• Title/Summary/Keyword: Repeated learning

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Scientific Practices Manifested in Science Textbooks: Middle School Science and High School Integrated Science Textbooks for the 2015 Science Curriculum (과학 교과서에 제시된 과학실천의 빈도와 수준 -2015 개정 교육과정에 따른 중학교 과학 및 통합과학-)

  • Kang, Nam-Hwa;Lee, Hye Rim;Lee, Sangmin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the frequency and level of scientific practices presented in secondary science textbooks. A total of 1,378 student activities presented in 14 middle school science textbooks and 5 high school integrated science textbooks were analyzed, using the definition and level of scientific practice suggested in the NGSS. Findings show that most student activities focus on three practices. Compared to the textbooks for the previous science curriculum, the practice of 'obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information' was more emphasized, reflecting societal changes due to ICT development. However, the practice of 'asking a question', which can be an important element of student-led science learning, was still rarely found in textbooks, and 'developing and using models', 'using math and computational thinking' and 'arguing based on evidence' were not addressed much. The practices were mostly elementary school level except for the practice of 'constructing explanations'. Such repeated exposures to a few and low level of practices mean that many future citizens would be led to a naïve understanding of science. The findings imply that it is necessary to emphasize various practices tailored to the level of students. In the upcoming revision of the science curriculum, it is necessary to provide the definition of practices that are not currently specified and the expected level of each practice so that the curriculum can provide sufficient guidance for textbook writing. These efforts should be supported by benchmarking of overseas science curriculum and research that explore students' ability and teachers' understanding of scientific practices.

Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Novice Secondary Science Teachers through Collaborative Reflection (초임 중등 과학교사들의 협력적 성찰을 통한 수업 전문성 발달)

  • Shin, Minkyoung;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated how collaborative reflection between novice secondary science teachers promoted the development of teaching professionalism. We intentionally selected research participants who shared sufficient rapport. Data were collected by videotaping the classes taught by participants, pre-talk, post-interviews and nine collaborative reflection processes. All data were transcribed and analyzed. Results indicated that all three teachers showed changes in teaching practice. Minyoung's practice involved a teacher-led lecture, but through collaborative reflection, she could create a learning environment to enhance students' power and ownership in her class. Emphasizing academic rigor, Soyoung used to teach content outside the scope of the curriculum, but through collaborative reflection, she became more considerate of students' understanding. Finally, in Jiyeon's classes inquiry activities and theoretical explanations were separated from each other. However, she repeated her efforts to improve her class after collaborative reflection, allowing students to construct explanations through activities. In this study, three factors that promoted the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge through collaborative reflection were identified. First, the different teaching orientations of the three teachers who participated in this study, promoted sharing of opinions through collaborative reflection. Second, reflection based on teaching practice enabled practical feedback on the class, which enhanced the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. Third, the equal status and formation of rapport between the three teachers created an environment for productive reflection. These results suggest that future teacher education programs should target communities that can promote collaborative reflection based on teachers' teaching practice.