• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equation

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Numerical Analysis of Synchronous Edge Wave Known as the Driving Mechanism of Beach Cusp (Beach Cusp 생성기작으로 기능하는 Synchronous Edge Wave 수치해석)

  • Lee, Hyung Jae;Cho, Yong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.409-422
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we carried out the 3D numerical simulation to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of Synchronous Edge wave known as the driving mechanism of beach cusp using the Tool Box called the ihFoam that has its roots on the OpenFoam. As a wave driver, RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equation) and mass conservation equation are used. In doing so, we materialized short-crested waves known as the prerequisite for the formation of Synchronous Edge waves by generating two obliquely colliding Cnoidal waves. Numerical results show that as can be expected, flow velocity along the cross section where waves are focused are simulated to be much faster than the one along the cross section where waves are diverged. It is also shown that along the cross section where waves are focused, up-rush is moving much faster than its associated back-wash, but a duration period of up-rush is shortened, which complies the typical characteristics of nonlinear waves. On the other hand, due to the water-merging effect triggered by the redirected flow toward wave-diverging area at the pinacle of run-up, along the cross section where waves are diverged, offshore-ward velocity is larger than shore-ward velocity at the vicinity of shore-line, while at the very middle of shoaling process, the asymmetry of flow velocity leaned toward the shore is noticeably weakened. Considering that these flow characteristics can be found without exception in Synchronous Edge waves, the numerical simulation can be regarded to be successfully implemented. In doing so, new insight about how the boundary layer streaming occur are also developed.

Analysis of Hydraulic effects on Piers and Transverse Overflow Type Structures in Urban Stream (도시하천의 교각 및 횡단 월류형 구조물에 의한 수리영향 분석)

  • Yoon, Sun-Kwon;Chun, Si-Young;Kim, Jong-Suk;Moon, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.197-212
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    • 2008
  • Recently, stream flow analysis has been accomplished by one or two dimensional equations and was applied by simple momentum equations and fixed energy conservations which contain many condition limits. In this study, FLOW-3D using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) was applied to stream flow analysis which can solve three dimensional RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equation) control equation to find out physical behaviors and the effect of hydraulic structures. Numerical simulation accomplished those results was compared by using turbulence models such as κε, RNG (Renormalized Group) κε and LES (Large Eddy Simulation). Numerical analysis results have been illustrated by the turbulence energy effects, velocity of flow, water level pressure and eddy flows around the piers and transverse overflow type structures. These results will be able to used by basis data that catch hold of effects on long-term bed elevation changes, sediment accumulations, scours and water aggravations by removal of obsolete transverse over flow type structures in urban stream.

NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF SUPERSONIC FLOW USING POROUS AND ROUGH WALL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (다공성 벽면(porous-wall)과 거칠기가 있는 벽면(rough-wall)에 과한 경계조건을 이용한 초음속 흐름의 수치모사)

  • Kwak, E.K.;Yoo, I.Y.;Lee, S.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2009
  • The existing code which solves two-dimensional RANS(Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) equations and 2-equation turbulence model equations was modified to enable numerical simulation of various supersonic flows. For this, various boundary conditions have been implemented to the code. Bleed boundary condition was incorporated into the code for calculating wall mean flow quantities. Furthermore, the boundary conditions for the turbulence quantities along rough surfaces as well as porous walls were applied to the code. The code was verified and validated by comparing the computational results against the experimental data for the supersonic flows over bleed region on a flat plate. Using the newly modified code, numerical simulations were performed and compared with other computational results as well as the experimental data for the supersonic flows over an oblique shock with a bleed region.

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NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF SUPERSONIC FLOWS USING POROUS AND ROUGH WALL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (다공성 벽면(porous-wall)과 거칠기가 있는 벽면(rough-wall)에 관한 경계조건을 이용한 초음속 흐름의 수치모사)

  • Kwak, E.K.;Yoo, I.Y.;Lee, D.H.;Lee, S.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2009
  • The existing code which solves two-dimensional RANS(Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) equations and 2-equation turbulence model equations was modified to enable numerical simulation of various supersonic flows. For this, various boundary conditions have been implemented to the code. Bleed boundary condition was incorporated into the code for calculating wall mean flow quantities. Furthermore, boundary conditions for the turbulence quantities along rough surfaces as well as porous walls were applied to the code. The code was verified and validated by comparing the computational results against the experimental data for the supersonic flows over bleed region on a flat plate. Furthermore, numerical simulations for supersonic shock boundary layer interaction with a bleed region were performed and their results were compared with the existing computational results.

Strongly Coupled Method for 2DOF Flutter Analysis (강성 결합 기법을 통한 2계 자유도 플러터 해석)

  • Ju, Wan-Don;Lee, Gwan-Jung;Lee, Dong-Ho;Lee, Gi-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2006
  • In the present study, a strongly coupled analysis code is developed for transonic flutter analysis. For aerodynamic analysis, two dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation was used for governing equation, and ε-SST for turbulence model, DP-SGS(Data Parallel Symmetric Gauss Seidel) Algorithm for parallelization algorithm. 2 degree-of-freedom pitch and plunge model was used for structural analysis. To obtain flutter response in the time domain, dual time stepping method was applied to both flow and structure solver. Strongly coupled method was implemented by successive iteration of fluid-structure interaction in pseudo time step. Computed results show flutter speed boundaries and limit cycle oscillation phenomena in addition to typical flutter responses - damped, divergent and neutral responses. It is also found that the accuracy of transonic flutter analysis is strongly dependent on the methodology of fluid-structure interaction as well as on the choice of turbulence model.

CFD Study for Wave Run-up Characteristics Around a Truncated Cylinder with Damper

  • Zhenhao Song;Bo Woo Nam
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.225-237
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    • 2023
  • In this study, numerical simulations for a single fixed truncated circular cylinder in regular waves were conducted to investigate the nonlinear wave run-up under various dampers and wave period conditions. The present study used the volume of fluid (VOF) technique to capture the air-water interface. The unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equation with the k- 𝜖 turbulence model was solved using the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software STAR-CCM+. First, a systematic spatial convergence study was conducted to assess the performance and precision of the present numerical wave tank. The numerical scheme was validated by comparing the numerical results of wave run-up on a bare truncated cylinder with the experimental results, and a good agreement was achieved. Then, a series of parametric studies were carried out to examine the wave run-up time series around the truncated cylinder with single and dual dampers in terms of the first- and second-order harmonic and mean set-up components. Additionally, the local wave field and the flow velocity vectors adjacent to the cylinder were evaluated. It was confirmed that under short wave conditions, the high position of the damper led to a noticeable increase in the wave run-ups with significant changes in the first- and second-order harmonic components.

Numerical Analysis of Flow Distribution in the Scaled-down APR+ Using Two-Equation Turbulence Models (2방정식 난류모델을 이용한 축소 APR+ 내부 유동분포 수치해석)

  • Lee, Gong Hee;Bang, Young Seok;Cheong, Ae Ju
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.220-227
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    • 2015
  • Complex thermal hydraulic characteristics exist inside the reactor because the reactor internals consist of fuel assembly, internal structures and so on. In this study, to examine the effect of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)-based two-equation turbulence models in the analysis of flow distribution inside a 1/5 scaled-down APR+, simulation was performed using the commercial computational fluid dynamics software, ANSYS CFX R.13 and the predicted results were compared with the measured data. It was concluded that reactor internal flow pattern was locally different depending on the turbulence models. In addition, the prediction accuracy of k-ε model was superior to that of other two-equation turbulence models and this model predicted the relatively uniform distribution of core inlet flow rate.

Three-Dimensional Noise Analysis of an Axial-Flow Fan using Computational Aero-Acoustics (공력음향학을 이용한 축류홴의 삼차원 소음 해석)

  • Kim, Joo-Hyung;Kim, Jin-Hyuk;Shin, Seungyeol;Kim, Kwang-Yong;Lee, Seungbae
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a systematic procedure for three-dimensional noise analysis of an axial-flow fan by using computational aero-acoustics based on Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation. Flow-fields of a basic fan model are simulated by solving three-dimensional, unsteady, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the commercial code ANSYS CFX 11.0. Starting with steady flow results, unsteady flow analysis is performed to extract the fluctuating pressures in the time domain at specified local points on the blade surface of the axial flow fan. The perturbed density wave by rotating blades reaches at the observer position, which is simulated by an in-house noise prediction software based on Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation. The detailed far-field noise signatures from the axial-flow fan are analyzed in terms of source types, field characteristics, and interpolation schemes.

Analysis of a Rim-Seal with a Semicircular Rib or Groove (반원형 리브 혹은 그루브가 부착된 림실에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Chung-Suk;Moon, Mi-Ae;Kim, Kwang-Yong
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2013
  • Effect of semicircular rib or groove on the performance of a rim-seal was evaluated using three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The turbulence was modeled using the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras turbulence closure model. Reynolds number based on the axial chord of the turbine blade was 500,000 at the mainstream outlet. The numerical results for a sealing effectiveness was validated in comparison with experimental data. To examine the effect of the semicircular rib or groove on sealing effectiveness of the rim-seal, location and diameter of the rib or groove were selected as the parameters to be performed. The rim-seals with the semicircular groove showed a higher sealing effectiveness than that with the semicircular rib. The semicircular groove installed on the stator side showed best sealing effectiveness among the numerical simulation results.

Development of Twisted Rudder to Reduce Fuel Oil Consumption for Medium Size Container Ship (중형 컨테이너선의 연료절감형 비틀림 타 개발)

  • Chun, Ho-Hwan;Cha, Kyung-Jung;Lee, Inwon;Choi, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2018
  • Twisted rudder, twisted rudder with bulb, and twisted rudder with bulb and fin have been developed computationally for 3,000 TEU container ship through parametric study. The objective function is to minimize delivered power in model scale. Design variables are twisted angle, rudder bulb diameter and fin angle. The governing equation is Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations in an unsteady turbulent flow and the Reynolds stress model applied for the turbulent closure. A double body model is used for the treatment of free-surface. The calculation was carried out in towing and self-propulsion conditions at design speed. The sliding mesh technique was employed to simulate the flow around the propeller. Form factor is obtained from the towing computation. Self-propulsion point is obtained from the self-propelled computations at two propeller rotating speeds. The delivered power due to the designed twisted rudder, twisted rudder with bulb, and twisted rudder with bulb and fin are reduced by 1.1%, 1.6%, and 2.0%, respectively.