• 제목/요약/키워드: Risk Rating

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새로운 Chung's equation-XII에 의한 연소성 물질의 화재위험성지수 및 등급 평가 (Fire Risk Index and Grade Evaluation of Combustible Materials by the New Chung's Equation-XII)

  • 정영진;진의
    • 공업화학
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.388-396
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    • 2023
  • 연소성 물질의 화재위험성 평가를 하기 위하여 Chung's equations-X, Chung's equations-XI, 그리고 Chung's equation-XII 를 새로 정립하였다. 화재위험성지수-XII (fire risk index-XII, FRI-XII)와 화재위험성등급(fire risk rating, FRR)을 산정하였다. 시험편은 녹나무, 벚나무, 고무나무, 느릅나무를 선택하였다. 콘칼로리미터(ISO 5660-1)를 사용하여 시험편에 대한 연소 특성을 시험하였다. Chung's equations에 의해 산정된 화재성능지수-X (fire performance index-X, FPI-X)과 화재성장지수-X (fire growth index-X, FGI-X)은 각각 89.34~1696.75 s2/kW와 0.0006~0.0107 kW/s2 로 나타났다. 또한 화재성능지수-XI (fire performance index-XI, FPI-XI)과 화재성장지수-XI (fire growth index-XI, FGI-XI)은 각각 0.08~1.48과 0.67~11.89으로 나타났다. 화재위험성 등급인 화재위험성지수-XII (FRI-XII)는 녹나무가 148.63 (화재위험성등급: G)으로 화재위험성이 매우 높은 목재로 나타났다. 그러므로 휘발성 유기 화합물을 다량 함유하고 있는 연소성 물질은 FPI-X과 FPI-XI이 낮아지고, FGI-X과 FGI-XI이 높아짐에 의하여 FRI-XII가 높은 값을 나타내었다.

DMF 취급 사업장에 대한 매트릭스 적용 및 위험성 평가 연구 (Application of Matrices and Risk Assessment of Industries and Processes using DMF)

  • 하권철;박동욱;윤충식;최상준;이광용;백도현;남택형;이재환;이종근;정은교
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2008
  • The reduction of risk within the workplace has long been focus of attention both through industry initiatives and legislation. Exposure matrices according to industries and processes treated DMF (N,N-Dimethylformamide) were constructed based on KOSHA (Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency)'s 2005 exposure database which were gathered from Korean agencies of workplace hazards evaluation for business place. These exposure matrices were assessed by danger value (DV) that was calculated from combination of hazard rating, duration of use rating, and risk probability rating of exposure to chemical hazardous agents in accordance with Hallmark Risk Assessment Tool. The results of risk assessment is divided four kinds of control bands which were related with control measures. The applicability of risk assessment using exposure matrices was performed by field study and survey for high matrices group. This study found that more attentions should be paid to two industries, manufacture of sewn wearing apparel and manufacture of textiles, among 19 industries, and to 3 processes, coating, processing & mixing, and lab, among 80 processes because those were regarded as having the highest risk.

국내모회사와 해외자회사 신용평가모형의 적합성 검증 연구 (Probability of default validation in a corporate credit rating model)

  • 이우식;김동영
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.605-615
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    • 2017
  • 국내 외에서 지급보증과 관련 모회사의 지원 중단으로 신용평가사로부터 높은 등급을 받았던 자회사가 법정관리에 갔던 사태로 투자자의 피해가 발생한 사례가 존재하여 이에 모기업 계열사의 지원 가능성을 배제한 기업의 자체신용도 또는 독자신용등급에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 해외자회사를 둔 국내 기업을 대상으로 판별력 분석, 등급화 분석 그리고 안정성 분석을 통해 기업 신용평가모형의 적합성검증을 실시하였으며 주요 실증분석결과 해외자회사의 부도 현황을 볼 때 부도율측면에 있어서 국내모회사보다 상대적으로 낮은 부도율을 나타내고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었고, 한국모회사가 지급보증을 하는데 있어 해외자회사보다 신용등급이 일반적으로 높은 것으로 나타났다.

부도확률맵과 AHP를 이용한 기업 신용등급 산출모형의 개발 (Developing Corporate Credit Rating Models Using Business Failure Probability Map and Analytic Hierarchy Process)

  • 홍태호;신택수
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2007
  • Most researches on the corporate credit rating are generally classified into the area of bankruptcy prediction and bond rating. The studies on bankruptcy prediction have focused on improving the performance in binary classification problem, since the criterion variable is categorical, bankrupt or non-bankrupt. The other studies on bond rating have predicted the credit ratings, which was already evaluated by bond rating experts. The financial institute, however, should perform effective loan evaluation and risk management by employing the corporate credit rating model, which is able to determine the credit of corporations. Therefore, this study presents a corporate credit rating method using business failure probability map(BFPM) and AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process). The BFPM enables us to rate the credit of corporations according to business failure probability and data distribution or frequency on each credit rating level. Also, we developed AHP model for credit rating using non-financial information. For the purpose of completed credit rating model, we integrated the BFPM and the AHP model using both financial and non-financial information. Finally, the credit ratings of each firm are assigned by our proposed method. This method will be helpful for the loan evaluators of financial institutes to decide more objective and effective credit ratings.

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노인의 낙상에 영향을 주는 요인을 평가하기 위한 ABC-BBS의 적용: 사전연구 (Combining Two Scales to Assess Risk Factors of Falling in Community-Dwelling Elderly Persons: A Preliminary Study)

  • 박소연
    • 한국전문물리치료학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this preliminary study was to develop a measurement for assessing risk factors for falling in community-dwelling elderly persons. Rasch analysis and principal component analysis were performed to examine whether items on the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC), assessing self-efficacy, and items on the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), assessing balance function, contribute jointly to a unidimensional construct in the elderly. A total of 35 elderly persons (4 men, 31 women) participated. In this study, each item of ABC (16 items) and BBS (14 items) was scored on a 5-point ordinal rating scale from 0 to 4. The initial Rasch and principal component analysis indicated that 3 of the ABC items and 2 of the BBS items were misfit for this study. These 5 items were excluded from further study. After combining ABC and BBS, Rasch and principal component analyses were examined and finally 23 items selected; 12 items from ABC, 11 items from BBS. The 23 combined ABC-BBC items were arranged in order of difficulty. The hardest item was 'walk outside on icy sidewalks' and the easiest item was 'pivot transfer'. Although structural calibration of each 5 rating scale categories was not ordered, the other three essential criteria of Linacre's optimal rating scale were satisfied. Overall, the ABC-BBS showed sound item psychometric properties. Each of the 5 rating scale categories appeared to distinctly identify subjects at different ability levels. The findings of this study support that the new ABC-BBS scale measure balance function and self-efficacy. It will be a clinically useful assessment of risk factors for falling in the elderly. However, the number of subjects was too small to generalize our results. Further study is needed to develop a new assessment considering more risk factors of falling in elderly.

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내과계 중환자실 약료 서비스 도입과 약물상호작용 모니터링 (Initiation of Pharmaceutical Care Service in Medical Intensive Care Unit with Drug Interaction Monitoring Program)

  • 최재희;최경숙;이광섭;이정연
    • 한국임상약학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2015
  • Objective: It is to evaluate the drug interaction monitoring program as a pilot project to develop a pharmaceutical care model in a medical intensive care unit and to analyze the influencing factors of drug interactions. Method: Electronic medical records were retrospectively investigated for 116 patients who had been hospitalized in a medical intensive care unit from October to December in 2014. The prevalence of adverse reaction with risk rating higher than 'D' was investigated by Lexi-$Comp^{(R)}$ Online database. The factors related with potential drug interaction and with treatment outcomes were analyzed. Results: The number of patients with a potential interaction of drug combination was 92 (79.3%). Average ages, the length of stay in the intensive care unit and the numbers of prescription drugs showed significant differences between drug interaction group and non-drug interaction group. Opioids (14.4%), antibiotics (7.2%), and diuretics (7.2%) were most responsible drug classes for drug interactions and the individual medications included furosemide (6.4%), tramadol (4.9%), and remifentanil (4.5%). There were 950 cases with a risk rating of 'C' (84.6%), 142 cases with a risk rating of 'D' (12.6%), and 31 cases with a risk rating of 'X' (avoid combination) (2.8%). The factors affecting drug interactions were the number of drugs prescribed (p < 0.0001) and the length of stay at intensive care unit (p < 0.01). The patients in intensive care unit showed a high incidence of adverse reactions related to potential drug interaction. Therefore, drug interaction monitoring program as a one of pharmaceutical care services was successfully piloted and it showed to prevent adverse reaction and to improve therapeutic outcomes. Conclusion: Active participation of a pharmacist in the drug management at the intensive care unit should be considered.

다양한 다분류 SVM을 적용한 기업채권평가 (Corporate Bond Rating Using Various Multiclass Support Vector Machines)

  • 안현철;김경재
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.157-178
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    • 2009
  • Corporate credit rating is a very important factor in the market for corporate debt. Information concerning corporate operations is often disseminated to market participants through the changes in credit ratings that are published by professional rating agencies, such as Standard and Poor's (S&P) and Moody's Investor Service. Since these agencies generally require a large fee for the service, and the periodically provided ratings sometimes do not reflect the default risk of the company at the time, it may be advantageous for bond-market participants to be able to classify credit ratings before the agencies actually publish them. As a result, it is very important for companies (especially, financial companies) to develop a proper model of credit rating. From a technical perspective, the credit rating constitutes a typical, multiclass, classification problem because rating agencies generally have ten or more categories of ratings. For example, S&P's ratings range from AAA for the highest-quality bonds to D for the lowest-quality bonds. The professional rating agencies emphasize the importance of analysts' subjective judgments in the determination of credit ratings. However, in practice, a mathematical model that uses the financial variables of companies plays an important role in determining credit ratings, since it is convenient to apply and cost efficient. These financial variables include the ratios that represent a company's leverage status, liquidity status, and profitability status. Several statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been applied as tools for predicting credit ratings. Among them, artificial neural networks are most prevalent in the area of finance because of their broad applicability to many business problems and their preeminent ability to adapt. However, artificial neural networks also have many defects, including the difficulty in determining the values of the control parameters and the number of processing elements in the layer as well as the risk of over-fitting. Of late, because of their robustness and high accuracy, support vector machines (SVMs) have become popular as a solution for problems with generating accurate prediction. An SVM's solution may be globally optimal because SVMs seek to minimize structural risk. On the other hand, artificial neural network models may tend to find locally optimal solutions because they seek to minimize empirical risk. In addition, no parameters need to be tuned in SVMs, barring the upper bound for non-separable cases in linear SVMs. Since SVMs were originally devised for binary classification, however they are not intrinsically geared for multiclass classifications as in credit ratings. Thus, researchers have tried to extend the original SVM to multiclass classification. Hitherto, a variety of techniques to extend standard SVMs to multiclass SVMs (MSVMs) has been proposed in the literature Only a few types of MSVM are, however, tested using prior studies that apply MSVMs to credit ratings studies. In this study, we examined six different techniques of MSVMs: (1) One-Against-One, (2) One-Against-AIL (3) DAGSVM, (4) ECOC, (5) Method of Weston and Watkins, and (6) Method of Crammer and Singer. In addition, we examined the prediction accuracy of some modified version of conventional MSVM techniques. To find the most appropriate technique of MSVMs for corporate bond rating, we applied all the techniques of MSVMs to a real-world case of credit rating in Korea. The best application is in corporate bond rating, which is the most frequently studied area of credit rating for specific debt issues or other financial obligations. For our study the research data were collected from National Information and Credit Evaluation, Inc., a major bond-rating company in Korea. The data set is comprised of the bond-ratings for the year 2002 and various financial variables for 1,295 companies from the manufacturing industry in Korea. We compared the results of these techniques with one another, and with those of traditional methods for credit ratings, such as multiple discriminant analysis (MDA), multinomial logistic regression (MLOGIT), and artificial neural networks (ANNs). As a result, we found that DAGSVM with an ordered list was the best approach for the prediction of bond rating. In addition, we found that the modified version of ECOC approach can yield higher prediction accuracy for the cases showing clear patterns.

개발비 지출이 기업가치와 신용등급에 미치는 영향 (An Empirical Research on the Firm Value and Credit Rating of Development Expenses)

  • 진동민
    • 아태비즈니스연구
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.119-135
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    • 2018
  • Currently, Korean firms are making a lot of effort to invest in research and development (R&D) by spending a lot of development costs in order to cope with the 4th industrial revolution. On the other hand, the capital market of Korea, which is the main source of funding, has caused a lot of cost of capital for firms by its reorganization mainly with safe assets in the experience of foreign exchange crisis at the end of 1997, the sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2007 and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. Thus, this study empirically analyzed the effect of development expenses on credit rating and firm value. The credit rating was measured by commercial paper(CP) credit rating which is sensitive for investors in terms of risk because it is issued only by the credit of the firms. Firm value was defined as Tobin's Q, which has been widely used in prior studies. The results of the analysis are summarized as follows; Firstly, development expenses did not affect credit rating. Development expenses are recognized as intangible assets for uncertainty of economic benefits and long-term investment. Thus, it seems that there is no effect of development expenses on CP credit rating as CP credit rating is evaluated by short-term credit rating.

작업환경측정 자료를 활용한 Dichloromethane 노출 매트릭스 구축에 대한 연구 (Construction of an Exposure Matrix Using a Risk Assessment of Industries and Processes Involving Dichloromethane)

  • 이재환;박동욱;홍성철;하권철
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2010
  • A reduction in risk of occupational exposure to chemical hazards within the workplace has been the focus of attention both through industry initiatives and legislation. The aims of this study were to develop an exposure matrix by industry and process, and to apply this matrix to control the risk of occupational exposure to Dichloromethane (DCM). The exposure matrix is a tool to convert information on industry and process into information on occupational risk. The exposure matrix comprised industries and processes involving DCM, based on an exposure database provided by KOSHA (the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency), which was gathered from a workplace hazards evaluation program in Korea. The risk assessment of the exposure matrix was performed using Hallmark risk assessment tool. The results of the risk assessment were indicated by a Danger Value (DV) calculated from the combination of hazard rating (HR), duration of use rating (DUR), and risk probability rating (RPR) of exposure to the chemical, and were divided into four control bands which were related to control measures. The applicability of the risk assessment of the exposure matrix was evaluated by a field study, and survey of the employees of the exposure matrix groups. Among 45 industries examined, this study found that greater attention should be paid to two industries: the manufacture of other optical instruments and photographic equipment, and the manufacture of printing ink, and to one process among 47 examined, the packing process in the manufacture of printing ink, because these were regarded as carrying the highest risk. This tool of a risk assessment for the exposure matrix can be applied as a general exposure information system for hazard control, risk quantification, setting the occupational exposure limit, and hazard surveillance. The exposure matrix includes workforce data, and it provides information on the numbers of exposed workers in Korea by agent, occupation, and level of exposure and risk.

Chung's equation-IX 및 Chung's equation-XII에 의한 목재 5종의 화재위험성과 화재위험성등급 예측 (Prediction of Fire Risk and Fire Risk Grade of Five Wood Species by Chung's Equation-IX and Chung's Equation-XII)

  • 유지선;정영진
    • 공업화학
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.458-467
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    • 2024
  • 5종의 목재에 대한 화재위험성의 예측 및 화재위험성 등급을 평가하기 위해 Chung's equation-IX과 Chung's equation-XII를 이용하였다. 시험편은 미국물푸레나무, 사탕단풍나무, 버드나무, 들메나무, 산벚나무를 선정하였다. 연소시험은 ISO 5660-1의 콘칼로리미터 시험법을 이용하였으며, 화재위험성지수-IX (FRI-IX)과 화재위험성지수-XII (FRI-XII)에 대한 화재위험성과 화재위험성등급(FRR)을 비교하였다. 그 결과 화재성능지수-XI (FPI-XI)와 화재성장지수-XI (FGI-XI)은 0.44~1.05와 0.89~3.11로 얻어졌다. 그리고 화재위험성지수-XII (FRI-XII)는 산벚나무(0.85): 등급 A ≈ PMMA(1): 등급 A ≈ 미국물푸레나무(1.22): 등급 A ≈ 사탕단풍나무(1.53): 등급 A < 버드나무(4.00): 등급 C < 들메나무(7.07): 등급 D 의 순으로 증가하였다. 또한 화재위험성지수-IX (FRI-IX)은 PMMA(1): 등급 A ≈ 사탕단풍나무(2.28): 등급 A ≈ 산벚나무(3.24): 등급 A < 미국물푸레나무(5.73): 등급 B < 들메나무(10.29): 등급 C ≪ 버드나무(48.30): 등급 G의 순으로 나타났다. 공통적으로 화재위험성은 버드나무와 들메나무가 가장 높게 나타났다. 결론적으로 FRI-IX와 FRI-XII의 기준을 근거로 하여 보여준 바와 같이 지수의 표현은 다르나, 가연성 재료의 화재위험성평가에 의한 예측은 유사한 경향성을 제시하였다.