• Title/Summary/Keyword: Risk Regulation

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Developing a New Risk Assessment Methodology for Distribution System Operators Regulated by Quality Regulation Considering Reclosing Time

  • Saboorideilami, S.;Abdi, Hamdi
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1154-1162
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    • 2014
  • In the restructured electricity market, Performance-Based Regulation (PBR) regime has been introduced to the distribution network. To ensure the network stability, this regime is used along with quality regulations. Quality regulation impose new financial risks on distribution system operators (DSOs). The poor quality of the network will result in reduced revenues for DSOs. The mentioned financial risks depend on the quality indices of the system. Based on annual variation of these indices, the cost of quality regulation will also vary. In this paper with regard to reclosing fault in distribution network, we develop a risk-based method to assess the financial risks caused by quality regulation for DSOs. Furthermore, in order to take the stochastic behavior of the distribution network and quality indices variations into account, time-sequential Monte Carlo simulation method is used. Using the proposed risk method, the effect of taking reclosing time into account will be examined on system quality indicators and the cost of quality regulation in Swedish rural reliability test system (SRRTS). The results show that taking reclosing fault into consideration, affects the system quality indicators, particularly annual average interruption frequency index of the system (SAIFI). Moreover taking reclosing fault into consideration also affects the quality regulations cost. Therefore, considering reclosing time provides a more realistic viewpoint about the financial risks arising from quality regulation for DSOs.

The Effect of Experience Emotion on Pilot's Risk Perception: Interaction Effects of Emotion Regulation (경험정서가 조종사의 위험인식에 미치는 영향: 정서조절의 상호작용 효과)

  • Eom, Tae Keun;Han, Tae Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of experience emotion (i.e., happy, proud, sad, fear) on the risk perception. This study also examined interaction effects of emotion regulation (i.e., reappraisal strategy, problem focused strategy) between experience emotion and risk perception. The study collected data from 168 flight crew members in Korean commercial airlines, using an online research in which an experiment of emotion manipulation and a survey were included. The results of the study found the positive effect of happiness emotion on the risk perception regarding cases 1(these cases have high possibility of negative result and low circumstance control) and the positive effect of sadness emotion on the risk perception regarding cases 2(these cases have low possibility of negative result and high circumstance control). This study also found the interaction effect of reappraisal emotion regulation strategy between the relationship of happiness and risk perception regarding cases 2. From these results, the study provided that theoretical and practical implication that happiness and sadness emotion contribute risk perception and reappraisal strategy has a moderating role in the relationship between happy emotion and risk perception. Finally, based on these results, the limitations of this study and future research were discussed.


    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2005
  • Key concepts in South Korean nuclear safety regulation are safety and risk. Nuclear regulation in South Korea has required reactor designs and safeguards that reduce the risk of a major accident to less than one in a million reactor-years-a risk supposedly low enough to be acceptable. To date, in South Korean nuclear safety regulation has involved the establishment of many technical standards to enable administration enforcement. In scientific lawsuits in which the legal issue is the validity of specialized technical standards that are used for judge whether a particular nuclear power plant is to be licensed, the concept of uncertainty law is often raised with regard to what extent the examination and judgment by the judicial power affects a discretion made by the administrative office. In other words, the safety standards for nuclear power plants has been adapted as a form of the scientific technical standards widely under the idea of uncertainty law. Thus, the improvement of nuclear safety regulation in South Korea seems to depend on the rational lawmaking and a reasonable, judicial examination of the scientific standards on nuclear safety.


    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.231-244
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    • 2005
  • In recent decades, significant effort has led to risk-informed improvements to regulation. Performance-based approaches also promise significant gains in efficiency (level of safety versus effort). However, significant work remains to be done before performance-based approaches realize their full potential in regulation of nuclear power plants. This paper reviews key concepts related to performance-based regulation, discusses some applications of performance-based approaches, and identifies issues that still need to be addressed. Realistic, experience-based models of licensee performance are still lacking; this makes it difficult to assess the prospective effectiveness of any given regulatory approach, in light of the performance issues that it will actually face. Also, while 'compliance' is an intuitively straightforward concept to apply within a prescriptive implementation, its analog in a performance-based approach remains unclear. An overarching theme of the paper is that formal methods of decision analysis are very helpful in developing appropriate regulatory approaches, especially performance-based ones; this theme is illustrated at several points.


  • Siu, Nathan;Collins, Dorothy
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.349-364
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    • 2008
  • Over the years, probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) research activities conducted at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have played an essential role in support of the agency's move towards risk-informed regulation. These research activities have provided the technical basis for NRC's regulatory activities in key areas; provided PRA methods, tools, and data enabling the agency to meet future challenges; supported the implementation of NRC's 1995 PRA Policy Statement by assessing key sources of risk; and supported the development of necessary technical and human resources supporting NRC's risk-informed activities. PRA research aimed at improving the NRC's understanding of risk can positively affect the agency's regulatory activities, as evidenced by three case studies involving research on fire PRA, human reliability analysis (HRA), and pressurized thermal shock (PTS) PRA. These case studies also show that such research can take a considerable amount of time, and that the incorporation of research results into regulatory practice can take even longer. The need for sustained effort and appropriate lead time is an important consideration in the development of a PRA research program aimed at helping the agency address key sources of risk for current and potential future facilities.

Application of Toxicogenomic Technology for the Improvement of Risk Assessment

  • Hwang, Myung-Sil;Yoon, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Ja-Young;Son, Bo-Kyung;Jang, Dong-Deuk;Yoo, Tae-Moo
    • Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.260-266
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    • 2008
  • Recently, there has been scientific discussion on the utility of -omics techniques such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics within toxicological research and mechanism-based risk assessment. Toxicogenomics is a novel approach integrating the expression analysis of genes (genomic) or proteins (proteomic) with traditional toxicological methods. Since 1999, the toxicogenomic approach has been extensively applied for regulatory purposes in order to understand the potential toxic mechanisms that result from chemical compound exposures. Therefore, this article's purpose was to consider the utility of toxicogenomic profiles for improved risk assessment, explore the current limitations in applying toxicogenomics to regulation, and finally, to rationalize possible avenues to resolve some of the major challenges. Based on many recent works, the significant impact toxicogenomic techniques would have on human health risk assessment is better identification of toxicity pathways or mode-of-actions (MOAs). In addition, the application of toxicogenomics in risk assessment and regulation has proven to be cost effective in terms of screening unknown toxicants prior to more extensive and costly experimental evaluation. However, to maximize the utility of these techniques in regulation, researchers and regulators must resolve many parallel challenges with regard to data collection, integration, and interpretation. Furthermore, standard guidance has to be prepared for researchers and assessors on the scientifically appropriate use of toxicogenomic profiles in risk assessment. The National Institute of Toxicological Research (NITR) looks forward to an ongoing role as leader in addressing the challenges associated with the scientifically sound use of toxicogenomics data in risk assessment.

Lightning Risk Assessment for Structures Lower than 20m High (높이 20미터 미만인 구조물의 낙뢰리스크 평가)

  • Lee, Ju-Chul;Kim, Gi-Hyun;Lee, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2012
  • Korean Industrial Standards for lightning protection system complies with IEC standards. However, the standards are applicable only to buildings and structures more than 20 meters in high. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether lightning protection system should be installed on structures lower than 20 meters high. This paper proposes an efficient method of assessing risk against lightning of structures lower than 20 meters high. The method suggests simplified lightning protection system and provides selecting an appropriate protection level. The suggested method assumes that structure under assessment has no lightning protection system and there is no person around the structure at the moment of lightning stroke. A simplified method of assessing the risk to human within the structure is developed by adopting the general assessment factor. The selection of a protection level is possible by comparing tolerable risk with physical damage risk caused by a direct lightning. Finally, this paper gives ways to establish surge protection measures when a structure with lightning risk is within a radius of 2km from the assessed structure even if this structure requires no lightning protection system.


    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2015
  • After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (NPP) accident, new regulatory requirements were enforced in July 2013 and a backfit was required for all existing nuclear power plants. It is required to take measures to prevent severe accidents and mitigate their radiological consequences. The Regulatory Standard and Research Department, Secretariat of Nuclear Regulation Authority (S/NRA/R) has been conducting numerical studies and experimental studies on relevant severe accident phenomena and countermeasures. This article highlights fission product (FP) release and hydrogen risk as two major areas. Relevant activities in the S/NRA/R are briefly introduced, as follows: 1. For FP release: Identifying the source terms and leak mechanisms is a key issue from the viewpoint of understanding the progression of accident phenomena and planning effective countermeasures that take into account vulnerabilities of containment under severe accident conditions. To resolve these issues, the activities focus on wet well venting, pool scrubbing, iodine chemistry (in-vessel and ex-vessel), containment failure mode, and treatment of radioactive liquid effluent. 2. For hydrogen risk: because of three incidents of hydrogen explosion in reactor buildings, a comprehensive reinforcement of the hydrogen risk management has been a high priority topic. Therefore, the activities in evaluation methods focus on hydrogen generation, hydrogen distribution, and hydrogen combustion.

A Study on Maintenance Rule for the Maintenance Effectiveness Monitoring (정비 효율성 감시를 위한 정비규정에 관한 연구)

  • 황미정;김길유
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 2001
  • The objective of the Maintenance Rule (MR) is to require monitoring of the overall continuing effectiveness of licensee maintenance programs to ensure that the safety related and certain nonsafety-related SSCs are capable of performing their intended functions. In Korea, as risk informed applications and regulation become active, the necessity of Performance Based Regulation (PBR) has increased. The objective of this article is to study the effectiveness of MR based on performance and feasibility of MR adoption at Korean Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) for effective maintenance and regulation.

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How Do the Banks Determine Regulatory Capital, Risk, and Cost Inefficiency in Bangladesh?

  • RAHMAN, Mohammad Morshedur;CHOWDHURY, Md. Ali Arshad;MOUDUD-UL-HUQ, Syed
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.211-222
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    • 2020
  • This study examines simultaneous relationships between regulatory capital, risk, and cost-inefficiency for a sample of 30 commercial banks in Bangladesh from 2006 to 2018. To conduct the analysis, we used the Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) in an unbalanced panel data framework. The empirical results show that there is a negative and significant relationship between capital regulation and credit, and overall risk. It is also evident from the results that the capital adequacy ratio is positively and significantly related to default risk and liquidity risk. Therefore, higher capitalized banks take an effort to prevent more credit risk and promote financial stability by reducing liquidity risk. Results also report that banks have been characterized as inefficient, less capitalized, and high risk. On the other hand, efficient banks are more stable but have a high level of liquidity risk. Besides, from the size of the bank, large banks are defined as having lower regulatory capital, are more risk seekers but stable with higher cost-efficiency. Notably, higher capitalized banks are more profitable and cost-efficient by reducing risk. Finally, this study also provides some insightful policy suggestions to the stakeholders.