• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pyroxene

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Fluid Inclusion Study of Sangdong Tungsten Deposits (상동(上東) 중석광상(重石鑛床)의 유체포유물(流體包有物) 연구(硏究))

  • Mun, Kun Joo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 1979
  • Sangdong scheelite deposit is confirmed to have been formed by replacement of limestone beds by metasomatic mineralization. Mineralogical zonal distribution and filling temperatures are related with order of its formation and tungsten mineralization. The first formed garnet-pyroxene zone, left in the margins of the ore body, shows the highest filling temperature of fluid inclusions in pyroxene, averaging $420^{\circ}C$. The central part of the ore body, mainly composed of quartz-mica-scheelite, shows higher fi11ing temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz, than hornblende-quartz-scheelite zone surrounding the quartz-mica-scheelite zone, averaging $240^{\circ}C$. The distribution of highter filling temperatures above average temperature is applicable to the richest part of scheelite distribution. Generally scheelite shows higher filling temperature by about 20 to $100^{\circ}C$ than quartz in a given sample. The crystallization temperature of the main phase of scheelite deposition is $311^{\circ}C$ at the pressure of 230 to 500 bars at Sangdong area. Gas-rich inclusions in the pyroxene are homogenized into either gas or liquid phase or into both phases in a given crystal of the pyroxene, which suggests boiling at the formation of skarn.

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The Magnetic Properties of Iron Compounds of the Scoria in North-Eastern Area of Jeju Island (제주도 북동부 지역 스코리아 내의 철 화합물에 대한 자기적 성질)

  • Ko, Jeong-Dae;Choi, Won-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2011
  • Fe compounds of scoria samples distributed in Songdang-ri positioning north-eastern area of Jeju island were investigated by means of X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and $^{57}Fe$ M$\ddot{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy. The samples were prepared from six parasite. We found that the samples were composed of a typical olivine, pyroxene, ilmenite, $SiO_2$, anorite and anorthoclase, M$\ddot{o}$ssbauer spectrum of the most scoria samples are shown doublets and sextets of olivine, doublets of pyroxene, ilmenite and silicate minerals. And the valence states of Fe ion of the scoria samples in this area are chiefly 3+ charge state and a little 2+ charge state.

Petrogenesis of the Skarn at the Dielette, Cotentin, France (디엘레트지역(地域) 스카른의 암석학적(岩石學的) 성인연구(成因硏究))

  • Chang, Ho Wan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 1985
  • Skarn at the Dielette formed largely in calc-silicate hornfels at the contact with the Flamanville granite. The skarn consists mainly of garnet and pyroxene, and less frequently vesuvianite. Traversing toward calc-silicate hornfels wall rock from a central zone of the skarn, the general sequence of formation of mineral assemblages is: (1) dark brown garnet (2) pale brown garnet-vesuvianite-pyroxene, and (3) pyroxene-prehnite-scapolite-wollastonite envelopes (designated as transition zone) developed between skarn and calc-silicate hornfels. The central zone of the skarn consists mainly of dark brown garnets (garnet I) that contain little or no pyroxene. The pale brown garnet (garnet II) is associated with pyroxene and vesuvianite. The sequence of these garnets results from the zonal growth outward. There is an abrupt discontinuity in composition between garnet I formed in early stage and garnet II in late stage, while each garnet shows relatively uniform composition. At the zone in contact with the granite, the iron contents of garnets decrease toward the marginal zone of the skarn, from an average value of 36 mole % andradite in garnet I to 18 mole % andradite in garnet II. At the zone distant from the granite, the andradite component decreases from 28 mole % in garnet 1 to 19 mole % in garnet II. The variation of the iron contents of pyroxenes is also similar to that of garnets. The sharp discontinuity in composition of garnets and pyroxenes suggests that the skarn of study area was formed by infiltration metasomatic process. The results of the analyses of mineral assemblages of the transition zone by chemical potential diagrams suggest that the transition zone was made by the diffusion of the elements Ca, K and Fe from the skarn to the calc-silicate hornfels contact zone. The estimated temperatures and $Xco_2$ for the formation of the transition zone show $300^{\circ}C$$440^{\circ}C$ and $0.07{\pm}0.05<Xco_2<0.02{\pm}0.01$ at 1 Kb respectively.

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A Study on Iron Compounds of Scoria in Mid Mountain Area of Jeju (제주 중산간지역 스코리아의 철 화합물에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Won-Jun;Ko, Jeong-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.205-209
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    • 2007
  • It have been investigated the measured results of the XRF, the X-ray diffractometry and $^{57}Fe\;M{\ddot{o}}ssbauer$ spectrum for scoria samples which are distributed throughout different areas in Mid-mountain Area of Jeju island. We consider that the scoria samples are chiefly made of silicate minerals, like $SiO_2$, others silicate minerals and iron oxides minerals. We study that it's materiel is consisted of olivine, pyroxene, ilmenite, hematite and magnetite. Iron compounds in that are $Fe^{2+}$ of olivine, pyroxene, ilmenite and $Fe^{3+}$ of hematite, magnetite et al. The major Fe fractions of the scoria samples are 51.77 wt%, so Fe fractions of the scoria samples are almost 3+ charge state with a little of the 2+ charge state.

Occurrence and Geochemical Characteristics of the Haenam Pb-Zn Skarn Deposit (해남 연-아연 스카른광상의 산상과 지화학적 특성)

  • Im, Heonkyung;Shin, Dongbok;Heo, Seonhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.363-379
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    • 2014
  • The Haenam Pb-Zn skarn deposit is located at the Hwawon peninsula in the southwestern part of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt. The deposit is developed along the contact between limestone of the Ogcheon group and Cretaceous quartz porphyry. Petrography of ore samples, chemical composition of skarn and ore minerals, and geochemistry of the related igneous rocks were investigated to understand the characteristics of the skarn mineralization. Skarn zonation consists of garnet${\pm}$pyroxene${\pm}$calcite${\pm}$quartz zone, pyroxene+garnet+quartz${\pm}$calcite zone, calcite+pyroxene${\pm}$garnet zone, quartz+calcite${\pm}$pyroxene zone, and calcite${\pm}$chlorite zone in succession toward carbonate rock. Garnet commonly shows zonal texture comprised of andradite and grossular. Pyroxene varies from Mn-hedenbergite to diopside as away from the intrusive rock. Chalcopyrite occurs as major ore mineral near the intrusive rock, and sphalerite and galena tend to increase as going away. Electron probe microanalyses revealed that FeS contents of sphalerite become decreased from 5.17 mole % for garnet${\pm}$pyroxene${\pm}$calcite${\pm}$quartz zone to 2.93 mole %, and to 0.40 mole % for calcite+pyroxene${\pm}$garnet zone, gradually. Ag and Bi contents also decreased from 0.72 wt.% and 1.62 wt.% to <0.01 wt.% and 0.11 wt.%, respectively. Thus, the Haenam deposit shows systematic variation of species and chemical compositions of ore minerals with skarn zoned texture. The related intrusive rock, quartz porphyry, expresses more differentiated characteristics than Zn-skarn deposit of Meinert(1995), and has relatively high$SiO_2$ concentration of 72.76~75.38 wt.% and shows geochemical features classified as calc-alkaline, peraluminous igneous rock and volcanic arc tectonic setting.

Fluid Inclusion Study of the Sangdong Tungsten Skarn Deposits (상동(上東) 텅그스텐 스카른 광상(鑛床)의 유체포유물(流體包有物) 연구(硏究))

  • Moon, Kun Joo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 1985
  • Fluid inclusion study reveals that the mineralogical zonal distribution of the Sangdong skarn orebody may be likely related to (homogenization) temperatures of fluids with time and spaces. Firstly limestone beds were replaced by hot boiling fluids ranging from 350 to $550^{\circ}C$ and formed the pyroxene-garnet skarn, which was replaced into the amphibole and the quartz-mica skarns by non-boiling fluids at 300 to $500^{\circ}C$, mainly penetrated the central part of the pyroxene-garnet skarn orebody. Freezing tests identify presence of $CaCl_2$ and $MaCl_2$ as brines in the fluids besides NaCl and KCL that are shown as daughter minerals and show that two or more fluids be involved in mineralization by showing a bimodal distribution of salinities. This study has contributed to find a new orebody and a granitic pluton as a source rock.

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Nomenclature of Pyroxenes

  • Morimoto, N.;Fabries, J.;Ferguson, A.K.;Ginzburg, I.V.;Ross, M.;Seifert, F.A.;Zussman, J.;Aoki, A.;Gottardi, G.
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 1988
  • This is the final report on the nomenclature of pyroxenes by the Subcommittee on Pyroxenes established by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Association. The recommendations of the Subcommittee as put forward in this report have been formally accepted by the Commission. Accepted and widely used names have been chemically defined, by combining new and conventional methods, to agree as far as possible with the consensus of present use. Twenty names are formally accepted, among which thirteen are used to represent the end members of definite chemical compositions. In common binary solid-solution series, species names are given to the two end members by the "50% rule." Adjectival modifiers for pyroxene mineral names are defined to indicate unusual amounts of chemical constituents. This report includes a list of 105 previously used pyroxene names that have been formally discarded by the Commission.

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Morphology and Texture of Microlites in the Baekdusan and Kyushu Obsidians (백두산과 규슈 흑요석 내 미세결정의 형태와 조직)

  • Hwang, Ga-hyun;Jwa, Yong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.546-551
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    • 2017
  • We examine the morphology and texture of microlites included in the obsidians from the Baekdusan (Mt. Baekdu) and Kyushu (SW Japan) by using an electron microscope. According to the morphological types of microlites, the microlites in the Baekdusan obsidians are classified as Arculites, Asteroidal and Crenulite, whereas those in the Kyushu obsidians as various types of Arculites, Bacillite, Belonites, Crenulite, Furculite, Lath, Margarite, and Scopulites. Specifically, the Arculites in both obsidians show very distinctive crystal relationships, though they are mainly composed of magnetite and pyroxene. The Baekdusan Arculites exhibit the poikilitic texture of pyroxene crystals enclosing multiple magnetite crystals, whereas the Kyushu ones demonstrate the granular and/or intergranular texture of interlocking between magnetite and pyroxene crystals. This distinction can be used to discriminate the provenance of the obsidian artefacts from the prehistoric sites in the Korean Peninsula.

A Study on Iron Compounds of Scoria in The Northern Area of Jeju (제주 북부지역 스코리아의 철 화합물에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Won-Jun;Ko, Jeong-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2008
  • Fe compounds of scoria distributed in northern area of Jeju island are investigated using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, and $^{57}Fe$ Mossbauer spectroscopy. The samples were prepared from four parasite volcanos. These samples consist of the typical basalt comprised of $SiO_2,\;Al_2O_3$, Fe compounds, and silicate minerals. The $M{\ddot{o}}ssbauer$ spectra showed doublets for olivine, pyroxene, and ilmenite as well as sextets for hematite and magnetite. The valence state of Fe is chiefly a 3+ charge state with a little 2+ charge state. It is expected that this results will add to the body of information related to the information mechanism of Jeju island. The geochemistry for these samples is the same results to mid-mountain's samples in Jeju Island.

Serpentinization of Olivine and Pyroxene in Chungnam Serpentinites, Korea (충남지역 사문암내 감람석과 휘석의 사문석화작용)

  • Kim Young-Tae;Woo Young-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2005
  • Serpentinites in Chungnam area are mainly composed of serpentines. Serpentines of olivine origin consist of pseudomorphs of olivines and show mesh textureen closed with magnetites along the boundaries of serpentine crystals. In some serpentinites, serpentinization is occurred in crystal boundaries and/or cracks of olivines and pyroxenes which are relict minerals of dunite and harzburgite. On the process from olivine to serpentine, Mg ions are greatly decreased and Si ions are greatly increased, and $Fe^{2+}\;and\;Fe^{3+}$ ions are a little decreased. But, on the process from pyroxene to serpentine, Si ions are greatly decreased and Mg ions are greatly increased. Magnetites around the serpentine crystals were formed from the iron which had been left out through this serpentinization process of olivine. Serpentinization from the original rocks such as dunite and harzburgite in Chungnam area was occurred by various waters affected after formation of original rock, and particularly by metamorphic water in the metamorphic conditions ranging from green schist facies to granulite facies through amphibolite facies.