• Title/Summary/Keyword: Risk management factors

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Development of Indicators for the Utilization of Environmental Health Policies in Gyeonggi-do (경기도 환경보건정책 활용을 위한 지표 개발)

  • Yoon-Kyung Gwak;Sun-Min An;Ha-Jin Jo;Ho-Hyun Kim
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2024
  • Background: Environmental health indicators are regarded as an important tool for assessing and monitoring environmental health policies. Some countries, including the United States and in Europe, have developed and utilized the indicators. Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to develop environmental health indicators in Gyeonggi-do for identifying specific regional environmental problems and environmental vulnerability and enhancing usefulness. Methods: A database of environmental health indicators was established by previous research, with indicators classified based on the DPSEEA (driving forces-pressures-state-exposure-effects-actions) model. The environmental health indicators reflect characteristics of environmental health in Gyeonggi-do for usefulness in linking with policies and reviewed plans for management. Results: The six principal components (outdoor/indoor air quality, climate changes, chemicals, water quality, noise, soil) and eighty-six indicators were extracted from the database of environmental health indicators. In addition, the environmental health indicators for Gyeonggi-do were verified for linkage in policies and reviewed plans for management. Conclusions: The environmental health indicators developed for Gyeonggi-do are a useful tool to identify current environmental health issues in Gyeonggi-do and develop regional policies to prevent environmental exposures and detect new risk factors.

Effects of Conflict Management Strategy Within Supply Chain on Partnership and Performance (공급망 내 갈등관리전략이 파트너십과 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Ham, Yoon-Hee;Song, Sang-Hwa
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.79-105
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    • 2020
  • While individual enterprises with different objectives each other within supply chains require a variety of resources to achieve their own seeking goals and performances, it is necessary to form interdependent relationships among the enterprises to secure the resources what they need, as the individual enterprises are supposed to have limitations on such as time, space and cost to secure all the resources. In this process, conflict possibilities rise and opportunistic behaviors increase due to those environmental factors such as unbalanced information among enterprises, limited rationality, pursuit of interests, and risk aversion. Those existing studies on conflicts in the field of supply chains have limitations in that they failed to present specific conflict management strategies based on the conflict types from the perspective of the conflict resolution mechanism as the studies have made only focused on investigating the causes of conflicts and the impact of conflicts on performance. In this study, therefore, it used the TKI model of Kilmann and Thomas(1977) to subdivide the conflict management strategies in the process of transactions within supply chains by enterprises, and looked into the impact on partnership and performance according to each strategy. As the results, it showed that those types of conflict management strategies such as concession type and cooperation type had a positive(+) impact on the relationship commitment as a factor of partnership, and it was identified that the relationship commitment had a positive(+) impact on performance. In other words, it can be considered that the enterprises making use of the concession type & the cooperation type conflict management strategies under the situation of conflict would be able to have a very positive impact on their performances if they can make good relationship commitment such as investments in and efforts for the sustainable relationship along with the conflict management, while recognizing the importance of relationship. The most important meaning of this study lies on in terms of that it would be contributable to strengthening the partnership between enterprises and minimizing the risk of supply chains caused by conflicts through these results from the study.

Development of a Fire Human Reliability Analysis Procedure for Full Power Operation of the Korean Nuclear Power Plants (국내 전출력 원전 적용 화재 인간신뢰도분석 절차 개발)

  • Choi, Sun Yeong;Kang, Dae Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop a fire HRA (Human Reliability Analysis) procedure for full power operation of domestic NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants). For the development of fire HRA procedure, the recent research results of NUREG-1921 in an effort to meet the requirements of the ASME/ANS PRA Standard were reviewed. The K-HRA method, a standard method for HRA of a domestic level 1 PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment) and fire related procedures in domestic NPPs were reviewed. Based on the review, a procedure for the fire HRA required for a domestic fire PSA based on the K-HRA method was developed. To this end, HRA issues such as new operator actions required in the event of a fire and complexity of fire situations were considered. Based on the four kinds of HFE (Human Failure Event) developed for a fire HRA in this research, a qualitative analysis such as feasibility evaluation was suggested. And also a quantitative analysis process which consists of screening analysis and detailed analysis was proposed. For the qualitative analysis, a screening analysis by NUREG-1921 was used. In this research, the screening criteria for the screening analysis was modified to reduce vague description and to reflect recent experimental results. For a detailed analysis, the K-HRA method and scoping analysis by NUREG-1921 were adopted. To apply K-HRA to fire HRA for quantification, efforts to modify PSFs (Performance Shaping Factors) of K-HRA to reflect fire situation and effects were made. For example, an absence of STA (Shift Technical Advisor) to command a fire brigade at a fire area is considered and the absence time should be reflected for a HEP (Human Error Probability) quantification. Based on the fire HRA procedure developed in this paper, a case study for HEP quantification such as a screening analysis and detailed analysis with the modified K-HRA was performed. It is expected that the HRA procedure suggested in this paper will be utilized for fire PSA for domestic NPPs as it is the first attempt to establish an HRA process considering fire effects.

Determinants of age at menarche in Korean elementary school girls (초등학교 여학생의 초경시기와 관련된 결정요인 분석)

  • Kwon, Mi-Kyoung;Seo, Eun Min;Park, Kyong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: During the recent decades, the age at menarche continued to decline in Korea and worldwide. Prior studies have suggested that early menarche may increase the risk of various social, psychological, and physical health problems in young adolescent girls, but little is known about the determinants associated with early menarche. The purpose of this study is to evaluate independent determinants of early menarche among 5th~6th female graders in South Korea. Methods: Our analysis was conducted in 95 menarcheal girls and 95 age-matched pre-menarcheal girls residing in Daegu, South Korea. Demographic and lifestyle characteristics were collected using survey questionnaires for children and parents. Dietary information was assessed by 2 day~24 hour food records and survey questionnaires, which were completed by both children and their parents. Anthropometric data were obtained from the student health check-ups at the school. Results: A multiple logistic regression analysis using a conditional likelihood method was performed for simultaneous evaluation of several risk factors. There were significant differences in that higher proportion of obesity (OR, odds ratio = 5.60, 95% CI, confidence interval = 1.34~23.42), shorter sleep duration (OR = 0.45, 95% CI = 0.23~0.87), and younger mother's age at menarche (OR = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.44~0.93) were observed in the menarcheal group compared to the pre-menarcheal group. Conclusion: These findings indicate a possible association of sleep duration, mother's menarcheal age, and obesity with age at menarche. A well-planned, prospective cohort study is warranted to examine causal relationship.

The Effect of Corporate Governance on Weighted Average Cost of Capital and Tax Avoidance (기업지배구조가 가중평균자본비용과 조세회피간의 관련성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hwa Ryeong;Kim, Jin Seop
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.543-548
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    • 2017
  • This paper examines the effects of strong corporate governance for listed companies in accessing capital markets from the point of view of the weighted average cost of capital. Results found that corporate governance had a significant negative(-) relation to the weighted average cost of capital. This finding is consistent with previous research and implies that the higher shareholder ownership and foreign ownership have confidence in the financial information of the company, and therefore, risk is reduced for investors. This results in lower expected rates of return and companies will pay a lower cost of capital. Second, tax evasion had a positive effect(+) on the weighted average cost of capital. The low quality of corporate accounting information is expected to increase tax avoidance. Accordingly, this results in increased risk. If the required rate of return is high in its impact,it leads to increased capital costs. In addition, corporate governance and tax avoidance factors showed a negative affect (-) on the weighted average cost of capital. Corporate governance plays an important role in tax avoidance and the weighted average cost of capital, and strong corporate governance reducesthe impact on tax avoidance. In addition, the weighted average cost of capital in capital markets showed the reducing effect.

A Study on the Multiple Real Option Model for Evaluating Values based on Real Estate Development Scenario (다중 실물옵션을 활용한 시나리오기반 부동산 개발사업 가치평가 연구)

  • Jang, Mikyoung;Ku, Yohwan;Choi, Hyemi;Kwon, Tae-Hwan;Kim, Juhyung;Kim, Jaejun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2015
  • Real estate development requires significant amount of capital investment. The project duration has been increased according to its enlarged size. For this reason, cost overrun and time delay are important risk factors that should be managed properly. As a method to hedge the risk, varoius real option methods have been presented. However, conventional project value assesment methods such as NPV(Net Present Value) have weakness to support decision making by reflecting dynamic situations in terms of variation of cost and time. Furthermore, the decision making process is serious of actions rather than discrete event. The purpose of this paper is to present a multiple real option valuation method to overcome the deterministic aspect of real option presented in previous research and practice. The method is developed as following: firstly, to select the model that can be applied in the real estate development project through a survey from previous literature on real options analysis; secondly, to apply data from office development case in order to verify the model by applying conventional real option and multiple real option valuation. According to analysis result, multiple real option provides enhanced values comparing to NPV and single real option.

Age- and Gender- Specific Reference Levels for Hearing Thresholds of Normal Aging in Korean (한국인의 정상적인 노화에 의한 성별 연령별 순음청력에 의한 기준청력)

  • Kim Sung Hee;Shin Jong Heon;Yeo Chang Ki;Han Young Kyung;Lee Jung Ki;Jarng Soon Suck
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.353-357
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    • 2005
  • Declining auditory performance with advanced age is a well known and common problem that is becoming more Prevalent due to the increasing number of elderly people in our society. We introduce a novel ARCISM (Audiogram Result Computer Input. Save & Management software) data management program which enables the assessment of the risk of past history of hearing impairment on the basis of known risk factors. This study investigates the reference levels of pure tone hearing threshold of normal aging in Korean and the difference between fenders. The subjects were carefully selected by questionnaire and absence of any history of otologic infection, noise exposure. and ototoxic drug among 1603 subjects. who visited Health Promotion Center in Daegu Fatima Hospital for one year. The results show (1) hearing sensitivity declines with age. (2) higher frequency shows steeper slope of hearing declines than lower frequency. and (3) there were more hearing loss at 4 and 8 kHz in men than in women. Due to the ARCISM program. it was possible to manage huge data of hearing results and to obtain the reference level of a9e-related hearing declines. Furthermore, we expect that the results of this study can be the fundamental data for hearing rehabilitation for the elderly and for developing suitable hearing aids for Korean.

Correlation Between Knowledge and Educational Needs Related to Recurrent in Coronary Artery bypass graft patients (관상동맥 우회술환자의 수술 후 재발 관련 지식과 교육요구도와의 상관관계)

  • 김희승;박민정
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.549-559
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the knowledge and educational needs related to recurrent in coronary artery bypass graft patients as a basis to provide an individual nursing education for the population. The subjects consisted of 110 patients who had coronary artery bypass graft(CABG) at Asan Medical Center in Seoul and Sechong hospital in Buchon. Data was obtained from a knowledge questionnaire and a learning needs questionnaire between November 1998 and February 1999. Data were analyzed using SAS program for Wilcoxon rank sum test and Spearman correlation coefficient. The results were as follows : 1. With regard to the 18 items to measure knowledge, the mean (median) of items 'don't know' was 4.9(4) items. The mean (median) of items answered wrong was 3.2(3) items. The number of items answered 'don't know' tend to show higher in those who had less education, blue color jobs and myocardiac infarction history than in their counter parts. There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' in those who had no hypertension 2. With regard to the level of knowledge by questionnaire about CABG, The most "I dont know" (59.1%) highly response was 'He has to be treated with anticoagulant drug to prevent revasculized vessel from obstructing.' The seond highest response (56.4%) was 'If you were hypotensive, the coronary attack would collapse. 'During the hospitalized day, the patient has complete bedrest.' The highest error probability was cholesterol has not to intake.', 'After surgery, the sexual life is need controlled for 1 year. 3. The mean of educational needs was 3.38. With regard to the level of learning needs by sentence about CABG, 'Food that benefit heart disease', 'Recurrence possibility of heart disease', 'Management method of operation site', 'Risk symptom that visit hospital or report immediately' were higher than other sentenses. With regard to the level of learning needs by factor 'food(5 items)', 'disease(9 items)' and 'exercise(3 items)' showed the highest than other factors. The educational needs by patients characteristics tend to show higher in males, under the age of 49, middle or high school degree, previous experience of admission with coronary artery disease, history of myocardial infarction, expierience of PTCA, history of cerebro-vascular accident, previous expierience of smoking than in their counter parts. 4. The number of items answered 'don't know', wrong and correct weren't correlated with the level educational needs. As the results, the number of items answered 'don't know' tend to show higher in those who had less educated, blue color jobs and myocardiac infarction history than in their counter parts. There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' in those who had no hypertension .There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' on anti-thrombolitic theraphy, hypotension and pain relief. Also there were higher frequency of items answered wrong on bed rest period, cholesterol intake, and sexual life. Educational needs were higher in young age group, had previous experience of procesure and history of other disease. And when we educate CABG patients, education for diet, recurrence possibility of disease, management methods of operation site and risk symptom should be emphasized.

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Frequency Analysis Using Bootstrap Method and SIR Algorithm for Prevention of Natural Disasters (풍수해 대응을 위한 Bootstrap방법과 SIR알고리즘 빈도해석 적용)

  • Kim, Yonsoo;Kim, Taegyun;Kim, Hung Soo;Noh, Huisung;Jang, Daewon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2018
  • The frequency analysis of hydrometeorological data is one of the most important factors in response to natural disaster damage, and design standards for a disaster prevention facilities. In case of frequency analysis of hydrometeorological data, it assumes that observation data have statistical stationarity, and a parametric method considering the parameter of probability distribution is applied. For a parametric method, it is necessary to sufficiently collect reliable data; however, snowfall observations are needed to compensate for insufficient data in Korea, because of reducing the number of days for snowfall observations and mean maximum daily snowfall depth due to climate change. In this study, we conducted the frequency analysis for snowfall using the Bootstrap method and SIR algorithm which are the resampling methods that can overcome the problems of insufficient data. For the 58 meteorological stations distributed evenly in Korea, the probability of snowfall depth was estimated by non-parametric frequency analysis using the maximum daily snowfall depth data. The results of frequency based snowfall depth show that most stations representing the rate of change were found to be consistent in both parametric and non-parametric frequency analysis. According to the results, observed data and Bootstrap method showed a difference of -19.2% to 3.9%, and the Bootstrap method and SIR(Sampling Importance Resampling) algorithm showed a difference of -7.7 to 137.8%. This study shows that the resampling methods can do the frequency analysis of the snowfall depth that has insufficient observed samples, which can be applied to interpretation of other natural disasters such as summer typhoons with seasonal characteristics.

A Study on Mediating Effect of Educational Program Satisfaction between Entrepreneurship and Career Recognition - Focusing on the Founding Bizcool Startup Camp Program - (기업가정신과 진로인식간의 교육 프로그램 만족도의 매개효과 연구 - 창업영재캠프 프로그램을 중심으로 -)

  • No, Hyun-Churl;Kim, Kyoung-Jae
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the level and effectiveness of youth entrepreneurship and to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship level and career change perceptions, And suggested ways of mutual cooperation and cooperation for activating entrepreneurship education and career education. The research hypothesis is the effect of entrepreneurship on career recognition, the mediating effect of program satisfaction on entrepreneurship and career awareness, and the difference in entrepreneurship change before and after participation in the program First, all factors such as innovativeness, risk sensitivity, entrepreneurship, autonomy, achievement desire, etc., Which are components of entrepreneurship, have positive influence on career recognition. Second, the mediating effect of program satisfaction on entrepreneurship and career recognition has positive effects on innovativeness, enthusiasm, autonomy and achievement desire. However, the risk sensitivity was not significant. Third, as a result of analyzing the difference of change before and after entrepreneurship education, all components of entrepreneurship were analyzed as positive (+). Considering these findings, it is necessary to improve the current method and content of entrepreneurship education to focus on student participation and experience. Second, it is necessary to coordinate and manage entrepreneurship education councils in government ministries with various stakeholders. Third, it is expected that future-oriented education will be possible if software education, entrepreneurship education and career education are integrated and operated in preparation for the fourth industrial revolution.

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