• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rainfall intensity formula

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Analysis of Parameter Optimization Reflecting the Characteristics of Runoff in Small Mountain Catchment (소규모 산지 유역의 유출특성을 반영한 매개변수 최적화 분석)

  • Joungsung Lim;Hojin Lee
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, torrential rain frequency and intensity have surged over the past five years (2019-2023), breaking rainfall records. Due to insufficient observation facilities for rainfall and runoff data in small mountainous catchments, preparing for unexpected floods is challenging. This study examines the Bidogyo catchment in Goesan-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, comparing design flood discharge calculated with optimized parameters versus standard guidelines. Using HEC-HMS and Q-GIS for model construction, five rainfall events were analyzed with data from the National Water Resources Management Information System. The time of concentration (Tc) and storage constant (K) were calculated using the Seokyeongdae formula and model optimization. Results showed that optimized parameters produced higher objective function values for flood events. The design flood discharge varied by -10.7% to 17.3% from the standard guidelines when using optimized parameters. Moreover, optimized parameters yielded flood discharges closer to observed values, highlighting limitations of the Seokyeongdae formula for all catchments. Further research aims to develop suitable parameter estimation methods for small mountainous catchments in Korea.

Studies on the Derivation of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph for Small Watersheds of Main River Systems in Korea (한국주요빙계의 소유역에 대한 순간단위권 유도에 관한 연구 (I))

  • 이순혁
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.4296-4311
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    • 1977
  • This study was conducted to derive an Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph for the accurate and reliable unitgraph which can be used to the estimation and control of flood for the development of agricultural water resources and rational design of hydraulic structures. Eight small watersheds were selected as studying basins from Han, Geum, Nakdong, Yeongsan and Inchon River systems which may be considered as a main river systems in Korea. The area of small watersheds are within the range of 85 to 470$\textrm{km}^2$. It is to derive an accurate Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph under the condition of having a short duration of heavy rain and uniform rainfall intensity with the basic and reliable data of rainfall records, pluviographs, records of river stages and of the main river systems mentioned above. Investigation was carried out for the relations between measurable unitgraph and watershed characteristics such as watershed area, A, river length L, and centroid distance of the watershed area, Lca. Especially, this study laid emphasis on the derivation and application of Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) by applying Nash's conceptual model and by using an electronic computer. I U H by Nash's conceptual model and I U H by flood routing which can be applied to the ungaged small watersheds were derived and compared with each other to the observed unitgraph. 1 U H for each small watersheds can be solved by using an electronic computer. The results summarized for these studies are as follows; 1. Distribution of uniform rainfall intensity appears in the analysis for the temporal rainfall pattern of selected heavy rainfall event. 2. Mean value of recession constants, Kl, is 0.931 in all watersheds observed. 3. Time to peak discharge, Tp, occurs at the position of 0.02 Tb, base length of hlrdrograph with an indication of lower value than that in larger watersheds. 4. Peak discharge, Qp, in relation to the watershed area, A, and effective rainfall, R, is found to be {{{{ { Q}_{ p} = { 0.895} over { { A}^{0.145 } } }}}} AR having high significance of correlation coefficient, 0.927, between peak discharge, Qp, and effective rainfall, R. Design chart for the peak discharge (refer to Fig. 15) with watershed area and effective rainfall was established by the author. 5. The mean slopes of main streams within the range of 1.46 meters per kilometer to 13.6 meter per kilometer. These indicate higher slopes in the small watersheds than those in larger watersheds. Lengths of main streams are within the range of 9.4 kilometer to 41.75 kilometer, which can be regarded as a short distance. It is remarkable thing that the time of flood concentration was more rapid in the small watersheds than that in the other larger watersheds. 6. Length of main stream, L, in relation to the watershed area, A, is found to be L=2.044A0.48 having a high significance of correlation coefficient, 0.968. 7. Watershed lag, Lg, in hrs in relation to the watershed area, A, and length of main stream, L, was derived as Lg=3.228 A0.904 L-1.293 with a high significance. On the other hand, It was found that watershed lag, Lg, could also be expressed as {{{{Lg=0.247 { ( { LLca} over { SQRT { S} } )}^{ 0.604} }}}} in connection with the product of main stream length and the centroid length of the basin of the watershed area, LLca which could be expressed as a measure of the shape and the size of the watershed with the slopes except watershed area, A. But the latter showed a lower correlation than that of the former in the significance test. Therefore, it can be concluded that watershed lag, Lg, is more closely related with the such watersheds characteristics as watershed area and length of main stream in the small watersheds. Empirical formula for the peak discharge per unit area, qp, ㎥/sec/$\textrm{km}^2$, was derived as qp=10-0.389-0.0424Lg with a high significance, r=0.91. This indicates that the peak discharge per unit area of the unitgraph is in inverse proportion to the watershed lag time. 8. The base length of the unitgraph, Tb, in connection with the watershed lag, Lg, was extra.essed as {{{{ { T}_{ b} =1.14+0.564( { Lg} over {24 } )}}}} which has defined with a high significance. 9. For the derivation of IUH by applying linear conceptual model, the storage constant, K, with the length of main stream, L, and slopes, S, was adopted as {{{{K=0.1197( {L } over { SQRT {S } } )}}}} with a highly significant correlation coefficient, 0.90. Gamma function argument, N, derived with such watershed characteristics as watershed area, A, river length, L, centroid distance of the basin of the watershed area, Lca, and slopes, S, was found to be N=49.2 A1.481L-2.202 Lca-1.297 S-0.112 with a high significance having the F value, 4.83, through analysis of variance. 10. According to the linear conceptual model, Formular established in relation to the time distribution, Peak discharge and time to peak discharge for instantaneous Unit Hydrograph when unit effective rainfall of unitgraph and dimension of watershed area are applied as 10mm, and $\textrm{km}^2$ respectively are as follows; Time distribution of IUH {{{{u(0, t)= { 2.78A} over {K GAMMA (N) } { e}^{-t/k } { (t.K)}^{N-1 } }}}} (㎥/sec) Peak discharge of IUH {{{{ {u(0, t) }_{max } = { 2.78A} over {K GAMMA (N) } { e}^{-(N-1) } { (N-1)}^{N-1 } }}}} (㎥/sec) Time to peak discharge of IUH tp=(N-1)K (hrs) 11. Through mathematical analysis in the recession curve of Hydrograph, It was confirmed that empirical formula of Gamma function argument, N, had connection with recession constant, Kl, peak discharge, QP, and time to peak discharge, tp, as {{{{{ K'} over { { t}_{ p} } = { 1} over {N-1 } - { ln { t} over { { t}_{p } } } over {ln { Q} over { { Q}_{p } } } }}}} where {{{{K'= { 1} over { { lnK}_{1 } } }}}} 12. Linking the two, empirical formulars for storage constant, K, and Gamma function argument, N, into closer relations with each other, derivation of unit hydrograph for the ungaged small watersheds can be established by having formulars for the time distribution and peak discharge of IUH as follows. Time distribution of IUH u(0, t)=23.2 A L-1S1/2 F(N, K, t) (㎥/sec) where {{{{F(N, K, t)= { { e}^{-t/k } { (t/K)}^{N-1 } } over { GAMMA (N) } }}}} Peak discharge of IUH) u(0, t)max=23.2 A L-1S1/2 F(N) (㎥/sec) where {{{{F(N)= { { e}^{-(N-1) } { (N-1)}^{N-1 } } over { GAMMA (N) } }}}} 13. The base length of the Time-Area Diagram for the IUH was given by {{{{C=0.778 { ( { LLca} over { SQRT { S} } )}^{0.423 } }}}} with correlation coefficient, 0.85, which has an indication of the relations to the length of main stream, L, centroid distance of the basin of the watershed area, Lca, and slopes, S. 14. Relative errors in the peak discharge of the IUH by using linear conceptual model and IUH by routing showed to be 2.5 and 16.9 percent respectively to the peak of observed unitgraph. Therefore, it confirmed that the accuracy of IUH using linear conceptual model was approaching more closely to the observed unitgraph than that of the flood routing in the small watersheds.

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Applicability Evaluation of Bivariate Frequency Analysis using Rainfall Intensity Formula (강우강도식을 이용한 Copula 모형의 이변량 빈도해석 적정성 검토)

  • Cho, Eunsaem;Song, Sung-uk;Yoo, Chulsang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.420-420
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    • 2015
  • 일반적으로 호우사상의 특성은 강우강도, 지속기간, 총 강우량으로 정량화된다. 주어진 호우 사상에 대한 재현기간은 보통 위 세 개 변량 중 두 개의 변량에 대한 이변량 빈도해석을 통해 결정된다. 따라서 3 가지의 다른 빈도해석이 가능하며, 원칙적으로 이 세 가지 빈도해석 결과는 같아야 한다. 그러나, 문제는 어떤 변량을 선택하느냐에 따라 빈도해석 결과가 달라진다는 점이다. 본 연구에서는 이 문제를 해결하고자 다음과 같은 연구를 수행하였다. 첫 번째로 1961-2010년에 관측된 서울지점 연최대치 호우사상에 대한 이변량 빈도해석을 수행하였다. 이변량 빈도해석은 Frank, Gumbel-Hougaard, Clayton, ali-Mikhail-Haq copula 모형을 이용하여 수행하였으며, 모형의 매개변수는 두 변량의 상관관계를 나타내는 Kendall's tau를 이용하여 추정하였다. 호우사상에 대한 이변량 빈도해석을 수행한 결과, 결과가 일관되지 않고 고려한 두 가지 강우변량에 따라 다르게 나타난 것을 확인하였다. 두 번째로 보편적인 강우강도식을 이용하여 호우사상을 이루는 세변량의 특성을 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 고려한 강우강도식은 Talbot 형, Sherman 형, Japanese 형, Grunsky 형이다. 일반적인 강우강도식에서 지속기간과 강우강도의 관계는 I~t^a와 같이 나타나며, 이 때 a의 범위는 -0.5부터 -1까지 값으로 정해진다. 마지막으로, 호우사상을 이루는 세 변량의 상관관계를 이용하여 가장 적절한 이변량 빈도해석결과를 도출하는 강우 변량의 조합을 결정하였다. 결론적으로, 본 연구에서는 지속기간과 강우강도를 copula 모형을 이용한 이변량 빈도 해석의 가장 적절한 것으로 판단되었다.

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Characteristics of Storm Runoff and Analysis of Its Correlation with Forest Properties (산림특성에 따른 강우유출수 유출특성 및 상관관계 분석)

  • Chung, WooJin;Chang, SoonWoong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.1007-1016
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    • 2016
  • Environmental policy implementation has been strengthened to protect the source waters in Korea and to improve their water quality. Increasing of non-point source caused water quality problem continuously. Research on runoff from forests, which occupy over 65% of the land in korea, is insufficient, and studies on the characteristics and influences of storm runoff are necessary. In this study, we chose to compare the effects of land use in the form of two types of forest distribution and then gathered data on storm characteristics and runoff properties during rainfall events in these areas. Furthermore, the significance and influences of the discharges were analyzed through correlation analysis, and multilateral runoff characteristics were examined by deducing a formula through $COD_{Mn}$ and TOC regression analysis. At two forest points, for which the basin areas differed from each other, flow changed according to storm quantity and intensity. The peak discharge at point A, where the basin area was big, was high, whereas water-quality fundamental items (BOD, $COD_{Mn}$, and SS) and TOC density were high at point B where the slope and storm intensity were high. Effects of dissolved organic matter were determined through correlation analysis, and the regression formulas for $COD_{Mn}$ and TOC were deduced by regression analysis. It is expected that the data from this study could be useful as basic information in establishing forest management measures.

Calculation of Unit Hydrograph from Discharge Curve, Determination of Sluice Dimension and Tidal Computation for Determination of the Closure curve (단위유량도와 비수갑문 단면 및 방조제 축조곡선 결정을 위한 조속계산)

  • 최귀열
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.861-876
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    • 1965
  • During my stay in the Netherlands, I have studied the following, primarily in relation to the Mokpo Yong-san project which had been studied by the NEDECO for a feasibility report. 1. Unit hydrograph at Naju There are many ways to make unit hydrograph, but I want explain here to make unit hydrograph from the- actual run of curve at Naju. A discharge curve made from one rain storm depends on rainfall intensity per houre After finriing hydrograph every two hours, we will get two-hour unit hydrograph to devide each ordinate of the two-hour hydrograph by the rainfall intensity. I have used one storm from June 24 to June 26, 1963, recording a rainfall intensity of average 9. 4 mm per hour for 12 hours. If several rain gage stations had already been established in the catchment area. above Naju prior to this storm, I could have gathered accurate data on rainfall intensity throughout the catchment area. As it was, I used I the automatic rain gage record of the Mokpo I moteorological station to determine the rainfall lntensity. In order. to develop the unit ~Ydrograph at Naju, I subtracted the basic flow from the total runoff flow. I also tried to keed the difference between the calculated discharge amount and the measured discharge less than 1O~ The discharge period. of an unit graph depends on the length of the catchment area. 2. Determination of sluice dimension Acoording to principles of design presently used in our country, a one-day storm with a frequency of 20 years must be discharged in 8 hours. These design criteria are not adequate, and several dams have washed out in the past years. The design of the spillway and sluice dimensions must be based on the maximun peak discharge flowing into the reservoir to avoid crop and structure damages. The total flow into the reservoir is the summation of flow described by the Mokpo hydrograph, the basic flow from all the catchment areas and the rainfall on the reservoir area. To calculate the amount of water discharged through the sluiceCper half hour), the average head during that interval must be known. This can be calculated from the known water level outside the sluiceCdetermined by the tide) and from an estimated water level inside the reservoir at the end of each time interval. The total amount of water discharged through the sluice can be calculated from this average head, the time interval and the cross-sectional area of' the sluice. From the inflow into the .reservoir and the outflow through the sluice gates I calculated the change in the volume of water stored in the reservoir at half-hour intervals. From the stored volume of water and the known storage capacity of the reservoir, I was able to calculate the water level in the reservoir. The Calculated water level in the reservoir must be the same as the estimated water level. Mean stand tide will be adequate to use for determining the sluice dimension because spring tide is worse case and neap tide is best condition for the I result of the calculatio 3. Tidal computation for determination of the closure curve. During the construction of a dam, whether by building up of a succession of horizontael layers or by building in from both sides, the velocity of the water flowinii through the closing gapwill increase, because of the gradual decrease in the cross sectional area of the gap. 1 calculated the . velocities in the closing gap during flood and ebb for the first mentioned method of construction until the cross-sectional area has been reduced to about 25% of the original area, the change in tidal movement within the reservoir being negligible. Up to that point, the increase of the velocity is more or less hyperbolic. During the closing of the last 25 % of the gap, less water can flow out of the reservoir. This causes a rise of the mean water level of the reservoir. The difference in hydraulic head is then no longer negligible and must be taken into account. When, during the course of construction. the submerged weir become a free weir the critical flow occurs. The critical flow is that point, during either ebb or flood, at which the velocity reaches a maximum. When the dam is raised further. the velocity decreases because of the decrease\ulcorner in the height of the water above the weir. The calculation of the currents and velocities for a stage in the closure of the final gap is done in the following manner; Using an average tide with a neglible daily quantity, I estimated the water level on the pustream side of. the dam (inner water level). I determined the current through the gap for each hour by multiplying the storage area by the increment of the rise in water level. The velocity at a given moment can be determined from the calcalated current in m3/sec, and the cross-sectional area at that moment. At the same time from the difference between inner water level and tidal level (outer water level) the velocity can be calculated with the formula $h= \frac{V^2}{2g}$ and must be equal to the velocity detertnined from the current. If there is a difference in velocity, a new estimate of the inner water level must be made and entire procedure should be repeated. When the higher water level is equal to or more than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water level and the crest of the dam, we speak of a "free weir." The flow over the weir is then dependent upon the higher water level and not on the difference between high and low water levels. When the weir is "submerged", that is, the higher water level is less than 2/3 times the difference between the lower water and the crest of the dam, the difference between the high and low levels being decisive. The free weir normally occurs first during ebb, and is due to. the fact that mean level in the estuary is higher than the mean level of . the tide in building dams with barges the maximum velocity in the closing gap may not be more than 3m/sec. As the maximum velocities are higher than this limit we must use other construction methods in closing the gap. This can be done by dump-cars from each side or by using a cable way.e or by using a cable way.

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Parameter Estimation of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Formula Using Genetic Algorithm(II): Separation of Short and Long Durations (유전자알고리즘을 이용한 강우강도식 매개변수 추정에 관한 연구(II): 장.단기간 구분 방법의 제시)

  • Shin, Ju-Young;Kim, Tae-Son;Kim, Soo-Young;Heo, Jun-Haeng
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.10
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    • pp.823-832
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the separation of short and long durations for estimation the parameters of IDF curve is suggested by using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA). Objective functions are to minimize root mean squared error (RMSE) and relative RMSE between observed and computed values. The criteria for separation are two; the first one is to estimate more precisely the parameters of IDF curve and the second is to make a single IDF curve without non-continuous duration point. For this purpose 22 rainfall recording gauges operated by Korea Meteorological Administration are selected and three IDF curves that are used generally in South Korea are tested. The result shows that the IDF curve developed by Heo et al. (1999) would be the best of three tested IDF curves, and the suggested parameter estimation method using MOGA can compute more reliable parameters compared with empirical regression analysis.

A Comparative Study on the Drought Indices for Drought Evaluation (가뭄평가를 위한 가뭄지수의 비교 연구)

  • Ryu, Jae-Hea;Lee, Dong-Ryul;Ahn, Jae-Hyun;Yoon, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.4 s.129
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    • pp.397-410
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    • 2002
  • In order to quantitatively identify historical drought conditions and to evaluate their variability, drought indices commonly used. The calculation method for the drought index based on the principal hydrological factors, such as precipitation and reservoir storage, can estimate the duration and intensity of a drought. In this study the Palmer-type formula for drought index is derived for the Nakdong River basin by analyzing the monthly rainfall and meteorological data at 21 stations. The Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI) is used for dry land sectors to evaluate the meteorological anomaly in terms of an index which permits time and space comparisons of drought severity. The Surface Water Supply Index(SWSI) is devised for the use in conjunction with the Palmer index to provide an objective indicator of water supply conditions in Nakdong River basin. The SWSI was designed to quantify surface water supply capability of a watershed which depends on river and reservoir water The Standardized Precipitation Index(SPI) is evaluated for various time periods of 1 to 12 months in Nakdong River basin. For the purpose of comparison between drought indices correlation coefficient was calculated between indices and appropriate SPI time period was selected as 10 months for Nakdong River basin. A comparative study is made to evaluate the relative severity of the significant droughts occurred in Nakdong River basin since 1976. It turned out that $'94{\sim}'97$ drought was the worst drought in it's severity. It is found that drought indices are very useful tools in quantitatively evaluating the severity of a drought over a river basin.