• Title/Summary/Keyword: Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis

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The Impact of Cancer Diagnosis and Its Treatment on Korean Women's Lives: A Meta-synthesis Study

  • Suh, Eunyoung E.
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Korean women, who have come to the forefront at a risk of cancer, have been notable objects for qualitative nursing research in last a couple of decades. Given the imparity and varieties of those findings, this study was aimed to synthesize the impact of cancer diagnosis and its treatment on Korean women's lives using a qualitative meta-synthesis method. Methods: By searching five English-based databases and four Korean databases, 21 qualitative studies on Korean women's particular experiences of cancer diagnosis and treatment since 2000 were included. Using a meta-synthesis process by Sandelowski & Barroso (2007), the selected studies were synthesized for interpretive integration of the findings. Results: The meta-synthesis elicited three themes: detachment from the usualness, awareness of profound desires, and redefinition of every relation. With destructive experiences of a diagnosis and its treatments, Korean women felt apart from their everyday life, daily roles, and even from their own body. They then grasped a strong desire for life and for beauty, and reconfirmed the sense of mission for being a mother. Those changes made them to reconstruct all relations surrounded them. Conclusion: The findings yield a substantive portrait of the given issue, which could be helpful for health care professionals.

A Qualitative Interpretative Meta-Synthesis(QIMS) Study on the Experience and Coping of Client Violence in Social Workers (사회복지사의 클라이언트 폭력경험과 대처에 관한 질적 해석적 메타통합(QIMS) 연구)

  • Kil, Tae-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.738-752
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    • 2021
  • This study was to applied QIMS(Qualitative Interpretive Meta-Synthesis) which was newly introduced in the field of social science recently to explore the client violence experience and coping in the social workers in a new way and in depth. The integrated analysis of the results of qualitative individual studies published in Korea so far has resulted in abundant results with accumulated knowledge and synergistic understanding paths of existing research results, and the limitations of qualitative research have been overcome. Eight published papers from 2013 to 2020 were included in the final analysis, and a total of 85 social workers analyzed the statements. The newly important themes created through the process of reducing the scope of data and the repetition of theme extraction and integration were divided into four categories: (1) violence and pain that can not be removed, (2) duality experienced as a result of occupation, (3) continuous attempts to change, (4) manifestation of sense of duty and job meaning. Based on the results of the integrated themes derived from this study, this study aims to present practical and policy alternatives to the prevention and coping of client violence experienced by social workers in various social welfare practice fields.

Exploring Theory Synthesis through an Analysis of Situation-specific Theories in Korea (상황특이적 이론 합성을 통한 한국적 간호이론 개념 개발)

  • Suh, Eun-Young
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.10-19
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This article was proposed to describe and summarize the following 1) the structural hierarchy of nursing knowledge and 2) the four different methods of concept analysis and concept development, which are used most frequently in nursing literature, and 3) to demonstrate a qualitative data synthesis of situation-specific theories in Korea in order to provide an venue for developing Korean-contextualized nursing theory. Methods: A literature review and a meta-synthesis were used. An interpretive integration method for the meta-synthesis was used to incorporate incorporating the results of ten qualitative studies in Korea. Results: The normative and extended concept of the self was one of the three foremost concepts. The experiences of being detached from a group and of being unlike others were perceived with distress to Korean participants. Lastly, as a coping method, complying with a higher flow or power was used. Conclusion: Based on the three concepts elicited in this article, a substantive theory which withholds Korean nursing concepts and essences is hoped to be developed in future.

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