• Title/Summary/Keyword: Real-Time Transmission

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BLE Beacon Based Online Offline Tourism and Solutions for Regional Tourism Activation (지역관광 활성화를 위한 비콘 기반의 온오프라인 관광 솔루션)

  • Ryu, Gab-Sang
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, it is possible to update the tourist information in real time, on/off-line tour proposes a solution(BBTS) based on a bluetooth beacon can provide tourist information without the need for wireless data network. BBTS consists of a bluetooth based data of the low-power supply system and the beacons and interoperable smart applications. Data supply system consists of the BLE & Beacon Pairing-based / non-pairing data transmission module with integral hardware. Smart application modules that provide indoor location of users information, internal server module and tourist information collection and information guide around comprised of applications. The proposed BBTS is possible that indoor service tourism tourist demand due to utilizing the beacon technology. Outdoor tourist information is designed to be downloaded to the smartphone receives the information received from the beacon APK file to provide services. BBTS system is expected to make a big impact on the smart tourism services industry.

Sensor Data Management using Database (데이터베이스를 활용한 센서 데이터 관리)

  • Kweon, Dae-Gon;Choi, Sin-Hyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.1608-1613
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    • 2009
  • All kinds of equipment which used an embedded system is developed, and these are used as to an actual life in developments regarding an embedded field in a lot of sections. Also, we can collect data from all kinds of sensors through wireless sensor networks, look by real time data collected could be brought if only through embedded system. In this paper we present a plan which improve the capabilities of embedded system only act as a gateway by installing embedded database in an embedded system for the sensing data management that was transmitted by radio from sensor nodes. In other words, by installing an embedded database to store and manage data by sensing data can be reduced the transmission frequency to communicate with a host and by performing the filtering program in embedded system and then by transmitting only valid data to the host can be increase the reliability of the analysis results based on data collected.

A Selective Error Control Scheme based on Timely Retransmission in Multimedia Communications (멀티미디어통신에서 적시 재전송에 기반한 선택적인 오류 제어 방법)

  • Jeong, Chung-Il;Gwon, Do-Han;Park, Chang-Yun
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.1225-1236
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    • 1999
  • 기존의 오류 제어 방법들은 실시간 특성과 신축적인 신뢰성을 가지는 멀티미디어 통신 응용의 특징을 충분히 반영하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 기존의 재전송을 기반으로 하는 방법에 두 가지 기법을 추가하여 이 문제에 접근하였다. 첫째, 실시간 데이타의 마감 시간을 고려하여 미리 재전송을 실시하는 사전 재전송과 시간적으로 불가능하다고 판단될 때 복구를 포기하는 재전송 포기를 통한 적시 재전송 기법이다. 둘째, 요구되는 신뢰성에 근접하도록 오류가 많이 발생하였을 때만 재전송을 하는 선택적 오류 제어 기법이다. 본 연구는 두 기법을 적용한 오류 제어 프로토콜을 구현하고 네트워크 환경을 바꾸어 가며 성능을 검사하였다. 실험 결과, 제안된 오류 제어 방법은 전체적인 오류 제어 부하는 감소시키면서 오류 복구율을 높인다는 점을 확인하였다.Abstract The current error control schemes do not fit well to the characteristics of multimedia communications: real-time transmission and flexible reliability requirements. This research proposes a new error control scheme, which extends the retransmission-based error control with the following two mechanisms. First, error recovery is performed in two timely fashions: one is retransmission in advance where a retransmission is performed early enough for the deadline if an error is suspected, and the other is retransmission abort where a retransmission is given up if its recovery within the deadline seems to be impossible. Second, error control is selectively performed only when an actual error rate approaches to the threshold on a given reliability requirement. The proposed scheme has been implemented and experimented in various network environments. The performance results show that it has lower control overhead and higher error recovery than the existing schemes.

Design Call Control of Mechanism for Multiparty Conference in SIP and Case Study (SIP에서 멀티파티 컨퍼런스를 위한 호 처리 메커니즘 설계 및 사례 연구)

  • Jeong Dong-Youl;Min Jun-Sik;Cheon Suh-Hyun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2003
  • This paper introduces the extension of SIP protocol for Multiparty Conference and the implementation of IP-based Multi-Conference. SIP protocol is a signaling protocol for initiating, modifying and terminating interactive sessions (voice, video, text, application). Multiparty conference system is implemented by RTP protocol for real time transmission and by H.323 for call setup. As H.323 fits into PSTN, it has some problems (call setup delay, hard implementation) for IP applications. IETF developed SIP protocol used for signaling in IP networks. However this SIP protocol doesn't explain signal protocol about multimedia conference, which is different from the existing H.323. So this paper describes the extension of SIP according to SIP Specification and case study for the multimedia conference.

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Design and implementation of a connectivity analyzer for the hybrid vehicular network (하이브리드 차량 네트워크를 위한 연결성 분석기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Junh-Hoon;Kim, Cheol-Min;Kwon, Sang-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2008
  • This paper designs and Implements a connectivity analyzer for the hybrid vehicular network based on the real-life movement history data achieved from the Taxi telematics system currently in operation, aiming at providing a useful guideline and information to build a telematics network. The simulator traces the location of each vehicle, sets the vehicle type, either gateway or normal, decides whether it can be connected to a mobile gateway, keeps track of status of the vehicle, and calculates the duration of disconnected state. With this analysis considering the transmission range and gateway ratio, we can decide the cost-effective number of mobile gateways having both cellular and ad-hoc network interfaces, and buffer space requirement based on the measured disconnection time and message generation ratio.

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Implementing a Power Facility Management Services using RFID/USN Technology (RFID/USN 기술을 이용한 전력설비관리 서비스 구현)

  • Kim, Young-Il;Shin, Jin-Ho;Song, Jae-Ju;Yi, Bong-Jae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.2
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2008
  • Research of ubiquitous computing becomes more popular topic along with the rapid development of wireless technologies. Firstly, research and development on RFID focuses on manufacturing and retail sectors, because it can improve supply chain efficiency. But, it changes to USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Network) by adding a sensor and wireless network technologies on it. In this research, we design and implement the electric facility management service framework to collect real time information of electric facility using RFID/USN. In electric power industry, it is important the supply of energy must be guaranteed. So many power utilities control and supervise the transmission line to avoid power failures. Utilities install many types of sensor to monitor important facilities by wired network such as optical cable and PLC. In this research, we develop the sensor node which is small, easy to install and using wired network. We design the service framework for electric facility management to collect data using RFID tag, reader and wireless sensor nodes and implement the electric facility management service.

Utilization of AeroMACS Infrastructure for Airports and Airlines (공항 및 항공사를 위한 AeroMACS 인프라 활용 연구)

  • Lim, In-Kyu;Kang, Ja-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2019
  • AeroMACS spectrum is a national resource internationally allocated by ITU at WRC-07. AeroMACS is an airport broadband mobile communication infrastructure based on WiMAX-based IEEE 802.16e that enables real-time video, graphics, voice, and high-speed data transmission. With the approval of ICAO's development technology standards in 2008, 50 airports in 11 countries have already completed the testing of D-TAXI or A-SMGCS technology using the AeroMACS infrastructure in 2019, starting in the United States in 2009. With many advantages in safety and convenience in terrestrial telecommunications operations, the system is becoming an area of performance improvement for airport operations in accordance with ICAO's ASBU plan. This paper examines the current status of domestic development of AeroMACS and lists service areas applicable to airlines and operators. It also seeks to promote safe and efficient next-generation airport mobile communication system services by presenting feasible partners management in the mobile area and use of aircraft communication systems for active technology development.

Real-time Optimal Pump Operation for Water Transmission Network (송·배수시스템의 실시간 최적 펌프운영)

  • Kim, Kyung Wan;Choi, Jeong Wook;Kang, Doosun;Kim, Byug Seop;Kang, Min Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.158-158
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    • 2015
  • 대부분의 대규모 배수지는 고지대에 위치함으로써 자연유하를 통해 배, 급수지역으로 용수를 공급한다. 이를 위해 배수지 전단에는 가압장이 위치하여 정수장에서 처리된 용수를 고지대에 위치한 배수지로 송수한다. 이때 가압장에서 발생하는 전력소비량이 매우 높은 것으로 알려져 있으며, 효율적인 펌프운영을 통해 상당한 전력비용 절감이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 일반적인 가압장의 운영은 시스템 운영자의 경험을 토대로 해당 가압장에 연결된 배수지의 수위에 따라 펌프의 작동여부를 결정하는 방법이 주로 사용되고 있다. 이러한 운영방법은 용수공급의 안전성을 우선시함으로써 배수지의 수위를 일정하게 유지하고자 빈번하게 펌프를 작동하게 되고 따라서 가압장에서 소모되는 전력량이 커서 운영효율 측면에서는 바람직하지 않다고 할 수 있다. 또한 빈번한 펌프의 작동으로 인해 펌프의 수명이 단축될 뿐만 아니라, 배수지내 용수의 수질저하 문제도 발생할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 효율적인 펌프장 운영을 위해 급수지역의 24시간 용수사용량을 예측하고, 그에 따른 펌프장의 가압 유량 및 양정을 파악하여 적정용량의 펌프를 선정하고 운영함으로써 펌프의 운영비용의 최소화 및 안정적인 용수공급을 동시에 달성하고자 한다. 이를 위해, 실시간 최적화 모형을 개발하였다. 개발된 최적화 모형은 상수관망해석 프로그램(EPAENT)을 연계하여 수요절점의 수압조건 및 운영상황을 모의하였다. 최적화 기법으로는 유전자알고리즘을 사용하였으며, 실제 시스템의 운영상황를 반영하기 위한 다양한 제약조건(operational constraints)을 적용하였다. 개발된 모형은 정속펌프(혹은 On/Off 펌프) 뿐만 아니라, 최근 실무에서 널리 사용되고 있는 변속펌프(variable speed pump)를 추가적으로 고려하였다. 개발된 모형은 국내에서 실제 운영되고 있는 송, 배수 시스템에 적용하여 모형의 실무 적용가능성을 검증하였다.

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A Study on MQTT based on Priority Topic for IIoT (IIoT용 우선순위 토픽 기반 MQTT에 관련한 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Chun;Kim, Young-Gon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2019
  • Recently, there has been a lot of research on the construction of smart factory in the 4th Industrial Revolution era. Among the various technologies involved in the deployment of smart factory, one of the key technologies is the IoT protocol sector that handles the transmission and reception of data. In this regard, the MQTT protocol is generally used most commonly, but the existing MQTT technology lacks the concept of priorities of messages, so it is somewhat insufficient to be applied to an industrial field requiring real-time property. Priority handling of urgent messages is critical, especially in emergency situations, such as the emergency shutdown of the entire relevant facility following the failure of a particular facility. To improve this, research on priority-based MQTT is being conducted somewhat, but these studies have problems with actual field use because they are a variant of the MQTT standard. Therefore, this study conducts and verifies studies related to MQTT, which can prioritize messages while adhering to existing MQTT standards.

Augmented Reality Framework to Visualize Information about Construction Resources Based on Object Detection (웨어러블 AR 기기를 이용한 객체인식 기반의 건설 현장 정보 시각화 구현)

  • Pham, Hung;Nguyen, Linh;Lee, Yong-Ju;Park, Man-Woo;Song, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2021
  • The augmented reality (AR) has recently became an attractive technology in construction industry, which can play a critical role in realizing smart construction concepts. The AR has a great potential to help construction workers access digitalized information about design and construction more flexibly and efficiently. Though several AR applications have been introduced for on-site made to enhance on-site and off-site tasks, few are utilized in actual construction fields. This paper proposes a new AR framework that provides on-site managers with an opportunity to easily access the information about construction resources such as workers and equipment. The framework records videos with the camera installed on a wearable AR device and streams the video in a server equipped with high-performance processors, which runs an object detection algorithm on the streamed video in real time. The detection results are sent back to the AR device so that menu buttons are visualized on the detected objects in the user's view. A user is allowed to access the information about a worker or equipment appeared in one's view, by touching the menu button visualized on the resource. This paper details implementing parts of the framework, which requires the data transmission between the AR device and the server. It also discusses thoroughly about accompanied issues and the feasibility of the proposed framework.