• Title/Summary/Keyword: Product domains

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A Study on the Multi-function in Package Design According to Changes in Consumer Trends - Focusing on the Used in Food Packing Material - (소비자 트랜드 변화에 따른 패키지디자인의 다기능 현상에 관한 연구 - 식품패키지 재료를 중심으로 -)

  • 김응화
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2004
  • Under the production system of a free market economy, the modern consumers'goods that feature current trends reveal diverse aspects of the whole society and culture. This phenomenon is progressing at such a rapid speed that theories can barely keep up to explain it dearly. It is believed that the reason for the lag in academic theories is the formation of pluralistic values in human lifestyles due to the development of science and information communication. The pluralism of values in contemporary society is being studied in many academic fields, and the design among these fields often sees such a phenomenon as one of the post-modernism concepts, where post-modernism suggests a diversification and dismantling of modernism. In other words, the current design is closely watching products that are totally different from existing products, from complex and conceptual outcomes in the field of design to products that reflect various trends. Thus, it is true that package design, which proactively reflects current trends, freely traverses among specific domains of various fields that have been determined tacitly. It is also believed that other fields are also reflecting the same developments. Such a phenomenon is strikingly revealed with so-called 'fancy products', while other products 'parody' package design. This study sees the phenomenon as dismantling the border between product design and package design. The examined package design reflects the broader characteristics of the times, based on current concepts and meanings, after reviewing design examples.

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Analysis of the Context of Inclusion and Awareness of Classical Literature Materials in Literature - With a Focus on High School Literature Textbooks (고전문학 제재의 수록 맥락과 교육적 인식의 탐색 -고등학교 문학 교과서를 대상으로-)

  • Choi, Hong-won
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to investigate the context of materials in literature textbooks and the awareness about the educational value of classical literature, as part of an interest in literature education phenomena. This study accepts the premise that textbooks affect the practice of classical literature education and, in particular, materials in textbooks are chosen according to the intentions, demands, and perspectives of education in specific social conditions. I divided the educational value of classical literature into two categories, classical and literary value, and investigated the actual conditions and context of materials of literature textbooks based on the 2009 revised curriculum and the 2011 revised curriculum. Classical literature is generally alienated and excluded; contemporary literature materials are mostly included and organized in the domains of 'the role of literature', 'reception and production of literature' and 'literature and life.' In addition, the tendency to heighten classical value and diminish literary value is deepening. In order to solve the problem that classical literature is only included as the product of the past, changes must be made not just to the curriculum, which are external changes, but to the awareness of the essence of classical literature, which are internal changes. Above all, generality as 'literature' and the sense of distance about space and time as 'classic' should be connected to various relationships which respond to problematic situations and the demands of learners. Based on the relationships, we can expect a rich diversity of contexts and aspects of included classical literature. In addition, an extension of the width and scope of included classical literature is anticipated. The reduction of workload, the advent of the concept of capability and the dissolution of traditional literature concepts are the changes of external environment, which is continuously requiring renewed investigation into classical literature beyond simple appropriateness.

Development of problem-based learning program for high school student using everyday life materials to learn biology classification (고등학생을 대상으로 한 생물 분류 학습을 위한 실생활 소재 활용 문제중심학습 프로그램 개발)

  • 김은경;김재근
    • School Science Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2018
  • This study was to develope a high school education program for students to understand features of organisms and classify them using everyday life materials, which are in 'Biodiversity and Evolution' unit of Biology II subject, by applying IMSA(Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy) problem based learning. The program made students perform IMSA problem based learning stages for 3 periods and do homework. Students' task was that they, as a curator in the Museum of Natural History, had to make an exhibition panel which explains 3 domains and 6 kingdoms by using items in a supermarket. The program was revised through a validity test of experts and high school teachers in biology education. It was completed by applying to 77 high school students in Incheon. A rubric was devised to assess students' product as well. The students showed an interest in learning and understood learning content well. After class, there was a long term retention, in which they try to apply knowledge to their everyday life. A supermarket has an advantage in that it is a place where students could easily get access without time limit and meet diverse organisms. In addition, presenting a specific place could provide creative thinking opportunity for students. This study has significance for learning through connecting biology classification with everyday life materials

KNU Korean Sentiment Lexicon: Bi-LSTM-based Method for Building a Korean Sentiment Lexicon (Bi-LSTM 기반의 한국어 감성사전 구축 방안)

  • Park, Sang-Min;Na, Chul-Won;Choi, Min-Seong;Lee, Da-Hee;On, Byung-Won
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.219-240
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    • 2018
  • Sentiment analysis, which is one of the text mining techniques, is a method for extracting subjective content embedded in text documents. Recently, the sentiment analysis methods have been widely used in many fields. As good examples, data-driven surveys are based on analyzing the subjectivity of text data posted by users and market researches are conducted by analyzing users' review posts to quantify users' reputation on a target product. The basic method of sentiment analysis is to use sentiment dictionary (or lexicon), a list of sentiment vocabularies with positive, neutral, or negative semantics. In general, the meaning of many sentiment words is likely to be different across domains. For example, a sentiment word, 'sad' indicates negative meaning in many fields but a movie. In order to perform accurate sentiment analysis, we need to build the sentiment dictionary for a given domain. However, such a method of building the sentiment lexicon is time-consuming and various sentiment vocabularies are not included without the use of general-purpose sentiment lexicon. In order to address this problem, several studies have been carried out to construct the sentiment lexicon suitable for a specific domain based on 'OPEN HANGUL' and 'SentiWordNet', which are general-purpose sentiment lexicons. However, OPEN HANGUL is no longer being serviced and SentiWordNet does not work well because of language difference in the process of converting Korean word into English word. There are restrictions on the use of such general-purpose sentiment lexicons as seed data for building the sentiment lexicon for a specific domain. In this article, we construct 'KNU Korean Sentiment Lexicon (KNU-KSL)', a new general-purpose Korean sentiment dictionary that is more advanced than existing general-purpose lexicons. The proposed dictionary, which is a list of domain-independent sentiment words such as 'thank you', 'worthy', and 'impressed', is built to quickly construct the sentiment dictionary for a target domain. Especially, it constructs sentiment vocabularies by analyzing the glosses contained in Standard Korean Language Dictionary (SKLD) by the following procedures: First, we propose a sentiment classification model based on Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM). Second, the proposed deep learning model automatically classifies each of glosses to either positive or negative meaning. Third, positive words and phrases are extracted from the glosses classified as positive meaning, while negative words and phrases are extracted from the glosses classified as negative meaning. Our experimental results show that the average accuracy of the proposed sentiment classification model is up to 89.45%. In addition, the sentiment dictionary is more extended using various external sources including SentiWordNet, SenticNet, Emotional Verbs, and Sentiment Lexicon 0603. Furthermore, we add sentiment information about frequently used coined words and emoticons that are used mainly on the Web. The KNU-KSL contains a total of 14,843 sentiment vocabularies, each of which is one of 1-grams, 2-grams, phrases, and sentence patterns. Unlike existing sentiment dictionaries, it is composed of words that are not affected by particular domains. The recent trend on sentiment analysis is to use deep learning technique without sentiment dictionaries. The importance of developing sentiment dictionaries is declined gradually. However, one of recent studies shows that the words in the sentiment dictionary can be used as features of deep learning models, resulting in the sentiment analysis performed with higher accuracy (Teng, Z., 2016). This result indicates that the sentiment dictionary is used not only for sentiment analysis but also as features of deep learning models for improving accuracy. The proposed dictionary can be used as a basic data for constructing the sentiment lexicon of a particular domain and as features of deep learning models. It is also useful to automatically and quickly build large training sets for deep learning models.

A Multimodal Profile Ensemble Approach to Development of Recommender Systems Using Big Data (빅데이터 기반 추천시스템 구현을 위한 다중 프로파일 앙상블 기법)

  • Kim, Minjeong;Cho, Yoonho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2015
  • The recommender system is a system which recommends products to the customers who are likely to be interested in. Based on automated information filtering technology, various recommender systems have been developed. Collaborative filtering (CF), one of the most successful recommendation algorithms, has been applied in a number of different domains such as recommending Web pages, books, movies, music and products. But, it has been known that CF has a critical shortcoming. CF finds neighbors whose preferences are like those of the target customer and recommends products those customers have most liked. Thus, CF works properly only when there's a sufficient number of ratings on common product from customers. When there's a shortage of customer ratings, CF makes the formation of a neighborhood inaccurate, thereby resulting in poor recommendations. To improve the performance of CF based recommender systems, most of the related studies have been focused on the development of novel algorithms under the assumption of using a single profile, which is created from user's rating information for items, purchase transactions, or Web access logs. With the advent of big data, companies got to collect more data and to use a variety of information with big size. So, many companies recognize it very importantly to utilize big data because it makes companies to improve their competitiveness and to create new value. In particular, on the rise is the issue of utilizing personal big data in the recommender system. It is why personal big data facilitate more accurate identification of the preferences or behaviors of users. The proposed recommendation methodology is as follows: First, multimodal user profiles are created from personal big data in order to grasp the preferences and behavior of users from various viewpoints. We derive five user profiles based on the personal information such as rating, site preference, demographic, Internet usage, and topic in text. Next, the similarity between users is calculated based on the profiles and then neighbors of users are found from the results. One of three ensemble approaches is applied to calculate the similarity. Each ensemble approach uses the similarity of combined profile, the average similarity of each profile, and the weighted average similarity of each profile, respectively. Finally, the products that people among the neighborhood prefer most to are recommended to the target users. For the experiments, we used the demographic data and a very large volume of Web log transaction for 5,000 panel users of a company that is specialized to analyzing ranks of Web sites. R and SAS E-miner was used to implement the proposed recommender system and to conduct the topic analysis using the keyword search, respectively. To evaluate the recommendation performance, we used 60% of data for training and 40% of data for test. The 5-fold cross validation was also conducted to enhance the reliability of our experiments. A widely used combination metric called F1 metric that gives equal weight to both recall and precision was employed for our evaluation. As the results of evaluation, the proposed methodology achieved the significant improvement over the single profile based CF algorithm. In particular, the ensemble approach using weighted average similarity shows the highest performance. That is, the rate of improvement in F1 is 16.9 percent for the ensemble approach using weighted average similarity and 8.1 percent for the ensemble approach using average similarity of each profile. From these results, we conclude that the multimodal profile ensemble approach is a viable solution to the problems encountered when there's a shortage of customer ratings. This study has significance in suggesting what kind of information could we use to create profile in the environment of big data and how could we combine and utilize them effectively. However, our methodology should be further studied to consider for its real-world application. We need to compare the differences in recommendation accuracy by applying the proposed method to different recommendation algorithms and then to identify which combination of them would show the best performance.

Cloning, cSNP Identification, and Genotyping of Pig Complement Factor B(CFB) Gene Located on the SLA Class III Region (SLA Class III 영역의 돼지 Complement Factor B(CFB) 유전자의 Cloning, cSNP 동정 및 유전자형 분석)

  • Kim, Jae-Hwan;Lim, Hyun-Tae;Seo, Bo-Yeong;Zhong, Tao;Yoo, Chae-Kyoung;Jung, Eun-Ji;Jeon, Jin-Tae
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.753-762
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    • 2008
  • The primers for RT-PCR and RACE-PCR were designed by aligning the pig genomic sequence and the human complement factor B(CFB) coding sequence(CDS) from the GenBank. Each PCR product was amplified in pig cDNA and sequencing was carried out. The CDS length of pig CFB gene was determined to be 2298 bp. In addition, the pig CDS was more longer than human and mouse orthologs because of insertion and deletion. The identities of porcine nucleotide sequences with those of human and mice were 84% and 80%, and the identities of amino acids were 79% to 77%, respectively. Three complement control protein(CCP) domains, one Von Willebrand factor A(VWFA) domain and a serine protease domain, that are revealed typically in mammals, were found in the pig CFB gene. Based on the CDSs determined, the primers were designed in intron regions for amplification of entire length of exons. In amplification and direct sequencing with genomic DNAs of six pig breeds, three cSNPs(coding single nucleotide polymorphisms) were identified and verified as missense mutations. Using the Multiplex-ARMS method, we genotyped and verified the mutations identified from direct sequencing. To demonstrate recrudescence, we performed both direct sequencing and Multiplex-ARMS with two randomly selected DNA samples. The genotype of each sample exhibited the same results using both methods. Therefore, three cSNPs were identified from pig CFB gene and that can be used for haplotype analysis of the swine leukocyte antigen(SLA) class III region. Moreover, the results indicate that the Multiplex-ARMS method should be powerful for genotyping of genes in the SLA region.

Specifying the Characteristics of Tangible User Interface: centered on the Science Museum Installation (실물형 인터렉션 디자인 특성 분석: 과학관 체험 전시물을 대상으로)

  • Cho, Myung Eun;Oh, Myung Won;Kim, Mi Jeong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.553-564
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    • 2012
  • Tangible user interfaces have been developed in the area of Human-Computer Interaction for the last decades, however, the applied domains recently have been extended into the product design and interactive art. Tangible User Interfaces are the combination of digital information and physical objects or environments, thus they provide tangible and intuitive interaction as input and output devices, often combined with Augmented Reality. The research developed a design guideline for tangible user interfaces based on key properties of tangible user interfaces defined previously in five representative research: Tangible Interaction, Intuitiveness and Convenience, Expressive Representation, Context-aware and Spatial Interaction, and Social Interaction. Using the guideline emphasizing user interaction, this research evaluated installation in a science museum in terms of the applied characteristics of tangible user interfaces. The selected 15 installations which were evaluated are to educate visitors for science by emphasizing manipulation and experience of interfaces in those installations. According to the input devices, they are categorized into four Types. TUI properties in Type 3 installation, which uses body motions for interaction, shows the highest score, where items for context-aware and spatial interaction were highly rated. The context-aware and spatial interaction have been recently emphasized as extended properties of tangible user interfaces. The major type of installation in the science museum is equipped with buttons and joysticks for physical manipulation, thus multimodal interfaces utilizing visual, aural, tactile senses etc need to be developed to provide more innovative interaction. Further, more installation need to be reconfigurable for embodied interaction between users and the interactive space. The proposed design guideline can specify the characteristics of tangible user interfaces, thus this research can be a basis for the development and application of installation involving more TUI properties in future.

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Research Direction for Functional Foods Safety (건강기능식품 안전관리 연구방향)

  • Jung, Ki-Hwa
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.410-417
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    • 2010
  • Various functional foods, marketing health and functional effects, have been distributed in the market. These products, being in forms of foods, tablets, and capsules, are likely to be mistaken as drugs. In addition, non-experts may sell these as foods, or use these for therapy. Efforts for creating health food regulations or building regulatory system for improving the current status of functional foods have been made, but these have not been communicated to consumers yet. As a result, problems of circulating functional foods for therapy or adding illegal medical to such products have persisted, which has become worse by internet media. The cause of this problem can be categorized into (1) product itself and (2) its use, but in either case, one possible cause is lack of communications with consumers. Potential problems that can be caused by functional foods include illegal substances, hazardous substances, allergic reactions, considerations when administered to patients, drug interactions, ingredients with purity or concentrations too low to be detected, products with metabolic activations, health risks from over- or under-dose of vitamin and minerals, and products with alkaloids. (Journal of Health Science, 56, Supplement (2010)). The reason why side effects related to functional foods have been increasing is that under-qualified functional food companies are exaggerating the functionality for marketing purposes. KFDA has been informing consumers, through its web pages, to address the above mentioned issues related to functional foods, but there still is room for improvement, to promote proper use of functional foods and avoid drug interactions. Specifically, to address these issues, institutionalizing to collect information on approved products and their side effects, settling reevaluation systems, and standardizing preclinical tests and clinical tests are becoming urgent. Also to provide crucial information, unified database systems, seamlessly aggregating heterogeneous data in different domains, with user interfaces enabling effective one-stop search, are crucial.