• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reynolds number-fraction coefficient relationship

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A Numerical Study on Nonlinear Flow in Porous Medium (다공성 매질에서 비선형 흐름에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Jeong, Woo Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.384-384
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the numerical investigation of nonlinear flow in a porous medium was carried out. The applied numerical model is ANSYS CFX which is a three-dimensional fluid dynamic model, and the verification of this model was carried out by using the experimental data obtained from Mayer et al works(2011). The experimental and numerical results of velocity and Reynolds number-friction coefficient relationship show relatively a good agreement. Based on the experimental results, we analysed numerically the velocity and Reynolds number-friction coefficient relationship with the variation of permeability, dynamic viscosity and porosity and quantitatively the variation by applying the best curve fitting for each case.

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Bubble formation in globe valve and flow characteristics of partially filled pipe water flow

  • Nguyen, Quang Khai;Jung, Kwang Hyo;Lee, Gang Nam;Park, Hyun Jung;To, Peter;Suh, Sung Bu;Lee, Jaeyong
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.554-565
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    • 2021
  • Air bubble entrainment is a phenomenon that can significantly reduce the efficiency of liquid motion in piping systems. In the present study, the bubble formation mechanism in a globe valve with 90% water fraction flow is explained by visualization study and pressure oscillation analysis. The shadowgraph imaging technique is applied to illustrate the unsteady flow inside the transparent valve. This helps to study the effect of bubbles induced by the globe valve on pressure distribution and valve flow coefficient. International Society of Automation (ISA) recommends locations for measuring pressure drop of the valve to determine its flow coefficient. This paper presents the comparison of the pressures at different locations along with the upstream and the downstream of the valve with the values at recommended positions by the ISA standard. The results show that in partially filled pipe flow, the discrepancies in pressure between different measurement locations in the valve downstream are significant at valve openings less than 30%. The aerated flow induces the oscillation in pressure and flow rate, which leads to the fluctuation in the flow coefficient of the valve. The flow coefficients have a linear relationship with the Reynolds number. For the same increase of Reynolds number, the flow coefficients grow faster with larger valve openings and level off at the opening of 50%.