• Title/Summary/Keyword: Purchase Intension

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The Relationship among Fashion Social Media, Information Usage Behavior, and Purchase Intention (패션 소셜미디어 품질, 정보 이용행동, 구매의도 간 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Naeeun;Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - This study aimed to identify the sub-dimensions of fashion social media quality (information quality, social quality, service quality, system quality) and investigate how they affect purchase intention through fashion information use behavior (information acceptance, information diffusion). Research design, data, and methodology - Data collection was carried out twice for systematic verification of the research model. In the first data collection, the reliability and validity of research variables were verified through 238 respondents and questionnaires were revised and supplemented based on their responses. In March 2018, the final survey was conducted from 755 respondents the age of 20 to 49. Using SPSS 23.0, descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis were performed. In order to test hypotheses, structural equational modeling technique was employed using AMOS 23.0. Results - First of all, fashion Social media quality consists of four factors including information quality, social quality, service quality and system quality. Second, fashion Social media information quality, social quality, and system quality were shown to have a positive(+) effect on information acceptance behavior, and social quality, service quality and system quality were shown to have a positive(+) effect on information diffusion behavior. It was also determined that the acceptance and diffusion behaviors of fashion information through fashion Social media had positive(+) influence on purchase intention. Conclusions - This study holds academic significance in its identification of the components of fashion Social media quality and for conducting an empirical analysis on the causal relationship between fashion information acceptance and diffusion behaviors, and purchase intention. The results of this study indicate that fashion involvement is the key factors in determining the quality of Social media, the acceptance of information through Social media, and, by extension, the purchase of fashion products. Practitioners in the fashion industry may use the findings of this study in order to build more effective Social media strategy.

The Effects of Purchase Intention of Oriental Medicine Cosmetics on Selection and Brand Asset Attributes

  • Bae, Jeong-Tae;Kim, Bo-Young;Oh, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This research aims to investigate the effects that the selection of oriental medicine cosmetics and brand asset attributes have on consumers' economic, emotional and social values in order to shed light on the forms and characteristics of consumption within the globally developing oriental medicine cosmetics market, and in the end positively verify how such perceived values affect purchase intention. In addition, it proposes research outcomes by comparing the differences between national and cultural consumer purchase behavior based on the comparisons of consumer groups in South Korea and China, the major markets for oriental medicine cosmetics. Research design, data, and methodology - Based on advanced research a total of 9 hypotheses were designed and questionnaires consisting of 16 questions to identify six major variables were conducted. Research was carried out centered on Seoul, South Korea, and its surrounding metropolitan area as well as Beijing and Shanghai, China, and a total of 577 sets of significant data were collected. A comparison analysis was then conducted on the data from 285 Koreans and 292 Chinese. A regression analysis and path analysis were also carried out based on a structural equation model to suggest results. Results - Research results show brand value assets had a more crucial impact on consumers' perceived value than consumer selection of oriental medicine cosmetics, while emotional value had a bigger effect on purchase intension than social or economic values. For Chinese consumers in particular, social, economic and emotional values affected purchase intention, while emotional value was the most crucial factor for Korean consumers. Conclusions - With oriental medicine cosmetics, brand characteristics and images that helped express emotional desire proved to be more effective in marketing than the performance aspect of cosmetics, including their functions and ingredients. In the end, products that highlight individual desire and emotion should be introduced instead of those that emphasize price, functions and social characteristics in order to expand the global market of oriental medicine cosmetics.

The effect of consumption propensity and fashion product consumption attitude on fair trade fashion product purchase intension (소비자의 소비성향과 패션제품 소비태도가 공정무역 패션제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Ye Jin;Shin, Sangmoo
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.656-669
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    • 2017
  • Fair trade implies honest wages and eco-friendly products in keeping with the demands of ethical consumerism. Although consumers are presently more interested in fair trade products, it is hard to find aggressive marketing strategies for fair trade fashion products. Therefore, the purpose of this study investigates the effect of consumption propensity on fast and slow fashion goods consumption attitudes and purchase intention on fair trade fashion products. For method of this study, 229 questionnaires were distributed to consumers residing in Seoul, South Korea. The data from the 219 returned usable questionnaires was analyzed by Cronbach's alpha, factor analysis, regression analysis using SPSS 22.0. The results of this study were as follows: First, consumption propensities of spontaneity, histrionics, and imitative nature in descending order positively affect consumption attitude for fast fashion products. And green consumerism negatively affects consumption attitude for fast fashion products. Second, consumption propensity such as donation & sharing consumerism, ethical consumerism, green consumerism, histrionics, and imitative nature in descending order positively affect consumption attitude for slow fashion products. Third, slow and fast fashion products consumption attitude in descending order positively affect purchase intention on fair trade fashion products. Fourth, consumption propensities such as ethical consumerism, green consumerism, and donation & sharing consumerism in descending order positively affect purchase intention on fair trade fashion products. Therefore fair trade fashion products with various usages and sustainable high quality are promoted by differentiated marketing strategies.

Causal Relation Analysis of the Motivation and Benefits Factors Affecting Customers' Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Goods (위조품 구매동기와 사용혜택 요인이 구매의도에 미치는 인과모형분석)

  • Yu, Seung Yeob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2012
  • The present paper attempts to account for customers' purchase intention of counterfeit goods. Based on some previous analyses, we have set up a structured model for analysis with a hope to identify the relationship between benefits from using counterfeit goods and motivational factors to purchase them. It is found, first of all, that motivation for ostentation significantly influences personal benefits from using the counterfeit goods. Second, we also find that motivation for satisfaction does not exert any direct influence on the factors of benefits, though it affects decisions to purchase. Third, motivation for practicability has significant influence on personal and, more strongly, on economic benefits. Fourth, quality has significant influence on both personal and economic benefits. Again, this factor is also more closely related with economic benefits than with personal ones. We hope that we will be able to provide practical tips for those who design and plan public service advertisements that intend to reduce purchasing of counterfeit products.

The Effect of Sports Brand Self-Image Congruity and Affect on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intension (스포츠 브랜드의 자아이미지 일치성과 감정이 브랜드태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yim, Ki-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship among self-image congruity, affect, brand attitude and purchase intention toward sports brands. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, totalling 329 students were recruited from several different university. Data were collected by using convenience sampling method. Research model and hypothesis testing were conducted by using SEM(structural equation modeling) through AMOS 18.0. The result were as follows; First, sports brand ideal self-image positively influenced on brand affect. Second, brand affect had significantly effect brand attitude and purchase intention. Third, brand attitude positively influenced purchase intention toward sports brands. The finding s also revealed effect of ideal self-image congruity in there relationships between self-image and brand affect.

The Effects of Virtual Reality Advertisement on Consumer's Intention to Purchase: Focused on Rational and Emotional Responses (가상현실(Virtual Reality) 광고가 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 이성적인 반응과 감성적인 반응의 통합)

  • Cha, Jae-Yol;Im, Kun-Shin
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.101-124
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    • 2009
  • According to Wikipedia, virtual reality (VR) is defined as a technology that allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment. Due to a rapid growth in information technology (IT), the cost of virtual reality has been decreasing while the utility of virtual reality advertisements has dramatically increased. Nevertheless, only a few studies have investigated the effects of virtual reality advertisement on consumer behaviors. Therefore, the objective of this study is to empirically examine the effects of virtual reality advertisement. Compared to traditional online advertisements, virtual reality advertisement enables consumers to experience products realistically over the Internet by providing high media richness, interactivity, and telepresence (Suh and Lee, 2005). Advertisements with high media richness facilitate consumers' understanding of advertised products by providing them with a large amount and a high variety of information on the products. Interactivity also provides consumers with a high level of control over the computer-simulated environment in terms of their abilities to adjust the information according to their individual interests and concerns and to be active rather than passive in their engagement with the information (Pimentel and Teixera, 1994). Through high media richness and interactivity, virtual reality advertisements can generate compelling feelings of "telepresence" (Suh and Lee, 2005). Telepresence is a sense of being there in an environment by means of a communication medium (Steuer, 1992). Virtual reality advertisements enable consumers to create a perceptual illusion of being present and highly engaged in a simulated environment, while they are in reality physically present in another place (Biocca, 1997). Based on the characteristics of virtual reality advertisements, a research model has been proposed to explain consumer responses to the virtual reality advertisements. The proposed model includes two dimensions of consumer responses. One dimension is consumers' rational response, which is based on the Information Processing Theory. Based on the Information Processing Theory, product knowledge and perceived risk are selected as antecedents of intention to purchase. The other dimension is emotional response of consumers, which is based on the Attitude-Structure Theory. Based on the Attitude-Structure Theory, arousal, flow, and positive affect are selected as antecedents of intention to purchase. Because it has been criticized to have investigated only one of the two dimensions of consumer response in prior studies, our research model has been built so as to incorporate both dimensions. Based on the Attitude-Structure Theory, we hypothesized the path of consumers' emotional responses to a virtual reality advertisement: (H1) Arousal by the virtual reality advertisement increases flow; (H2) Flow increases positive affect; and (H3) Positive affect increases intension to purchase. In addition, we hypothesized the path of consumers' rational responses to the virtual reality advertisement based on the Information Processing Theory: (H4) Increased product knowledge through the virtual reality advertisement decreases perceived risk; and (H5) Perceived risk decreases intension to purchase. Based on literature of flow, we additionally hypothesized the relationship between flow and product knowledge: (H6) Flow increases product knowledge. To test the hypotheses, we conducted a free simulation experiment [Fromkin and Streufert, 1976] with 300 people. Subjects were asked to use the virtual reality advertisement of a cellular phone on the Internet and then answer questions about the variables. To check whether subjects fully experienced the virtual reality advertisement, they were asked to answer a quiz about the virtual reality advertisement itself. Responses of 26 subjects were dropped because of their incomplete answers. Responses of 274 subjects were used to test the hypotheses. It was found that all of six hypotheses are accepted. In addition, we found that consumers' emotional response has stronger impact on their intention to purchase than their rational response does. This study sheds much light into practical implications for both IS researchers and managers. First of all, while most of previous research has analyzed only one of the customers' rational and emotional responses, we theoretically incorporated and empirically examined both of the two sides. Second, we empirically showed that mediators such as arousal, flow, positive affect, product knowledge, and perceived risk play an important role between virtual reality advertisement and customer's intention to purchase. In addition, the findings of this study can provide a basis of practical strategies for managers. It was found that consumers' emotional response is stronger than their rational response. This result indicates that advertisements using virtual reality should focus on the emotional side, and that virtual reality can be served as an appropriate advertisement tool for fancy products that require their online advertisements to give an impetus to customers' emotion. Finally, even if this study examined the effects of virtual reality advertisement of cellular phone, its findings could be applied to other products that are suited for virtual experience. However, this research has some limitations. We were unable to control different kinds of consumers and different attributes of products on consumers' intention to purchase. It is, therefore, deemed important for future research to control the consumer and product types for more reliable results. In addition to the consumer and product attributes, other variables could affect consumers' intention to purchase. Thus, the future research needs to find ways t control other variables.

The Influence of Attractiveness and Match-Up of Model on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention of Franchise Brands (프랜차이즈 브랜드에서 모델의 매력성 및 적합성이 브랜드 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Byung-Ok;Heo, Jeong-Moo;Lee, Dong-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of model attractiveness on brand attitude and purchase intention, and examine whether product-model match-up plays a moderating role in the relationship between model attractiveness and brand attitude and purchase intention. The model attractiveness is consist of psychological and physical attractiveness of the model. The authors investigate how product-model match-up influence the strength of the relationship between model attractiveness - brand attitude and purchase intention. The purpose of this is to test whether product-model match-up influence the form and effectiveness of a model attractiveness on brand attitude and purchase intention and suggest the effective and efficient methods in the model selection strategies to increase advertising effectiveness based on the results of this study. Research design, data, and methodology - The experimental design for this study was the between subject design based on 2 group of the psychological attractiveness(high vs. low) × product-model match-up(high vs low) and 2 group of the physical attractiveness(high vs. low) × product-model match-up(high vs low). And a preliminary investigation was conducted to develop experimental stimuli through manipulation check to enhance the external validity of experimental research. The attractiveness of the model and product-model match-up are independent variables and manipulative variables in presentation of experimental stimuli. The self-administered methode experiment was conducted on 300 subjects in four groups constructed according to the independent variables. Result - The findings provide partial support for a moderator for product-model match-up on the model attractiveness - brand attitude and purchase intention. First, the influence of psychological attractiveness and physical attractiveness on brand attitude and purchase intention was shown significant. Also, it was found that the average value of brand attitude and purchase intention according to psychological attractiveness was significantly higher than the average value of brand attitude and purchase intention according to physical attractiveness in additional analysis. Second, the average value of brand attitude and purchase intention were higher when product - model match-up was high in both high and low psychological attractiveness and physical attractiveness of the model. However, in the case of psychological attractiveness, the correlation effect with product - model match-up was significant, but in the case of physical attractiveness, it was not significant. Conclusions - The results of this study suggest that the attractiveness factor should be considered in selecting the ad model by verifying the effect of the attractiveness of the model on the advertising effect. In particular, this study has great significance both academically and practically in terms of suggesting such implications that the advertising effect of psychological attractiveness and physical attractiveness may be different depending on the product type by additional analysis.

Study on the Purchase Intention for Traditional Food according to the Attractiveness of Traditional Food as a Tourism Resource (관광 자원으로서 전통 음식의 매력성에 따른 구매 의사에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Bo-Mi;Yoon, Yoo-Shik;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.819-826
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    • 2009
  • The present study, we purposed to surveyed how much Korean natives' valuation of value traditional food as a tourism resource and their perception of traditional food, and to measured the attractiveness and potential of traditional food. For this purpose, we reviewed previously published studies research on traditional food and tourism resources, and conducted a questionnaire survey of urban citizens in Seoul on traditional food. Three hundred distributing 300 questionnaires were distributed and recovering 242 of them were returned. In this study, SPSS for Windows 16.0 was used for empirical analysis and the subjects' demographical characteristics were analyzed through frequency analysis. In addition, reliability analysis were performed to test the overall reliability of the empirical survey and collected data. Factor analysis was conducted to integrate variables, and the effect of the attractiveness of traditional food on purchase intention for traditional food was tested through multiple and simple regression analysis. Inquiring By surveying into the attractiveness of traditional food as a tourism resource, this study attempted to formulate a causal relation model among major variables, and examined the effects of the attractiveness of traditional food as a tourism resource on purchase intension based on Korean natives’ perception of and attitude toward traditional food, which is a Korean cultural heritage. Furthermore, and furthermore, made we provided suggestions for the improvement and development of traditional food.

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A Study for Impact of Color Marketing in Traditional Markets

  • Park, Jong-Ho;Lee, Kyoung-Dong;Chung, Lak-Chae
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of brand awareness by color marketing to purchase and revisit intentions in Traditional Markets. Research design, data, and methodology - For this study, 5 point Likert-scale was used based on previous research. Used SPSS ver.22, factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha, regression and correlation were tested. 254 samples were used for the analysis. Results - The three attributes of color marketing(symbolism, identifiability, association) exerted significant effects on brand awareness of traditional marketing explained 38.7% of the variance. Thus, , , and were supported. However, was not supported. Conclusions - Colors play important roles in establishing new images in consumers' minds. The visual sense affects emotions and attitudes and most of the visual sense is affected by colors. Colors that we see move people's heart and induce atmospheres thereby greatly affecting humans' physical and mental activities. To increase traditional market brand awareness, it is necessary for traditional markets to display a level of attractiveness through the use of colors and visuals. So to use color marketing in traditional market is very important for brand awareness which can cause purchase and traditional market revisit intension.

The Effects of Intention Inferences on Scarcity Effect: Moderating Effect of Scarcity Type, Scarcity Depth (소비자의 기업의도 추론이 희소성 효과에 미치는 영향: 수량한정 유형과 폭의 조절효과)

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Na, June-Hee
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.195-215
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    • 2008
  • The scarcity is pervasive aspect of human life and is a fundamental precondition of economic behavior of consumers. Also, the effect of scarcity message is a power social influence principle used by marketers to increase the subjective desirability of products. Because valuable objects are often scare, consumers tend to infer the scarce objects are valuable. Marketers often do base promotional appeals on the principle of scarcity to increase the subjective desirability their products among consumers. Specially, advertisers and retailers often promote their products using restrictions. These restriction act to constraint consumers' ability th take advantage of the promotion and can assume several forms. For example, some promotions are advertised as limited time offers, while others limit the quantity that can be bought at the deal price by employing the statements such as 'limit one per consumer,' 'limit 5 per customer,' 'limited products for special commemoration celebration,' Some retailers use statements extensively. A recent weekly flyer by a prominent retailer limited purchase quantities on 50% of the specials advertised on front page. When consumers saw these phrase, they often infer value from the product that has limited availability or is promoted as being scarce. But, the past researchers explored a direct relationship between the purchase quantity and time limit on deal purchase intention. They also don't explored that all restriction message are not created equal. Namely, we thought that different restrictions signal deal value in different ways or different mechanism. Consumers appear to perceive that time limits are used to attract consumers to the brand, while quantity limits are necessary to reduce stockpiling. This suggests other possible differences across restrictions. For example, quantity limits could imply product quality (i.e., this product at this price is so good that purchases must be limited). In contrast, purchase preconditions force the consumer to spend a certain amount to qualify for the deal, which suggests that inferences about the absolute quality of the promoted item would decline from purchase limits (highest quality) to time limits to purchase preconditions (lowest quality). This might be expected to be particularly true for unfamiliar brands. However, a critical but elusive issue in scarcity message research is the impacts of a inferred motives on the promoted scarcity message. The past researchers not explored possibility of inferred motives on the scarcity message context. Despite various type to the quantity limits message, they didn't separated scarcity message among the quantity limits. Therefore, we apply a stricter definition of scarcity message(i.e. quantity limits) and consider scarcity message type(general scarcity message vs. special scarcity message), scarcity depth(high vs. low). The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the scarcity message on the consumer's purchase intension. Specifically, we investigate the effect of general versus special scarcity messages on the consumer's purchase intention using the level of the scarcity depth as moderators. In other words, we postulates that the scarcity message type and scarcity depth play an essential moderating role in the relationship between the inferred motives and purchase intention. In other worlds, different from the past studies, we examine the interplay between the perceived motives and scarcity type, and between the perceived motives and scarcity depth. Both of these constructs have been examined in isolation, but a key question is whether they interact to produce an effect in reaction to the scarcity message type or scarcity depth increase. The perceived motive Inference behind the scarcity message will have important impact on consumers' reactions to the degree of scarcity depth increase. In relation ti this general question, we investigate the following specific issues. First, does consumers' inferred motives weaken the positive relationship between the scarcity depth decrease and the consumers' purchase intention, and if so, how much does it attenuate this relationship? Second, we examine the interplay between the scarcity message type and the consumers' purchase intention in the context of the scarcity depth decrease. Third, we study whether scarcity message type and scarcity depth directly affect the consumers' purchase intention. For the answer of these questions, this research is composed of 2(intention inference: existence vs. nonexistence)${\times}2$(scarcity type: special vs. general)${\times}2$(scarcity depth: high vs. low) between subject designs. The results are summarized as follows. First, intention inference(inferred motive) is not significant on scarcity effect in case of special scarcity message. However, nonexistence of intention inference is more effective than existence of intention inference on purchase intention in case of general scarcity. Second, intention inference(inferred motive) is not significant on scarcity effect in case of low scarcity. However, nonexistence of intention inference is more effective than existence of intention inference on purchase intention in case of high scarcity. The results of this study will help managers to understand the relative importance among the type of the scarcity message and to make decisions in using their scarcity message. Finally, this article have several contribution. First, we have shown that restrictions server to activates a mental resource that is used to render a judgment regarding a promoted product. In the absence of other information, this resource appears to read to an inference of value. In the presence of other value related cue, however, either database(i.e., scarcity depth: high vs. low) or conceptual base(i.e.,, scarcity type special vs. general), the resource is used in conjunction with the other cues as a basis for judgment, leading to different effects across levels of these other value-related cues. Second, our results suggest that a restriction can affect consumer behavior through four possible routes: 1) the affective route, through making consumers feel irritated, 2) the cognitive making route, through making consumers infer motivation or attribution about promoted scarcity message, and 3) the economic route, through making the consumer lose an opportunity to stockpile at a low scarcity depth, or forcing him her to making additional purchases, lastly 4) informative route, through changing what consumer believe about the transaction. Third, as a note already, this results suggest that we should consider consumers' inferences of motives or attributions for the scarcity dept level and cognitive resources available in order to have a complete understanding the effects of quantity restriction message.

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