• Title/Summary/Keyword: Protocol Design

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Physiological effect induced by relaxation aroma (이완 유도 향으로 발생된 생리적 효과)

  • 백은주;이윤영;문창현;전병배;양해주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.233-237
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    • 1999
  • Aromatherapy는 향을 이용하여 생리적 및 심리적 효과를 나타내는 치료법이다. 향의 종류에 따라 여러 효과들이 나타나고 있는데 본 연구에서는 이완 유도향 제품을 개발하기 위해 자율신경계로부터의 신호인 Galvanic skin resistance(GSR), 피부온도, 심박수 등과 뇌파에서의 변화를 측정하여 이완의 정도를 측정하고자 하였다. 실험방법은 4 종류의 aromatherapy용으로 조제된 복합향(#2033, #2026, #11, #13)을 이용하고 피검자는 후각기능이 정상이며 물리적 및 심리적 stress가 없고, 음주, 담배를 3일전까지 경험이 없는 군을 택하였다. 향을 주는 시간은 1분으로 하였으며 순서에 의한 효과를 없애기 위해 4 종류를 random order에 의해 실시하였다. 대조군으로는 증류수를 이용하여 실험 전, 실험 중, 실험 후에서 각각 측정하였으며 또한 각성효과가 좋은 jasmine과 이완 효과를 보이는 lavender를 같은 protocol로 시행하여 이완의 효과를 비교하였다. 뇌파는 FFT분석에 따라 각 주파수 영역 즉 beta, alpha, theta, delta로 나누어 분석하였다. Jasmine과 lavender의 이완 효과에서는 GSR의 변화와 HRV의 변화를 보고한 바 있다(백,1998). 또한 심리불안 효과와 향 이미지 검사를 동시에 시행하여 주관적지표로 삼았다. 실험 결과에서는 이러한 4 종류의 향은 모두 GSR의 현저한 감소 효과를 보였으며, 심박수와 피부온도의 감소경향을 나타내었다. 자율신경계 반응에 따라 4 종류 향의 이완 효과의 순서를 결정할 수 있었다. 주관적 검사와의 상관관계도 잘 나타났으며 이미지는 이완 정도와 섬세하다 항목이 잘 반영되었다. 뇌파의 변화에서는 의미 있는 변화는 보이지 않았다. 결론적으로 relaxation 효과는 GSR를 비롯한 자율신경계지표에서 잘 반영되었다.^2$=.792가 되었다. 설명되는 누적분산값은 67.18%였다.주관적 평가의 결과와 객관적 평가 결과를 이용해 마직물의 태를 평가하는 산출식을 제시하였다. 태 평가치의 경우 16가지 특성치를 모두 넣는 방법과 stepwise 방법, 또 Kawabatark 사용한 순차적 군 회귀법의 세가지 방법의 회귀식 중 16가지 특성치를 모두 넣는 방법의 결정계수가 가장 높았다.tosterone농도는 107.7$\pm$12.0 pmol/l이었고, 남성의 타액내 농도는 274.2$\pm$22.1 pmol/l이었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 본 연구에서 정립된 EIA 방법은 RIA를 대신하여 소규모의 실험실에서도 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사려된다.또한 상실기 이후 배아에서 합성되며, 발생시기에 따라 그 영향이 다르고 팽창과 부화에 관여하는 것으로 사료된다. 더욱이, 조선의 ${\ulcorner}$구성교육${\lrcorner}$이 조선총독부의 관리하에서 실행되었다는 것을, 당시의 사범학교를 중심으로 한 교육조직을 기술한 문헌에 의해 규명시켰다.nd of letter design which represents -natural objects and was popular at the time of Yukjo Dynasty, and there are some documents of that period left both in Japan and Korea. "Hyojedo" in Korea is supposed to have been influenced by the letter design. Asite- is also considered to have been "Japanese Letter Jobcheso." Therefore, the purpose of this study is to look in

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Design and Performance Evaluation of Software On-Demand Streaming System Providing Virtual Software Execution Environment (가상 소프트웨어 실행 환경을 제공하는 주문형 소프트웨어 스트리밍 시스템 설계 및 성능평가)

  • Kim Young-Man;Park Hong-Jae;Han Wang-Won;Choi Wan;Heo Seong-Jin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.4 s.107
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2006
  • Software streaming allows the execution of stream-enabled software on desktop or portable computing devices like PC, PDA, laptop, cellular phone, etc., even while the transmission/streaming from the server may still be in progress. In this paper, we present an efficient streaming system called Software On-Demand(SOD) streaming system to transmit stream-enabled applications in addition to automatic installation of program registry, environment variables, configuration files, and related components. In particular, we design and implement a SOD system in Linux to provide the user with the instant look-and-click software execution environment such that software download and installation are internally proceeded in a completely user-transparent way. Therefore, the SOD system relieves the user from the tricky, failure-prone installation business. In addition, the software developer now obtains a new, powerful means to advertise and propagate their software products since the user can use software packages via user-friendly UI window or web browser by look-and-click interactive operation. In the paper, we also make a couple of SOD streaming experiments using a spectrum of popular softwares. Based on the analysis of the experiment results, we also propose two performance improvement schemes.

Design and Implementation of Packet Filtering System for IPv4/IPv6 Tunneling Environment (IPv4/IPv6 터널링 환경에 적합한 패킷 필터링 기능 설계 및 구현)

  • Heo, Seok-Yeol;Lee, Wan-Jik;Kim, Kyung-Jun;Jeong, Sang-Jin;Shin, Myung-Ki;Kim, Hyoung-Jun;Han, Ki-Jun
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.407-419
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    • 2006
  • As substituting IPv6 network for all IPv4 network in a short time seems unattainable due to high cost and technical limitation, IPv4 and IPv6 are expected to coexist for a certain period of time. Under the co]existing environment of IPv4 and IPv6, interworking brings a number of extra security considerations even if it may have no security problem for each protocol respectively. Thus, the analysis and solutions for those various attacks toward IPv4/IPv6 interworking-related security are inevitably required for the sake of effective transition and settlement to IPv6. In this paper we carried out a proper rule of packet filtering for IPv6-in-IPv4 tunneling interworking environment to protect the IPv4/IPv6 interworking-related security attacks. Design and implementation of the packet filtering system suitable for IPv4/IPv6 tunneling environment in the form of Linux netfilter and ip6tables are also shown. Thru this study, the packet filtering system was found operating correctly ill the tunneling mechanism.

Design and Implementation of a Subscriber Interface Management System in ATM Network (ATM망을 위한 가입자 인터페이스 관리 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Byeong-Gi;Jo, Guk-Hyeon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.782-792
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    • 1999
  • 효과적인 ATM 망의 관리는 연결 지향 환경, 다양한 서비스 등급, 대규모 트래픽, 가상 망 구성 그리고 여러가지 트래픽 유형 등과 같은 다양한 ATM 특성을 다룰 수 있어야만 한다. 이를 위해 ATM 포럼에서는 ATM 장치, 사설망, 공중망 및 그들간의 상호작용을 지원하기 위한 ATM 망 관리 참조 모델을 정의하였으며, 그 중 하나가 서로 다른 판매자로부터의 ATM 장비들간의 상호동작성을 보장하기 위해 SNMP 기반 망 관리 프로토콜을 통해 상호 연결된 인터페이스를 관리할 수 있도록 정의된 통합 지역 관리 인터페이스(ILMI) 프로토콜이다. ILMI의 목적은 두 인접한 ATM 장치로 하여금 그들 간에 공통의 ATM 링크에 대한 동작 파라메타를 자동적으로 구성할 수 있도록 함으로서, 관리자에 의해 수동 구성이 아닌 ATM 장치 상호간의 플러그 앤 플러그 기능을 지원하는데 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 ILMI 기술을 바탕으로 공중망 ATM 교환기에 연결된 가입자의 물리 인터페이스, ATM 계층 인터페이스, VPC 및 VCC의 구성 및 상태 정보를 효율적으로 관리하며, 가입자 시스템의 ATM 주소를 자동으로 등록, 관리할 수 있도록 하는 가입자 인터페이스 관리 시스템(SIMS)을 설계하고, 구현하였다. Abstract An effective ATM management must address the various features of ATM such as connection-oriented environment, varying class of service, large scale traffic, virtual network configurations and, and multiple traffic types. For this, ATM network management reference model defined by ATM Forum describes the various types of network management needed to support ATM devices, private networks, public networks, and the interaction between them. One of these types is Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI) defined to manage interconnected interface through SNMP-based network management protocol for ensuring the interoperability of ATM devices from different vendors. The purpose of ILMI is to enable two adjacent ATM devices to automatically configure the operation parameters of the common ATM link between them and then to provide a Plug and Plug function to any ATM devices with not a passive configuration by manager but a automatic configuration. This paper design and implement a Subscriber Interface Management System (SIMS) which provide automatic registration and management of ATM address of subscriber system and efficiently manages physical interface of subscriber who is connected to public ATM switch, ATM layer interface, configuration information and status information of VPC and VCC.

Application of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment-BIG(LSVT-BIG) Intervention to Improve Motor Functions and Quality of Life in People With Parkinson Disease (파킨슨병 환자에게 Lee Silverman Voice Treatment-BIG(LSVT-BIG) 프로그램의 적용이 운동기능과 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Kang-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Jang, Jong-Sik
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment-BIG(LSVT-BIG) intervention which consisted of standardized exercise programs and occupation-based activities for people with Parkinson Disease(PD) on motor functions and quality of life Methods: This study applied a one group pretest-posttest design. The experiment was divided into two parts: pre intervention and post intervention period. Before and after LSVT-BIG intervention, Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale(UPDRS), Time up and go(TUG), Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39(PDQ-39) were used to measure the participants' motor functions and quality of life. Based on the LSVT-BIG protocol, three participants received 16 one-hour sessions over 4 weeks by a certified occupational therapist. The results were analyzed by using SPSS. Results: There were improvements in UPDRS and TUG. Additionally, PDQ-39 scores decreased in all participants, which means that their quality of life was improved. Conclusions: The study demonstrated positive effects of LSVT-BIG intervention on motor functions and quality of life of patients with PD.

Design of IoT Gateway based Event-Driven Architecture for Intelligent Buildings. (IoT 게이트웨이 기반 지능형 건물의 이벤트 중심 아키텍쳐 설계)

  • Nkenyereye, Lionel;Jang, Jong-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.256-259
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    • 2016
  • The growth of mobile devices in Internet of Things (IoT) leads to a number of intelligent buildings related IoT applications. For instance, home automation controlling system uses client system such web apps on smartphone or web service to access the home server by sending control commands. The home server receives the command, then controls for instance the light system. The gateway based RESTful technology responsible for handling clients' requests attests an internet latency in case a large number of clients' requests submit toward the gateway increases. In this paper, we propose the design tasks of the IoT gateway for handling concurrency events. In the procedure of designing tasks, concurrency is best understood by employing multiple levels of abstraction. The way that is eminently to accomplish concurrency is to build an object-oriented environment with support for messages passing between concurrent objects. We also investigate the performance of event-driven architecture for building IoT gateway using node.js on one side and communication protocol based message-oriented middleware known as XMPP to handle communications of intelligent building control devices connected to the gateway through a centralized hub. The Node.JS is 40% faster than the traditional web server side features thread-based approach. The use of Node.js server-side handles a large number of clients' requests, then therefore, reduces delay in performing predefined actions automatically in intelligent building IoT environment.

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Pullout Tests on M12&M20 Stainless Steel Post-Installed Expansion Anchor for Seismic Design in Cracked Concrete (균열 콘크리트에 설치된 M12, M20 내진용 스테인리스스틸 확장식 후설치 앵커 인장 실험)

  • Kim, Jin-Gyu;Chun, Sung-Chul;An, Yeong-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2022
  • Recently, seismic design for anchors is required, which are used for connecting structural members and non-structural and structural members. In this study, pull-out tests on the new expansion anchors which have been developed for cracked concrete. The anchors of 12 mm and 20 mm diameters were tested which are commonly used. Experiments were conducted on non-cracked concrete and cracked concrete to evaluate the seismic performance of the post-installed anchor. The experimental method complies with the specified test protocol (KCI, 2018). Three experimental variables are included in this study: presence of cracks, concrete compressive strength, and effective embedment depth. The strength of the anchors was evaluated with the characteristic capacity K5% determined from the test results incorporated with the safety of 5% fractile. The characteristic capacity K5% of the non-cracked and cracked concrete specified in KDS 14 20 54 are 9.8 and 7.0, respectively. Test results show that all groups except the three groups have higher characteristic capacity K5% than the KDS code and the nominal strengths of the tested anchors can be determined with the obtained characteristic capacity K5%.

The Self-Perception and Science Teaching Implementation of Elementary School Teacher Aiming for Student-centered Inquiry Classes -Focusing on RTOP Analysis of the Elementary School 'Temperature and Heat' Unit- (학생 중심 탐구수업을 지향하는 초등교사의 과학수업에 대한 자기인식과 실행 -초등학교 '온도와 열' 단원에 대한 RTOP 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Chaeyeon Shin;Hyojoon Kim
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.88-106
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the disparity between the teacher's perception of student-centered inquiry classes and the actual implementation of such practices. Specifically, we compared an elementary science teacher's self-perception of her science lessons with the observers' evaluation using the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) of the "Temperature and Heat" unit. Research data were collected through classroom teaching survey, interview, and science lessons video which were analyzed using the RTOP. As a result of the study, the teacher recognized that she was practicing inquiry-oriented/student-centered classes, but the results judged by the RTOP score were found to be transitional/student-affected classes by a slight difference. Teacher H planned and practiced classes based on a high understanding and content knowledge of the curriculum and created a science classroom culture that promotes active interaction among students as well as students and teachers. However, teacher-led aspects were still emphasized in teaching design and implementation, and the project theme and content were inappropriate to improve the quality of students' science inquiry experience. In the end, the slight difference between teacher's perception of inquiry-oriented/student-centered classes and actual implementation is related to how student-centered "lesson design" is and how to plan and implement classes supported by "procedural knowledge" for students' experience in the science inquiry process. These results indicate that the teacher's self-evaluation alone is not enough to determine whether the teacher's intentions and efforts are actually being implemented, and that it is necessary to conduct objective analysis, evaluation, and discuss the results of science classes by the external observers.

SANET-CC : Zone IP Allocation Protocol for Offshore Networks (SANET-CC : 해상 네트워크를 위한 구역 IP 할당 프로토콜)

  • Bae, Kyoung Yul;Cho, Moon Ki
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.87-109
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    • 2020
  • Currently, thanks to the major stride made in developing wired and wireless communication technology, a variety of IT services are available on land. This trend is leading to an increasing demand for IT services to vessels on the water as well. And it is expected that the request for various IT services such as two-way digital data transmission, Web, APP, etc. is on the rise to the extent that they are available on land. However, while a high-speed information communication network is easily accessible on land because it is based upon a fixed infrastructure like an AP and a base station, it is not the case on the water. As a result, a radio communication network-based voice communication service is usually used at sea. To solve this problem, an additional frequency for digital data exchange was allocated, and a ship ad-hoc network (SANET) was proposed that can be utilized by using this frequency. Instead of satellite communication that costs a lot in installation and usage, SANET was developed to provide various IT services to ships based on IP in the sea. Connectivity between land base stations and ships is important in the SANET. To have this connection, a ship must be a member of the network with its IP address assigned. This paper proposes a SANET-CC protocol that allows ships to be assigned their own IP address. SANET-CC propagates several non-overlapping IP addresses through the entire network from land base stations to ships in the form of the tree. Ships allocate their own IP addresses through the exchange of simple requests and response messages with land base stations or M-ships that can allocate IP addresses. Therefore, SANET-CC can eliminate the IP collision prevention (Duplicate Address Detection) process and the process of network separation or integration caused by the movement of the ship. Various simulations were performed to verify the applicability of this protocol to SANET. The outcome of such simulations shows us the following. First, using SANET-CC, about 91% of the ships in the network were able to receive IP addresses under any circumstances. It is 6% higher than the existing studies. And it suggests that if variables are adjusted to each port's environment, it may show further improved results. Second, this work shows us that it takes all vessels an average of 10 seconds to receive IP addresses regardless of conditions. It represents a 50% decrease in time compared to the average of 20 seconds in the previous study. Also Besides, taking it into account that when existing studies were on 50 to 200 vessels, this study on 100 to 400 vessels, the efficiency can be much higher. Third, existing studies have not been able to derive optimal values according to variables. This is because it does not have a consistent pattern depending on the variable. This means that optimal variables values cannot be set for each port under diverse environments. This paper, however, shows us that the result values from the variables exhibit a consistent pattern. This is significant in that it can be applied to each port by adjusting the variable values. It was also confirmed that regardless of the number of ships, the IP allocation ratio was the most efficient at about 96 percent if the waiting time after the IP request was 75ms, and that the tree structure could maintain a stable network configuration when the number of IPs was over 30000. Fourth, this study can be used to design a network for supporting intelligent maritime control systems and services offshore, instead of satellite communication. And if LTE-M is set up, it is possible to use it for various intelligent services.

Design and Implementation of Clipcast Service via Terrestrial DMB (지상파 DMB를 이용한 클립캐스트 서비스 설계 및 구현)

  • Cho, Suk-Hyun;Seo, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2011
  • Design and Implementation of Clipcast Service via Terrestrial DMB This paper outlines the system design and the implementation process of clipcast service that can send clips of video, mp3, text, images, etc. to terrestrial DMB terminals. To provide clipcast service in terrestrial DMB, a separate data channel needs to be allocated and this requires changes in the existing bandwidth allocation. Clipcast contents can be sent after midnight at around 3 to 4 AM, when terrestrial DMB viewship is low. If the video service bit rate is lowered to 352 Kbps and the TPEG service band is fully used, then 320 Kbps bit rate can be allocated to clipcast. To enable clipcast service, the terminals' DMB program must be executed, and this can be done through SMS and EPG. Clipcast service applies MOT protocol to transmit multimedia objects, and transmits twice in carousel format for stable transmission of files. Therefore, 72Mbyte data can be transmitted in one hour, which corresponds to about 20 minutes of full motion video service at 500Kbps data rate. When running the clip transmitted through terrestrial DMB data channel, information regarding the length of each clip is received through communication with the CMS(Content Management Server), then error-free files are displayed. The clips can be provided to the users as preview contents of the complete VOD contents. In order to use the complete content, the user needs to access the URL allocated for that specific content and download the content by completing a billing process. This paper suggests the design and implementation of terrestrial DMB system to provide clipcast service, which enables file download services as provided in MediaFLO, DVB-H, and the other mobile broadcasting systems. Unlike the other mobile broadcasting systems, the proposed system applies more reliable SMS method to activate the DMB terminals for highly stable clipcast service. This allows hybrid, i.e, both SMS and EPG activations of terminals for clipcast services.