• 제목/요약/키워드: RAMINS

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.017초

아시아 지역 농업기상정보 공유를 위한 인터넷기반 기상정보 연동시스템 (Internet-based RAMINS II as a Future Communication Framework for AgroMeteorological Information in Asia)

  • Byong-Lyol Lee;G. Ali Kamali;Wang Shili
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2002
  • All the countries in RA II (Asia Region in WMO) welcome the establishment of a Web site dedicated to agricultural meteorology, because it is believed that the best way to improve and speed up the flow of information is the use of the Internet and the establishment of a Web site. In providing recommendation for the promotion and improvement of the AgroMeteorological service in RA II, a couple of key suggestions were proposed: (a) Exchanges of data and AgroMeteorological knowledge between member countries and between RAs, (b) Exchanges of experts between member countries as a necessary way to share the knowledge, and (c) Joint research between member countries to solve common problems in AgroMeteorological affairs. In order to meet the above requirements for RA II, an AgroMeteorological information network will be the most critical and dynamic aspect in sustainable agriculture in this region. In addition, the establishment of a Core AgroMeteorological station, recommended by CAgM of WMO, will require its own information sharing systems for communication among member countries. Inevitable use of information technologies (IT) such as information networks, databases, simulation models, GIS, and RS for regional impact assessment of environmental change on AgroEcosystem will be enforced. Thus, the regional Internet-based Agrometeorological information network has been in place since 1999, though all contributions to it have been volunteered by individuals, institutes, universities, etc.