• 제목/요약/키워드: Reproductive ecology

검색결과 168건 처리시간 0.032초

Adverse Reproductive Effects on Plasma Vitellogenin and Sex Steroid Levels, and Gonadosomatic Index in Juvenile Common Carps (Cyprinus carpio) Exposed to 17$\beta$-Estradiol and D-2-Ethylhexyl Phthalate

  • Seo, Jinwon;Park, Kyung-Seo;Moon, Woon-Gi;Lee, Sung-Kyu
    • 한국환경생물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국환경생물학회 2002년도 학술대회
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    • pp.141-144
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    • 2002
  • Environmental estrogens are natural or synthetic substances present in the aquatic environment, especially in effluent from sewage treatment. However, the adverse effects of these estrogenic substances on fish reproduction are unknown. Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is the most common phthalate, which Ps used as a plasticizer in polyvinylchloride (PVC), and it is widespread in the environment and has been found in aquatic organisms and sediments. Therefore, juvenile common carps (Cyprinus carpio) were exposed to nominal concentrations of 17$\beta$-estradiol (E2) (0.5, 5, 50 $\mu\textrm{g}$/L) and DEHP (10, 100, 500 $\mu\textrm{g}$/L) for 21 days, to determine the adverse reproductive effects of these compounds on plasma vitellogenin (VTG) induction, sex steroid level, and gonad weight. Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) revealed that much of VTG was induced in fish exposed to 5 and 50 E$_2$ $\mu\textrm{g}$/L, but none of DEHP exposure showed induction. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) revealed that VTG was significantly induced in fish exposed to 5 and 50 E$_2$ $\mu\textrm{g}$/L, and combination of 50 E$_2$ $\mu\textrm{g}$/L with 10 and 500 DEHP $\mu\textrm{g}$/L, but none of DEHP exposure showed induction. Analysis of sex steroid levels in some fish revealed that testosterone (T) was detected in both male and female fish of the control and DEHP exposures, but none of fish exposed to 22 concentrations had detectable testosterone level. On the other hand, E$_2$ exposure induced 17$\beta$-estradiol in plasma of male fish, but there was no induction of 17$\beta$-estradiol in plasma of male fish exposed to DEHP. Comparison of gonadosomatic index (GSI) revealed that maximal E$_2$ exposure inhibited ovarian growth, but maximal DEHP exposure stimulated testicular growth. The results indicated that those comparisons can be a useful bio-indicator for determining adverse reproductive effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).

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한국 서울 식생의 번성자로서 팥배나무의 형질 변화 양상 (Changes in Leaf and Reproductive Traits of Mountain Ash (Sorbus alnifolia) as Urban Flourisher in the Seoul Metropolitan, South Korea)

  • 정성희;조용찬;이창석
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.644-658
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    • 2021
  • 도시 생태계에서 우점 수종의 형질 특성은 분획화 및 고립된 식생, 그리고 생물상호작용 감소 등 환경 변화에 대한 종의 형질 적응과 생태계 기능에 대한 통찰력을 제공한다. 우리는 한국의 서울 중심에서 남쪽 방향의 4개 산지에서 환경 요인 (지리, 기상 및 토양 속성)을 포함하여 모두 40개체 팥배나무 (Sorbus alnifolia)에서 측정한 4개 유형의 잎 형질 (Leaf area, Specific leaf area, Leaf dry mass content, Leaf shape index)과 7개 유형의 번식 형질 (Fruit width, Fruit length, Fruit shape, Fruit dry weight, Fruit dry matter content, Seed weight 및 Seed ratio)의 평균과 분산 양상, 그리고 형질 조합에 대한 다변량 분석을 실시하였다. 측정된 환경 요인은 조사 장소의 개별성을 나타내었지만, 도심 식생이 더 건조하고 생장도일이 길었다. 도심에서 팥배나무의 잎은 작고 무거워지며, 열매는 길쭉하고 가벼운 종자를 생산하여, 오랜 도시화 영향에 따른 형질 반응들이 관찰되었다. 우리의 연구는 식생 파편화 및 고립화에 따른 생물 상호작용 감소를 나타내는 도심 환경에서 팥배나무 집단의 성장 및 번식 기제의 변화를 확인하였다. 우리는 축소된 생물 상호작용 규모, 그리고 대기 오염 같은 부정적 환경 요인이 많은 도시에서 핵심 수종의 기능과 지속성에 관해 제한적이지만 뚜렷한 생태 정보를 제공한다.

Sex ratios and spatial structure of the dioecious tree Torreya nucifera in Jeju Island, Korea

  • Kang, Hye-Soon;Shin, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2012
  • The sex ratio and spatial structure of different sexes are major components that affect the reproductive success and population persistence of dioecious plants. The differential reproductive costs between male and female plants are often believed to cause a biased sex ratio and spatial segregation of the sexes through slower growth and/or lower female survivorship. In this study, we examined the sex ratio and spatial structure of one population of $Torreya$ $nucifera$ trees in Jeju Island, Korea. We also tested the effects of the current tending actions in relation to tree vitality. At the population level, the sex ratio of the 2,861 trees was significantly biased toward males; however, it also showed considerable variation among different diameter at breast height classes and across habitats according to terrain level (from upper to lower). In 1999, before tree management (tending) began, among the ecological traits examined, only climber coverage correlated with tree vitality. Intensive tending such as climber removal since 1999 clearly enhanced the vitality of the majority of trees, but its effects were more conspicuous in medium-sized trees than in small ones, in upper terrain trees than those in other terrains, and in females than in males. Both male tree domination in small and large trees and tending effects on females are likely to reflect the effects of female reproductive costs regarding growth and/or survivorship. Spatial segregation between males and females was not observed in $T.$ $nucifera$. Habitat heterogeneity created by the forest's rocky ground and its implications regarding sex ratios and spatial structure require further studies.

등갈퀴나물 ( Vicia cracca : Leguminosae ) 번식기관의 발육정지에 대한 위치효과 (Position Effects on Abortion of Reproductive Characters in Vicia cracca (Leguminosae))

  • Kang, Hyesoon
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.107-123
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    • 1996
  • The position effects on the abortion of flowers, fruits, and ovules were examined in relation to the resource limitation hypothesis using a temperate legume species, Vicia cracca. Fifty plants were randomly sampled from a natural population located at the Belmont Conservation Site in Belmont, MA, USA. Due to indeterminant growth and acropetal flowering of this species, the position of flower or fruit on the plant was able to be coded by the combination of architectural levels such as plant half (lower and upper half) and inflorescence half (lower and upper half) within each plant half. Overall, only 17.3% of the flowers on an inflorescence began to develop into fruits, while overall 36.0% of the fruits initiated failed to mature. Consequently, 11.5% of the flowers successfully matured into fruits. The mean flower number per inflorescence differed significantly among plants as well as between plant halves. Although the probability of fruit initiation was higher in the lower halves of both plant and inflorescence than in the upper halves of the latter, fruit abortion rate differed significantly only between plant halves. The overall mean seed set was 33.6%, implying that about two out of six ovules in a fruit matured into seeds. The seed set was independent of both plant identity and architectural level unlike other reproductive characters examined. When the ovule developmental stage was examined on data pooled over all fruits, the proportion of ovules in varying developmental stages decreased in order of early abortion, seed maturation, late abortion, and seed predation (48.4, 34.9, 12.2, and 4.5%, respectively). A within-fruit ovule position was also used as a class variable for the analysis of position effects on ovule development. All architectural levels considered exerted singificant influence over the ovule development. In particular, ovule development was strongly affected by the within-fruit ovule position. Ovules in both extreme ends within a fruit tended to abort early, while those in the middle position were more likely to mature into seeds. The strong position effects detected from the flowering to seed maturation stage were interpreted as an indication of competitive interaction among reproductive characters which are largely constrained by plant architecture.

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Variations in the Seed Production of Pinus densiflora Trees

  • Kang, Hye-Soon
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 1999
  • Current data on reproductive characters of endemic and native species are essential to provide a strategy for the conservation of these species. Red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. & Zucc.) is one of the dominant, native tree species in Korea, but its reproductive ecology is not well-known. In 1997, the pattern of variation in cone and seed yields contributing to the conservation of declining populations of red pines was examined. Plant height and dbh were measured, and several new cones were collected from each tagged tree after counting the number of cones on each tree. For a subset of cones sampled, the number of fertile scales, the number of seeds at three development stages (early/late aborted, and filled seed), seed wing size, wing color, and individual filled seed mass were measured. The three sites which differed significantly in mean plant size also differed in mean cone and seed production per plant. However further analyses showed that most variation in characters examined occurred among plants within sites, but not among sites. An average of 90% of the potential seeds on the cones aborted at an early developmental stage, demonstrating that early abortion is a major factor affecting the number of filled seeds per cone. Individual seed mass was the only character which exhibited significant variations among sites as well as among trees within sites. Individual seed mass was overall negatively correlated with both the percentage of late abortion and the number of old cones per plant, suggesting that both the past and current years' reproductive activities have caused variations in seed mass. The potential dispersal distance of red pine seeds is quite large. However, wing loading was correlated with seed mass and number in a complex pattern across the sites. Distribution of seeds with varied colored wings differed among sites and among trees within sites. These results suggest that red pines at different sites might possess different strategies to cope with selection pressures acting during the final phase of reproduction, from seed dispersal to establishment. Then the ‘fitted’ red pine trees at each site should be identified and managed to conserve or restore populations.

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Effect of nutrient and moisture on the growth and reproduction of Epilobium hirsutum L., an endangered plant

  • Lee, Eung-Pill;Han, Young-Sub;Lee, Soo-In;Cho, Kyu-Tae;Park, Jae-Hoon;You, Young-Han
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제41권10호
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2017
  • Background: In this study, the growth and reproductive response of seedlings, grown in plastic pots with sand, to moisture and nutrients were analyzed in order to study the environmental conditions required to create an alternative habitat for Epilobium hirsutum L., an endangered plant. Results: Vegetative and reproductive growths of Epilobium hirsutum L. are accelerated with increase in moisture and organic matter content in the soil. Among vegetative organs, the number of runners related to asexual reproduction was the highest when the moisture content was over 25% and nutrient content between 7 and 14% in the soil. But the number of flowers related to flowering responses, among reproductive organs, was the highest when the moisture content was maintained at 75% and when nutrient content was 21% in the soil. The number of seeds, related to sexual reproduction, was the highest when the moisture content was over 25% and nutrient content between 14 and 21%. Conclusions: The study results show that a place with high moisture and nutrient content in the soil is advantageous to asexual and sexual reproduction of Epilobium hirsutum L. Therefore, we must serve periodically nutrient and seeds to sustain population in in situ conservation. Furthermore, it is advisable to create in riverside where abundant nutrient content have, making alternative habitat of Epilobium hirsutum L. Also, we must find species that have high contribution degree index through vegetation survey.

Pre-dispersal Seed Predation by a Granivorous Bird, the Masked Grosbeak (Eophona personata), in Two Bird-dispersed Ulmaceae Species

  • Yoshikawa, Tetsuro;Kikuzawa, Kihachiro
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2009
  • Pre-dispersal seed predation by a granivorous bird, the masked grosbeak (Eophona personata, Fringillidae), was investigated in two bird-dispersed trees, Celtis sinensis and Aphananthe aspera (Ulmaceae). The objectives of this study were to 1) measure direct damage of predation by grosbeaks on plant crops, 2) reveal the temporal pattern of predation within each tree species and its causal factors, and 3) test whether foraging grosbeaks hinder foraging of frugivorous birds, thereby indirectly impacting the reproduction of both tree species. A substantial amount of fruit and seed crop was consumed by grosbeaks (24.3% in Celtis; 55.5% in Aphananthe), and only 17.7% (Celtis) and 16.7% (Aphananthe) were removed by frugivorous birds. At the study site, the grosbeak population size fluctuated greatly during the fruiting seasons of both plant species. As for Celtis, predated seed density also fluctuated temporally, and the local population size of grosbeaks was responsible for predated seed density. In Aphananthe, predation was not fully explained by grosbeak populations or plant phenology, but its peak coincided with that of grosbeak population. These results suggest that predispersal seed predation by granivorous birds can have large negative impacts on the bird-dispersed plants. Changes in local population size of granivorous birds can influence predatation and can affect reproductive success of the bird-dispersed plants available to the birds.

A comprehensive review of Coreopsis lanceolata: assessing its invasion risk and ecological impact

  • Eunhee Cho;Deokjoo Son
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제48권3호
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    • pp.285-295
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    • 2024
  • Although invasive alien species (IAS) have a negative impact on native ecosystems and reduce ecosystem services and productivity, the understanding of IAS at the population level is still lacking. Coreopsis lanceolata, a perennial plant native to North America, is expanding its invasive range, but there is limited research on the invasion risk of this species, and measures to control its spread are inadequate. Therefore, we collected findings from selected studies on C. lanceolata, examining its morphological and growth characteristics, reproductive traits, and invasion strategies, sourced from scientific databases using its scientific name as the keyword. Researchers have conducted extensive research on C. lanceolata, primarily focusing on the extraction of chemical compounds for anticancer and antioxidant effects and numerous studies on seed germination conditions in the field of ecology. Coreopsis lanceolata has a negative impact on plant ecosystems in Australia and Japan, and its high invasiveness is associated with high seed production, high seed viability and longevity, rapid reproduction through rhizomes, high surface coverage, and long flowering periods. Few studies have examined the invasive potential of C. lanceolate and management techniques to stop its spread, despite worries about the detrimental effects of invasion on plant ecosystems. Therefore, additional research on the invasion risk and management of C. lanceolata is necessary. This review offers a thorough analysis of C. lanceolata, serving as a scientific foundation for devising future ecosystem management strategies.

낙지 Octopus minor 수컷 생식기관의 미세해부학적 구조 (Microscopic Anatomy of Male Reproductive Organ in the Long Arm Octopus Octopus minor (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae))

  • 김성진;김현진;신소령;서명교;김평우;김은하;이정식
    • 한국해양생명과학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.178-185
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구는 낙지의 생식생태 이해에 필요한 수컷 생식기관과 정포의 미세해부학적 구조를 기재하였다. 낙지는 교접완의 유무를 통하여 성을 구별할 수 있는 성적이형을 갖는 종이다. 수컷 생식기관은 정소, 일차수정관, 저정낭, 이차수정관, 정포선, 정포낭으로 구성된다. 정소는 조직학적으로 정세관형이었으며, 수컷 생식세포들은 층상배열상을 보였다. 일차수정관은 정소와 저정낭을 연결하는 관으로 상피층과 결합조직으로 이루어져 있었다. 저정낭은 일차수정관과 이차수정관의 사이에 위치하며, 상피층은 상피세포와 점액세포로 구성된다. 점액세포는 AB-PAS (pH 2.5) 반응에서 푸른색, AF-AB (pH 2.5) 반응에서 보라색으로 반응하였다. 이차수정관은 저정낭과 정포선을 연결하는 짧은 관으로 내강에 주름이 발달하였다. 정포선은 다수의 관상선으로 이루어져 있었으며, 분비세포는 호산성 과립을 가지고 있었다. 정포낭은 주머니 모양으로 내강에 주름이 발달하였으며, 상피층에 공포상의 분비세포가 존재하였다. 정포는 길이 약 83.5 mm로 전방부의 당김사, 중간부의 발사체와 고정체, 후방부의 정자 저장부로 구성되어 있었다.

Invasion potential of Kappaphycus alvarezii on corals at Kurusadai Island, Gulf of Mannar, India

  • Mandal, Subir Kumar;Mantri, Vaibhav A.;Haldar, Soumya;Eswaran, Karuppanan;Ganesan, Meenakshisundaram
    • ALGAE
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2010
  • The marine red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii is a major source of $\kappa$-carrageenan. It has been introduced in 20 countries including India. Recently, several reports have expressed concerns about Kappaphycus invasion on Acropora corals at Kurusadai Island in the Gulf of Mannar, India, which is part of a marine bioreserve. To understand the extent of the Kappaphycus invasion, 27 randomly selected locations around Kurusadai Island and the mainland coast were surveyed during May-August 2008 and July 2009. Our rigorous sampling revealed that K. alvarezii was confined to two different patches of 105 m $\times$ 55 m and 8 m $\times$ 9 m located at the southeastern part of Kurusadai Island. The actual extent of the K. alvarezii canopy coverage was 76.7 $m^2$, accounting for less than 0.0035% of the total coral reef area. The daily growth rate of the K. alvarezii at Kurusadai was 0.7%. K. alvarezii was not observed in the coral reef area of the adjoining Pullivasal and Poomarichan Islands or the Palk Bay area cultivation sites. The lack of functional reproductive cycle, low spore viability, and the absence of microscopic phases in the life cycle of this alga coupled with the abundance presence of herbivores may restrict the further spread of this alga, so its invasive potential at Kurusadai Island is considered remote.