• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional similarity

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Analysis of the Clark Model Using the Similarity Characteristics of the Basin (유역의 상사성을 이용한 Clark 모형의 매개변수 해석)

  • Seong, Gi-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.427-435
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    • 1999
  • The Clark unit hydrograph is a three parameter synthetic unit hydrograph procedure that can be used in flood hydrology. The present work is an attempt to estimate parameters of the Clark model in ungaged basin by means of relationships that provides for the hydrologic similarity. The time area concentration curve was determined by analytic method and the Clark model was generalized by being made dimensionless form. Calculation of the concentration time was made with the formula fractal concept used, and the storage coefficient was estimated by the empirical and regional equation. Evaluation on Dongok basin was performed to prove the validity of the proposed model. The derived hydrograph predicted the observed hydrograph fairly well.

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Korea-Related Discourse Analysis of High-School Geography Textbooks in Japan (일본 고등학교 지리교과서에 나타난 한국 관련 담론 분석)

  • Cho, Chul-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.655-679
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    • 2008
  • This study is to analyze the base of selection and feature of description on Korea-related content in Japanese curriculum(geography and history) and high-school geography textbooks. Japanese curriculum requires that there are two or three neighbor countries to be selected and their contents consist of life and culture and have to compare with those of japan in view of understanding and respect on similarity and difference. The content of physical environment is only dealt as factors influencing on life and culture because regional teaming of neighbor countries focus on it. Dok-do is described with conflict region in most of textbooks. But some textbooks describe Dok-do with territory of Shimane-Hyun in Japan or devide like japanese territory on the map. There are described han-gul(Korean language), confucianism, buddhism and christianity, han-bok(Korean clothes), rice and soup, bulgogi(Korean meat dishes) and scissors, spoon and chopsticks, ondol(Korean floor heater), etc. with the cases of specific Korean life and culture. And, exchange between Korea and Japan focuses on more cultural view increasing recently than political and economical view. Then Japanese high-school geography textbooks humanize geography because of they focus on life and culture and promote not only knowledge and understanding but also altruism and empathy because they focus on similarity and difference through comparison between neighbor country and Japan. This shows how to able to practice regional teaming in globalization and multicultural society.

Text Region Detection using Edge and Regional Minima/Maxima Transformation from Natural Scene Images (에지 및 국부적 최소/최대 변환을 이용한 자연 이미지로부터 텍스트 영역 검출)

  • Park, Jong-Cheon;Lee, Keun-Wang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.358-363
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    • 2009
  • Text region detection from the natural scene images used in a variety of applications, many research are needed in this field. Recent research methods is to detect the text region using various algorithm which it is combination of edge based and connected component based. Therefore, this paper proposes an text region detection using edge and regional minima/maxima transformation algorithm from natural scene images, and then detect the connected components of edge and regional minima/maxima, labeling edge and regional minima/maxima connected components. Analysis the labeled regions and then detect a text candidate regions, each of detected text candidates combined and create a single text candidate image, Final text region validated by comparing the similarity and adjacency of individual characters, and then as the final text regions are detected. As the results of experiments, proposed algorithm improved the correctness of text regions detection using combined edge and regional minima/maxima connected components detection methods.

The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Regional Economy in Indonesia 2012-2018

  • DEWI, Dyah Makutaning;WULANSARI, Ika Yuni
    • Asian Journal of Business Environment
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Research aims to analyze the influence of ICT on regional economic growth in Indonesia Provinces are grouped using Klassen's typology, which divides four quadrants based on economic growth and GRDP per capita. Considering similarity characteristics, four typology categories are finally simplified into two named categories: the "rapidly developed and growing" region and the "relatively lagged" region. Research design, data and methodology: The study uses panel data of 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2012 to 2018. It employs panel regression analysis to determine the impact of ICT on the regional economic growth of both regions. Results: The study reveals the percentage of households that own computer and the percentage of households who have accessed the internet in the last three months have a positive and significant influence on the GRDP per capita in the "relatively lagged" region. Meanwhile, mean years of schooling has a positive and significant impact on both regions. Conclusions: In the "rapidly developed and growing" region, only mean years of schooling has a positive and significant effect on GRDP per capita, whilst in the "relatively lagged" region, percentage of households that own computer, percentage of households who have accessed the internet in the last three months, and mean years of schooling have a positive and significant impact on GRDP per capita in Indonesia.

Image Retrieval Based on the Weighted and Regional Integration of CNN Features

  • Liao, Kaiyang;Fan, Bing;Zheng, Yuanlin;Lin, Guangfeng;Cao, Congjun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.894-907
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    • 2022
  • The features extracted by convolutional neural networks are more descriptive of images than traditional features, and their convolutional layers are more suitable for retrieving images than are fully connected layers. The convolutional layer features will consume considerable time and memory if used directly to match an image. Therefore, this paper proposes a feature weighting and region integration method for convolutional layer features to form global feature vectors and subsequently use them for image matching. First, the 3D feature of the last convolutional layer is extracted, and the convolutional feature is subsequently weighted again to highlight the edge information and position information of the image. Next, we integrate several regional eigenvectors that are processed by sliding windows into a global eigenvector. Finally, the initial ranking of the retrieval is obtained by measuring the similarity of the query image and the test image using the cosine distance, and the final mean Average Precision (mAP) is obtained by using the extended query method for rearrangement. We conduct experiments using the Oxford5k and Paris6k datasets and their extended datasets, Paris106k and Oxford105k. These experimental results indicate that the global feature extracted by the new method can better describe an image.

Measurement of Travel Time Using Sequence Pattern of Vehicles (차종 시퀀스 패턴을 이용한 구간통행시간 계측)

  • Lim, Joong-Seon;Choi, Gyung-Hyun;Oh, Kyu-Sam;Park, Jong-Hun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose the regional travel time measurement algorithm using the sequence pattern matching to the type of vehicles between the origin of the region and the end of the region, that could be able to overcome the limit of conventional method such as Probe Car Method or AVI Method by License Plate Recognition. This algorithm recognizes the vehicles as a sequence group with a definite length, and measures the regional travel time by searching the sequence of the origin which is the most highly similar to the sequence of the end. According to the assumption of similarity cost function, there are proposed three types of algorithm, and it will be able to estimate the average travel time that is the most adequate to the information providing period by eliminating the abnormal value caused by inflow and outflow of vehicles. In the result of computer simulation by the length of region, the number of passing cars, the length of sequence, and the average maximum error rate are measured within 3.46%, which means that this algorithm is verified for its superior performance.

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Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Inter-regional Public Transit Services: Focusing on Inter-regional Railways (다차원척도법을 활용한 지역 간 대중교통 수단들의 유사성에 관한 연구: 간선열차를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Yeongmin;Jang, Kitae;Jang, In Gwun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2016
  • As sustainable growth has been emphasized in the field of transportation, the railway system has been promoted as an environmentally-friendly transport mode. However, mode shifts from other transport modes to railway have been sluggish. In this context, to enhance the understanding of railway's competitive advantages and disadvantages, this research evaluates travelers'preferences for public transport modes for inter-regional trips: such understanding should make it possible to formulate effective policy for promoting railways. To this end, passenger recognition of competitive transport modes has been measured by applying multidimensional scaling analysis for six major inter-regional public transport services - KTX, ITX-Samaeul, Mugunghwa-ho, premium express bus, general express bus, and airline. As a result, we can conceptualize the recognition similarity in two-dimensional space, and understand how travelers perceive the six major transport modes.

Assessment of Uncertainty for Applying Nash's Model Using the Hydrologic Similarity of Basins (유역의 수문학적 상사성을 이용한 Nash 모형의 불확실성 평가)

  • Seong, Kee-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.3 s.134
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    • pp.399-411
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    • 2003
  • An approach determining a confidence interval of Nash's observed mean instantaneous unit hydrograph is developed. In the approach, both two parameters are treated as correlated gaussian random variables based on the theory of Box-Cox transformation and the regional similarity relation, so that linear statistical parameter estimation is possible. A parametric bootstrap method is adopted to give the confidence interval of the mean observed hydrograph. The proposed methodology is also applicable to estimate the parameters of Nash's model for un-gauged basins. An application to a watershed has shown that the proposed approach is adequate to assess the uncertainty of the Nash's hydrograph and to evaluate parameters for un-gauged basins.

Surface Wind Regionalization Based on Similarity of Time-series Wind Vectors

  • Kim, Jinsol;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2016
  • In the complex terrain where local wind systems are formed, accurate understanding of regional wind variability is required for wind resource assessment. In this paper, cluster analysis based on the similarity of time-series wind vector was applied to classify wind regions with similar wind characteristics and the meteorological validity of regionalization method was evaluated. Wind regions in Jeju Island and Busan were classified using the wind resource map of Korea created by a mesoscale numerical weather prediction modeling. The evaluation was performed by comparing wind speed, wind direction, and wind variability of each wind region. Wind characteristics, such as mean wind speed and prevailing wind direction, in the same wind region were similar and wind characteristics in different wind regions were meteor-statistically distinct. It was able to identify a singular wind region at the top area of Mt. Halla using the inconsistency of wind direction variability. Furthermore, it was found that the regionalization results correspond with the topographic features of Jeju Island and Busan, showing the validity.

Design of Customized Medical CRM System Supporting Priority Retrieval (우선순위검색을 지원하는 고객맞춤형 병원 CRM시스템 설계)

  • Han, Jung-Soo;Kim, Gui-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2009
  • This paper is focused on the medical CRM system design for a hospital custom management. CRM systems provides information and seminars to whom are necessity. For this, priority retrieval and similarity retrieval are able to be in the personnel order and the regional. The customer receives the message which sends out from the hospital, The hospital manages the message which reveals a participation intention in the seminar at real-time. The hospital grasps the participation degree of the seminar where the customer will participate and manages the patients who participate to the seminar actively, and when the next seminar will be hold, we designed the system able to provide the service as early as possible.