• Title/Summary/Keyword: Promotion Project for Local Industry

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An analysis on Regional Economic Impact of Chungnam Following R&D Investment -Focused on Metal Industry- (R&D 투자에 따른 충남지역 경제효과 분석 -금속산업을 중심으로-)

  • Chung, Young-Keun;Lim, Eungsoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 2020
  • The central government operates a Balanced National Development Special Account, and wants more regional development. Many local governments try various ways to establish a foothold for independent governments. Establishing a regional base center is one of the major plans for economic development, and Chungnam is proceeding with "establishing a platform for Chungnam high-tech metal materials." This paper analyzes the effects on the regional economy based on the expense that goes into a regional base center in Chungnam. For the analysis, an input/output table is used, and we present the effects of the annual input cost in detail. This study specifically analyzes the production-inducing effects, the value-added inducing effects, and employment-inducing effects using a demand-drive model. Furthermore, we suggest the effectiveness of this same business. The analyzed results give 32,230,000,000 in production-inducing effects, 13,820,000,000 in value-added inducing effects, and 101 in employment-inducing effects. These results can be used as reasonable evidence to promote the project, since the production-inducing effects and value-added inducing effects show high results, compared to input. The employment-inducing effects can also be used to create new jobs and figure out the number of people employed through this project.

Leisure Riding Activation Plan of the Jeju Horse designated industrial zones (말 산업특구 지정에 따른 제주도 레저승마 활성화 방안)

  • Choi, Cheol-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2017
  • Jeju-do was designated as the 'first horse industry special zone' in 2014, followed by additional designation of horse industry special zones in Icheon, Yongin of Gyeonggi-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do in 2015. As a result, horses have become no more synonymous with Jeju-do. Jeju-do may see its competitive edge becoming blunt, compared to other local governments, due to its environmental characteristics and accessibility. The Korean proverb, "Send people to Seoul and horses to Jeju-do", has become an old saying that does not match reality. However, Jeju-do, designated as the first horse industry special zone, is expected to play a leading role in cultivation of domestic horse industry and faces a challenge of creating exemplary cases of success in transforming horse industry into the senary (6th) industry. In addition, KRW 114.2 billion is planned to be invested into 35 projects covering 9 sectors, including supply of elite domestic racing horses, expansion of demand basis for horse-riding, cultivation of horse meat industry, etc., by 2017 as envisioned by the horse industry special zone promotion plan. Despite expansion of facilities and demand base for horse-riding, those at the sites point out that government support at policy level has not come home to their hearts and criticism has been mounting that project efficiency remains low. Factors hindering the growth of horse industry, which have come to the fore, include inadequate supply of horse-riding facilities, limitation to expansion of demand for horse-riding, etc., due to excessive regulation. Advancement of horse industry requires wide-ranging deregulation on investment related to horse industry, including horse breeding and horse-riding facility installation, etc. Regulation which is deemed to be the biggest stumbling block to advancement of horse industry is related to the regulation requiring formation of farmland at horse-riding facilities in farming and fishery villages. Along with improvement in such regulations, horse-riding facilities without license should be legalized to promote qualitative growth of horse-riding industry. Moreover, efforts should be made to develop and deploy instructors with horse-riding license in order to develop horse-riding into a full-fledged leisure beyond simple experience auxiliary to tourism, thus ensuring that people can enjoy leisure style horse-riding regularly in safe and healthy manners. It would be necessary to add fresh momentum into efforts to turn Jeju-do into the hub of well-being leisure horse-riding by pooling our wisdom.

Studies on Development Policies for Regional Industry (지역산업 육성정책에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Lee, Doo-Hee;Kim, Kye-Hwan
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.467-485
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    • 2011
  • After Korean War, Korea focused on catching up with the world economy by concentrating on some target industries around the Capital Region and southern coastal cities. Thus, the regional disparity between Capital Region and non-Capital Regions increased drastically. At last, when Korea acquired full-fledged autonomy in 1994 in the Civilian government (1993-1998) and experienced the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, local governments were awakened to the notion of region-oriented development, especially for regional industrial development. The purposes of this paper are to introduce regional industrial development policies since 1998 and to suggest some recommendations in terms of how to adjust regional development for industrial policies in the future. In the introducing phase (Kim administration, 1998-2003), four provincial governments requested national funding to raise regional industries that are of strategic importance. At the same time, the central government recognized the need to nurture regional industries to overcome structural weaknesses. As a result, the Roh administration (2003-2008) gave a birth to a systematizing phase. As the ultimate regional policy objective, the balanced national development has been set and the Special Acts, Special Accounts, Committee, and National Plan have been established. Regional Industrial Promotion Project has been carried out very actively during this period. It had a good start albeit idealistic to a certain extent. Therefore, the current government has changed policy paradigm from balanced growth to regional competitiveness along with global paradigm shifts. In order to enhance regional competitiveness, regional development policies have been pursued in more efficient way. Leading Industry Nurturing Projects (LINPs) on Economic Region level, existed Regional Industrial Promotion Projects (RIPPs) on Province level, and Region Specific Industry Projects (RSIPs) on Local Area level have been implemented. Now, it is appropriate to review regional development policies including industrial policies since 1998 and to adjust them for the future sustainable regional development. Because LINPs and RIPPs will be terminated in next two years, the 2nd stage projects are on planning to reduce the redundancies in two projects. In addition, business support program would be reformed from subsiding technology development to building ecological business system. Finally some policy implications are provided in this paper, which is useful to establish the new regional industrial policies for both central and local government.

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Introduction of region-based site functions into the traditional market environmental support funding policy development (재래시장 환경개선 지원정책 개발에서의 지역 장소적 기능 도입)

  • Jeong, Dae-Yong;Lee, Se-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.383-405
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    • 2005
  • The traditional market is foremost a regionally positioned place, wherein the market directly represents regional and cultural centered traits while it plays an important role in the circulation of facilities through reciprocal, informative and cultural exchanges while sewing to form local communities. The traditional market in Korea is one of representative retail businesses and premodern marketing techniques by family owned business of less than five members such as product management, purchase method, and marketing patterns etc. Since the 1990s, the appearance of new circulation-type businesses and large discount convenience stores escalated the loss of traditional competitiveness, increased the living standard of customers, changed purchasing patterns, and expanded the ubiquity of the Internet. All of these changes in external circulation circumstances have led the traditional markets to lose their place in the economy. The traditional market should revive on a regional site basis through the formation of a community of regional neighbors and through knowledge-sharing that leads to the creation of wealth. For the purpose of creating a wealth in a place, the following components are necessary: 1) a facility suitable for the spatial place of the present, 2)trust built through exchanges within the changing market environment, which would simultaneously satisfy customer's desires, 3) international bench marking on cases such as regionally centered TCM (England), BID (USA), and TMO (Japan) so that the market unit of store placement transfers from a spot policy to a line policy, 4)conversion of communicative conception through a surface policy approach centered around a macro-region perspective. The budget of the traditional market funding policy was operational between 2001 and 2004, serving as a counter move to solve the problem of the old traditional market through government intervention in regional economies to promote national economic strength. This national treasury funding project was centered on environmental improvement, research corps, and business modernization through the expenditure of 3,853 hundred million won (Korean currency). However, the effectiveness of this project has yet to be to proven through investigation. Furthermore, in promoting this funding support project, a lack of professionalism among merchants in the market led to constant limitations in comprehensive striving strategies, reduced capabilities in middle-and long-term plan setup, and created reductions in voluntary merchant agreement solutions. The traditional market should go beyond mere physical place and ordinary products creative site strategies employing the communicative approach must accompany these strategies to make the market a new regional and spatial living place. Thus, regarding recent paradigm changes and the introduction of region-based site functions into the traditional market, acquiring a conversion of direction into the newly developed project is essential to reinvestigate the traditional market composed of cultural and economic meanings, for the purpose of the research. Excavating social policy demands through the comparative analysis of domestic and international cases as well as innovative and expert management leadership development for NPO or NGO civil entrepreneurs through advanced case research on present promotion methods is extremely important. Discovering the seeds of the cultural contents industry cored around regional resource usages, commercializing regionally reknowned products, and constructing complex cultural living places for regional networks are especially important. In order to accelerate these solutions, a comprehensive and systemized approach research operated within a mentor academy system is required, as research will reveal distinctive traits of the traditional market in the aging society.

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