• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reference Stress Method

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Finite Element Analysis of Flexural Composite Members Considering Early-Age Concrete Properties (콘크리트의 초기재령특성을 고려한 합성형 휨 부재의 유한요소 거동해석)

  • 강병수;주영태;신동훈;이용학
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.463-468
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    • 2003
  • A finite element formulation to predict the flexural behavior of composite girder is presented in which the early-age properties of concrete are specified including maturing of elastic modulus, creep and shrinkage. The time dependent constitutive relation accounting for the early-age concrete properties is derived in an incremental format by expanding the total form of stress-strain relation by the first order Taylor series with respect to the reference time. The total potential energy of the flexural composite member is minimized to derive the time dependent finite element equilibrium equation. Numerical applications are made for the 3-span double composite steel box girders which is a composite bridge girder filled with concrete at the bottom of the steel box in the negative moment region. The numerical analysis with considering the variation of concrete elastic modulus are performed to investigate the effect of it on the early-age behavior of composite structures. The one dimensional finite element analysis results are compared with the analytical method based on the sectional analysis. Close agreement is observed among the two methods.

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Fatigue Behavior of GFRP Bridge Deck in the Transverse Direction (GFRP 바닥판의 약축방향 피로거동 특성)

  • Zi, Goang-Sseup;Jung, Jin-Kyu;Kim, Byung-Min;Hwang, Yoon-Koog;Lee, Young-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2007
  • Fatigue Behavior of a GFRP bridge deck consisting of rectangular unit modules is studied by an experimental method. The experiment focuses on how the damage in the transverse direction influence the overall behavior of the deck It is proposed filling the space in each module with a soft foam. Using the recent experimental data, the fatigue behavior is discussed. If the space of the deck is filled with the foam, the fatigue life of the deck was increased about 1,000 times for the same level of the stress variation as the reference deck not filled.

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  • 도영대;김형근
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 1995.05a
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 1995
  • An incremental Total Lagrangian Formulation is implemented for the finite element analysis of laminated composite pressure vessel with consideration of the material and geometric nonlinearities. For large displacements/large rotations due to geometric nonlinearities, the incremental equations are derived using a quadratic approximation for the increment of the reference vectors in terms of the nodal rotation increments. This approach leads to a complete tangent stiffness matrix. For material nonlinearity, the analysis is performed by using the piecewise linear method, taking account of the nonlinear shear stress-strain relation. The results of numerical tests include the large deflection behavior of the selected composite shell problem. When compared with the previous analysis, tile results are in good agreement with them. As a practical example, filament wound pressure vessel is analyzed with consideration of the geometrically and materially nonlinearity. The numerical results agree fairly well with the existing experimental results.

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A Comparative Study of Korea and Japan on the Community Design by the People - About design process of rural community applied 'Pattern Language' - (주민주도형(住民主導型) 지구환경계획(地區環境計劃)(まちづくり)에 대한 한일비교연구(韓日比較硏究) -패턴랭귀지를 사용한 마을계획과정을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Hyo-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, I made a comparative study of design process of Kuryong-Ri, Keumsong-Myun, Chechon City, Chungbuk Province which is one of rural communities in Korea and framing process of master plan for Hama street at Sirahama town on Wakayama Ken, famous hot-bath resort in Japan. Both processes have common points to adopt identical design philosophy and method called 'Pattern Language'. The aim of this study to provide valuable reference for applying at community design by the people in the future, though analyzing common and unlike points, laying stress on the process of user-participation rather than its final results. It is possible confirm Pattern Language is effective tool for carrying out community design by the people.

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Structural Strength Evaluation of a Carbody by Finite Element Analysis and Tests (구조해석 및 시험에 의한 경량화 차체 구조강도 평가)

  • Yoon S.C.;Kim W.K.;Jun C.S.;Kim M.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes the result of structure analysis and load test of body structure. The purpose of the analysis and test is to evaluate an safety which body structure shall be considered fully sufficient rigidity so as to satisfy proper system function under maximum load and operating condition. Material of body structure applied an aluminum alloy. Body structure consist of side frame, under frame, roof frame, end frame. Both FEM analysis and load test are based on 'Performance Test Standard for Electrical Multiple Unit, noticed by Ministry of Construction & Transportation, in 2000' and reference code is JIS E 7105. The test results have been very safety and stable fer design load conditions.

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Analytic adherend deformation correction in the new ISO 11003-2 standard: Should it really be applied?

  • Ochsner, A.;Gegner, J.;Gracio, J.
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.14-26
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    • 2004
  • For reliable determination of mechanical characteristics of adhesively bonded joints used e.g. as input data for computer-aided design of complex components, the thick-adherend tensile-shear test according to ISO 11003-2 is the most important material testing method. Although the total displacement of the joint is measured across the polymer layer directly in the overlap zone in order to minimize the influence of the stepped adherends, the substrate deformation must be taken into account within the framework of the evaluation of the shear modulus and the maximum shear strain, at least when high-strength adhesives are applied. In the standard ISO 11003-2 version of 1993, it was prescribed to perform the substrate deformation correction by means of testing a one-piece reference specimen. The authors, however, pointed to the excessive demands on the measuring accuracy of the extensometers connected with this technique in industrial practice and alternatively proposed a numerical deformation analysis of a dummy specimen. This idea of a mathematical correction was included in the revised ISO 11003-2 version of 2001 but in the simplified form of an analytical method based on Hooke's law of elasticity for small strains. In the present work, it is shown that both calculation techniques yield considerably discordant results. As experimental assessment would require high-precision distance determination (e.g. laser extensometer), finite element analyses of the deformation behavior of the bonded joint are performed in order to estimate the accuracy of the obtained substrate deformation corrections. These simulations reveal that the numerical correction technique based on the finite element deformation modeling of the reference specimen leads to considerably more realistic results.

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Study on Modeling and Arrangement of Link-Shoes for Torsional Control of S-shaped Pedestrian Cable-Stayed Bridge (S자형 보도사장교의 비틀림 제어를 위한 링크슈의 모델링과 배치방법 연구)

  • Ji, Seon-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 2019
  • Recently, cable-stayed bridges have been attempting to apply bold and experimental shapes for aesthetic and originality. In the case of bridges that have no similar cases, deep understanding and verification of analytical modeling is needed. S-shaped curved pedestrian cable-stayed bridge is always twisted because the cable is arranged on one side of the inverted triangular truss girder. In order to suppress the torsion, the Link-shoes are arranged at the left and right top members with reference to the Bearing placed at the mid-bottom member. The first research is related to the modeling method of Link-Shoe and Diaphram. In order to accurately reflect the transverse structural system and the torsional stiffness, it was necessary to model the Link-Shoe and the Diaphram directly rather than indirectly using the stiffness of the Bearing. The second study is related to the lateral arrangement of Bearing and Link-Shoes. Method 1 is to place in order of Link-shoe, Bearing, and Link-shoe from outside the curve radius. Method 2 is place to in order of Bearing, Bearing, and Link-shoe. In method 2, compared to method 1, the stress in the outer top member was larger and the stress in the inner one was decreased. It is analyzed that the stress adjustment is possible according to the lateral arrangement of Bearing and Link-Shoe.

Brief review of cancer treatment focused on JIJU(積聚) (적취(積聚)를 위주로 한 종양(腫瘍)의 치법(治法)에 관한 소고(小考))

  • Park, Jae-Hyun;Moon, Goo
    • Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: To grasp the traditional stream of cancer treatment inherited from the previous doctors. Methods: The author's research has been performed cancer treatment based on JIJU(積聚) taking the original text as a reference. Results & Conclusion: The general three outlines and five detailed rules of cancer treatment have been obtained as follows. The first outline of cancer treatment is that reinforced vital function makes cancer reduce naturally. the second is that Harmless cancer can coexist in human beings and aging with them. and the third is that Elimination and reinforcing therapies should be executed in appropriate era and those therapies should utilize appropriate methods. The first detailed rule of cancer treatment is when using reinforcing therapy, it must applicate mildly and when using elimination therapy, it must applicate calmly. The second detailed rule is that the methods of cancer treatment are different from each cancer stage. The concentration should be made on reinforcing therapy at early stage while reinforcing and elimination therapies must be conducted together at middle stage. At terminal stage reinforcing therapy is the sole method to be taken. The third detailed rule is that the basis property of cancer drug is warm nature and extremely biased property should be avoided and when complication arises (eg. inflamatory disease, cancer fever, etc), cold or cool nature can be applied. The fourth detailed rule is that Cancer drug must have the effect eliminating the blood stasis, phlegm and excessive fluid, all together. The fifth detailed rule is that Physicians have to control patient's stress or stress related symptom and teach patients about right way of taking care of themselves and patients should take hygienic rules with their free will by themselves (eg diet, exercise, stress, etc)

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Nonlinear FE modelling and parametric study on flexural performance of ECC beams

  • Kh, Hind M.;Ozakca, Mustafa;Ekmekyapar, Talha
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2017
  • Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) is a special class of the new generation of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites (HPFRCC) featuring high ductility with relatively low fiber content. In this research, the mechanical performance of ECC beams will be investigated with respect to the effect of slag and aggregate size and amount, by employing nonlinear finite element method. The validity of the models was verified with the experimental results of the ECC beams under monotonic loading. Based on the numerical analysis method, nonlinear parametric study was then conducted to evaluate the influence of the ECC aggregate content (AC), ECC compressive strength ($f_{ECC}$), maximum aggregate size ($D_{max}$) and slag amount (${\phi}$) parameters on the flexural stress, deflection, load and strain of ECC beams. The simulation results indicated that when increase the slag and aggregate size and content no definite trend in flexural strength is observed and the ductility of ECC is negatively influenced by the increase of slag and aggregate size and content. Also, the ECC beams revealed enhancement in terms of flexural stress, strain, and midspan deflection when compared with the reference beam (microsilica MSC), where, the average improvement percentage of the specimens were 61.55%, 725%, and 879%, respectively. These results are quite similar to that of the experimental results, which provides that the finite element model is in accordance with the desirable flexural behaviour of the ECC beams. Furthermore, the proposed models can be used to predict the flexural behaviour of ECC beams with great accuracy.

A Study on Convergence Contact Behavior of Friction Heat and Pad on Disk Brake (디스크 브레이크에서 마찰열과 패드에 작용하는 융합 접촉거동에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seung-Chul;Lee, Bong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2018
  • In automotive disc brake systems, frictional heat is not uniformly dispersed for reasons such as heat flux and thermal deformation. The thermoelastic deformation due to the frictional heat affects the contact pressure distribution and the contact load may be concentrated on the contact portion on the the disc brake surface, resulting in thermoelastic instability. In this study, thermal analysis and thermal deformation analysis considering the contact between disk and pad occurred during braking through 3D axial symmetry model with reference to the experimental equation and Kao's analysis method of contact pressure of disk and pad. ANSYS is used to analyze the thermal and elastic instability problems occurring at the contact surface between the disk and the pad, considering both the thermal and mechanical loads. A 3D axisymmetric model with direct contact between the disk and the pad was constructed to more accurately observe the thermal behavior of the disk by observing the frictional surface temperature, thermal deformation and contact thermal stress of the disk.