• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional resources

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Fundarmental Studies on Regional Analysis of Potentiality for Conservation of Natural Park(II) -Analysis of Existing Natural Resources in Tokyo Province- (자연공원의 보호계획을 위한 광역적 토지자연의 분석에 관한 연구 (II) -잠재자연 및 현재자연과 보호를 위한 계획지침의 설정-)

  • 배병호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 1994
  • Existing natural resources were analyzed in regional scale in order to suggest natural park guidelines as a previous step of conservation plan. Results of both existing natural resources and land potentiality in preceding paper were combined to suggest comprehensive and qualitative method for understanding of natural land. Regional characteristics of natural park were, then, analyzed by this method, and specific planning guidelines were discussed. The existing natural resources were analyzed by the degree of location quotient, which were found by comparison of the grade of vegetation naturalness and the bio-physical land unit in preceding paper. Then, allowance of existing natural resources was identified, and importance of protection was described based on this result. The bio-physical land unit on Tokyo Province was found to be composed by smaller land units, which had a variety of relationship with grade of vegetation naturalness: from the specific(1st) to many stages(5th). This meant a characteric of each land unit. By this combined approach, the characteristics and spatial distribution of natural land were discussed in the regional scale, and characteristic of nateral park were analyzed in terms of natural location. National park were located in the land unit where both land capability and importance of portection were the 6th. Quasi national park and 1 province natural park were located in the land unit where land capability was the 6th and importance of protection were the 5th. Seven province natural parks were located in the land unites were both criteria under the 5th were mixed. based on the results of this study, the followings were suggested for specific planning guidelines in the case of Takao quasi nation park: (a) conservative land use within the limit of carrying capacity of this area by the conservation of biotic and abiotic natural resources, (b) conservation of both natural and semi-natural vegetation, (c) utilization of this area as a urban forest.

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Evaluation of Efficiency of Snow Removal Operation Resources using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA를 이용한 동절기 도로제설자재 운영 효율성 평가)

  • Kim, Jin Guk;Yang, Choong Heon;Park, Geun Hyoung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSES : This study evaluates the efficiency of snow removal operation resources using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The results of this study can help decision-making strategies, especially for resource allocation for snow removal works on national highways. METHODS : First, regional road management offices (DMUs) for efficiency evaluation were set up, and a database (for years 2012-2016) for analysis was formed. Second, DEA was carried out by selecting input and output variables based on the constructed database. Lastly, based on the results of the DEA, the efficiency of each regional road management office was evaluated. In addition, the potential for future improvement was determined. RESULTS : The results showed that there was a large variation in efficiency of snow removal operation resources by regional offices. CONCLUSIONS : The results of this study imply that the evaluation of efficiency for snow removal operation resources is important when decisions related to snow-removal strategies are made by road management offices.

A proposal for regional customization and optimal operation management of groundwater resources through analysis of water resources research trends in Korea (국내 수자원 분야 연구 동향 분석을 통한 지역 맞춤형 지하수자원 최적 운영 관리 방안 제시)

  • Lee, Jae-Beom;Kim, Jin-Soo;Yang, Jeong-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.spc1
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    • pp.743-753
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    • 2020
  • In this study, research trends in the water resources in Korea were analyzed to present regional customization and optimal operation management of groundwater resources. Detailed classification fields were determined in the water and groundwater resources. Through the analysis of examples and trends of research related to water resources and underground water resources, three improvements were presented: securing sites for long-term observable research area, evaluating water resources based on spatial units, and not reflecting the characteristics of watersheds in acts and ordinances. The research results of this study are expected to be the basis for policy judgment in determining the groundwater management policy after the group of groundwater management policy makers at the research site can identify the requirements.

Simulation of Regional Climate over East Asia using Dynamical Downscaling Method

  • Oh, Jai-Ho;Kim, Tae-Kook;Min, Young-Mi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2002.05b
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    • pp.1187-1194
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    • 2002
  • In this study, we have simulated regional climate over East Asia using dynamical downscaling For dynamic downscaling experiments for regional climate simulation, MM5method. with 27 km horizontal resolution and 18 layers of sigma-coordinate in vertical is nested within global-scale NCEP reanalysis data with 2.5。${\times}$2.5。 resolution in longitude and latitude. In regional simulation, January and July, 1979 monthly mean features have been obtained by both continuous integration and daily restart integration driven by updating the lateral boundary forcing at 6-hr intervals from the NCEP reanalysis data using a nudging scheme with the updating design of initial and boundary conditions in both continuous and restart integrations. In result, we may successfully generated regional detail features which might be forced by topography, lake, coastlines and land use distribution from a regional climate. There is no significant difference in monthly mean features either integrate continuously or integrate with daily restart. For climatologically long integration, the initial condition may not be significantly important. Accordingly, MM5 can be integrated for a long period without restart frequently, if a proper lateral boundary forcing is given.

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On the Drought over Korea using the regional climate change simulation (지역 기후 변화 모의 자료를 이용한 한반도 가뭄 지수 분석)

  • Boo, Kyung-On;Kwon, Won-Tae;Baek, Hee-Jeong;Oh, Jai-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.875-877
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    • 2004
  • We analyze the changes of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) over Korea to assess the regional climate change associated with global warming. For the regional-scale analysis, we used the MM5 simulation in 27 km horizontal resolution for the period of 1971-2100, which is driven by ECHAM4/HOPE-G under the greenhouse gas omission scenario. The downscaled climate variables capture improved regional features consistent with the observation. Based on the simulation, we investigated the temporal and spatial distributions of PDSI over Korea. The area-averaged PDSI is expected to decrease in global warming. Considering the horizontal distribution of climate change, the negative peak values of PDSI anomalies appear in the southern part of Korea.

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A bivariate extension of the Hosking and Wallis goodness-of-fit measure for regional distributions

  • Kjeldsen, Thomas Rodding;Prosdocimi, Ilaria
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.239-239
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    • 2015
  • This study presents a bivariate extension of the goodness-of-fit measure for regional frequency distributions developed by Hosking and Wallis [1993] for use with the method of L-moments. Utilising the approximate joint normal distribution of the regional L-skewness and L-kurtosis, a graphical representation of the confidence region on the L-moment diagram can be constructed as an ellipsoid. Candidate distributions can then be accepted where the corresponding the oretical relationship between the L-skewness and L-kurtosis intersects the confidence region, and the chosen distribution would be the one that minimises the Mahalanobis distance measure. Based on a set of Monte Carlo simulations it is demonstrated that the new bivariate measure generally selects the true population distribution more frequently than the original method. An R-code implementation of the method is available for download free-of-charge from the GitHub code depository and will be demonstrated on a case study of annual maximum series of peak flow data from a homogeneous region in Italy.

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A Case Study on Chusa Kimjeonghee Cultural Assets Commercialization Project Considering Regional Characteristics (지역특성을 고려한 추사김정희문화상품화사업 사례분석)

  • Jung, Nam-Su;Yoon, Hei-ryeo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.446-457
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    • 2019
  • There are many local resources industrialization projects for regional development in South Korea but a lack of method for being adapted for project planning from survey of local resources to commercialization. In this research, we composed local resource commercialization process with a case study of Chusa Kimjeonghee cultural assets commercialization project considering regional characteristics of resources, employment, and needs. This research is composed with three parts such as resource assessment, main manufacturing area selection, and project contents development. In first step, local resource lists are gathered and graded by expert survey with the item of importance and industrialization possibility. In second step, we proposed project asssistant coefficient with numbers of enterprises and employment data by manufacturing are gathered in national and target area level. In third step, we propose questionnaire survey items for developing project contents based on customer needs. Finally we summarized project results and induced implications for future cultural assets commercialization projects.

Demand Analysis for Community-based Tourism Using Count Data Models (가산자료모형을 이용한 지역사회기반형 관광수요 분석)

  • Yun, Hee-Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the demand for a community-based tourism site using a poisson model, a negative binominal model, a truncated poisson model and a truncated negative binominal model as count data models. For these reasons, questionnaire surveys were conducted into 5 community-based tourism sites in Chuncheon city with 406 tourists, and was analyzed using the STATA program. The fitness levels of four models were significant(p=0.0000) using a likelihood ratio test. The study results suggest that the demand of community-based tourism sites for visiting tourists was influenced by a pre-visiting experience, recognition of sustainable tourism, visitation of downtown, purchase of souvenir or farm produce, conversation with regional residents, regional harmony, preservation of natural resources and sex within the poisson and truncated poisson models. However, the variables of visitation of downtown, preservation of natural resources and sex were not significant within the negative binominal model and the visitation of downtown and preservation of natural resources were not significant within the truncated negative binominal model. The results of the visiting demand of community-based tourism sites can provide information for sustainable regional development strategies.

Developing upcycled fashion design for regional sustainability - Focusing on Changshin-dong area - (지역적 지속가능성의 실천으로서의 업사이클링 패션디자인 개발 - 동대문구 창신동을 중심으로 -)

  • Yim, Eunhyuk;Kim, Hyun Jung;Beom, Seo Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.140-156
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to review and establish the three concepts of upcycling, zero-waste fashion design, and regional sustainability through a review of domestic and international case studies. Furthermore, it will provide the theoretical basis for using upcycling as a regional sustainability practice to create zero-waste fashion design. To conduct an empirical study, we systematized the stages of the survey on waste resources in Changsin-dong, the sourcing and utilization of waste resources, the design-planning stage, and the co-production with pattern and sewing masters as a suggested practice for regional sustainability. Through this study, we propose the possibility of regional sustainability by developing and sharing the method of zero-waste fashion design. The conclusion of the study as follows: First, upcycling fashion designs can be extended to a regional sustainability practice by taking the characteristics of social design into account. Second, by providing a design development process and methodology suitable for regional sustainability application, it is helpful to revitalize regional upcycling fashion brands and communities by providing data for upcycled fashion branding. Third, as part of the revitalization project for the Chang-shin and Soongin areas that started in 2014, using the region's economic, cultural, and environmental characteristics to make and sell high-value, upcycled fashion products will contribute to social and economic achievements and aid in solving regional problems.