• Title/Summary/Keyword: Recall Survey

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Consumer use of social media for food risk information: Survey findings in the United States and implications for the Korean context

  • Shim, Min Sun
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: This study aimed (1) to share findings from the U.S. on customer use of social media for information seeking and sharing about food recall risks, and (2) to discuss the implications of the findings for the context of food safety and risk communication in Korea. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 1,026 social media users aged 18 years or older in the U.S., recruited from the Knowledge Network's nationally representative panel. Results: About 26 percent of respondents used social media either to seek or share food recall information in the past year, with social networking sites being the most popular tool. With respect to social media use for information seeking, being married, perceived risk of getting foodborne diseases, and trust in Internet were significant, positive predictors; being Whites and trust in health professionals were negative predictors. Social media use for information sharing was positively associated with education, being married, foodborne disease history, and perceived risk of foodborne diseases; Whites, income, and trust in health professionals were negative predictors. Conclusions: The study gives theoretical, methodological, and practical implications for the context of food safety and risks in Korea.

Factors Associated with Skipping Breakfast in Korean Children: Analysis of Data from the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey (초.중.고등학생의 아침결식 관련 변인: 2001년 국민건강.영양조사 자료 분석)

  • Yeoh, Yoon-Jae;Yoon, Ji-Hyun;Shim, Jae-Eun;Chung, Sang-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with skipping breakfast of Korean children by analyzing the 24-hour recall intake data from the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey. The sample of this study consisted of 1,600 children aged 7 to 18 years. About 17% of the children skipped breakfast, consuming no food or beverage at all. About 30% of children reporting breakfast skipping in a self-administered survey were shown to have eaten some foods as a result of analysis of the 24-hour recall data. Students having eaten breakfast consumed 21% of Estimated Energy Requirement at breakfast. The multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that age was associated with skipping breakfast both in elementary and middle/high school students; older students were more likely to skip breakfast. Elementary school students from low-income families were more likely to skip breakfast than those from upper-high income families. Intervention programs are needed to prevent children from skipping breakfast by targeting older students. For elementary school students, such programs should be first developed for those from low-income families.

Influence of TrueView Ad Skip Buttons on Advertising Effect (트루뷰 동영상 광고의 스킵버튼 종류에 따른 광고 효과)

  • Kim, Ju Seok;Chung, Donghun
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to find out what type of skip button used in forced exposure advertising is the most positive to the users. The four types of skip buttons were produced for the experiment and tested by survey and eye tracker to reveal the effects of the skip buttons on perceived intrusion, advertising attention, attitude toward advertising, and memory consisting of recall and recognition. Out of 80 participants, 20 were randomly assigned to the specific type of skip button group. The results showed that there is no statistical difference in advertising attention, perceived intrusiveness and attitude toward advertising. However, the recall and recognition rate are the highest in the static text type and kinetic text, product image, and default follow statistically. This study has implications for using skip buttons as a major variable for inventory of TrueView advertising effects and suggests that the amount of information in the image is critical processed by users within very short time.

Analysis of Foods and Nutrients Intake Obtained at the Final Probing Step in 24-hour Recall Method (24시간 회상법을 사용한 한국 성인의 식이섭취조사에서 재회상 단계 추가의 영향 분석)

  • Kang, He-Ra;Jung, Hyun-Ju;Paik, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.158-170
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to examine the usefulness of adding final probing step (step3) in dietary assessment by 24-hour recall method among Korean adults. One-hundred fifty five adults (37 males and 118 females) above 30 years of age who visited hospitals for health examination were recruited at three hospitals in Korea. One day dietary intake was obtained using 24-hour recall method from each subject. Dietary interview was conducted in 3 steps, (1) quick list of foods eaten during the previous day, (2) detailed information of all the foods eaten, (3) the final probing for any items forgotten. Items added at the step3 were identified and contributions of energy and nutrient intakes were calculated. The average duration of interview was 10.5 min, and time spent for each step was 4.12 minute for step 1, 5.62 minute for step 2, and 38 second for step 3. The average number of dishes reported by the subjects added at the step 3 was 2.2. (Males = 2.6, Females = 1.6) Frequently reported dishes in the step 3 were Beverage, Tea, alcohol (37.1%) and Fruits (31.8%). From mean total energy intake of 1,589 kcal (Men = 1,846 kcal, Women = 1,509 kcal), 179 kcal (11.3%) was added at the step 3. In the step 3, nutrient intakes increased significantly except retinol in total subjects and except retinol and cholesterol in males but all nutrients increased significantly in females. The final probing step can add significant information on intakes of foods and many nutrients with only about 38 seconds of interview time. Confirmation of the results with larger samples of different age groups is needed.

Under-Reporting in Dietary Assessment by 24-Hour Recall Method in Korean Female College Students (24시간 회상법을 사용한 식이섭취조사에 나타난 한국 여대생의 과소응답 분석)

  • 이은영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.957-966
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    • 1999
  • Underreporting of dietary intake is common and might distort analysis and interpretation of dietary surveys. This study was designed to investigate the degree of underreporting and characterastics of under-reporting group in Korean college female students. Dietary survey of 1-day 24-hour recall method was conducted on 379 college students in Seoul and Chonan areas. Physical activity and life style were aquired from questionnnaires. Underreporting was defined as energy intake(EI) lower than 0.9BMR(based metabolic rate), since EI<0.98BMR is statistically judged as bias in 1-day 24 hour recall. BMR was calculated from Schofield's equation. Proportion of underreporting was 18.7% and it's not so different from one of American or European women. Intake of nutrients except vitamin A by underreporting group was lower than other groups(p<0.001). Proportions of subjects with nutrient intake level less than 75% of Korean RDA were more than 80% in protein, Ca, Fe, vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, zinc as well as energy. Dietary quality of underreporting group was also worse than other groups. Proportion of subjects less than 3 food groups among 5 food group was higher in underreporting group. The number of foods eaten by underreporting group were also less than those of other groups. BMI and body weight were the largest in underreporting group(p<0.05) and the trial of weight reduction was shown higher trend(p<0.01). Different in PAC and other characteristics between underreporting group and other group were not significant. Not only dietary quantity but also dietary quality were worse in the underreporting group. Furthermore underreporting in college female students seemed to be affected by body weight and concern for weight reduction.

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Food and nutrient Intake in Relation to Alcohol consumption in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey

  • Kim, Youngok
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2001
  • Dietary pattern in relation to alcohol consumption was studied in 7,370 Korean adults aged 20 years and older in 1998 Koran National Health and Nutrition Survey in which 24 hour recall method was used for dietary survey, The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of alcohol consumption on food and nutrient intake among Koreans, Individual drinking data was collected by interview as a part of health behavior survey T est was adopted to between nutrient intake level and drinking status. Drinkers of both sexes showed less consumption of foods from vegetable origins than non-drinkers, Consequently,. They also had significantly less carbohydrate consumption then non-drinker. This result may suggest that diets of Korean drinkers is unbalanced in terms of low consumption of food from vegetable origin and carbohydrate, Nutrition education should focus on those issues to improve the nutritional status and prevent potential risk disease by unbalanced diet.

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A Comparative Study on the Recall and Recognition with Sponsor and Non-sponsor in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games : focusing on the case of Korea and China (2008북경올림픽 스폰서 및 비(非)스폰서의 회상(recall)과 인식(recognition) 측정 비교 연구: 한국과 중국을 중심으로)

  • Ha, In-Joo
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.613-636
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    • 2009
  • This paper examines the performance of assessing sponsors and non-sponsors recall and recognition at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games perceived by Korean and Chinese university students. Using a sample of 1,573 respondents, a survey was administered in Seoul and Beijing before and after Games to compare the recall and recognition that changed between two periods. The findings reveal that the effectiveness of the 2008 Beijing Olympic sponsorship has was lower than we expected. Results were founded that while Samsung(mobile), Coca-cola, McDonald's, and Visa achieved the desired sponsorship marketing effectiveness in Korea. On the other hand, non-sponsors of Nike, Dell, AIG, Samsung(computer) and Hyundai led to obtain the benefit and resulted in increasing consumer confusion as to who is a sponsor. In China, Samsung, Coca-cola, Lenovo, Volkswagen, Visa, and PICC achieved the desired sponsorship marketing effectiveness. On the other hand, Lining, Nokia, KFC, China Merchants Bank had some impact on the effectiveness of a rival brand from an official sponsor's product category. The paper concludes by considering some issues for sponsorship marketers.

Usability of a smartphone food picture app for assisting 24-hour dietary recall: a pilot study

  • Hongu, Nobuko;Pope, Benjamin T.;Bilgic, Pelin;Orr, Barron J.;Suzuki, Asuka;Kim, Angela Sarah;Merchant, Nirav C.;Roe, Denise J.
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.207-212
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    • 2015
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The Recaller app was developed to help individuals record their food intakes. This pilot study evaluated the usability of this new food picture application (app), which operates on a smartphone with an embedded camera and Internet capability. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Adults aged 19 to 28 years (23 males and 22 females) were assigned to use the Recaller app on six designated, nonconsecutive days in order to capture an image of each meal and snack before and after eating. The images were automatically time-stamped and uploaded by the app to the Recaller website. A trained nutritionist administered a 24-hour dietary recall interview 1 day after food images were taken. Participants' opinions of the Recaller app and its usability were determined by a follow-up survey. As an evaluation indicator of usability, the number of images taken was analyzed and multivariate Poisson regression used to model the factors determining the number of images sent. RESULTS: A total of 3,315 food images were uploaded throughout the study period. The median number of images taken per day was nine for males and 13 for females. The survey showed that the Recaller app was easy to use, and 50% of the participants would consider using the app daily. Predictors of a higher number of images were as follows: greater interval (hours) between the first and last food images sent, weekend, and female. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this pilot study provide valuable information for understanding the usability of the Recaller smartphone food picture app as well as other similarly designed apps. This study provides a model for assisting nutrition educators in their collection of food intake information by using tools available on smartphones. This innovative approach has the potential to improve recall of foods eaten and monitoring of dietary intake in nutritional studies.

Development of a Semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire Based on Dietary Data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  • Younjhin Ahn;Lee, Ji-Eun;Paik, Hee-Young;Lee, Hong-Kyu;Inho Jo;Kim, Kuchan m
    • Nutritional Sciences
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.173-184
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    • 2003
  • Objective : This study was carried out to develop a semi-quantitative food frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) for estimating average dietary intake to determine the risk factor for lifestyle-related diseases in a conjoint cohort study. Design : We developed an SQFFQ for genomic epidemiological studies based on the data in the'98 Korea Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. A subset of data on informative food items was collected using the 24-hr recall method with 2,714 adults aged 40 or older living in middle-sized cities or in rural areas in Korea. The cumulative percent contribution and cumulative multiple regression coefficients of 17 nutrients (energy, fat, carbohydrate, protein, fiber, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, retinol, $\beta$-carotene, vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, niacin and vitamin C) of each food were computed. Results : Two hundred and forty-nine foods, which were selected based on their 0.9 cumulative percent contribution, and 254 foods, which were selected based on their 0.9 cumulative multiple regression coefficients, respectively, were grouped into 97 food groups according to their nutrient contents. Several popular Korean foods, which were missing from the list due to the seasonality of the survey, were included. The portion sizes were derived from the same data set. The SQFFQ covered 84.8 percent of the intake of 17 nutrients in the one day diet record data of our 326 cohort study subjects. Conclusions . The final list included 103 food items. The foods list in the SQFFQ described herein accounted for 84.8 percent of the average intake of 17 nutrients. Therefore, the list could be used for the assessment of the baseline dietary intakes of the conjoint cohort studies.

Incidence of Cancer in Basrah: Results of a Household Survey

  • Hussain, Riyadh Abdul-Ameer;Habib, Omran S.
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2015
  • Background: Cancer is a major health problem at global level. It is increasingly registered in Iraq and Basrah but the epidemiological situation, though becoming better documented, is still questionable regarding the adequacy of data. Objective: The study aimed to measure the incidence of cancer in Basrah. Materials and Methods: The results presented in this paper are part of a large household survey carried out in Basrah governorate-southern Iraq over a 12 month period (January to December 2013). It involved a detailed interview with adult respondents from each and every household enrolled in the study during a three-year recall period about the incidence of cancer. A total of 6,999 households were covered yielding 40,684 persons. Results: The total number of new cancer cases reported over the three- year recall period (2010-2012) was 112. The average annual incidence rate of all cancers was 91.8 per 100,000 population with a higher rate for females (109.7) compared to males (74.3) The overall age standardized rate was 150.7 per 100,000. The highest incidence rate was recorded for the Southern part of the governorate (Abul-Khasib and Fao ) at 138.8 per 100,000 and the lowest was for East of Basrah (Shatt-Arab District) at 78.0 per 100,000. With respect to cancer types, the main cancers were those of breast, lung, larynx-pharynx, leukaemia, colon-rectum and urinary bladder. These six cancers accounted for 51.5% of all reported cases. Other important cancers were those of brain, bones, pancreas and liver, accounting for a further 17.9%. Conclusions: The pattern of cancer in Basrah is generally similar to the pattern at the national level in terms of age, sex and topography but the incidence rate according to the present household survey is higher than any previously reported figures. Household surveys for cancer seem feasible albeit difficult and costly.