• Title/Summary/Keyword: Processing Map

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A Study on the Design and Implementation of Multi-Disaster Drone System Using Deep Learning-Based Object Recognition and Optimal Path Planning (딥러닝 기반 객체 인식과 최적 경로 탐색을 통한 멀티 재난 드론 시스템 설계 및 구현에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyeok;Lee, Tae-Hui;Han, Yamin;Byun, Heejung
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, human damage and loss of money due to various disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, forest fires, landslides, and wars are steadily occurring, and a lot of manpower and funds are required to prevent and recover them. In this paper, we designed and developed a disaster drone system based on artificial intelligence in order to monitor these various disaster situations in advance and to quickly recognize and respond to disaster occurrence. In this study, multiple disaster drones are used in areas where it is difficult for humans to monitor, and each drone performs an efficient search with an optimal path by applying a deep learning-based optimal path algorithm. In addition, in order to solve the problem of insufficient battery capacity, which is a fundamental problem of drones, the optimal route of each drone is determined using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technology. In order to implement the proposed system, it was applied to a forest fire situation among various disaster situations, and a forest fire map was created based on the transmitted data, and a forest fire map was visually shown to the fire fighters dispatched by a drone equipped with a beam projector. In the proposed system, multiple drones can detect a disaster situation in a short time by simultaneously performing optimal path search and object recognition. Based on this research, it can be used to build disaster drone infrastructure, search for victims (sea, mountain, jungle), self-extinguishing fire using drones, and security drones.

MLP-based 3D Geotechnical Layer Mapping Using Borehole Database in Seoul, South Korea (MLP 기반의 서울시 3차원 지반공간모델링 연구)

  • Ji, Yoonsoo;Kim, Han-Saem;Lee, Moon-Gyo;Cho, Hyung-Ik;Sun, Chang-Guk
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the demand for three-dimensional (3D) underground maps from the perspective of digital twins and the demand for linkage utilization are increasing. However, the vastness of national geotechnical survey data and the uncertainty in applying geostatistical techniques pose challenges in modeling underground regional geotechnical characteristics. In this study, an optimal learning model based on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) was constructed for 3D subsurface lithological and geotechnical classification in Seoul, South Korea. First, the geotechnical layer and 3D spatial coordinates of each borehole dataset in the Seoul area were constructed as a geotechnical database according to a standardized format, and data pre-processing such as correction and normalization of missing values for machine learning was performed. An optimal fitting model was designed through hyperparameter optimization of the MLP model and model performance evaluation, such as precision and accuracy tests. Then, a 3D grid network locally assigning geotechnical layer classification was constructed by applying an MLP-based bet-fitting model for each unit lattice. The constructed 3D geotechnical layer map was evaluated by comparing the results of a geostatistical interpolation technique and the topsoil properties of the geological map.

Descent Dataset Generation and Landmark Extraction for Terrain Relative Navigation on Mars (화성 지형상대항법을 위한 하강 데이터셋 생성과 랜드마크 추출 방법)

  • Kim, Jae-In
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1015-1023
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    • 2022
  • The Entry-Descent-Landing process of a lander involves many environmental and technical challenges. To solve these problems, recently, terrestrial relative navigation (TRN) technology has been essential for landers. TRN is a technology for estimating the position and attitude of a lander by comparing Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data and image data collected from a descending lander with pre-built reference data. In this paper, we present a method for generating descent dataset and extracting landmarks, which are key elements for developing TRN technologies to be used on Mars. The proposed method generates IMU data of a descending lander using a simulated Mars landing trajectory and generates descent images from high-resolution ortho-map and digital elevation map through a ray tracing technique. Landmark extraction is performed by an area-based extraction method due to the low-textured surfaces on Mars. In addition, search area reduction is carried out to improve matching accuracy and speed. The performance evaluation result for the descent dataset generation method showed that the proposed method can generate images that satisfy the imaging geometry. The performance evaluation result for the landmark extraction method showed that the proposed method ensures several meters of positioning accuracy while ensuring processing speed as fast as the feature-based methods.

A Study on the Performance Measurement and Analysis on the Virtual Memory based FTL Policy through the Changing Map Data Resource (멥 데이터 자원 변화를 통한 가상 메모리 기반 FTL 정책의 성능 측정 및 분석 연구)

  • Hyun-Seob Lee
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2023
  • Recently, in order to store and manage big data, research and development of a high-performance storage system capable of stably accessing large data have been actively conducted. In particular, storage systems in data centers and enterprise environments use large amounts of SSD (solid state disk) to manage large amounts of data. In general, SSD uses FTL(flash transfer layer) to hide the characteristics of NAND flash memory, which is a medium, and to efficiently manage data. However, FTL's algorithm has a limitation in using DRAM more to manage the location information of NAND where data is stored as the capacity of SSD increases. Therefore, this paper introduces FTL policies that apply virtual memory to reduce DRAM resources used in FTL. The virtual memory-based FTL policy proposed in this paper manages the map data by using LRU (least recently used) policy to load the mapping information of the recently used data into the DRAM space and store the previously used information in NAND. Finally, through experiments, performance and resource usage consumed during data write processing of virtual memory-based FTL and general FTL are measured and analyzed.

Real-Time Terrain Visualization with Hierarchical Structure (실시간 시각화를 위한 계층 구조 구축 기법 개발)

  • Park, Chan Su;Suh, Yong Cheol
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2D
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2009
  • Interactive terrain visualization is an important research area with applications in GIS, games, virtual reality, scientific visualization and flight simulators, besides having military use. This is a complex and challenging problem considering that some applications require precise visualizations of huge data sets at real-time rates. In general, the size of data sets makes rendering at real-time difficult since the terrain data cannot fit entirely in memory. In this paper, we suggest the effective Real-time LOD(level-of-detail) algorithm for displaying the huge terrain data and processing mass geometry. We used a hierarchy structure with $4{\times}4$ and $2{\times}2$ tiles for real-time rendering of mass volume DEM which acquired from Digital map, LiDAR, DTM and DSM. Moreover, texture mapping is performed to visualize realistically while displaying height data of normalized Giga Byte level with user oriented terrain information and creating hill shade map using height data to hierarchy tile structure of file type. Large volume of terrain data was transformed to LOD data for real time visualization. This paper show the new LOD algorithm for seamless visualization, high quality, minimize the data loss and maximize the frame speed.

Indoor autonomous driving system based on Internet of Things (사물인터넷 기반의 실내 자율주행 시스템)

  • Seong-Hyeon Lee;Ah-Eun Kwak;Seung-Hye Lee;Tae-Kook Kim
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes an IoT-based indoor autonomous driving system that applies SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) and Navigation techniques in a ROS (Robot Operating System) environment based on TurtleBot3. The proposed autonomous driving system can be applied to indoor autonomous wheelchairs and robots. In this study, the operation was verified by applying it to an indoor self-driving wheelchair. The proposed autonomous driving system provides two functions. First, indoor environment information is collected and stored, which allows the wheelchair to recognize obstacles. By performing navigation using the map created through this, the rider can move to the desired location through autonomous driving of the wheelchair. Second, it provides the ability to track and move a specific logo through image recognition using OpenCV. Through this, information services can be received from guides wearing uniforms with the organization's unique logo. The proposed system is expected to provide convenience to passengers by improving mobility, safety, and usability over existing wheelchairs.

Effects of Purple Bamboo Salt(PB-salt) on the Blood Pressure in Rats (자죽염이 백서의 혈압 변동에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구(I))

  • Yun Dae Hwan;Park Hyun Chul;Cho Jae Woo;Kim Jeong Sang;Jang Kyeong Sean;Na Chang Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.154-159
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    • 2002
  • There are several types of salts that can be classified into raw salt(Chunil salt), purified salts(NaCl reagent grade) and processed salts(Bamboo salt, Purple bamboo salt using in this study) in Korea. Salts has been utilized for the food as well as for the drug in the Oriental Medicine. Purple bamboo salt(PB-salt) was made by heating up to 1300℃ nine times after putting the raw salts in the bamboo. Since salt is generally known to cause the blood pressure to elevate, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of PB-salt on an adverse reaction of the blood pressure elevation. The experiment was performed with the 2 protocols ; 1. Effect of NaCl and PB-salt administration i.v. with the different the concentration(250, 500, 750, 1000mg/kg) on a mean artery blood pressure(MAP) change. 2. Effect of 500mg/kg NaCl and PB-salt administration p.o. for 6 days on the systolic blood pressure change. The results were as follows; The results were as follows; In a short minute change of blood pressure by direct method, PB-salt adminstration did not induced the hypertension unlike NaCl adminstration. In a date change of blood pressure by indirect method, systolic blood pressure was increased about 12-18% in the NaCl administration group, whereas within 6% in the PB-salt administration group from 2 days to 5 days. These results suggest that PB-salt might have some unidentified ingredient to be changed in the course of processing, making it superior to other salts.

The Consistency Assessment of Topological Relationships For a Collapse Operator in Multi-Scale Spatial Databases (다중축척 공간 데이터베이스의 축소연산자를 위한 위상관계 일관성 평가)

  • Kang Hae-Kyong;Li Ki-Joune
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.6 s.102
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    • pp.837-848
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    • 2005
  • A multi-scale database is a set of spatial database, covering same geographic area with different scales and it can be derived from pre-existing databases. In the derivation processes of a new multi-scale spatial database, the geometries and topological relations on the source database can be transformed and the transformation can be the cause of the lack of integrity Therefore, it is necessary to assess the transformation whether it is consistent or not after the derivation process of a new multi-scale database. Thus, we propose assessment methods for the topological consistency between a source database and a derived multi-scale database in this paper. In particular, we focus on the case that 2-dimensional objects are collapsed to 1-dimensional ones in the derivation process of a multi-scale database. We also describe implementation of the assessment methods and show the results of the implementation with experimental data.

Development of Geospatial Simulation Framework for WebGIS-based Simulation System (WebGIS 기반의 시뮬레이션 시스템을 위한 지리공간 시뮬레이션 프레임워크 개발)

  • Lee, Seong-Kyu;Kim, Young-Seup;Choi, Chul-Uong;Suh, Yong-Chul
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2010
  • Researchers require repetitive works such as data format analysis, reformatting and map reprojection in order to use geospatial data. To solve above problems, they are building web-based simulation systems with web developers. But the web-based systems are not efficiently developed because there is not the appropriate simulation framework for a web-based system using geospatial data. In this study, the geospatial simulation framework that can be effectively applied to the web-based system was designed and proposed. Also, the framework was composed of 7 modules; web mapping service, GIS mapping, statistics, model, processing,graphics, and geospatial datasets. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the framework, a case study of urban growth has been verified. Experts who are not specialized in geospatial information disciplines expect to build easily a web-based system using geospatial data.

A Simulation of 3-D Navigation System of the Helicopter based on TRN Using Matlab

  • Kim, Eui-Hong;Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2007
  • This study has been carried for the development of the basic algorithm of helicopter navigation system based on TRN (Terrain Referenced Navigation) with information input from the GPS. The helicopter determines flight path due to Origination-Destination analysis on the Cartesian coordinate system of 3-D DTM. This system shows 3-D mesh map and the O-D flight path profile for the pilot's acknowledgement of the terrain, at first. The system builds TCF (terrain clearance floor) far the buffer zone upon the surface of ground relief to avid the ground collision. If the helicopter enters to the buffer zone during navigation, the real-time warning message which commands to raise the body pops up using Matlab menu. While departing or landing, control of the height of the body is possible. At present, the information (x, y, z coordinates) from the GPS is assumed to be input into the system every 92.8 m of horizontal distance while navigating along flight path. DTM of 3" interval has been adopted from that which was provided by ChumSungDae Co., Ltd..

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