• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reliable Multicast Protocol

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A Restricted retransimission Mechanism for Error Recovery in a Multicast Group (멀티캐스트 그룹에서의 오류 회복을 위한 재전송 제한 기법)

  • Kim, Eun-Suk;Choe, Jong-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.957-965
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    • 1999
  • 그룹간 공동 작업이나 화상 회의와 같은 그룹 통신의 수요가 늘어나면서 멀티캐스팅을 이용한 효율적인 데이타 전송에 대한 요구가 증가하고 있다. 특히 오디오나 비디오 데이타와는 달리 공동 문서 작업이나 그룹간 문서 전송을 위한 데이타 처리를 위해서는 어느 정도의 시간 손실이 있더라도 신뢰성을 보장할 수 있는 멀티캐스트 프로토콜이 요구된다. 그러나 멀티캐스트 전송에서의 신뢰성을 보장하기 위하여 손실 패킷에 대한 재전송 패킷이 전체 그룹으로 멀티캐스트 되는 것은 네트워크 상에 트래픽을 폭증시키는 요인이 된다. 이에 본 논문에서는 지역 그룹에서의 오류 회복을 위한 재전송 제한 기법을 제안하여 손실 패킷의 재전송 과정에서 발생하는 트래픽의 폭주를 제어하고자 한다. 이것은 재전송 패킷이 중복없이 다중 수신자에게 전송될 수 있도록 하여 그룹 내의 재전송 패킷의 양을 줄이고 필요없는 중복 패킷이 네트워크의 효율을 저하시키는 것을 방지하고자 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. Abstract As the size and the geographic span of communication groups increases, efficient data transmission schemes using Multicast service become more and more essential. Especially, unlike audio and video applications, for some collaborative applications and other data delivery components which require ordered and lossless delivery of data, Reliable Multicast Service is needed to ensure consistent presentation across multiple views. Thus error recovery by retransmission of loss data is provided in order to guarantee the reliability of multicast transmission protocol. However, redundant retransmission packets by multicast may cause traffic implosion on the Internet and it can be aggravated with continuous retransmission.This paper describes a Restricted Retransmission Mechanism as an error recovery method of multicast service in a local group, which can handle traffic implosion in retransmission process. It reduces redundant retransmission packets flowing into a local group and supports reliable multicast transmission. The goal of this mechanism is to reduce retransmission packets and decrease the load for group members and networks.

Adaptive Forward Error Correction Scheme for Real-Time Communication in Satellite IP Networks

  • Cho, Sung-Rae
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.1116-1132
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a new forward error correction (FEC) protocol is proposed for point-to-multipoint satellite links. Link-layer error control protocols in point-to-multipoint satellite links impose several problems such as unreliability and receiver-heterogeneity. To resolve the problem of heterogeneous error rates at different receivers, the proposed scheme exploits multiple multicast channels to which each receiver tunes. The more channels a receiver tunes to, the more powerful error correcting capability it achieves. Based on its own channel condition, each receiver tunes to as many channels as it needs, which prevents from receiving unwanted parities. Furthermore, each receiver saves the decoding time, processing overhead, and processing energy. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed scheme guarantees the target PER while saving energy. The proposed technique is highly adaptive to the channel variation with respect to the throughput efficiency, and provides scalable PER and throughput efficiency.

A Heuristic Buffer Management and Retransmission Control Scheme for Tree-Based Reliable Multicast

  • Baek, Jin-Suk;Paris, Jehan-Francois
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2005
  • We propose a heuristic buffer management scheme that uses both positive and negative acknowledgments to provide scalability and reliability. Under our scheme, most receiver nodes only send negative acknowledgments to their repair nodes to request packet retransmissions while some representative nodes also send positive acknowledgments to indicate which packets can be discarded from the repair node's buffer. Our scheme provides scalability because it significantly reduces the number of feedbacks sent by the receiver nodes. In addition, it provides fast recovery of transmission errors since the packets requested from the receiver nodes are almost always available in their buffers. Our scheme also reduces the number of additional retransmissions from the original sender node or upstream repair nodes. These features satisfy the original goal of treebased protocols since most packet retransmissions are performed within a local group.

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A Top-down based Control Tree Construction Mechanism for Reliable Multicast Transport Protocols (신뢰적인 멀티캐스트 전송 프로토콜을 위한 Top-Down 기반의 제어 트리 구축 방안)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Koh, Seok-Joo;Kang, Shin-Gak;Choe, Jong-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.611-620
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    • 2001
  • To meet the requirements of reliable service for various applications, a Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol should be implemented over IP Multicast where currently best-effort service is provided. Among the current researches, hierarchical tree-based mechanism has been proposed and actively studied. This mechanism is known to provide high scalability as well as reliability, but needs an additional tree configuring mechanism for building an efficient logical tree in transport layer. Bottom-up approach has been used for creating such a tree. This method has benefits from parallel tree construction for receivers, while it has some drawbacks such that it does not guarantee a loop-free tree and brings heavy message overhead during tree creation process. Therefore, this paper proposes a top-down based mechanism for constructing a control tree, which can guarantee loop-freeness by step-wise mannered tree building. From experimental simulations, it shows that the proposed mechanism has less message overhead. It is recommended that the bottom-up and the proposed top-down will be selectively used in real networks, according to the requirements of the concerned multicast applications.

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Local Recovery in Reliable Multicast Protocols by Separating NAK-suppression from Error Recovery Request (신뢰성 있는 멀티캐스트 프로토콜에서 NAK 메시지의 기능 분리를 통한 지역적 오류 복구)

  • Jung, Choong-Il;Lee, Yun-Hee;Park, Chang-Yun
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2001
  • With the growth of the Internet, applications using the reliable multicast protocol are increasing. Two important requirements of reliable multicasting are reliability and scalability. To enhance scalability, many methods have been proposed. A typical method is a local recovery scheme. This paper proposes a new stable and effective protocol with the following features. The first is to apply the discipline of the separations of concerns to NAK message. By dividing the functions of the NAK message into the error recovery request and the NAK-suppression, each function can be optimized. Second, a local representative, which is selected gradually and distributively, executes error recovery in somewhat deterministic manner. Finally, by dynamically adjusting the TTL value of the control message, the error recovery domain can be optimized. The proposed scheme has been implemented and experimented on Network Simulator. Compared to the existing schemes, the performance results show that scalability has not only been enhanced but also error recovery time and network overhead have been reduced.

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Internet Advertising System based on Wireless LAN Access Point (무선 LAN 액세스 포인트 기반의 인터넷 광고 시스템)

  • Kim, Young-Dae;Jeong, Geun-Ho;Choi, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a reliable multicast transmission for the advertising-supported Access Point in which a user can use a wireless network access service through receiving the advertisement. In this paper we propose a application-layer multicast protocol that controls a transmission rate of the mobile device for the reliable multicast in wireless LAN environment. Internet advertising includes all means and medias for advertising on the Internet in order to raise sales or popularity of the products or services. Since the current Internet advertising systems are passive, the target systems are exposed to unspecified persons and its exposure rates of the advertisement are changeable and unpredictable. In this paper, we propose an Internet advertising system, with which users can access the wireless Internet without charge, advertisers can provide customized advertisement according to location, time, and categories of users, and owners of network infrastructure can manage the system with a low cost.

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Wired and Wireless Co­existant Networks Reliable Multicast Protocol (유무선 망에서의 신뢰적 멀티캐스트 프로토콜)

  • 권영호;안상현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.10c
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    • pp.688-690
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    • 2003
  • 유무선이 혼합된 망에 적용할 수 있는 신뢰적 멀티캐스트를 지원하기 위해서는 피드백 포구, 재전송 노출등의 문제를 해결하여 효율성과 확장성을 보장해야한다. 이를 위해서 유선망과 무선망의 특성을 함께 고려한 적절한 방법이 필요하였다. 본 논문에서는 유선 망에서는 신뢰성을 보장하기 위해 NACK 기반의 신뢰성 전송기법을 사용하고, 무선 망에서는 ACK와 NAK를 병행하는 방법으로 제어 패킷의 수와 복구시간을 줄여 효율적인 신뢰적 멀티캐스트 서비스를 지원하도록 하였다.

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Reliable multimedia data transfer modeling for mobile hosts (이동컴퓨팅 환경에서 멀티미디어 전송을 위한 모텔 연구)

  • 조근순;김용수;김병기;장경성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.241-245
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    • 1998
  • 본 논문에서는 이동호스트에게 멀티미디어 데이터 전송 시 고려되어야 할 주요 특징과 문제점을 검토하고 이때 발생하는 문제점을 해결하기 위해 Mobile-IP환경에서 네트워크 링크의 공유에 의해 자원을 효율적으로 사용할 수 있는 멀티캐스트 방법을 기반으로 하고 이러한 멀티캐스트를 위한 인터넷 라우팅 프로토콜로는 링크-상태(link-state)알고리즘을 기반으로 하는 MOSPF(Multicast Open Shortest Path First)를 이용한다. 또한 인터넷상에서 라우터들이 멀티캐스트 그룹에 속하는 호스트들을 추적하기 위한 방법으로 IGMP(Internet Group Management Protocol)을 제안 사용하였다. 기존에 제안되어 사용되어지고 있는 UDP/IP based multicast를 사용할 경우에 패킷손실이나 전송지연 등을 위한 어떠한 성능도 보장받지 못하고 많은 대역폭이 요구되는 실시간 패킷들은 중계기의 트래픽 폭주(congestion) 현상에 의해 손실될 가능성이 높다. 이를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 실시간 데이터 전송 및 QOS를 제공하기 위해 RTP/RTCP 프로토콜을 접목시키는 방식을 기술하였다.

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Region-based Tree Multicasting Protocol in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks (무선 에드혹 네트워크에서 지역 기반 트리를 이용한 멀티캐스팅 프로토콜)

  • Lim Jung-Eun;Yoo Sang-Jo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.11B
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    • pp.772-783
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose an effective multicasting protocol in wireless ad-hoc networks. Conventional wired and wireless network multicast protocols do not perform well in wireless ad hoc networks because they were designed without consideration of ad hoc environments such as node mobility, limited bandwidth, high error probability. To solve this problem, some multicasting protocols for ad hoc network have been proposed in the literature. However, these protocols can not provide high packet delivery ratio, low control packet overhead and low expended bandwidth at the same time. Therefore, in this paper, we propose RTMA that improves multicasting performance in wireless ad hoc networks. RTMA calculates its current region from its position information by using GPS in order to make tree among the multicast group nodes in the same region. The proposed region-based tree method is for high packet delivery ratio, low control packet overhead when many senders send data packets. RTMA makes a reliable tree by using speed information to fill a gap of the weak points of the tree structure. When searching the routing path, RTMA selects the reliable path excluding high speed nodes.

An Efficient Group Key Distribution Mechanism for the Secure Multicast Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (이동 애드혹 네트워크에서 안전한 멀티캐스트 통신을 위한 효율적인 그룹 키 분배 방식)

  • Lim Yu-Jin;Ahn Sang-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.3 s.106
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2006
  • Secure delivery of multicast data can be achieved with the use of a group key for data encryption in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) applications based on the group communication. However, for the support of dynamic group membership, the group key has to be updated for each member joining/leaving and, consequently, a mechanism distributing an updated group key to members is required. The two major categories of the group key distribution mechanisms proposed for wired networks are the naive and the tree-based approaches. The naive approach is based on unicast, so it is not appropriate for large group communication environment. On the other hand, the tree-based approach is scalable in terms of the group size, but requires the reliable multicast mechanism for the group key distribution. In the sense that the reliable multicast mechanism requires a large amount of computing resources from mobile nodes, the tree-based approach is not desirable for the small-sized MANET environment. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new key distribution protocol, called the proxy-based key management protocol (PROMPT), which is based on the naive approach in the small-sized MANET environment. PROMPT reduces the message overhead of the naive through the first-hop grouping from a source node and the last-hop grouping from proxy nodes using the characteristics of a wireless channel.