• Title/Summary/Keyword: Riparian distance

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Habitat Potential Evaluation Using Maxent Model - Focused on Riparian Distance, Stream Order and Land Use - (Maxent 모형을 이용한 서식지 잠재력 평가 - 하천으로부터의 거리, 하천의 차수, 토지이용을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Ho-Gul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2010
  • As the interest on biodiversity has increased around the world, researches about evaluating potential for habitat are also increasing to find and comprehend the valuable habitats. This study focus on comprehending the significance of stream in evaluating habitat's potential. The purpose of this study is to evaluate habitat potential with applying stream as a main variable, and to comprehend the relationship between the variables and habitat potential. Basin is a unit that has hydrological properties and dynamic interaction with ecosystem. Especially, biodiversity and suitability of habitat in basin area has direct correlation with stream. Existing studies also are proposing for habitat potential evaluation in basin unit, they applied forest, slope and road as main variables. Despite stream is considered the most important factor in basin area, researchers haven't applied stream as a main variable. Therefore, in this study, three variables that can demonstrate hydrological properties are selected, which are, riparian distance, stream order and land use disturbance, and evaluate habitat potential. Habitat potential is analyzed by using Maxent (Maximum entropy model), and vertebrate's presence data is used as dependent variables and stream order map and land cover map is used as base data of independent variables. As a result of analysis, habitat potential is higher at riparian and upstream area, and lower at frequently disturbed area. Result indicates that adjacent to stream, upstream, and less disturbed area is the habitat that vertebrate prefer. In particular, mammals prefer adjacent area of stream and forest and reptiles prefer upriver area. Birds prefer adjacent area of stream and midstream and amphibians prefer adjacent area of stream and upriver. The result of this research could help to establish habitat conservation strategy around basin unit in the future.

Selecting Suitable Riparian Wildlife Passage Locations for Water Deer based on MaxEnt Model and Wildlife Crossing Analysis (MaxEnt 모형과 고라니의 이동행태를 고려한 수변지역 이동통로 적지선정)

  • Jeong, Seung Gyu;Lee, Hwa Su;Park, Jong Hoon;Lee, Dong Kun;Park, Chong Hwa;Seo, Chang Wan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2015
  • Stream restoration projects have become threats to riparian ecosystem in Rep. of korea. Riparian wildlife becomes isolated and the animals are often experience difficulties in crossing riparian corridors. The purposes of this study is to select suitable wildlife passages for wild animals crossing riparian corridors. Maximum entropy model and snow tracking data on embankment in winter seasons were used to develop species distribution models to select suitable wildlife passages for water deer. The analysis suggests the following. Firstly, most significant factors for water deer's habitat in area nearby riparian area are shown to distance to water, age-class, land cover, slope, aspect, digital elevation model, tree density, and distance to road. For the riparian area, significant factors are shown to be land cover, size of riparian area, distance to tributary, and distance to built-up. Secondly, the suitable wildlife passages are recommended to reflect areas of high suitability with Maximum Entropy model in riparian areas and the surrounding areas and moving passages. The selected suitable areas are shown to be areas with low connectivity due to roads and vertical levee although typical habitats for water deer are forest, grassland, and farmland. In addition, the analysis of traces on snow suggests that the water deer make a detour around the artificial structures. In addition, the water deer are shown to make a detour around the fences of roads and embankment around farmland. Lastly, the water deer prefer habitats around riparian areas following tributaries. The method used in this study is expected to provide cost-efficient and functional analysis in selecting suitable areas.

Landscape Management Strategies Based on Landscape Assessment of Riparian Buffer Zone in the Han River: Focused on Gyeongan Stream (경관평가 기반 수변구역의 경관관리 전략 - 경안천 수변구역을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Chang Sug;Bae, Min-Ki
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.903-916
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    • 2012
  • We need to use aesthetic landscape assessment(ALA) as the means of riparian buffer zone(RBZ) management. This study verified the political validity of designation policy of RBZ and land purchase policy. The purpose of this study was to propose RBZ landscape management strategies through ALA of RBZ in Gyeongan Stream for the better attractive and healthy riparian landscapes. The natural type landscape units(LUs) covered 40.9% of the entire area and the cultivated land type LUs covered 20.58%. Landscape assessment consisted of landscape quality and landscape integration assessment. The criteria for assessing landscape quality(LQ) were naturalness, interest, uniqueness, and landscape function. LQ was ranked into five grades using a matrix. The landscape integration assessment consisted of an inner integration assessment in each LU and outer integration assessment among LUs. To review the propriety of designating the riparian area and the riparian ecological belt, differences in ecological appraisal and aesthetic valuation were reviewed through a t-test, Oneway ANOVA, and logistic analysis. The results of ALA, 29.15% of the entire area scored at grade 1 in LQ, while 31.95% scored at grade 5, indicating that grade 5 areas occupied a high share. Surveyed areas were divided into designated RBZ and undesignated RBZ. Results indicated that designated RBZ scored grade 1 in LQ took up 33.2% of the total, significantly higher than the 23.3% taken up by undesignated RBZ. When examined according to buffer distance, grade 1 areas within 50m took up 50.2% of the total area, lower than the 32.7% at buffer distances of 500m-1km. Results indicated a 1% statistically significant difference. Accordingly, analysis was undertaken for the expansion of designation of the riparian area and the selection of appropriate land for formation of a riparian ecological belt, and was designated at priority 1 and 2 for land purchase. This study can also contribute to the formation of a riverine eco-belt through discovery of design factors for upgrading the ecology, aesthetics, and landscape of the riparian area and application in determining land purchase priorities.

Temporal and spatial variations of vegetation in a riparian zone of South Korea

  • Park, Hyekyung;Kim, Jae Geun
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2020
  • Understanding vegetation structure and the relationship with environmental factors has been crucial for restoration and conservation of riparian zones. In this study, we conducted field survey in a riparian zone of Namhan River in South Korea both before and after flooding in order to understand temporal and spatial variations of riparian vegetation. There were significant temporal and spatial variations in species composition, and distribution patterns of vegetation were different along a gradient of elevation above the water level. At low elevation, Zizania latifolia was dominant throughout the field survey periods, and Bidens frondosa began to grow late and dominated both in post-flooding 1 and 2. Prior to flooding, Scirpus radicans and Polygonum thunbergii were widely distributed at middle elevation, while Artemisia vulgaris, Phragmites australis, and Miscanthus sacchariflorus were dominant at high elevation. After flooding, P. thunbergii was dominant at middle elevation with most other species decreasing, and more invasive or pioneer plants, including Artemisia princeps, H. scandens, and Sicyos angulatus, were observed at high elevation. Species composition and distribution patterns were homogeneous at low elevation, whereas dynamic variations of vegetation were observed both temporally and spatially at higher elevations. Elevation and distance from the water front were the most principal factors governing vegetation structure. Furthermore, soil physicochemical properties were also found to determine species composition and distribution patterns. These results indicate that vegetation structure in the riparian zones is formed by the combined effects of hydrological regime and soil physicochemical properties, inherent characteristics of species, and interspecific competition. Understanding of temporal and spatial variations of riparian vegetation may provide useful insights into ecological restoration and conservation of the vegetation within the riparian zones.

Identifying the Change of Urban Stream Bed Using Real-time Beacon DGPS (실시간 beacon DGPS를 이용한 도시하천의 하상변화 파악)

  • Lee, Kyoo-Seock;Lee, Sang-Hwa;Shin, Dong Hoon;Ahn, Seung-Mahn;Suh, Byung-Key
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2003
  • The urban stream include the channel and its adjacent banks, or hillslopes and it consists of various landscape elements. The riparian ecosystem is important to people. Its water is extracted for irrigation and drinking supplies. Biodiversity and many wetland species are protected here. The riparian ecosystem is diverse and needs to be preserved well. So, it is necessary to measure the features of the urban stream accurately to figure out the change of the riparian ecosystem. However, the traditional Electronic Distance Measurement(EDM) surveying is difficult to measure the curvilinear features of the stream - e, g, angle, curve. The beacon Differential Global Positioning System(DGPS) can handle to measure the curvilinear shape. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to measure the change of the river bed in urban stream accurately using realtime beacon DGPS, and ultimately to provide the basic data for identifying the change of the river ecosystem.

Fine-scale initiation of non-native Robinia pseudoacacia riparian forests along the Chikumagawa River in central Japan

  • Kurokochi, Hiroyuki;Hogetsu, Taizo
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2014
  • Robinia pseudoacacia has become invasively naturalized in Japan. We investigated the role of sexual reproduction in the development of R. pseudoacacia riparian forests along the Chikumagawa River in Japan, by using five chloroplast (cpSSR) and seven nuclear (nSSR) markers. We identified eight chloroplast haplotypes and 147 nuclear genotypes from 619 R. pseudoacacia trees sampled in three plots (Plots A, B, and C) and along two line transects (Lines D and E). CpSSR analyses showed that multiple maternal lines were distributed along the river, and that some haplotypes from different populations overlapped. In addition, while Plots A and B were separated by a short distance, only these two plots exhibited genetic differentiation in the haplotypes. In the nSSR analysis, all pairwise $F_{ST}$ values among the three plots were significantly different from zero. Kinship analysis based on nSSR markers revealed that kinship connected many individuals to another individual from the same plot. These results indicate that seed dispersal near to mother trees contributes to the fine-scale genetic structure of R. pseudoacacia riparian forests. Our results indicate that sexual reproduction, in addition to asexual reproduction, is a major contributor to the fine-scale formation of R. pseudoacacia forests.

Effects of salmon carcass on forest and stream ecosystems, in Hokkaido, Japan -evidence by stable isotope analysis-

  • Yanai, Seiji;Kochi, Kaori
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2003
  • The effects of salmon carcasses on forest and stream ecosystems were determined by nitrogen stable isotope analysis in natural streams in Hokkaido, Northern Japan, where numerous chum salmon (Oncoryhncus keta) were migrated upstream ITom ocean to spawn in autumn. The leaves and soils surrounding riparian forest and stream dwelling invertebrates were collected before and after migration. The nitrogen stable isotope ratio $({\delta}^{15}N)$ of riparian vegetation (Salix spp.) were different depending on the presence of salmon and distance from the stream. The $({\delta}^{15}N)$ of stream dwelling invertebrates were different between salmon present and absent stream. This difference was tested using the experiment channel by implanting salmon carcasses. The nitrogen stable isotope ratio of epilithic algae and leaf shredding animals were nearly 3 higher in the salmon implanted treatment suggesting that around 20% of salmon derived nitrogen was uptake either in algae and leaf shredding invertebrates. These results suggest that the salmon carcasses effects not only on stream primary production but also on primary consumers, which decompose leaves fertilized with nitrogen from carcasses.

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The Establishment of Ecological Landscape Conservation and Restoration Sections for Urban Stream - Case studies of Jeonjucheon and Samcheon in Jeonju-si - (도시하천의 생태경관 보전 및 복원구역 설정에 관한 연구 - 전주시 전주천과 삼천을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Myung-Woo;Jeong, Moon-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.73-92
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the conservation and restoration areas for sustainable stream management by reflecting the ecological health, cultural characteristics, and the citizens' needs for stream uses. Therefore, we extended spatial ranges of stream evaluation to riparian areas in addition to stream sections. The evaluation indexes are stream naturalness, availability, biota assessment, and riparian characteristics such as land uses and legally protected areas. The grading system was unified with five classes. The spatial evaluation units for stream section are classified as right and left for laterally and 500m for longitudinally. For riparian areas, 30m and 100m of distance from the edge of stream are applied as spatial evaluation units. The six types of stream sections for management are conservation sections(priority/general) and restoration sections(priority/general) for ecological landscape and core and general sections for cultural landscape. The established system for evaluation and designating areas for stream management was applied to Jeonjucheon and Samcheon in Jeonju-si, and the conservation and restoration areas were designated reflecting the characteristics of urban and non-urban areas and left and right of stream sections. The results of this study will provide detailed guidelines for designating stream sections and practical management strategies for sustainable urban stream management.

Characteristics and Reference Information of Riparian Vegetation for Realizing Ecological Restoration Classified by Reach of the River in Korea (한국 하천의 구간 별 특성과 생태적 복원을 실현하기 위한 대조식생 정보)

  • Jung, Song Hie;Kim, Areum;Seol, Jaewon;Lim, Bong Soon;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.447-461
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    • 2018
  • To realize river restoration that ecological characteristics of the river are reflected, we classified the river into four reaches of valley stream, upstream, midstream, and downstream based on substrate as well as riverbed gradient obtained from the relationship between distance from the river mouth, and above sea level. Considering that the rivers of Korea have been dominated by various and intense artificial interferences over a lengthy period, we determined cross sectional range of the river based on the geological map and clarified transformation degree by reach. Vegetation profile diagram was prepared by depicting horizontal range and vertical stratification of major vegetation appearing in a belt transect of 10 m breadth installed between weirs constructed in both sides of the river. Restoration models by river reach were prepared based on breadth of waterway, bare ground, herb, shrub, and tree dominated vegetation zones on vegetation profiles wherein a flooding regime was reflected. Species composition information collected from vegetation established in each zone was systematized to use for restoring each reach ecologically. Further, background that longitudinal reaches and horizontal zones were divided, was discussed by comparing with case studies in foreign countries. In addition, necessity of ecological restoration of the river was discussed based on degree of integrity of Korean rivers, ecological significance of riparian vegetation, and importance of reference information for ecological restoration of the river.

Distribution of Stream-Edge Vegetation in the Balan Stream as Related to Soil Environjments (발안천에서 토양 환경에 따른 하천 주변의 식생분포)

  • 백명수;임경수;이도원;조도순
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.451-459
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    • 1997
  • Seasonal and spatial distribution of vascular plants were examined and related to soil texture, pH, moisture and nutrient contents in the riparian zone of the Balan Stream. In spring the area was dominated by Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis, was displaced by Persicaria thunbergii and Humulus japonicus in summer. From the stream channel to bank, soil texture and pH were not significantly differentiated, moisture decreased, organic matter and K increased, and TKN and available P increased in June and decreased in August. DCA ordination analysis by species distribution showed spatially and seasonally distinct patterns seasonal difference was evident on axis 1, and spatial difference according to the distance from stream channel was clear, too. Both axis 1 and axis 2 scores were significantly correlated with biomass, pH, and phosphate. Species richness increased were significantly correlated with biomass, pH, and phosphate. Species richness increaed with increasing organic matter and phosphate, and decreased with increasing soil moisture and K. Biomass increased with increasing organic matter, but was negatively related to pH, moisture, TKN, available P and K. Available P was significantly correlated with biomass, pH, and total soil nitrogen. In conclusion, the distribution of riparian vegetation was governed by soil physico-chemical properties, which are primarily determined by how far it is from the stream channel.

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