• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road-sensing

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Object-oriented Information Extraction and Application in High-resolution Remote Sensing Image

  • WEI Wenxia;Ma Ainai;Chen Xunwan
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.125-127
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    • 2004
  • High-resolution satellite images offer abundance information of the earth surface for remote sensing applications. The information includes geometry, texture and attribute characteristic. The pixel-based image classification can't satisfy high-resolution satellite image's classification precision and produce large data redundancy. Object-oriented information extraction not only depends on spectrum character, but also use geometry and structure information. It can provide an accessible and truly revolutionary approach. Using Beijing Spot 5 high-resolution image and object-oriented classification with the eCognition software, we accomplish the cultures' precise classification. The test areas have five culture types including water, vegetation, road, building and bare lands. We use nearest neighbor classification and appraise the overall classification accuracy. The average of five species reaches 0.90. All of maximum is 1. The standard deviation is less than 0.11. The overall accuracy can reach $95.47\%.$ This method offers a new technology for high-resolution satellite images' available applications in remote sensing culture classification.

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Research on the relationship between the thermal characteristics and the type of land cover in Beijing urban area by ASTER data

  • Zhu, QiJiang;Zhang, Xin;Bai, Xianghua
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.277-279
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    • 2003
  • The study utilizes remote sensing as the main monitoring means. With different spatial high-resolution, multichannel ASTER remote sensing image as the main information in Beijing city zone; with regional border and statistical data as auxiliary factor a study between the thermal space distribution character and the underground medium is analyzed based on the GIS logical algorithm and synthetic analysis technology. Results show thermal forming mechanism and the rule of distribution is mainly related to the underground medium and the change of the city distribution. Different underground medium has different degree and intensity influence on the thermal space distribution. Furthermore, urban greenbelt and water areas can reduce the thermal effect and large-scale greenbelt creates green island effect. In addition, Road net, residential area, population density, heat resources and so on have some positive effect on the thermal distribution, which increase the local temperature and intensity on the other hand. It is important to study the thermal distribution and its related factors, which contributes to the plan, construction and development of the city.

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Designation of a Road in Urban Area Using Rough Transform

  • Kim, Joon-Cheol;Park, Sung-Mo;Lee, Joon-whoan;Jeong, Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.766-771
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    • 2002
  • Automatic change detection based on the vector-to-raster comparison is hard especially in high-resolution image. This paper proposes a method to designate roads in high-resolution image in sequential manner using the information from vector map in which Hough transform is used for reliability. By its linearity, the road of urban areas in a vector map can be easily parameterized. Following some pre-processing to remove undesirable objects, we obtain the edge map of raster image. Then the edge map is transformed to a parameter space to find the selected road from vector map. The comparison is done in the parameter space to find the best matching. The set of parameters of a road from vector map is treated as the constraints to do matching. After designating the road, we may overlay it on the raster image for precise monitoring. The results can be used for detection of changes in road object in a semi-automatic fashion.

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Automatic Extraction of Road Network using GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) for Transportation Geographic Analysis

  • Lee, Ki-won;Yu, Young-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.775-779
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    • 2002
  • Currently, high-resolution satellite imagery such as KOMPSAT and IKONOS has been tentatively utilized to various types of urban engineering problems such as transportation planning, site planning, and utility management. This approach aims at software development and followed applications of remotely sensed imagery to transportation geographic analysis. At first, GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) and main modules in it are overviewed, and newly implemented results under MS visual programming environment are presented with main user interface, input imagery processing, and internal processing steps. Using this software, road network are automatically generated. Furthermore, this road network is used to transportation geographic analysis such as gamma index and road pattern estimation. While, this result, being produced to do-facto format of ESRI-shapefile, is used to several types of road layers to urban/transportation planning problems. In this study, road network using KOMPSAT EOC imagery and IKONOS imagery are directly compared to multiple road layers with NGI digital map with geo-coordinates, as ground truth; furthermore, accuracy evaluation is also carried out through method of computation of commission and omission error at some target area. Conclusively, the results processed in this study is thought to be one of useful cases for further researches and local government application regarding transportation geographic analysis using remotely sensed data sets.

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A Study on the Road Extraction Using Wavelet Transformation

  • Lee, Byoung-Kil;Kwon, Keum-Sun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.405-410
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    • 1999
  • Topographic maps can be made and updated with satellite images, but it requires many human interactions that are inefficient and costly. Therefore, the automatizing of the road extraction procedures could increase efficiency in terms of time and cost. Although methods of extracting roads, railroads and rivers from satellite images have been developed in many studies, studies on the road extraction from satellite images of urbanized area are still not relevant, because many artificial components In the city makes the delineation of the roads difficult. So, to extract roads from high resolution satellite images of urbanized area, this study has proposed the combined use of wavelet transform and multi-resolution analysis. In consequence, this study verifies that it is possible to automatize the road extraction from satellite images of urbanized area. And to realize the automatization more completely, various algorithms need to be developed.

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LED Line Lamp System for Intelligent Road (지능형 도로 LED 라인조명 시스템)

  • Yang, Jin-Young;Kim, Won-Sik;Kim, Jin-Hee;Park, Chan-Won
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.29 no.B
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the development of smart road line lamp system consisting light control device. It can perform the individual power control or partial on/off control of a LED lamp by control center and can detect the error of the LEDs by current sensing. Also, the ability to control the brightness and period of on/off by detecting the car's existence. This light control circuit consists of road line lamp unit device. It can give a lot of solutions when the server, which controls the whole system, is operated through CDMA(Code-Division Multiple Access) network.

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Privacy-Preservation Using Group Signature for Incentive Mechanisms in Mobile Crowd Sensing

  • Kim, Mihui;Park, Younghee;Dighe, Pankaj Balasaheb
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1036-1054
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    • 2019
  • Recently, concomitant with a surge in numbers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices with various sensors, mobile crowdsensing (MCS) has provided a new business model for IoT. For example, a person can share road traffic pictures taken with their smartphone via a cloud computing system and the MCS data can provide benefits to other consumers. In this service model, to encourage people to actively engage in sensing activities and to voluntarily share their sensing data, providing appropriate incentives is very important. However, the sensing data from personal devices can be sensitive to privacy, and thus the privacy issue can suppress data sharing. Therefore, the development of an appropriate privacy protection system is essential for successful MCS. In this study, we address this problem due to the conflicting objectives of privacy preservation and incentive payment. We propose a privacy-preserving mechanism that protects identity and location privacy of sensing users through an on-demand incentive payment and group signatures methods. Subsequently, we apply the proposed mechanism to one example of MCS-an intelligent parking system-and demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of our mechanism through emulation.

IRI estimation using analysis of dynamic tire pressure and axle acceleration

  • Zhao, Yubo;McDaniel, J. Gregory;Wang, Ming L.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2017
  • A new method is developed to estimate road profile in order to estimate IRI based on the ASTM standard. This method utilizes an accelerometer and a Dynamic Tire Pressure Sensor (DTPS) to estimate road roughness. The accelerometer measures the vertical axle acceleration. The DTPS, which is mounted on the tire's valve stem, measures dynamic pressure inside the tire while driving. Calibrated transfer functions are used to estimate road profile using the signals from the two sensors. A field test was conducted on roads with different quality conditions in the city of Brockton, MA. The IRI values estimated with this new method match the actual road conditions measured with Pavement Condition Index (PCI) based on the ASTM standard, images taken from an onboard camera and passengers' perceptions. IRI has negative correlation with PCI in general since they have overlapping features. Compared to the current method of IRI measurement, the advantage of this method is that a) the cost is reduced; b) more space is saved; c) more time is saved; and d) mounting the two sensors are universally compatible to most cars and vans. Therefore, this method has the potential to provide continuous and global monitoring the health of roadways.

Application of Mobile Mapping System for Effective Road Facility Maintenance and Management (효율적인 도로 시설물 유지관리를 위한 모바일 매핑 시스템 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Gie;Sung, Jung-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2008
  • According to the economic growth, many highways are constructed for increasing need of better life style. Especially roads and roadside facilities are used for accident prevention and offering mobility for drivers. For these purpose, roads and roadside facilities should be well maintained and managed. Now, many roads and roadside facilities are constructed in many areas. Because of traditional surveying method requires much time and surveying efforts, we designed and developed mobile mapping system for highway maintenance and management purpose using multi sensors. We tested our mobile mapping system and data management process. Using developed database, road managers can easily check the information of facility conditions, positions, and attributes. We are expecting low cost and efficient road maintenance process by using our system.


  • Lee Dong Gyu;Lee Yang Koo;Jung Young Jin;Ryu Keun Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.759-762
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    • 2005
  • Recently, Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) has been applied to satisfy increasing traffic demand every year and to solve many traffic problems. Especially, Advanced Traveller Information System(ATIS) is a transportation system to optimize the trip of each other vehicle. It is important to provide the driver with quick and comfortable path from source to destination. However, it is difficult to provide a shortest path in a road network with dynamic cost. Because the existing research has a static cost. Therefore, in this paper we propose an operator for searching traffic dependent shortest path. The proposed operator finds the shortest path from source to destination using a current time cost and a difference cost of past time cost. Such a method can be applied to the road status with time. Also, we can expect a predicted arrival time as well as the shortest path from source to destination. It can be applied to efficiently application service as ITS and have the advantages of using the road efficiently, reducing the distribution cost, preparing an emergency quickly, reducing the trip time, and reducing an environmental pollution owing to the saving the fuel.

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