• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quantittive Ultrasound

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.014초

초음파골밀도측정기 정도관리 방안제시를 위한 한국 초음파골밀도 사용현황 조사 (Survey on Usage of Korean Quantitative Ultrasound for Proposing Quantitative Ultrasound Quality Control Guideline)

  • 정윤지;김미정;이승열;이태희;성열훈
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2018
  • This study was investigated quantitative ultrasound (QUS) usage in Korea for the QUS quality control guidelines. A total of 344 questionnaires collected from July 24th to August 25th 2017 were analyzed. Questionnaires were created through user interviews, expert group advice, literature review and field observation. As a result of the general characteristics of quantitative ultrasound holding amounted to 81.98% of clinic and 6.69% of hospitals. The main user was radio-logical technologists as 31.39%. The contact methods of the gel pad (balloon) were the most used at 56.68% and the scan region was 91.9% of calcaneus. The quantitative ultrasound quality control cycle was 67.37% when the abnormality was found in the equipment, and 63.66% when the accuracy control was implemented according to the manual. The phantoms of QUS were 34.30% of the manufacturer's own phantoms. User of QUS had never received education for quality control of quantitative ultrasound as 62.20%. This study was expected to be useful when creating detailed quality control guidelines in the future, as well as guidelines for the quality control of Korea's standard quantitative ultrasound.