• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rock Musical

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Study of the Usage of Rock Music by Analysing Jonathan Larson's Rock Musical (조나단 라슨의 록 뮤지컬 <렌트> 분석을 통한 록 음악 활용 방식 연구)

  • Kim, Hak-Min;Kim, Jung-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.549-559
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    • 2016
  • Currently the terminology 'rock musical' is used too freely, and thus academic definition and research of its stylistic features are required. This thesis attempts to clarify the historical context of rock music and rock muscal, and to study the musical and dramatic feature of rock musical. This thesis also attempts to catagolize the musical types of the songs used in the contemporary rock musial ; 1) authentic rock music, 2) psudo-rock music transformed from other musical styles, and 3) amalgamation of rock music and other musical styles. All this attempts is aimed to find a possibility of creation of new musical.

'Hongdae Sound' as a Historic Musical Trend Based on Regional Classification: through Comparative Analysis with 'US 8th Army Sound' and 'London Punk' (지역기반 음악사조로서의 '홍대 사운드' : 미8군 사운드와 런던 펑크와의 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Minoh
    • Trans-
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    • v.8
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2020
  • This study examines musical characteristics of so-called 'Hongdae Sound' as a historic musical trend by comparing with 'US 8th Army Sound' and British 'London Punk'. Hongdae Sound refers to the musical trend that was formed with independent bands and musicians who mostly performed live in the club called 'Drug' in Hongdae area, and voluntarily adopted minor musical sensitivity and indie spirit of 'post-punk rock' genre. But as an industrial standpoint the superficial identity of 'indie' interferes with academic approach when analysing musical aspects of Hongdae Sound. Therefore it is necessary to rearrange its characteristics as the musical trend based on regional classification in order to fully appreciate its status in history of Korean popular music. US 8th Army Sound refers to the musical trend that was played within the live stages in US military bases in Korea. Many hired Korean musicians for those shows were able to learn the current popular musical trend in the States, and to spread those to the general public outside the bases. The industrial system of the Army Sound was very similar to that of K-Pop, but when it comes to leading the newest musical trend of 'rock-n-roll', it had more resemblance to that of Hongdae Sound. London punk was the back-to-basic form of pure rock that was armed with social angst and rebel, indie spirit. Its primal motto was 'do-it-yourself', and Hongdae Sound mostly followed its industrial, musical and spiritual paths. London punk was short-lived because it abandoned its indie spirits and became absorbed to the mainstream. But Hongdae sound maintain its longevity by maintaining the spirit and truthfulness of indie, while endlessly experimenting with new trends.

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Study and Application of Vocal Scale Models for Contemporary Musical Theatre Singing Education (현대 뮤지컬 노래 교육을 위한 보컬 발성 스케일 모델 연구와 적용)

  • Lee, Eun-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2021
  • This study selected representative musical song genres and suggested the application of vocal scales to demonstrate the various musical genres that appear in the modern musical style. Various genres of music and singing methods appeared according to the change in musical style throughout the early period (the early 1990s), the Golden Age (1940s to1960s), and the contemporary period (1970s to present) of musical theatre. To this end, this study selected Classic Broadway, Contemporary Broadway, Jazz/Blues, and Pop/Rock as representative musical genres as primary categories. In addition, five musicals and five songs that can represent the musical genres were selected as secondary categories. This study then divided the singing styles into Legit from , Pop from , Rock from , Jazz/Blues from , and Hip Hop/Rap from and suggested vocal scales. The analysis of this study demonstrated how various music was used as a material for musicals responding to the needs of the times in musical history and how important it is to develop various singing styles. While this study selected five representative genres and musicals to limit the scope of analysis, it intends to expand the scope through follow-up research. Based on this, it is anticipated that various further research will be conducted to study the diversity of musical vocal education and vocal techniques.

Alternative Music - Ambiguity of Genre & Beat Generation (얼터너티브 음악 - 장르의 모호함과 비트 제너레이션)

  • Kim, Sung Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4212-4217
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    • 2013
  • Since genre of popular music began to classified, Alternative Music has been music form with most complex and diverse sub genre. This paper focused on mostly Alternative Rock, which began to attract attention since the 1990's, and analysed the cause for ambiguity of this genre. Therefore we can examine the inevitable limitation of traditional - based on musical form only - classification.

Cho Yong-Pil's 50 years of Music and the Korean Popular Music History (조용필 음악 50년의 한국 대중음악사적 의의 연구)

  • Choi, Hyeon-Woo;Yang, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes Cho, Yong- Pil's contribution on K-Pop history as he celebrates the 50th anniversary of his debut. The history of K-Pop, when Cho has been active in, is divided into three periods. From the late 1960s to the early 1980s was a period when trots and rocks were popular. Soft rock, heavy metal, and ballads came in from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s. From the late 2000s to the present, dance music, mostly hook songs, has dominated. In every inflection point of K-Pop history, he contributed to the development throughout various musical genres. In the first period, he introduced rock music with the unique emotion of Korea by combining the trot and the rock genre. In the second period, he contributed to the development of both rock and ballad genres. In the third period, his hook songs were released to the controversy, but it contributed to creating an atmosphere in which the vocal ability of the vocalist in idol groups was emphasized in the K-pop scene.

The research of classical music performance with the techniques borrowed from pop-style arrangements (In rhythm concentrated) (대중음악 편곡 기법을 활용한 클래식곡의 연주에 관한 연구 (리듬섹션을 중심으로))

  • Lee, Tae-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.458-463
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    • 2016
  • New areas can be created by combining separate fields of study. Today, boundaries between fields are collapsing because of rapid progress in technologies, which is also the case in music. In 1969, jazz trumpeter and respected artist Miles Davis combined jazz, rock, and classical music into the fusion genre. Classical music is known to be strict, rigorous, and rigid, and it started to take a different form after experiments with musical crossovers. This study examines the potential of more diverse musical crossovers that musicians use to evolve a new genre. Several musicians in Korea have attempted musical crossovers by following global music trends. In the album, "Love and Peace," the classical music pieces "Flight of the Bumblebee" and Beethoven's "Fate" were arranged using a popular music style.

A Study on Independent Rhythm Technique of Synthesizer & Percussions - Focusing on the Sting's "Nothing Like The Sun" Album - (신디사이저와 퍼커션의 독자적인 리듬기법 연구 - Sting의 "Nothing Like The Sun" 앨범을 중심으로 -)

  • Ohm, Soo-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 2016
  • Sting (Gordon Sumner) is a British musician and singer-songwriter. He was the principal songwriter, lead singer, and bassist for the new wave rock band 'The Police' from 1977 to 1984, before launching a solo career in 1985. With his stylish and sophisticated sensibility and musical spectra, he achieved 100 million album sales. In this thesis, after he disbanded the group THE POLICE, his career as a solo artist with his wide variety of musical colors has been acknowledged for his reputation over more than 30 years. Therefore, I analyze 'Sting' of music included in 'Straight To My Heart' and 'Be Still My Beating Heart' in. Songs in indicate that the drum part the tunes that there is in a record doesn't break away from the basic way of music. The role of the whole rhythm division through the various percussions or can see a synthesizer than the role as the cord musical instrument that there are lots of tunes placing a great deal of weight on the role as the rhythmic musical instrument more. The unique instrument-based rhythm of the early Sting and role dispensation create a unique sound that is quite different from what the musician subsequently recorded. The feature and rhythmic characteristic, which is the arrangement that appeared outstandingly in this record, I am trying to explain about the way in which I lead the basic flow of the tune through the rhythm division of the other musical instruments which I split that is, the drum beat and break away from a rhythm from the divided general way and include a percussion.

Characteristics of "Glam" Fashion in David Bowie's Costume (데이비드 보위(David Bowie) 복식에 나타난 글램패션 특성)

  • Yang, Soohyun;Lee, Younhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to devise a wide range of expression and direction in fashion by analyzing the wardrobe of David Bowie, a musician who represents Glam Rock, for "glam" characteristics. Research was done using dictionaries of musical terms, dictionaries of attire terms, internet, papers and books published in Korea and abroad and other materials. The results of this study showed four characteristics, and it can be summarized as follows. First, resistance refers to the deviation from the norms set by a mainstream society. The resistance in Glam Rock was expressed in depreciative and anti-social characteristics, and Punk elements were expressed by using studs and metallic materials. Second, androgyny in David Bowie's costume expresses the innate nature of gender by freely integrating or tight silhouette costumes. Third, the fantasy in Bowie's costumes is a concept as opposed to what is real and is expressed by using avant-garde and playful expressions. Distorted, exaggerated and avant- garde expressions express decorative and bizarre fantasy by using the images of an astronaut. Fourth, the folklore in David Bowie's costumes uses the patterns and images of different cultures, and is expressed as through integration of exotic components, including the usage of costumes with Oriental colors and shapes. Furthermore it represents geometric shapes and curves, using the images of Kimono.

A Study on the Personality and Character of the 4 members of the British rock group Queen (영국 록그룹 퀸(Queen) 4인 멤버들의 퍼스낼리티와 캐릭터 일 고찰)

  • Chung, Joo-Shin
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.107-150
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    • 2019
  • The article is intended to examine the four main vocalists, including Freddie Mercury, of the legendary rock group Queen, whose movie has generated a "Queen Syndrome" all over the world, and is widely shared by nearly 10 million viewers in Korea. In today's era of cultural content, this paper studied the relationship between their personality and character in the sense of storytelling for the four Queen members who left charismatic voices and beautiful pop music harmonies. As a theoretical background, I will focus our research on the members' psychological and human factors for the popularization of rock music, but I will apply the environmental factors that each member has been born and lived in, as well as the factors of family relations, such as parents. Queen is a band that has performed throughout the world for about 20 years, from the early 1970s to the birth and disappearance of a rock group. In sum, the four members of Queen, who have strong personalities, showed various musical possibilities by combining completely different genres such as acafella, ballad, opera and hard rock, depending on their taste and imagination, and achieved legendary fame that transcended generations by displaying excellent skills in communicating with the public. The four personality and characters, the rock group Queen and its main vocal Freddie Mercury, were the feet of association calculated by correlation from internal to external influences.

A Study of Jazz Piano Techniques about Improvisation (재즈 피아노의 즉흥연주 기법 연구)

  • Sagong, Mi;Cho, Tae-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.583-589
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    • 2017
  • The 1900s in New Orleans, the harbor city, was indeed an era of confusion because there were various ethnic groups and races. Songs that had been sung by slaves taken from Africa, Black spiritual music, blues, British folk songs, French folk music, ballet music, Spanish dance music, and the march of military bands were mixed with Rag Time to achieve diversity. This developed the beginning of jazz. While swing jazz was most popular and loved by the public during the 20th century, the bebop preferred the small scale organization of musical instruments and developed as a form of jazz featuring the impromptu musical performances. Later, cool jazz, a new style involving the fast and complicated code progress, emerged with free jazz, which features the fundamental rupture from the tradition of the jazz. Miles Davis, who introduced the rock beat in jazz, started fusion jazz. Although jazz has been named differently depending on the era, the main attraction of jazz lies on improvisation. In other words, despite a small changes in code progress and rhythm, the most important thing the player considers is improvisation. Some famous players who lived in the same era followed the whole atmosphere but each had their own style. So, even when they did play the same song, they revealed their style in solo parts despite the same head.