• Title/Summary/Keyword: REE ore body

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Fe-REE Mineralization of the Hongcheon-Jaeun District (홍천-자은지역 철-희토류광상의 광화작용)

  • 김상중;이현구;윤경무;박중권
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2001
  • The Fe-REE deposit of the Hongcheon-Jaeun district occurs in Precambrian gneiss, and is classified into two ore bodies: the Jaeun ore body (northern ore body) and the Hongcheon ore body (southern ore body). Ecomonically important minerals consist of magnetite, monazite, strontianite and barite. Based on mineral assemblages and textures, the mineralization can be classified into two stages (Na-carbonatite stage and Fe-carbonatite stage). Main REE minerals were precipitated during the Fe-carbonatite stage. Some evidences of the carbonatite origin include: 1) strontianite-monazite exolution texture, 2) strontianite-barite exolution texture, 3) the occurrence of acmite of igneous origin at the area with abundant rare earth minerals, 4) the occurrence of the mineral assemblage consisting of carbonate minerals + magnetite + REE minerals. Therefore, we suggest that Fe-REE mineralization in the study area was related to carbonatite of igneous origin.

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Developmental Aspects of Hongcheon Fe-REE Ore Body (홍천 철-희토류광체의 발달양상)

  • Lee, Han Yeang;Ryoo, Chung Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.397-403
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    • 2012
  • Fe-REE deposits occurred in Jaeunri, Hongcheon formed by carbonatitic melts consist of 3 parts such as northern, middle and southern ore bodies showing discontinuous distribution, and extension shape of ore bodies can be figured through field survey and geometric analysis. Foliations in gneiss around northern and middle ore bodies represent NNE, whereas toward south its direction changes gradually from NE to ENE and finally N-S direction appears in southern ore body. From Jaeungyo to Saemaeulgyo geometric analysis from field work gives that fold shape in this area is open synclinal fold concavely and gently to NW with $45^{\circ}$ northwestward plunging axis, in contrast small scale anticline with $45^{\circ}$ northwestward plunging axis in Yagsooteo area near western part of Saemaeulgyo. Dragging effect could be occurred on these folds by WNW trending dextral strike-slip fault from Yagsooteo to Saemaeulgyo. New ore body can be confirmed from folding structure estimated by trend of foliation, and thus unidentified ore body may be exist under alluvial surface from middle to southern ore body and its distribution could show reversed "ㄱ", one of Korean consonants, considering with estimated strike and dip of foliations. This estimated extension of ore body figured out by structural analysis in the studied area works an important role for measuring of ore reserve and selecting of drilling site to find new ore body.

Geology and Constituent Rocks, and Radioactive Values of the Eoraesan Area, Chungju, Korea (충주 어래산지역의 지질 및 구성암류와 방사능 값)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Deok-Seon;Koh, Sang-Mo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2018
  • The Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation and the Mesozoic igneous rocks are distributed in the Eoraesan area, Chungju which is located in the northwestern part of Ogcheon metamorphic zone, Korea, and the rare earth element (REE) mineralized zone has been reported in the Gyemyeongsan Formation. We drew up the detailed geological map by the lithofacies classification, and measured the radioactivity values of the constituent rocks to understand the distribution and characteristics of the source rocks of REE ore body in this paper. It indicates that the Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation is mainly composed of metapelitic rock, granitic gneiss, iron-bearing quartzite, metaplutonic acidic rock (banded type, fine-grained type, basic-bearing type, coarse-grained type), metavolcanic acidic rock, and the Mesozoic igneous rocks, which intruded it, are divided into pegmatite, biotite granite, gabbro, diorite, basic dyke. The constituent rocks of Gyemyeongsan Formation show a zonal distribution of mainly ENE trend, and the distribution of basic-bearing type of metaplutonic acidic rock (MPAR-B) is very similar to that of the previous researcher's REE ore body. The Mesozoic biotite granite is regionally distributed unlike the result of previous research. The radioactive value of MPAR-B, which has a range of 852~1217 cps (average 1039 cps), shows a maximum value among the constituent rocks. The maximum-density distribution of radioactive value also agrees with the distribution of MPAR-B. It suggests that the MPAR-B could be a source rock of the REE ore body.

Petrochemical Study On the Kwangju Granite Body (광주화강암체에 대한 암석화학적 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Jun;Oh, Min-Su;Park, Jay-Bong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 1993
  • Kwangju granite body located in vicinity of Kwangju city consist of three rock bodies-Kwangju rock body, Jangsung rock body and Youngkwang rock body. Petrochemistry of Kwangju granite is as follows: Kwangju granite body is igneous complex which compose of a series of differential products of a magma. Kwangju granites are divided into four rock facies based on the geologic age, mineralogical and chemical constituents and texture: Triassic hornblende-biotite granodiorite and biotite granite, and Jurassic porphyritic granite and two mica granite. Harker and other variation diagrams of Kwangju granites plot on trend of calc-alkali rock series and range of peraluminous granite. Parental magma type of Kwangju granites correspond to I-type, Syn-Collision type in compressive stress field by collision movement between both rock block. In chondrite normalized REE patterns of Kwangju grnites, LREE enriched than HREE in REE amount and have more steep negative slope with slightly (-) Eu anormaly.

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Geochemical exploration for REE occurrence in Nghe An Area within Northern Vietnam (베트남 북부 네안 희토류 산출지의 지구화학탐사)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Chung, Ho Tien;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.599-622
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    • 2012
  • The phase I soil geochemical exploration was carried out targeting around Chau Binh area far from about 14 km with southeastern direction from Quy Chau within Nghe An province. The interval of sampling are horizontal 300 m with 14 line and longitudinal 500 m with 15 line, resulting in 194 soil samples. Based on the result of the phase I soil geochemical exploration, the phase II detailed pitting survey was carried out targeting the grid point with high TREO content, resulting in 56 soil samples within 7 pits. The geology of survey area are consisted of Ban Chieng biotite granite complex and Dai Loc gneissic granite complex intruding Bu Khang formation comprising of schist, gneiss and limestone. Main mineralization in the study area have the characteristics of occurrence with tin, ruby and REE-bearing monazite(about 300 g/t) and xenotime(about 10 g/t) to be thought as occurring at the alteration zone of granite complex. In order to elucidate the source rock of monazite and xenotime confirmed from heavy sand, soil geochemical exploration was carried out. As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the phase I soil geochemical exploration, total REE oxide content of background amount to about 2 times of crustal abundance, enriching the heavy rare earth(about 2 times) and light rare earth(about 1.84 times). As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the phase II soil detailed pit survey, we identified outcrop considering as economic ore body at the grid point 4-7 pit with N40W attitude. As a synthetic consideration on the phase I soil geochemical exploration and phase II detailed pit survey, we tentatively designated areas considering as the extension of economic ore body with REE anomaly. In the near future, we have the plan to carry out the geophysical exploration and test drilling targeting the interval anticipated to the economic ore body.

Geochemical Exploration for Tri Le REE Occurrence in Nghe An Province within Northern Vietnam (베트남 북부 네안성 칠레 희토류 산출지의 지구화학탐사)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Ho, Tien Chung;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.147-168
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    • 2014
  • The soil geochemical exploration was carried out targeting around Tri Le area far from about 30 km with northwestern direction from Que Phong within Nghe An province. The interval of sampling are horizontal 200 m interval with 23 line and longitudinal 300 m with 10 line, resulting in 228 soil samples. Based on the result of the soil geochemical exploration, the detailed pitting survey was carried out targeting the grid point with high TREO content, resulting in 75 soil samples within 7 pits. The geology of survey area are consisted of Ban Chieng biotite granite complex and granitic gneiss intruding Ban Khang formation comprising of quartz schist and marble. Main mineralization in the study area have the characteristics of occurrence with tin, ruby and REE-bearing monazite and xenotime to be thought as occurring at the alteration zone of granite complex. In order to elucidate the source rock of monazite and xenotime confirmed from heavy sand, soil geochemical exploration was carried out. As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the soil geochemical exploration, total REE oxide content of background amount to about 2 times of crustal abundance, enriching the heavy rare earth(about 2 times) and light rare earth(about 1.5 times). As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the soil detailed pit survey, we only identified outcrop considering as economic weathered granite body at the grid point 1-10 pit among 7 pits. As a synthetic consideration on the soil geochemical exploration and detailed pit survey, we tentatively designated Tri Le area as no promising target for REE. In 2014, we have the plan to carry out the soil geochemical exploration targeting the extended economic REE ore body in Quy Chau as project area from 2011 to 2012.

W-Sn-Bi-Mo Mineralization of Shizhuyuan deposit, Hunan Province, China (중국 호남성 시죽원 광상의 W-Sn-Bi-Mo광화작용)

  • 윤경무;김상중;이현구;이찬희
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2002
  • The Geology of the Shizhuyuan W-Sn-Bi-Mo deposits, situated 16 Ian southeast of Chengzhou City, Hunan Province, China, consist of Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks, Devonian carbonate rocks, Jurassic granitic rocks, Cretaceous granite porphyry and ultramafic dykes. The Shizhuyuan polymetallic deposits were associated with medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite of stage I. According to occurrences of ore body, ore minerals and assemblages, they might be classified into three stages such as skarn, greisen and hydrothernlal stages. The skarn is mainly calcic skarn, which develops around the Qianlishan granite, and consists of garnet, pyroxene, vesuvianite, wollastonite, amphibolite, fluorite, epidote, calcite, scheelite, wolframite, bismuthinite, molybdenite, cassiterite, native bismuth, unidetified Bi- Te-S system mineral, magnetite, and hematite. The greisen was related to residual fluid of medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite, and is classified into planar and vein types. It is composed of quartz, feldspar, muscovite, chlorite, tourmaline, topaz, apatite, beryl, scheelite, wolframite, bismuthinite, molybdenite, cassiterite, native bismuth, unknown uranium mineral, unknown REE mineral, pyrite, magnetite, and chalcopyrite with minor hematite. The hydrothermal stage was related to Cretaceous porphyry, and consist of quartz, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Scheelite shows a zonal texture, and higher MoO) content as 9.17% in central part. Wolframite is WO); 71.20 to 77.37 wt.%, FeO; 9.37 to 18.40 wt.%, MnO; 8.17 to 15.31 wt.% and CaO; 0.01 to 4.82 wt.%. FeO contents of cassiterite are 0.49 to 4.75 wt.%, and show higher contents (4.]7 to 4.75 wt.%) in skarn stage (Stage I). Te and Se contents of native bismuth range from 0.00 to 1.06 wt.% and from 0.00 to 0.57 wt.%, respectively. Unidentified Bi-Te-S system mineral is Bi; 78.62 to 80.75 wt.%, Te; 12.26 to 14.76 wt.%, Cu; 0.00 to 0.42 wt.%, S; 5.68 to 6.84 wt.%, Se; 0.44 to 0.78 wt.%.