• Title/Summary/Keyword: Requirement Analysis

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A Study on Feasibility Analysis and Alternatives for Infrared Detector Development (적외선 검출기 개발가능성 및 대안 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Gyeong-Su;Min, Seong-Gi;Kim, Cheol-Hwan
    • 시스템엔지니어링워크숍
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    • s.4
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2004
  • This paper deals with the feasibility analysis and alternatives for infrared detector development. The purpose of this paper analyze development requirement and feasibility study in both technology and cost. We get raw input data for system engineering process from development and technical expert, and then analyze cost and technology for development feasibility, and alternative study. Infrared Detector is core component of Thermal Imaging System and developed by ADD from 2006 to 2008 year. Technical level is analyzed by TRL(Technical Readiness Level) and AOA(Analysis of Alternative) is done by development and production cost estimate. We use SEER-H tool for cost estimate, that is parametric cost estimate tool based on Knowledge Base. Also this paper presents risk analysis for project management because it is necessary to risk driver management during the infrared detector development. The result of IR Detector feasibility and alternative study will be used in technical and cost analysis. This study can help those who are related to the cost analysis and development feasibility of other weapons

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Improvement of Rotary Tine for Barley Seeder Attached to Rotary Tiller (로우터리 맥류파종기 경운날의 개량시험)

  • 김성래;김문규;김기대;허윤근
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 1979
  • The use of barley seeder attached to rotary tiller in the rural area has a significant meaning not only for the solution of labor peak season, but also for the increase of land utilization efficiency. The facts that presently being used barley seeders are all based on the mechanical principles of the reverse rotation, center drive and are all using forward rotating tine, which is used to be easily and heavily worn out when it rotates reversely, raise problem of recommending them to rural area in Korea. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to develop new type of rotary tine attachable to barley seeders. To attain the objective the following approaches were applied. (1) The kinematic analysis of reverse rotating barley seeders. (2) The studies on the soil bin and artificial soil. (3) The comparative experiment on the power requirement of prototype tine. The results obtained from the studies are summarized as follow: 1. The kinematic analysis of barley seeder attached to rotary tiller: The following results were obtained from the kinematic analysis for deriving general formulae of the motion and velocity characterizing the rotary tine of barley seeders presently being used by farmers. a) The position vector (P) of edge point (P) in the rotary tine of reverse rotating, center drive was obtained by the following formula. $$P=(vt+Rcos wt)i+Rsin wt j+ \{ Rcos \theta r sin \alpha cos (wt- \beta +\theta r) +Rsin \theta r sin \alpha sin (wt-\beta + \theta r) \} lk $$ b) The velocity of edge point $(P^')$ of reverse rotating, center drive rotary tine was obtained by the following formula. $$(P^')=(V-wR sin wt)i+(w\cdot Rcoswt)j + \{ -w\cdot Rcos \theta r\cdot sin \alpha \cdot sin (wt-\beta +\theta r) + w\cdot Rsin \theta r\cdot sin \alpha \cdot cos (wt- \beta + \theta r \} k $$ c) In order to reduce the power requirement of rotary tine, the angle between holder and edge point was desired to be reduced. d) In order to reduce the power requirement, the edge point of rotary tine should be moved from the angle at the begining of cutting to center line of machine, and the additional cutting width should be also reduced. 2. The studies on the soil bin and artificial soil: In order to measure the power requirement of various cutting tines under the same physical condition of soil, the indoor experiments Viere conducted by filling soil bin with artificially made soil similar to the common paddy soil and the results were as follows: a) When the rolling frequencies$(x)$ of the artificial soil were increased, the densIty$(Y)$ was also increased as follows: $$y=1.073200 +0.070780x - 0.002263x^2 (g/cm^3)$$ b) The absolute hardness $(Y)$ of soil had following relationship with the rolling frequencies$(x)$ and were increased as the rolling frequencies were increased. $$Y=37.74 - \frac {0.64 + 0.17x-0. 0054x^2} {(3.36-0.17x + 0.0054x^2)^3} (kg/cm^3)$$ c) The density of soil had significant effect on the cohesion and angle of internal friction of soil. For instance, the soil with density of 1.6 to 1.75 had equivalent density of sandy loam soil with 29.5% of natural soil moisture content. d) The coefficient of kinetiic friction of iron plate on artificial soil was 0.31 to 0.41 and was comparable with that of the natural soil. e) When the pulling speed of soil bin was the 2nd forward speed of power tiller, the rpm of driving shaft of rotary was similar to that of power tiller, soil bin apparatus is indicating the good indoor tester. 3. The comparative experiment on the power requirement of prototype tine of reverse rotating rotary: According to the preliminary test of rotary tine developed with various degrees of angle between holder and edge pcint due to the kinematic analysis, comparative test between prototype rotary tine with $30 ^\circ $ and $10 ^\circ$ of it and presently being used rotary tine was carried out 2nd the results were as follows: a) The total cutting torque was low when the angle between holder and edge point was reduced. b) $\theta r$ (angle between holder and edge point) of rotary tine seemed to be one: of the factors maximizing the increase of torque. c) As the angle between holder and edge point ($\theta r$) of rotary tine was $30 ^\circ $ rather than $45 ^\circ $, the angle of rotation during cutting soil was reduced and the total cutting torque was accordingly reduced about 10%, and the reduction efficiency of total cutting torque was low when the angle between holder and edge point ($\theta r$) of rotary tine was $10 ^\circ $, which indicates that the proper angle between holder and edge point of rotary tine should be larger than $10 ^\circ $ and smaller than $30 ^\circ $ . From above results, it could be concluded that the use of the prototype rotary tine which reduced the angle between holder and edge point to $30 ^\circ $, insted of $45 ^\circ $, is disirable not only decreasing the power requirements, but also increasing the durabie hour of it. Also forward researches are needed, WIlich determine the optimum tilted angle of rotary brocket, and rearrangement of the rotary tine on the rotary boss.

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Analysis of GBAS Availability and Requirement with respected to Protection Level at Jeju International Airport (제주 국제 공항의 Protection Level 관점에서 GBAS 가용성 및 요구 조건 분석)

  • Ahn, Jong-Sun;Won, Dae-Hee;Sung, San-Kyung;Heo, Moon-Beom;Lee, Eun-Sung;Lee, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.10
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    • pp.946-951
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the simulation results of GBAS availability and requirement (with respected to Vertical Protection Level) using simulated data at CAT I, CAT II/III DH point (Decision Height), which are generated using Jeju international GNSS reference position, aircraft horizontal velocity and reference/aircraft GNSS antenna performance index and so on. Two kinds of protection levels are presented, one is from a hypothesis (H0) and other is from a alternative hypothesis (H1). These protection levels are compared with AL (Alert Limit), and we analyse the GBAS availability and requirement for CAT I and CAT II/III at the airport.

A Study of Design Process for Sensor-based Smart clothing based on requirement engineering (요구공학을 적용한 센서기반 스마트 의류 디자인 프로세스 연구)

  • Cho, Hakyung;Lee, Joo Hyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.397-408
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    • 2013
  • According to increase of concerning in health and entry of aging society, sensor-based smart clothing has developed various type and applications. Sensor-based smart clothing should be designed with considering of the interaction between a human body-device-clothing, such as accuracy of signal, wearability, suitability and the configuration of the sensor and so on. In this respect, these characteristics distinguish sensor-based smart clothing process from clothing process and Sensor-based smart clothing process is expected to be needing requirements Specification for development purpose and interoperability assessment based on requirements engineering. In this study, to assess efficiency of process based on requirement engineering, the sensor-based smart clothing process was deducted in two types by analysis of empirical performance. Presented two process were empirically evaluated through qualitative and quantitative evaluation. As a result, design process II based on requiments engineering were confirmed more effective process than processI.

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Strengthening of an Existing Bridge for Achievement of Seismic Performance (내진성능 확보를 위한 기존교량의 보강)

  • Kook, Seung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2009
  • After introduction of the earthquake resistant design code, it is required to achieve seismic performance of existing bridges as well as earthquake resistant design of new bridges. The achievement of seismic performance for existing bridges should satisfy the no collapse requirement based on the basic concept of earthquake resistant design, therefore, various methods with different strengthening scale should be suggested according to bridge types and importance categories. At present for typical bridges, most studied and applied strengthening methods are bearing change, pier strengthening and shear key installation for improvement of seismic performance. In this study a typical existing bridge, for which earthquake resistant design is not considered, is selected as an analysis bridge. Design changes are carried out to satisfy the no collapse requirement by way of the ductile failure mechanism and seismic performances are checked. It is shown that the seismic performance of existing bridges can be achieved by way of redesign of bridge system, e.g. determination of pier design section for substructure and change of bearing function for connections between super/sub-structure.

Forage Intake and Nutrient Requirements of Fallow Weaner Deer in Southern Australia

  • Ru, Y.J.;Fischer, M.;Glatz, P.C.;Wyatt, S.;Swanson, K.;Falkenberg, S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.685-692
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    • 2003
  • Information on nutrient requirements and forage intake of fallow weaner deer is required for the development of feeding strategies during the year. An experiment was conducted in which 60 fallow weaner deer (grazing on medic and ryegrass based pastures) were supplemented with a concentrated diet at three levels. The diet contained 2% minerals, 30% lupin and 68% barley grain. Twelve deer from each treatment were dosed with commercial alkane capsules in May, June, July, September and October to predict nutrient intake. The relationships between body weight gain and intake of metabolisable energy and crude protein were established using a general linear models analysis. Dry matter intake from pastures ranged from 0.137 kg to 0.304 kg in May and June and increased to 1.2 kg in October. Nutrient intake from pastures was strongly influenced by amount of supplementary feed and gender. Digestible energy intake from pastures was 1.3, 3.8 and 6.1 MJ/day higher for males than females in July, August and October, respectively. The protein and energy intake was strongly correlated with body weight gain. The energy requirement for maintenance were 7.3, 8.2, 10.2, 10.2 and 10.7 MJ DE/day and the DE required for each kg body weight gain were 19, 18, 29, 34 and 49 MJ in May, June, August and October, respectively. The protein requirement for maintenance was 12.2, 12.6, 15.0, 11.4 and $8.5g/W^{0.75}$ in May, June, July, August and October, respectively. The nutrient requirement defined from this study can be used to assist farmers to explore the possible pasture and stock management practices under southern Australian conditions. However, further research is required to develop rapid and cheap methods for estimating dry matter intake, nutritive value of pastures and to quantify the potential growth rate of fallow deer in southern Australia.

A Study on Home Nursing Care Requirement and Activities of Daily Life Among the Elderly at Home (재가노인의 가정간호요구도 및 일상생활능력에 관한 연구)

  • 조선화;김병성;김공현;박형종
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.125-145
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    • 1994
  • The objectives of this study were to characterize the health status, the requirement of home nursing care, and dependency of daily life of the elderly so that the result could be used to provide basic data necessary for establishing home nursing care practices. The study subjects were 249 elders over 65 years old who resided at home in low income areas of three districts in Pusan. The field survey was conducted from December 27, 1993 through January 27, 1994, with a structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by X²-test and Student's T-test using SPSS/PC/sup +/ program. The result were as follows; 1. Alcohol drinking rate was 50.0% for men and 27.7% for women, and cigarette smoking rate was 77.8% for men and 27.1% for women. 92.9% of elders aged 65-75 exercised regularly as compared to 81.9% of elders aged 75 and over(p<0.05). 2. 63.9% of male and 85.9% of female elders had chronic diseases showing singnificant differences(p<0.01), and both sexes had 1.7 kinds of chronic diseases in average; musculoskeletal diseases were the most common in 25.7%, while 6.8% of the elderly had cardiovascular diseases. 3. Partially movable elderly was 6.9% for men and 6.8% for woman, showing 47.1% of causes being cerebrovascular accidents. 4. The home nursing requirement was the highest for medication(66.3%), intramuscular injection(53.8%), and measurement of blood pressure·body·temperature·pulse rate(47.0%). 5. Among Physical Activities of Daily Life, bathing(10.4%) and movement(4.0%) showed high dependency rates, and among Instrumental Activities of Daily Life, phone calling(25.3%), shopping(24.5%), going out by bus(22.5%) showed high dependency rates. 6. For five categories of home nursing showing high requirements such as physical health examination, blood pressure·temperature·pulas rate measurements, medication, and intravascular injection, the requirements were different by age groups, education, and marital status(p<0.05).

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Web-shear capacity of prestressed hollow-core slab unit with consideration on the minimum shear reinforcement requirement

  • Lee, Deuck Hang;Park, Min-Kook;Oh, Jae-Yuel;Kim, Kang Su;Im, Ju-Hyeuk;Seo, Soo-Yeon
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.211-231
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    • 2014
  • Prestressed hollow-core slabs (HCS) are widely used for modern lightweight precast floor structures because they are cost-efficient by reducing materials, and have excellent flexural strength and stiffness by using prestressing tendons, compared to reinforced concrete (RC) floor system. According to the recently revised ACI318-08, the web-shear capacity of HCS members exceeding 315 mm in depth without the minimum shear reinforcement should be reduced by half. It is, however, difficult to provide shear reinforcement in HCS members produced by the extrusion method due to their unique concrete casting methods, and thus, their shear design is significantly affected by the minimum shear reinforcement provision in ACI318-08. In this study, a large number of shear test data on HCS members has been collected and analyzed to examine their web-shear capacity with consideration on the minimum shear reinforcement requirement in ACI318-08. The analysis results indicates that the minimum shear reinforcement requirement for deep HCS members are too severe, and that the web-shear strength equation in ACI318-08 does not provide good estimation of shear strengths for HCS members. Thus, in this paper, a rational web-shear strength equation for HCS members was derived in a simple manner, which provides a consistent margin of safety on shear strength for the HCS members up to 500 mm deep. More shear test data would be required to apply the proposed shear strength equation for the HCS members over 500 mm in depth though.

Evaluation of Optimal Performance of Hydraulic Barriers in Offshore Landfill using Seepage-Advection-Dispersion Analysis under Steady State Flow (정상류하 침투·이류 분산 해석을 이용한 폐기물 해상최종처리장 차수시스템의 최적 성능 평가)

  • Hwang, Woong-Ki;Oh, Myoung-Hak;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Hyang Eun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to propose the optimum minimum requirement of cutoff system composed of the impermeable soil layer and vertical barrier in offshore landfill for prevention pollution leakage by seepage, advection, and dispersion numerical analyses under steady state. According to the study results, the minimum requirement of impermeable soil layer is below $1{\times}10^{-6}cm/s$ of hydraulic conductivity with more than 500 cm thickness or a system with equivalent cutoff effect. The minimum requirement of vertical barrier is below $1{\times}10^{-6}cm/s$ of hydraulic conductivity with more than 50 cm thickness or a system with equivalent cutoff effect. In addition, the vertical barrier should be embedded enough to seal securely with the impermeable soil layer for working cutoff effect.

A Study on the Water Resources Assessment for Irrigation Scheme in Malawi

  • AHN, SungSick;Kim, Jin-Hong
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.178-186
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    • 2018
  • Generally, in terms of the development of irrigation scheme, the efficient water resource management that supplies the irrigation water in consideration of the required time and accurate quantity to grow the crop should be conducted. The water resource assessment should precede to supply the irrigation water efficiently. The water resources assessment is divided into the water requirement analysis and the water availability assessment. In case of Korea, the major crop is paddy rice unlike crops of Africa, such as sugarcane, maize, and cassava, etc. Because it is not familiar with the method for upland irrigation development in tropical area, it needs to know the water resources assessment for irrigation scheme development about these crops. The Natama Scheme in Chiradzulu District of the Southern Malawi was selected as study area, which has tropical climate. From the collected meteorological data, the evapotranspiration was analyzed by Penman-Monteith Method and the effective rainfall was analyzed by USDA Soil Conservation Service Method. This study displays the results that for study area, the evapotranspiration varies from 2.80 mm/day to 5.51 mm/day and the effective rainfall varied from 2.1mm to 149.0mm. According to the selected crop (Green Maize, Dry Maize), the unit water requirement (UWR) and water demand (WD) considering the irrigation efficiency, irrigation time and irrigation area were estimated to be $0.00122m^3/s/ha$ and $0.0122m^3/s$ respectively. For the water availability assessment, the runoff of Natama scheme was calculated by specific yield method. The water availability was evaluated through reviewed differences of discharge between $Q80_{intake}$ and Total WD, and the irrigation water can be supplied sufficiently in the existing 10ha of Natama scheme. As a result of reviewing the extensibility of irrigable area, total WD of scheme is $0.02313m^3/s$, and $Q80_{intake}$ is $0.02387m^3/s$ ($Q80_{intake}$ > Total WD). Therefore, Natama scheme can be extended from 10 ha to 17 ha in the dry season in consideration of the $Q80_{intake}$.