude high-resolution image is taken using a drone in a mountainous or steep terrain, there may be a problem in image matching due to a resolution difference caused by terrain undulations. This problem occurs because a drone acquires data while flying on a 2D plane at a fixed altitude, just like conventional aerial photography. In order to acquire high-quality 3D data using a drone, the scale difference for the shooting distance should be considered. In addition, in order to obtain facade images of large structures, it is necessary to take images in 3D space. In this study, in order to improve the disadvantages of the 2D flight method, a 3D flight plan was established for the study area, and it was confirmed that high-quality 3D spatial information could be obtained in this way.

A Study on the Design Improvement and Information Service of Bicycle Road Considering Environmental Factor (주변 환경요소를 고려한 자전거 도로 설계 개선 및 정보제공에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung-Gil;Park, Hong-Ki;Na, Young-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to devise the method to construct safe and convenient bicycle road by considering the peripheral environmental factor related to using bicycle. Analyzing the existing design of bicycle road and construction case, this study established the method to design bicycle road that reflects site condition and presented the optimal design method for each type of bicycle road to construct safe and convenient bicycle road by analyzing the type of traffic accident for each type of bicycle road, surveying present situation and local survey. It was found that the optimum design of bicycle road for specification, width, curve radius, ascending slope, etc in consideration of peripheral environment and separating traffic between users of traffic means should be done by installing safety sign, safe facilities and separation facilities to design safe bicycle road. Further, the minimum traffic space of bicycle users and connection between bicycle roads should be ensured to design safe bicycle road. It is judged that information related to safety and convenience of bicycle road such as slope, route information, location of convenience facilities, information to the public traffic should be provided so as to activate the users of bicycle.

A Study on Configuration of the Road Guide Data Model for Visually Impaired Pedestrian (시각적 교통약자를 위한 길안내 데이터 모델 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung Ho;Kwon, Jay Hyoun;Lee, Jisun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2022
  • Due to the improvement of surveying, mapping and communication techniques, various apps for road direction guides and vehicle navigations have been developed. Although such a development has impacted on walking and driving, there is a limit to improving the daily convenience of the socially impaired people. This is mainly due to the fact that the software have been developed for normal pedestrians and drivers. Therefore, visually impaired people still have problems with the confusion of direction and/or non-provision of risk factors in walking. This study aimed to propose a scheme which constructs data for mobility-impaired or traffic-impaired people based on various geospatial information. The factors and components related to walking for the visually impaired are selected by geospatial data and a walking route guidance network that can be applied to a commercial software. As a result, it was confirmed that road direction guidance would be possible if additional contents, such as braille blocks (dotted/linear), sound signals, bus stops, and bollards are secured. In addition, an initial version of the application software was implemented based on the suggested data model and its usefulness was evaluated to a visually impaired person. To advance the stability of the service in walking for the visually impaired people, various geospatial data obtained by multiple institutes are necessary to be combined, and various sensors and voice technologies are required to be connected and utilized through ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) technology in near future.