• Title/Summary/Keyword: R+-tree

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Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Content of Rhododendron micranthum by the Natural Habitat (자생지에 따른 꼬리진달래의 광합성 특성 및 엽록소 함량)

  • Kim, Nam-Young;Lee, Kyeong-Cheol;Han, Sang-Sub;Lee, Hee-Bong;Park, Wan-Geun
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the photosynthetic R. micranthum by natural habitats. In the results, natural habitats didn't affect values of light saturated point, light compensation point and photosynthetic capacity of R. micranthum. We investigated light response curve and chlorophyll content at each habitat. Light compensation points were 11.8 ${\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$, 11.5 ${\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ and 10.4 ${\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ in Seokpo-ri, Yeonha-ri, and Mt. Worak. Light saturation points showed that R. micranthum is shade tolerant specie which has the light saturation point approximately 500~600 ${\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$. Photosynthetic rates of R. micranthum leaves were 5.5 ${\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$, 5.4 ${\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ and 5.6 ${\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ in Seokpo-ri, Yeonha-ri and Mt. Worak. On the other hand, since between $20^{\circ}C$ and $30^{\circ}C$, it appeared that the values of net photosynthetic rates of R. micranthum leaves in all sites were high. Especially, the rates were highest at $25^{\circ}C$. Because of low stomatal transpiration rate in saturation radiance, the moisture utilization efficiency in Yeonha-ri was lower than other habitats. Rates of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total chlorophyll content in Mt. Worak were no significant difference. Therefore R. micranthum has characteristic of shade tolerant species. The moderate temperature for R. micranthum is between $20^{\circ}C$ and $30^{\circ}C$.

A Study on the Revitalization of Tourism Industry through Big Data Analysis (한국관광 실태조사 빅 데이터 분석을 통한 관광산업 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jungmi;Liu, Meina;Lim, Gyoo Gun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.149-169
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    • 2018
  • Korea is currently accumulating a large amount of data in public institutions based on the public data open policy and the "Government 3.0". Especially, a lot of data is accumulated in the tourism field. However, the academic discussions utilizing the tourism data are still limited. Moreover, the openness of the data of restaurants, hotels, and online tourism information, and how to use SNS Big Data in tourism are still limited. Therefore, utilization through tourism big data analysis is still low. In this paper, we tried to analyze influencing factors on foreign tourists' satisfaction in Korea through numerical data using data mining technique and R programming technique. In this study, we tried to find ways to revitalize the tourism industry by analyzing about 36,000 big data of the "Survey on the actual situation of foreign tourists from 2013 to 2015" surveyed by the Korea Culture & Tourism Research Institute. To do this, we analyzed the factors that have high influence on the 'Satisfaction', 'Revisit intention', and 'Recommendation' variables of foreign tourists. Furthermore, we analyzed the practical influences of the variables that are mentioned above. As a procedure of this study, we first integrated survey data of foreign tourists conducted by Korea Culture & Tourism Research Institute, which is stored in the tourist information system from 2013 to 2015, and eliminate unnecessary variables that are inconsistent with the research purpose among the integrated data. Some variables were modified to improve the accuracy of the analysis. And we analyzed the factors affecting the dependent variables by using data-mining methods: decision tree(C5.0, CART, CHAID, QUEST), artificial neural network, and logistic regression analysis of SPSS IBM Modeler 16.0. The seven variables that have the greatest effect on each dependent variable were derived. As a result of data analysis, it was found that seven major variables influencing 'overall satisfaction' were sightseeing spot attraction, food satisfaction, accommodation satisfaction, traffic satisfaction, guide service satisfaction, number of visiting places, and country. Variables that had a great influence appeared food satisfaction and sightseeing spot attraction. The seven variables that had the greatest influence on 'revisit intention' were the country, travel motivation, activity, food satisfaction, best activity, guide service satisfaction and sightseeing spot attraction. The most influential variables were food satisfaction and travel motivation for Korean style. Lastly, the seven variables that have the greatest influence on the 'recommendation intention' were the country, sightseeing spot attraction, number of visiting places, food satisfaction, activity, tour guide service satisfaction and cost. And then the variables that had the greatest influence were the country, sightseeing spot attraction, and food satisfaction. In addition, in order to grasp the influence of each independent variables more deeply, we used R programming to identify the influence of independent variables. As a result, it was found that the food satisfaction and sightseeing spot attraction were higher than other variables in overall satisfaction and had a greater effect than other influential variables. Revisit intention had a higher ${\beta}$ value in the travel motive as the purpose of Korean Wave than other variables. It will be necessary to have a policy that will lead to a substantial revisit of tourists by enhancing tourist attractions for the purpose of Korean Wave. Lastly, the recommendation had the same result of satisfaction as the sightseeing spot attraction and food satisfaction have higher ${\beta}$ value than other variables. From this analysis, we found that 'food satisfaction' and 'sightseeing spot attraction' variables were the common factors to influence three dependent variables that are mentioned above('Overall satisfaction', 'Revisit intention' and 'Recommendation'), and that those factors affected the satisfaction of travel in Korea significantly. The purpose of this study is to examine how to activate foreign tourists in Korea through big data analysis. It is expected to be used as basic data for analyzing tourism data and establishing effective tourism policy. It is expected to be used as a material to establish an activation plan that can contribute to tourism development in Korea in the future.

Comparison of Plant Community Structures in Cut and Uncut Areas at Burned Area of Mt. Gumo-san (금오산(金烏山)의 산화지(山火地)에서 벌목지(伐木地)와 비벌목지(非伐木地)의 식물(植物) 군집구조(群集構造) 비교(比較))

  • Che, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Woen
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.4
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    • pp.509-520
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    • 1997
  • This is a report on the early vegetation, plant community structure, and secondary succession of cut and uncut sites of burned areas in Mt. Gumo-sun. The forest fire occurred on April, 1994 and the pine forest and its floor vegetation were burned down. The investigation was carried out from April, 1995 to October, 1996. The results are summarized as follows : The floristic composition of cut and uncut sites of burned area and unburned area were composed of 32, 36, and 34 kinds of vascular plants respectively. The biological spectra showed the $H(G)-D_1-R_5-e$ type, $H(M)-D_1-R_5-e$ and $M(N)-D_1-R_5-e$ in cut, uncut, and unburned site respectively. The dominant species based on $SDR_3$ of the cut site were Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens(100.00). Caret humilis(52.27), Quercus serrata(51.19) and Lysimachia clethroides(39.40), however, in the uncut sites the dominant species were Quercus acutissima(56.91), Pinus densiflora(26.83) in the tree layer, Quercus serrata(50.43), Lindera glauca(40.51), Lespedeza bicolor(37.85) in the shrub layer, and Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens(72.27), Pteridium aquilium var. latiusculum(60.92), Carex humilis(63.63) in the herb layer. Pinus densiflora(99.88), Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens(82.74), Quercus serrata(77.47) and Carex humilis(74.02) were dominant in the unburned site. The species diversity(H) and evenness index(e) were 1.05, 0.70 and 1.32, 0.85 in the cut and uncut site, respectively and 0.22, 0.63 in the unburned site. Dominance index(C) was 0.15, 0.06 and 0.96 in the cut, uncut site and unburned site, respectively. Degree of succession(DS) was 345.19, 747.47 and 674.34 in cut, uncut and unburned site, respectively. The index of similarity(CCs) was 0.66 between cut and uncut sites, 0.50 between unburned and cut sites and 0.61 between unburned and uncut sites. The amount of exchangeable sodium, calcium, magnesium and soil pH were increased, but the amount of organic matter, available phosphous, total nitrogen, total carbon and exchangeable potassium were decreased in cut site after fire.

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Uptake and Content of Ions on Several Organs of Mulberry Tree(Morus alba L.) in Relation to Different Nitrogen Sources in Water Culture (수경액중(水耕液中)의 공급질소형태(供給窒素形態)에 따른 상수(桑樹)의 이온 흡수와 기관별(器官別) 분포(分布)에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Chu;Ryu, Keun-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.270-276
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    • 1982
  • Water culture experiment with mulberry (Morus alba L.)was carried out to investigate the ionic composition in the exudate and the ionic content in the organs (leaves, petioles, stem cortex, and roots) of mulberry tree with three different nitrogen sources ($NO_3-N$, $NH_4-N$, and $NH_4NO_3$). 1. Amount of exudate was much lower for $NH_4-N$ than for $NO_3-N$. 2. Total nitrogen content in the exudate was the highest in the NH4-N, the order of 2.2 times than in the $NO_3-N$. However, total nitrogen amount absorbed by tree per hour was proportional with the exudate amount. As the result, total nitrogen amount was higher 1.6 times in $NO_3-N$ ($289.6\;me\;plant^{-1}\;hr^{-1}$ than in $NH_4-N$. 3. Ammonium nitrogen depressed $Ca^{2+}$ uptake critically and even all of the anions, whereas $Mg^{2+}$, $K^+$ and $Na^+$ affected little. 4. Reduction of $NO_3$ may occured both in root and in leaves. 5. Content of cations and anions was highest in petioles, except $Ca^{2+}$ which was highest in leaves. As the result, petioles may be the storage organ of nutrients. 6. By increasing $NH_4-N$, ionic balance (C-A) decreased proportionally. 7. Nutrients amount in the exudate were approximatelly proportional with the amount in the roots. This suggested that roots may be the part diagnosed for nutrients. Being the sum of anions (${\Sigma}A$) higher than that of cations (${\Sigma}C$) in the roots, the ionic balance showed negative value.

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Estimation of forest Site Productivity by Regional Environment and Forest Soil Factors (권역별 입지$\cdot$토양 환경 요인에 의한 임지생산력 추정)

  • Won Hyong-kyu;Jeong Jin-Hyun;Koo Kyo-Sang;Song Myung Hee;Shin Man Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.132-140
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to develop regional site index equations for main tree species in Gangwon, Gyunggi-Chungcheong, Gyungsang, and Jeolla area of Korea, using environmental and soil factors obtained from a digital forest site map. Using the large data set obtained from the digital forest map, a total of 28 environmental and soil factors were regressed on site index by tree species for developing the best site index equations for each of the regions. The selected main tree species were Larix 1eptolepis, Pinus koraiensis, Pinus densiflora, Pinus thunbergii, and Quercus acutissima. Finally, four to five environmental and soil factors by species were chosen as independent variables in defining the best regional site index equations with the highest coefficients of determination $(R^2)$. For those site index equations, three evaluation statistics such as mean difference, standard deviation of difference and standard error of difference were applied to the data sets independently collected from fields within the region. According to the evaluation statistics, it was found that the regional site index equations by species developed in this study conformed well to the independent data set, having relatively low bias and variation. It was concluded that the regional site index equations by species had sufficient capability for the estimation of site productivity.

Density Effects on the Size of 2-1 Korean Pine and 1-1 Jack Pine Nursery Stock (잣나무 2-1 묘(苗)와 방크스소나무 1-1 묘(苗)의 생장(生長)에 미치는 밀도효과(密度効果))

  • Ma, Sang Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1976
  • One of the most common needle leaf species used in planting in Korea is korean pine (Pinus koraiensis S. et Z.), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) is one of the test species for suitability. The relation of nursery bed density of 2-1 korean pine and 1-1 jack pine was studied at the Kwang Nung Nursery, Central Branch Station of Forest Research Institute, and about 40km north of Seoul. Nursery bed density of 2-1 korean pine, which ranged from 36 to 324 trees per square meters and of 1-1 jack pine, which ranged from 25 to 169 trees per square meters, had a marked effect on caliper, height, dry weight and percent and amount of plantable stock. The soil physical and chemical properties is silt plus clay, 50.55 percent; organic matter, 2.09 percent; total nitrogen, 0.13 percent; available phosphorus, 253.25 ppm; exchangeable potash, 0.46 m.e/100g; and pH, 5.58. As the density of the nursery seedling stand of 2-1 korean pine increases, the average tree height increases (Fig. 1A), but in 1-1 jack pine density do not affect to increase or decrease the average tree height. As the density of nursery bed increases, the average stem caliper (at 2cm above ground line) and dry weight decrease (Fig. 1B), but the decreasing rate is more seriously in 1-1 jack pine than 2-1 korean pine (Fig.5). As increasing the density of nursery bed, the T/R ratio of trees of the test species increase. Also the dry weight of leaf, stem and root parts are decreasing in proportion to the increase of stand density, but the drop rate of jack pine is more rapid than korean pine (table. 1) The patent facts of difference of growth characteristics between 2-1 korean pine and 1-1 jack pine were studied. These facts should be used to select the scale of stand density at the nursery bed or the plantable site. Korean pine is demanded high density, on the other hand in jack pine low density are more suitable to manage the stand density. Stands of comparatively low density had the greatest percentage of high-quality stock, and the stands of high density had less than the high quality trees of low density. An important criterion of the best density is percent and number of high-quality trees produced per square meter of bed area. Stem caliper and stem height of seedling is used in most public nurseries to sort seedling into plantable grades. The stock grade standard has set at 4.5mm caliper and 16cm height of 2-1 korean pine as the minimum desired stem caliper and height. By the result studies, the plantable stock grade standards of 2-1 korean pine used at stem height 16cm and stem caliper 4.5mm from public nurseries should be reformed to stem height 18cm and stem caliper 4.0mm by the growth characteristics and the tree distribution of stem height and caliper of relation to density. For the 2-1 korean pine, best density should be about 160 to 200 trees per square meter according to soil fertility. For the 1-1 jack pine, the suitable standard of plantable stock should be at stem height 25cm and caliper 6mm (at 2cm above ground line) and best density was about 100 to 120 trees.

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Comparative Study on the Composition of Floral Volatile Components in the Flowering Stages of Robinia pseudoacacia L. (아까시나무(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) 꽃의 개화 단계별 향기성분 조성 비교)

  • Jung, Je Won;Lee, Hyun Sook;Noh, Gwang Rae;Lee, Andosung;Kim, Moon Sup;Kim, Sea Hyun;Kwon, Hyung Wook
    • Journal of Apiculture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2017
  • Floral scent emitted from many plants is the critical factors for pollinator attraction and defense for adaptation in environments. The fragrance components of flowers are different in composition by geographical origins, climate factors and the development stages of flowers. In the present study, we investigated the volatile-floral compounds in flowers of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and defined the chemical contribution for flowering periods. The volatile compounds analysis was performed by gas chromatography with mass selective detector after solid phase microextraction (SPME). We reported different compositional features of fragrance compounds according to flowering periods. The abundant compounds identified in stage 1 were ${\alpha}$-pinene (66.80%) and ${\beta}$-pinene (26.53%). Those of the stage 2 were (Z)-${\beta}$-ocimene (37.57%), ${\alpha}$-pinene (15.16%), benzaldehyde (16.63%), linalool (12.13%). The volatiles of stage 3 comprised an abundance of (Z)-${\beta}$-ocimene (64.94%), ${\alpha}$-pinene (9.84%), linalool (8.92%), benzaldehyde (1.71%). Leaf volatiles were distinct from those in the reproductive plant parts by their high relative amount of (E)-${\beta}$-ocimene (23.50%) and (Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate (27.87%). Differences in flower scents of the different stages and leaves are discussed in light of biochemical constraints on volatile chemical synthesis and of the role of flower scent in evolutionary ecology of R. pseudoacacia.

Diagnosis of Nitrogen Content in the Leaves of Apple Tree Using Spectral Imagery (분광 영상을 이용한 사과나무 잎의 질소 영양 상태 진단)

  • Jang, Si Hyeong;Cho, Jung Gun;Han, Jeom Hwa;Jeong, Jae Hoon;Lee, Seul Ki;Lee, Dong Yong;Lee, Kwang Sik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.384-392
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study was to estimated nitrogen content and chlorophyll using RGB, Hyperspectral sensors to diagnose of nitrogen nutrition in apple tree leaves. Spectral data were acquired through image processing after shooting with high resolution RGB and hyperspectral sensor for two-year-old 'Hongro/M.9' apple. Growth data measured chlorophyll and leaf nitrogen content (LNC) immediately after shooting. The growth model was developed by using regression analysis (simple, multi, partial least squared) with growth data (chlorophyll, LNC) and spectral data (SPAD meter, color vegetation index, wavelength). As a result, chlorophyll and LNC showed a statistically significant difference according to nitrogen fertilizer level regardless of date. Leaf color became pale as the nutrients in the leaf were transferred to the fruit as over time. RGB sensor showed a statistically significant difference at the red wavelength regardless of the date. Also hyperspectral sensor showed a spectral difference depend on nitrogen fertilizer level for non-visible wavelength than visible wavelength at June 10th and July 14th. The estimation model performance of chlorophyll, LNC showed Partial least squared regression using hyperspectral data better than Simple and multiple linear regression using RGB data (Chlorophyll R2: 81%, LNC: 81%). The reason is that hyperspectral sensor has a narrow Full Half at Width Maximum (FWHM) and broad wavelength range (400-1,000 nm), so it is thought that the spectral analysis of crop was possible due to stress cause by nitrogen deficiency. In future study, it is thought that it will contribute to development of high quality and stable fruit production technology by diagnosis model of physiology and pest for all growth stage of tree using hyperspectral imagery.

The Diversity of BoLA-DRB3 Gene in Iranian Native Cattle

  • Nassiry, M.R.;Eftekhari Shahroudi, F.;Tahmoorespur, M.;Javadmanesh, A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.465-470
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    • 2008
  • This study describes genetic variability in the BoLA-DRB3 gene in Iranian native cattle (Bos Indicus and Taurus) and relationships between these breeds. This is the first study of genetic polymorphism of the BoLA-DRB3 gene in Iranian native cattle. We examined exon 2 of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB3 gene from 203 individuals in four populations of Iranian native cattle (52 Sarabi, 52 Najdi, 49 Sistani, 50 Golpayegani cattle) using the hemi-nested PCR-RFLP method. We identified the 36 previously reported alleles and one novel pattern (*eac). Analysis of the frequencies of the various BoLA-DRB3.2 alleles in each breed indicated that DRB3.2*52 in Sarabi cattle (23%), DRB3.2 *14 and *24 alleles in Najdi cattle (13%), DRB3.2 *8 allele in Sistani cattle (22%) and DRB3.2*16 allele in Golpayegani cattle (14%), were the most frequent alleles. Allelic frequencies ranged from 1 to 23% among the 36 alleles and there were some alleles that were found only in Iranian cattle. Effective number of alleles in the four breeds was estimated to be 7.86, 11.68, 7.08 and 3.37 in Sarabi, Najdi, Sistani and Golpayegani, respectively. Observed heterozygosities were the highest in Sarabi (94%) and Najdi (94%). A population tree based on the frequency of BoLA-DRB3.2 alleles in each breed suggested that Najdi, Sarabi and Golpayegani cattle clustered together and Najdi and Sarabi were the closest breeds. Sistani cattle differed more from these three breeds. These new data suggest that allele frequencies differ between Iranian cattle breeds.

Alveolar Cleft Reconstruction Using Chin Bone and Autogenous Tooth Bone Graft Material: Reports of 5 Cases

  • Jeong, Kyung-In;Lee, Junho;Kim, Kyung-Wook;Um, In-Woong;Hara, Shingo;Mitsugi, Masaharu;Kim, Young-Kyun
    • Journal of Korean Dental Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: To report the successful results of using chin bone graft and autogenous tooth bone graft material (AutoBT) in alveolar cleft patients. Materials and Methods: Five patients with alveolar cleft defects underwent alveolar bone grafting. Three patients were treated using chin bone graft, and the other two patients underwent AutoBT graft. After implant site development using chin bone graft in the fi rst three cases, endosseous implant restorations were placed. In case #4 and 5, AutoBT graft material was placed to guide the normal eruption of partially impacted maxillary right canine and to the upper docking site after distraction osteogenesis. Result: Successful implant restorations with closure of the oronasal fistula were achieved in alveolar cleft defect reconstruction using either chin bone graft (Case #1, 2, 3) or AutoBT graft material (Case #4, 5). Case #4 showed enlarged follicle of the right maxillary canine, indicating a normal eruption guide pattern. Conclusion: Both chin bone graft and AutoBT graft showed favorable outcomes in reconstructing alveolar cleft defects. Autogenous tooth bone graft opens up the possibility of avoiding harvesting autogenous bone graft with complications and morbidities.