• Title/Summary/Keyword: RMS Signal

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Analysis of Moisture, Elasticity and EMG Change on Meridian Acupoints by Cupping(Negative Pressure) Stimulation (음압자극에 대한 경락의 근전도 및 경혈의 수분도.탄성도 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Soo-Byeong;Lee, Na-Ra;Joo, Yea-Il;Jung, Byung-Jo;Lee, Yong-Heum
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.2747-2754
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    • 2010
  • Cupping therapy has been used to extensive diseases. However, the research was yet to meridian and acupoint's change of state caused by Cupping. This study was considered a human-ripple effect by the anlaysis of meridian & acupoint's change of state. We developed the system which is keeps 30kPa Negative-pressure and stimulated on the Left Lung Meridian(LU) a halfway point between LU4 and LU5. We checked moisture and elasticity change on left/right acupoints & non-acupoints, then measured EMG Signal. We observed that moisture had little change(12.49%) and the better part of the elasticity on both sides had identified the change(64.42%). The number of the provoked acupoiunt elasticity change was more than non-acupoint. Also, elasticity change of Right side was more than Left side. We confirmed that RMS and Median Power change patterns were lower in proportional to the elastin change, but there was no significance about Median Frequency. Therefore inducing the change of elasticity and EMG signal on meridian-acupoints. Therefore, We checked the human-ripple effect Negative-pressure by the Cupping therapy.

Study on frequency response of implantable microphone and vibrating transducer for the gain compensation of implantable middle ear hearing aid (이식형 마이크로폰과 진동체를 갖는 인공중이의 이득 보상을 위한 주파수 특성 고찰)

  • Jung, Eui-Sung;Seong, Ki-Woong;Lim, Hyung-Gyu;Lee, Jang-Woo;Kim, Dong-Wook;Lee, Jyung-Hyun;Kim, Myoung-Nam;Cho, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2010
  • ACROSS device, which is composed of an implantable microphone, a signal processor, and a vibrating transducer, is a fullyimplantable middle ear hearing device(F-IMEHD) for the recovery of patients with hearing loss. And since a microphone is implanted under skin and tissue at the temporal bones, the amplitude of the sound wave is attenuated by absorption and scattering. And the vibrating transducer attached to the ossicular chain caused also the different displacement from characteristic of the stapes. For the gain control of auditory signals, most of implantable hearing devices with the digital audio signal processor still apply to fitting rules of conventional hearing aid without regard to the effect of the implanted microphone and the vibrating transducer. So it should be taken into account the effect of the implantable microphone and the vibrating transducer to use the conventional audio fitting rule. The aim of this study was to measure gain characteristics caused by the implanted microphone and the vibrating transducer attached to the ossicle chains for the gain compensation of ACROSS device. Differential floating mass transducers (DFMT) of ACROSS device were clipped on four cadaver temporal bones. And after placing the DFMT on them, displacements of the ossicle chain with the DFMT operated by 1 $mA_{peak}$ current was measured using laser Doppler vibrometer. And the sensitivity of microphones under the sampled pig skin and the skin of 3 rat back were measured by stimulus of pure tones in frequency from 0.1 to 8.9 kHz. And we confirmed that the microphone implanted under skin showed poorer frequency response in the acoustic high-frequency band than it in the low- to mid- frequency band, and the resonant frequency of the stapes vibration was changed by attaching the DFMT on the incus, the displacement of the DFMT driven with 1 $mA_{rms}$ was higher by the amount of about 20 dB than that of cadaver's stapes driven by the sound presssure of 94 dB SPL in resonance frequency range.

Comparison of Sea Level Data from TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimeter and in-situ Tide Gauges in the East Asian Marginal Seas (동아시아 주변해역에서의 TOPEX/POSEIDON 고도 자료와 현장 해수면 자료의 비교)

  • Youn, Yong-Hoon;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Park, Young-Hyang;Oh, Im-Sang
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2000
  • In an effort to assess the reliability of satellite altimeter system, we conducted a comparative analysis of sea level data that were collected using the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter and the 10 tide gauge (TG) stations in the satellite passing track. The analysis was made using data sets collected from marginal sea regions surrounding the Korean Peninsula at T/P cycles of 2 to 230, which correspond to October 1992 to December 1998. Because of strong tidal activity in the study area, treatment of tidal errors is a very critical step in data processing. Hence in the computation of dynamic heights from the Tn data, we adapted the procedures of Park and Gamberoni (1995) to reduce errors associated with it. When these T/P data were treated, the alias periods of M$_2$, S$_2$, and K$_1$ constitutions were found at 62.1, 58.7, and 173 days. The compatibility of the T/P and TG data sets were examined at various filtering periods. The results indicate that the low-frequency signal of Tn data can be interpreted more safely with longer filtering periods (such as up to the maximum selected values of 200 days). When RMS errors for 200-day low-pass filter period was compared among the whole 10 tidal stations, the values spanned in the range of 2.8 to 6.7 cm. The results of correlation analysis at this filtering period also showed a strong agreement between the Tn and TG data sets over the whole stations investigated (e.g., P values consistently less than 0.0001). According to our analysis, we conclude that the analysis of surface sea level using satellite altimeter data can be made safely and reasonably long filtering periods such as 200 days.

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Adaptive OFDM System Employing a New SNR Estimation Method (새로운 SNR 추정방법을 이용한 적응 OFDM 시스템)

  • Kim Myung-Ik;Ahn Sang-Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.43 no.3 s.345
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2006
  • OFDM (Orthogonal frequency Division Multiplexing) systems convert serial data stream to N parallel data streams and modulate them to N orthogonal subcarriers. Thus spectrum utilization efficiency of the OFDM systems are high and high-speed data transmission is possible. However, with the OFDM systems using the same modulation method at all subcarriers, the error probability is dominated by the subcarriers which experience deep fades. Therefore, in order to enhance the performance of the system adaptive modulation is required, with which the modulation methods of the subcarriers are determined according to the estimated SNRs. The IEEE 802.11a system selects various transmission speed between 6 and 54 Mbps according to the modulation mode. There are three typical methods for SNR estimation: Direct estimation method uses the frequency domain symbols to estimate SNR directly by minimizing MSE (Mean Square Error), EVM method utilizes the distance between the demodulated constellation points and received complex values, and the method utilizing the Viterbi algorithm uses the cumulative minimum distance in decoding process to estimate the SNR indirectly. Through comparison analyses of three methods we propose a new SNR estimation method, which employs both the EVM method and the Viterbi algorithm. Finally, we perform extensive computer simulations to confirm the performance improvement of the proposed adaptive OFDM systems on the basis of IEEE 802.11a.

Analysis of Music and Photo for User Creative Movie (동영상 콘텐츠 생성을 위한 음악과 사진 분석)

  • Chung, Myoung-Bum;Ko, Il-Ju
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.14D no.4 s.114
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 2007
  • Consumers changed to the subject to produce a digital contents as data transmission technique is advanced and a digital machine is diffused variously. Users are interested greatly in a user creative movie (UCM) production among various online contents. The UCM production method which uses the music and picture is the method that users make the UCM more easily. However, the UCM production service has the problem that any association does not exist in the music and picture and that the picture changes according to fixed time interval without the relation at a music rhythm. To solve this problem, we propose the UCM production method which uses a music analysis and picture analysis in the paper. A music analysis finds a picture change time according to the rhythm and a picture analysis finds the association of the picture. A music analysis finds strong parts of the sound which uses Root-Mean-Square (RMS). And a picture analysis classifies the picture as a scenery picture and people picture which uses structure simplicity of the picture(SSP) and face region detection. A picture analysis got correct result of 86.4% in the experiment and we can finds the association at each picture and arranges the sequence which the picture appears. Therefore, if we use a music and picture analysis at the UCM production, users may make natural and efficient movie.

Design of Performance Monitoring System for eLoran Time Synchronization Service (eLoran 시각동기 성능 모니터링 시스템 설계)

  • Seo, Kiyeol;Son, Pyo-Woong;Han, Younghoon;Park, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Jong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.815-821
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    • 2021
  • This study addresses on the design of performance monitoring system for the time synchronization service of the enhanced long-range navigation (eLoran) system, which has a representative ground-wave radio broadcast system capable of providing positioning, navigation, timing and data (PNT&D) services. The limitations of time-synchronized systems due to the signal vulnerabilities of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) are explained, and the performance monitoring system for the eLoran timing service as a backup to the GNSS is proposed. The time synchronization service using eLoran system as well as system configurations and the user requirements in the differential Loran (dLoran) system are described to monitor the time synchronization performance. The results of the designed system are presented for long-term operation in the eLoran testbed environment. As the results of time performance monitoring, we were able to verify the time synchronization precision within 43.71 ns without corrections, 22.52 ns with corrections. Based on these results, the eLoran system can be utilized as a precise time synchronization source for GPS timing backup.