• Title/Summary/Keyword: Real time GIS

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Spacio-temporal Analysis of Urban Population Exposure to Traffic-Related air Pollution (교통흐름에 기인하는 미세먼지 노출 도시인구에 대한 시.공간적 분석)

  • Lee, Keum-Sook
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.59-77
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of traffic-related air pollution on the urban population in the Metropolitan Seoul area. In particular, this study analyzes urban population exposure to traffic-related particulate materials(PM). For the purpose, this study examines the relationships between traffic flows and PM concentration levels during the last fifteen years. Traffic volumes have been decreased significantly in recent year in Seoul, however, PM levels have been declined less compare to traffic volumes. It may be related with the rapid growth in the population and vehicle numbers in Gyenggi, the outskirt of Seoul, where several New Towns have been developed in the middle of 1990's. The spatial pattern of commuting has changed, and thus and travel distances and traffic volumes have increased along the main roads connecting CBDs in Seoul and New Towns consisting of large residential apartment complexes. These changes in traffic flows and travel behaviors cause increasing exposure to traffic-related air pollution for urban population over the Metropolitan Seoul area. GIS techniques are applied to analyze the spatial patterns of traffic flows, population distributions, PM distributions, and passenger flows comprehensively. This study also analyzes real time base traffic flow data and passenger flow data obtained from T-card transaction database applying data mining techniques. This study also attempts to develop a space-time model for assessing journey-time exposure to traffic related air pollutants based on travel passenger frequency distribution function. The results of this study can be used for the implications for sustainable transport systems, public health and transportation policy by reducing urban air pollution and road traffics in the Metropolitan Seoul area.

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Implementation of Real Time P2P Framework for Spatial Data Sharing between Mobile Devices using SIP (모바일 기기 간의 SIP기반 실시간 공간정보 공유 프레임워크 구현)

  • Park, Key-Ho;Jung, Jae-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2008
  • Mobile Collaboration is an enabling technology that makes users share information between mobile devices and various Mobile P2P platforms have been designed and implemented for it. There are, however, few research papers on application of SIP protocol to spatial data sharing on mobile devices. In this paper, SIP based real time sharing framework is proposed to compose a mobile P2P platform on which spatial data can be trans(erred. A new protocol based on WKT and WKB is defined to send and receive spatial objects with SIP MESSAGE method. Base maps such as digital maps and parcel maps can be provided by a map server that is integrated with SIP server after a new SIP session established and client agents are registered. The framework proposed based onSIP enables users to transfer spatial data such as maps and satellite images directly between mobile devices during VoIP based voice call and therefore, mobile applications can be applied in various domains such asforest management and national defense.

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Development of Real-time Underground Utilities Management System using Real-time Kinematics Systems and 3D Game Engines (RTK 시스템과 3차원 게임엔진을 이용한 실시간 지하 매설물 관리 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes a development of system that enables the user to manage and display from 3D viewer after at real-time saves attribute informations in DBMS using RTK systems and 3D game engines. The 3-dimensional game engines for this system will be input a attribute values of underground utilities which is measured from RTK systems with wireless network. This system which sees does to make be a possibility of managing creation, elimination, modification for the underground utilities from 3-dimensional viewer. The coordinates about the underground utilities measures with GPS. The base reference point for RTK systems uses one in reference points which are measured in existing. GPS coordinates revised a reference point in standard. The 3-dimensional game engines are having the function which manages the underground utilities with 3-dimensions. The function is the same as wireless network of RTK systems, 3-dimensional display for terrain and underground utilities, input and registration for attribute of underground utilities, etc. The system which sees will be able to prevent the various accident which is caused by in the spatial location coordinate which underground utilities is inaccurate. And the system which sees is accurate is a possibility of managing and the application possibility is high very. Finally, this system could be applied very usefully from the point of view which starts a new town development.

The Study on the Development of Analysis and Management System for Traffic Accident Spatial DB (교통사고 공간 DB관리 및 분석 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yu Ji Yeon;Jeon Jae Yong;Jeon Hyeong Seob;Cho Gi Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2005
  • In up-to-date information anger time it is caused by with business of traffic accident control and analysis and two time it accomplishes a business. National Police Office which controls a traffic accident does not execute an up-to-date technique. And, it is working yet by the hand, There is to traffic accident analysis and the research regarding the analysis against the research which it follows in geography element and composition element and an accident cause is weak. Consequently, effectively establishment and it enforces a traffic safety policy and from the hazard which it evaluates traffic accident data the system and scientific analysis against a traffic accident occurrence cause and a feature in basic must become accomplished. The research which it sees constructs a traffic accident data in GIS base. It is like that, it uses the PDA where is not the collection of data of text form in existing and at real-time it converts store and an accident data rightly in standard traffic accident data form and it will be able to manage. It was related with a space data peculiarity and the research regarding the system development with the geography analysis data about an accident cause under manifesting it accomplished.

Building a Data Model of the River Thematic Maps (하천주제도 데이터모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Guck;Song, Yonh-Cheol;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.4 s.27
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2003
  • Currently, the government has been driving numerous projects to build the e-government which can enable limitless access and utilization of the information through the accomplishment of the real time based various administrative services. In water resource field, a project to generate digital river thematic maps has been undergoing as a part of the computerization projects. As a partial results, the RIMGIS project has been completed and generation of the various river thematic maps has been required to fully utilize the DB built from RIMGIS project. For the effective generation of the thematic maps, a data model needs to be developed. A data model has been developed in this study to provide more efficient method to generate the thematic maps utilizing existing DB. The data model proposed from this study has defined the relationships between core feature data and framework Data along with relationships among data elements to represent the rivers in the real world more accurately. The core feature data and framework layers have been defined based on the survey of the domestic and foreign case studies along with requirement analysis of the users in the water resource field. The proposed core feature data has been defined based on the minimum unit of 'class', and the relationship between classes has been established based on the ArcGIS Hydro Data Model for the integrated processing of the river information. The proposed spatial data model can be judged to contribute establishing more efficient generation methodology of the river thematic maps.

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Statistical analyses on the relationships between red tide formation and meteorological factors in the Korean Coastal Waters and Satellite monitoring for red tide (한국 연안의 적조형성과 기상용인간의 상관성에 대한 통계학적 해석 및 위성에 의한 적조모니터링)

  • Yoon Hong-Joo;Lee Moon-Ok;Ryu Cheong-Ro
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2004
  • Red tide(harmful algae) in the Korean Coastal Waters has a given a great damage to the fishery every year. However, the aim of our study understands the influence of meteorological factors (air and water tempaerature, precipitation, sunshine, solar radiation, winds) relating to the mechanism of red tide occurrence and monitors red tide by satellite remote sensing, and analyzes the potential area for red tide occurrence by GIS. The meteorological factors have directly influenced on red tide formation. Thus, We want to predict and apply to red tide formation from statistical analyses on the relationships between red tide formation and meteorological factors. In future, it should be realized the near real time monitoring for red tide by the development of remote sensing technique and the construction of integrated model by the red tide information management system (the data base of red tide - meteorological informations).

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A Design of Prototype System for Information Collection and Management based on Disaster Site (재난현장 중심의 정보 수집 및 관리를 위한 프로토타입 시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Jung-Ki;Bae, Ihn-Han;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2012
  • Real time information on disaster situation is very important in disaster prevention effort. Generally, disaster related organizations use mobile devices to collect various disaster informations of disaster site. However, current disaster collection systems do not provide effective functionality to connect with another disaster information system. Therefore, disaster-related organizations have to make smartphone application for collection and administration of disaster information and then connect it with another information system. If this system is commercialized, vulnerability of previous system can be complemented. Thus, this paper focused on designing a prototype system for information collection and management in disaster site using smartphone applicatiom.

A Study on the Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition by Use of SOM Algorithm (SOM 알고리즘을 이용한 부분방전 패턴인식에 대한 연구)

  • Kim Jeong-Tae;Lee Ho-Keun;Lim Yoon Seok;Kim Ji-Hong;Koo Ja-Yoon
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.53 no.10
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2004
  • In this study, we tried to investigate that the advantages of SOM(Self Organizing Map) algorithm such as data accumulation ability and the degradation trend trace ability would be adaptable to the analysis of partial discharge pattern recognition. For the purpose, we analyzed partial discharge data obtained from the typical artificial defects in GIS and XLPE power cable system through SOM algorithm. As a result, partial discharge pattern recognition could be well carried out with an acceptable error by use of Kohonen map in SOM algorithm. Also, it was clarified that the additional data could be accumulated during the operation of the algorithm. Especially, we found out that the data accumulation ability of Kohonen map could make it possible to suggest new patterns, which is impossible through the conventional BP(Back Propagation) algorithm. In addition, it is confirmed that the degradation trend could be easily traced in accordance with the degradation process. Therefore, it is expected to improve on-site applicability and to trace real-time degradation trends using SOM algorithm in the partial discharge pattern recognition

Intelligent management system for tunnel under construction using ITIS (Intelligent Tunnelling Information System)

  • Kim Changyong;Hong Sungwan;Bae Gyujin;Kim Kwangyeom
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 2003
  • Ground and rock mass considered in tunnelling have characteristics such as uncertainty, heterogeneity and structural complexity because they have been formed undergoing various geological events for a long period. So, it is difficult for engineers to predict behaviors of rock mass in tunneling. In the paper the authors describe the development of an integrated expert system prototype for site investigation, design and construction in tunnelling and introduce the case applying this system to the tunnel construction site under construction. Geostructure Research Group in Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT) has developed the system during the past 4 years. The system mainly consists of several modules which is related to the design, construction and management of tunnelling. The test site, Neung-dong tunnel is located in Ulsan, Korea. The geology map shows it may confront big fault zone whose width is over kilometres. With the networking system of ITIS, various information of face mapping, monitoring and other construction task can be transmitted into the database and GIS Server at real time. And necessary analyses can be carried out with the modules equipped in the system.

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Map Matching Algorithm Using Continuous GPS Coordinates (연속 GPS좌표를 이용한 지도 매칭 알고리즘)

  • Park, Do-Young;WhangBo, Taeg-Keun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.4 no.1 s.7
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2002
  • Ideas providing an optimal car route using current traffic condition, maintaining the current location and the history of driven route of a car in the main central office, in where GPS signals transmitted from the driving cars are received, have been proposed. Since GPS signals occurred in certain time interval instead of all GPS signals are transmitted from the car due to the cost of transmission, an algorithm that is able to recover the missing GPS signals is required. In this paper, an efficient algorithm, which finds the driven route and the current location of a car fast, is proposed. To verify the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, it is applied to the various real GIS map and it turns out to be very effective.

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