• Title/Summary/Keyword: Religious beliefs

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A Comparative Study on the Similarities and Differences between Western Christianity and Chinese Culture in Taiping Religion (태평천국운동에 있어서 서양 기독교와 중국 문화의 상관관계에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Sukjoo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.42
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    • pp.475-503
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    • 2016
  • This paper explores the extent of the Christian influence of Liang Fa's Quanshiliangyan and Isaachar J. Roberts on Hong Xiuquan and the Taiping Movement. Hong's religious background was in Confucianism, but when he encountered Liang Fa's Quanshiliangyan, he identified with Christianity. Subsequently, he studied with Roberts for two or three months. The religious experiences of Hong served as motives for the establishment of the Society of God Worshippers and the Taiping Movement. Therefore, this paper develops Liang's key ideas and Roberts' main teachings, describes Hong's beliefs and the actual practices of the Taiping Movement, as found in official documents of the Taipings, and compares their similarities and differences. Hong and his leaders received the new ideas of Christianity at the expense of their traditional culture. Furthermore, they attempted to combine Chinese culture with Christianity, as well as believe in Christianity to the limits of their understanding. Finally, this study finds that even though the Quanshiliangyan and Isaachar J. Roberts may have given the Taiping Movement its religious form and driving force, the theological vision of both Liang and Hong that also emerged from their Chinese culture energized the Taipings. The Taiping Movement resulted from a deliberate synthesis of Christian ideas and native Chinese practices in China.

South Korean State-Building, Nationalism and Christianity: A Case Study of Cold War International Conflict, National Partition and American Hegemony for the Post-Cold War Era

  • Benedict E. DeDominicis
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.277-296
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    • 2023
  • The South Korean ethnic diaspora US lobby shows efficacy as an interest group in generating influence in American foreign and domestic public policy making. The persuasive portrayal of South Korea as a critical Cold War US ally reinforced US amenability to pro-South Korea lobbying. Also, the South Korean US diaspora is a comparatively recent immigrant group, thus its lingering resistance to assimilation facilitates its political mobilization to lobby the US government. One source of this influence includes the foundational legacy of proselytizing Western and particularly American religious social movement representatives in Korean religiosity and society. US protestant Christianity acquired a strong public association with emerging Korean nationalism in response to Japanese imperialism and occupation. Hostility towards Japanese colonialism followed by the threat from Soviet-sponsored, North Korean Communism meant Christianity did not readily become a cultural symbol of excessive external, US interference in South Korean society by South Korean public opinion. The post-Cold War shift in US foreign policy towards targeting so-called rogue state vestiges of the Cold War including North Korea enhanced further South Korea's influence in Washington. Due to essential differences in the perceived historical role of American influence, extrapolation of the South Korean development model is problematic. US hegemony in South Korea indicates that perceived alliance with national self-determination constitutes the core of soft power appeal. Civilizational appeal per se in the form of religious beliefs are not critically significant in promoting American polity influence in target polities in South Korea or, comparatively, in the Middle East. The United States is a perceived opponent of pan-Arab nationalism which has trended towards populist Islamic religious symbolism with the failure of secular nationalism. The pronounced component of evangelical Christianity in American core community nationalism which the Trump campaign exploited is a reflection of this orientation in the US.

UNESCO Mixed Heritage Concept Sustainable Preservation of Gochang Maritime Religious Relics (유네스코 복합유산 개념으로 본 고창 해양신앙유적의 지속가능한 보존)

  • HWANG Jihae;PYUN Sungchul
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.180-195
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    • 2024
  • Community beliefs of the coastal villages in Gochang are cultural activities and rituals manifesting the hopes and spiritual worlds of the locals who live off the sea and tidal mud. Along with their societal functions wishing for peace, maritime safety, and good catches, the values of the Jwajeongdam (How god came to be), Yuraedam (History of worshipping), and Yeongheomdam (Stories of miracles), as living heritage need to be reexamined according to the recent Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The community beliefs of the coastal villages in Gochang, where outstanding universal intangible and tangible values coexist, have been perpetually transmitted in interactions with tidal mud and the ecological environments of the sea. They reinforce the "Outstanding Universal Value" UNESCO mentions and sustainability that connects the past, present, and future. Furthermore, a coastal area is endowed with international accessibility over regionality. Hence the community beliefs are charged with eco-cultural values, which its preservation and promotion should also focus on to provide policies and protection activities. In short, the tidal mud and community beliefs of coastal villages in Gochang, which according to the concept of UNESCO's "mixed heritage," meet the values for natural, cultural, and intangible heritage at the same time, and so must be approached not in the scope of points or lines, but also in surfaces when arranging protection initiatives.

Is Religion Possible in the Age of Artificial Intelligence? - From the View of Kantian and Blochian Philosophy of Religion - (인공지능시대에도 종교는 가능한가? - 칸트와 블로흐의 종교철학적 관점에서 -)

  • Kim, Jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.147
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    • pp.117-146
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    • 2018
  • This paper discusses, whether religion is possible even in the age of artificial intelligence, and whether humans alone are the subject of religious faith or ultra intelligent machines with human minds can be also subjects of faith. In order for ultra intelligent machines to be subjects of faith in the same conditions as humans, they must be able to have unique characteristics such as emotion, will, and self-consciousness. With the advent of ultra intelligent machines with the same level of cognitive and emotional abilities as human beings, the religious actions of artificial intelligence will be inevitable. The ultra intelligent machines after 'singularity' will go beyond the subject of religious belief and reign as God who can rule humans, nature and the world. This is also the common view of Morabeck, Kurzweil and Harari. Leonhart also reminds us that technological advances should make us used to the fact that we are now 'gods'. But we fear we may face distopia despite the general affluence of the 'Star Trec' economy. For this reason, even if a man says he has learned the religious truth, one can't help but wonder if it is true. Kant and Bloch are thinkers who critically reflected on our religious ideals and highest concept in different world-view premises. Kant's concept of God as 'idea of pure reason' and 'postulate of practical reason', can seem like a 'god of gap' as Jesse Bering said earlier. Kant recognized the need for religious faith only on a strict basis of moral necessity. The subjects of religious faith should always strive to do the moral good, but such efforts themselves were not enough to reach perfection and so postulated immortality of the soul. But if an ultra intelligent machines that has emerged above a singularity is given a new status in an intellectual explosion, it can reach its morality by blocking evil tendencies and by the infinite evolution of super intelligence. So it will no longer need Kant's 'Postulate for continuous progress towards greater goodness', 'Postulate for divine grace' and 'Postulate for infinite expansion of the kingdom of God on earth.' Artificial intelligence robots would not necessarily consider religious performance in the Kant's meaning, and therefore religion will also have to be abolished. Ernst Bloch transforms Kant's postulate to be Persian dualism. Therefore, in Bloch, even though the ultra intelligent machines is a divine being, one must critically ask whether it is a wicked or a good God. Artificial intelligence experts warn that ultra intellectual machine as Pandora's gift will bring disaster to mankind. In the Kant's Matrix, a ultra intelligent machines, which is the completion of morality and God itself, may fall into a bad god in Bloch's Matrix. Therefore, despite the myth of singularity, we still believe that ultra intelligent machines, whether as God leads us to the completion of one of our only religious beliefs, or as bad god to the collapse of mankind through complete denial of existence.

Sex Determination of Cattle Meat by Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification of the DEAD Box Protein (DDX3X/DDX3Y) Gene

  • Gokulakrishnan, P.;Kumar, R.R.;Sharma, B.D.;Mendiratta, S.K.;Sharma, D.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.733-737
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    • 2012
  • Determination of sex origin of cattle meat by fast and reliable molecular methods is an important measure to ensure correct allocation of export refunds particularly in European countries and also female cattle (cow) slaughter is legally banned in India because of religious beliefs. Based on the DEAD box protein gene located on the X and Y chromosomes, 2 pair of primers were designed and the system of PCR was optimized. Upon PCR amplification, male tissue showed 2 bands, while female tissue resulted in only one band. The accuracy and specificity of the primers was assessed using DNA template extracted from cattle meat of known sex. The protocol was subjected to a blind test and showed 100% concordance, proving its accuracy and reliability.

고대와 중세의 서양 논리사

  • 이승온;정창훈;이석종
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we investigate a relation between the history of western logic and religion. Logic, as distinct from theology, began in Greece in the sixth century B. C. After running its course in antiquity, it was again submerged by theology as Christianity rose and Rome fell. Its second great period, from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries, was dominated by the Catholic church, except for a few great rebels, such as the Emperor Frederick II(1195-1250). This period was brought to an end by the confusion that culminated in the Reformation. The third period, from the seventeenth century to the present day is dominated by science; traditional religious beliefs remain important but are felt to need justification, and are modified wherever science seems to make this imperative.

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The Experience of Parents Whose Child is Dying with Cancer (암 환아 부모의 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • ;;Ida Martinson
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.491-505
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this research was to understand the structure of the lived experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer The research question was “What is the structure of the experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer\ulcorner” The sample consisted of 17 parents of children admitted to the cancer units of two university hospitals in Seoul. The unstructured interviews were carried out from October 10, 1991 through January 10, 1992. They were audio-recorded and analysed using Van Kaam's method. Parents ascribed the cause of the cancer to the mother's emotional imbalance during pregnancy, the mother's stress, failure to observe religious rites, food, the parent's sin, misfortune and pollution. The theme clusters were tension, fear and depression experienced during pregnancy, stress that children suffer from abusive parents, failure to observe religious activites, bad luck, and sins committed during a previous life. When the child suffered a recurrence of cancer, the parents experienced negative emotions, nervousness, sorrow. depression and death. The theme clusters were feelings of despair, helplessness, regret, guilt, insecurity, emptyness and apathy. The long struggle with cancer resulted in the loss of economic security, loss of psychological and physical well being, and social withdrawal. The theme clusters were the economic burden of medical cost, giving up treatment, debt, limited medical insurance coverage and blood transfusion. The loss of psychological well being included stress, lack of support systems, inability to carry out responsibilities, lack of trust of the medical ten family breakdown, inappropriate expression of emotion and not disclosing the diagnosis to the child. Physically the parents suffered fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of weight, dizzness, headache, psychosomatic symptoms, and increased consumption of liquor and cigarettes. Social withdrawal was manifested by taking time off from work to look after the child, decrease of outside social activities and feelings of isolation. Influences on family life were spousal conflicts, negative response of siblings, separation of the family members and economic hardship. The theme clusters were blaming a spouse for the cause of the illness and disagreements, maladjustment, lonliness, hostility and depression of siblings. The high price of medical care over the long period was a major factor influencing the life of the family. Positive experiences during the child's long illness were the strengthening of support systems and religious beliefs and financial help from social organizations. The support of one's spouse primarily helped to overcome the stress of the long illness. In addition, support was received from parents of other children with cancer and from nurses and religious leaders. The nurse, by providing empathetic support, should be a person with whom parents can express their feelings and share their experiences.

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Patient's Right of Self-determination and Informed Refusal: Case Comments (환자 자기결정권과 충분한 정보에 근거한 치료거부(informed refusal): 판례 연구)

  • Bae, Hyuna
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.105-138
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    • 2017
  • This is case comments of several representative legal cases regarding self- determination right of patient. In a case in which an intoxicated patient attempted suicide refusing treatment, the Supreme Court ruled that the medical team's respect for the patient's decision was an act of malpractice, and that in particular medical situations (medical emergencies) the physician's duty to preserve life supersedes the patient's rights to autonomy. Afterwards, at the request of the patient's family, and considering the patient's condition (irrecoverable death stage, etc.) consistent with a persistent vegetative state, the Supreme Court deduced the patient's intention and decide to withdraw life-sustaining treatment. More recently, regarding patients who refuse blood transfusions or other necessary treatment due to religious beliefs, the Supreme Court established a standard of judgment that can be seen as conferring equal value to the physician's duty to respect patient autonomy and to preserve life. An empirical study of legal precedent with regard to cases in which the physician's duty to preserve life conflicts with the patient's autonomy, grounded in respect for human dignity, can reveal how the Court's perspective has reflected the role of the patient as a decision-making subject and ways of respecting autonomy in Korean society, and how the Court's stance has changed alongside changing societal beliefs. The Court has shifted from judging the right to life as the foremost value and prioritizing this over the patient's autonomy, to beginning to at least consider the patient's formally stated or deducible wishes when withholding or withdrawing treatment, and to considering exercises of self determination right based on religious belief or certain other justifications with informed refusal. This will have a substantial impact on medical community going forward, and provide implicit and explicit guidance for physicians who are practicing medicine within this environment.

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Monitoring of the Source of Gelatin in Dietary Supplement Capsules Sold on the Internet

  • Kang, Tae Sun;Kim, Mi-Ra;Hong, Yewon;Lee, Jae-Hwang;Kwon, Kisung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.254-261
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    • 2017
  • Determining the origin of the components in commercially available gelatin, a purified protein derived mostly from pig skin and bovine tissue, is a challenge, leading to concerns on the grounds of religious beliefs and health. Therefore, regular monitoring of labeling compliance by food control authorities is also necessary. In this study, we monitored the origin of gelatin capsules from 181 commercial dietary supplements that were available for purchase on the internet, using species-specific PCR assays. Fifty five products were labeled correctly, declaring that they used bovine-, fish- and plant-derived gelatin, whereas the other 126 capsules were labeled "gelatin" without specifying the origin. Gelatin in these capsules was obtained from cattle (n = 51), pigs (n = 31), or both (n = 44). Therefore, it is important to declare all of the raw materials used to produce gelatin capsules on the labels to best protect consumers' rights, religious beliefs, and health.

Research for the Buddhist Thought of Ancient Medical Record -Focus on Medical Ethics and Psychotherapy- (고대(古代) 의안(醫案)에 나타난 불교사상 연구 -의료윤리와 정신치료를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Geun-Woo;Park, Seo-Yeon
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : To research the needed Buddhistic ethical beliefs and psychotherapy from representative medical records of oriental medicine. Methods : The baseline data this research used is Myeong-Ui-Lyu-An, Sok-Myeong-Ui-Lyu-An, Ui-Bu-Jeol-Lok and from the variety of medical records; we extracted 22 medical records that refer to Buddhist thoughts. The sequence of medical records is determined by analyzing the contents of all medical records and grouping them by their categories. Results : The representative ethical mind that a doctor needs is the 'mercy thought' from Buddhism. This way, the doctor has 'pity' on patients and expects no reward for what he had done. 'Spells and religious beliefs developed into medical treatment procedures by Buddhism and oriental medicine psychotherapy. Using the belief that everything is made of the mind, which is the point of the 'Hwa-Eum' theory and the realization that the psychotic factors have a big role in the occurrence and progress of sicknesses, we emphasized supportive psychotherapy or more specifically, the suggestive therapy. 'Anguish' is an important point in the occurrence and progress of illnesses. To solve this, we used 'Zen family's 'Zen self-discipline' and ascetic life from Buddhism. According to Buddhism, a human's metal conflict and love or malingering from obsession is the cause of all mind illnesses. To heal these, a doctor must have an insight of the patient's mind more than the symptoms. Conclusions : Buddhistic thoughts suggested clearly the mentality necessary for oriental medical psychotherapist and medical ethics for a doctor.