• Title/Summary/Keyword: Process Development and Design

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Rifle performance improvement cost estimation through Relation between the accuracy and Engagement results Using the Engagement class simulation model (명중률과 교전결과의 상관관계분석을 통한 개인화기 성능개선비용 추정 : 교전급 분석모델을 중심으로)

  • TaeKyeom Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.289-295
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the correlation between the accracy of rifle and the result of engagement. And estimates the improvement cost of the rifle accordingly. For this experiment, an engagement class simulation model(AWAM: Army Weapon Effectiveness Analysis Model) was used. We also selected the rifle, which is a portable weapon for the experiment. Prior to this experiment, we conducted a reliability test(VV&A: Verification, Validation and Accreditation) on the model. The VV&A process is mainly done during the development of the DM&S model, which is also necessary for the operation of the M&S. We confirmed the need for VV&A during the experiment and obtained reliable experimental results using the corrected values. In the Accuracy Experiment we found that the 20% improvement is the most effective. And we were able to estimate the cost of acquiring a rifle with a 20% higher accuracy. The cost was estimated by simple regression analysis based on the price of the current rifle. Through this study, we could know the impact of the accuracy of rifle on the experimental results and estimate the cost of improved rifle.

Numerical and Experimental Study on the Coal Reaction in an Entrained Flow Gasifier (습식분류층 석탄가스화기 수치해석 및 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Hey-Suk;Choi, Seung-Hee;Hwang, Min-Jung;Song, Woo-Young;Shin, Mi-Soo;Jang, Dong-Soon;Yun, Sang-June;Choi, Young-Chan;Lee, Gae-Goo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2010
  • The numerical modeling of a coal gasification reaction occurring in an entrained flow coal gasifier is presented in this study. The purposes of this study are to develop a reliable evaluation method of coal gasifier not only for the basic design but also further system operation optimization using a CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) method. The coal gasification reaction consists of a series of reaction processes such as water evaporation, coal devolatilization, heterogeneous char reactions, and coal-off gaseous reaction in two-phase, turbulent and radiation participating media. Both numerical and experimental studies are made for the 1.0 ton/day entrained flow coal gasifier installed in the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER). The comprehensive computer program in this study is made basically using commercial CFD program by implementing several subroutines necessary for gasification process, which include Eddy-Breakup model together with the harmonic mean approach for turbulent reaction. Further Lagrangian approach in particle trajectory is adopted with the consideration of turbulent effect caused by the non-linearity of drag force, etc. The program developed is successfully evaluated against experimental data such as profiles of temperature and gaseous species concentration together with the cold gas efficiency. Further intensive investigation has been made in terms of the size distribution of pulverized coal particle, the slurry concentration, and the design parameters of gasifier. These parameters considered in this study are compared and evaluated each other through the calculated syngas production rate and cold gas efficiency, appearing to directly affect gasification performance. Considering the complexity of entrained coal gasification, even if the results of this study looks physically reasonable and consistent in parametric study, more efforts of elaborating modeling together with the systematic evaluation against experimental data are necessary for the development of an reliable design tool using CFD method.

The Clinical Utility of Korean Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-III - Focusing on using of the US norm - (베일리영유아발달검사 제3판(Bayley-III)의 미국 규준 적용의 문제: 미숙아 집단을 대상으로)

  • Lim, Yoo Jin;Bang, Hee Jeong;Lee, Soonhang
    • Korean journal of psychology:General
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.81-107
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    • 2017
  • The study aims to investigate the clinical utility of Bayley-III using US norm in Korea. A total of 98 preterm infants and 93 term infants were assessed with the K-Bayley-III. The performance pattern of preterm infants was analyzed with mixed design ANOVA which examined the differences of scaled scores and composite scores of Bayley-III between full term- and preterm- infant group and within preterm infants group. Then, We have investigated agreement between classifications of delay made using the BSID-II and Bayley-III. In addition, ROC plots were constructed to identify a Bayley-III cut-off score with optimum diagnostic utility in this sample. The results were as follows. (1) Preterm infants have significantly lower function levels in areas of 5 scaled scores and 3 developmental indexes compared with infants born at term. Significant differences among scores within preterm infant group were also found. (2) Bayley-III had the higher scores of the Mental Development Index and Psychomotor Developmental Index comparing to the scores of K-BSID-II, and had the lower rates of developmental delay. (3) All scales of Bayley-III, Cognitive, Language and Motor scale had the appropriate level of discrimination, but the cut-off composite scores of Bayley-III were adjusted 13~28 points higher than 69 for prediction of delay, as defined by the K-BSID-II. It explains the lower rates of developmental delay using the standard of two standard deviation. This study has provided empirical data to inform that we must careful when interpreting the score for clinical applications, identified the discriminating power, and proposed more appropriate cut-off scores. In addition, discussion about the sampling for making the Korean norm of Bayley-III was provided. It is preferable that infants in Korea should use our own validated norms. The standardization process to get Korean normative data must be performed carefully.

The implant overdenture on the edentulous mandible using CAD/CAM system: A case report (CAD/CAM system을 이용한 하악 임플란트 피개의치 수복증례)

  • Lee, Si-Eun;Lee, So-Hyoun;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Yun, Mi-Jung;Huh, Jung-Bo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2015
  • Alveolar bone loss and deformation can be a risk factor in removable prosthetic restoration treatment for partially or fully edentulous patients. The use of implants to solve this problem could improve the support, retention and stability of removable restoration. Attachments used in implant overdenture are versatile. The attachment should be selected according to the patients' conditions. Milled bar has been chosen when readymade bar could not be used because of the narrow distance between implants or firm stability and support of supra-structure were needed. Milled bar design is able to provide cross arch stabilization and comfortability to patients. However, it needs skilled laboratory procedures. Recently, the fabrication of milled bar has become simple and its suitability has been improved through the development of CAD/CAM system. In a 67-year-old female Alzheimer's disease patient with 8 implant fixtures on the fully edentulous site of mandible, implant overdenture with using milled bar and magnet attachment was planned. As rapid treatment was required, CAD/CAM system was used to make a simple laboratory procedure instead of a traditional fabrication process. With this system, implant overdenture with milled bar can be fabricated esthetically and functionally.

A Study on Asphalt Paving Filler Development from Industrial By-products and its Characteristics in Construction Site (산업부산물을 활용한 아스팔트 포장용 채움재 개발 및 현장시공 성능평가 연구)

  • Cho, Do-Young;Park, Keun-Bae;Woo, Yang-Yi;Moon, Bo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.227-234
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    • 2016
  • In this study, asphalt paving filler, which satisfies the KS standards, were prepared from industrial by-products, such as fly ash generated from thermal power plants, cogeneration ash generated from cogeneration plants, and desulfurized gypsum generated from the flue-gas desulfurization process. The properties of the prepared mixed filler and the existing limestone filler were compared through laboratory tests for preparing asphalt mixture using each filler. In addition, asphalt pavement field tests were conducted using the limestone filler and mixed filler. The dynamic stability, Marshall stability, tensile strength ratio, saturation, porosity, and flow value of the asphalt mixtures used in the field test were evaluated, as was done in the laboratory test. The laboratory and field construction test results revealed outstanding tensile strength ratio, Marshall stability and dynamic stability when using the prepared filler than for the existing limestone filler. Through optimization of the mixing design, the possibility of developing fillers, which the characteristics of the existing limestone filler, was confirmed.

A System Development of Quantity Data Type Analysis for BIM based Automation of Estimation Framework (BIM기반 견적자동화 체계구축을 위한 물량 데이터 유형 분석 체계 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Joon;Shin, Tae-Hong;Kim, Seong-Ah;Kang, Myung-ku;Chin, Sang-Yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.744-747
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    • 2008
  • Quantity information focused on a design drawing plays a critical role in a decision making related to cost for project participants during project life cycles. Related participants absolutely depend on quantity take-off working which produces the quantity information by hand, and then a worker's mistake often causes many errors. The difference of quantity by the know-how of the person in charge of the estimation also occurs. In addition, the worker passes through the whole quantity take-off processes again in case of re-working for quantity take-off produced by a change order. The requirements about the automated estimation increase because of the needs for the accurate quantity take-off and dealing with the change order and recently, the studies about the automated estimation working process based on 34 cad model from 3d cad modeler are attempted in various viewpoints. However, the existing studies reach the limits such as common quantity data type framework for getting Quantity information. Focused on a certain 34 cad modeler and BIM based automation of estimation using it Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop the a series of system which can extract, analyze, and verify Quantity Data Type in modeler to automate quantity take-off originated from various 3d cad modelers as a foundation study for BIM based automation of estimation framework.

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A Study on Human Sensitivity Engineered Internal Landscape by Lighting Colors in Tunnels using LISREL Model (LISREL 모헝을 이용한 조명색채별 감성공학적 터널 내부경관 연구)

  • Park, Il-Dong;Ji, Kil-Ryong;Imm, Sung-bin;Kum, Ki-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.4 s.75
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2004
  • It is a Known fact that driving through long tunnel increases possibility of traffic accident because of psychological feeling of insecurity and dispersion of drivers' concentration since driving in narrow and limited space for a longtime. It, therefore, results in raising transportation and environment problems, such as traffic accident difficult to be properly dealt with and ventilation. This study aims at proposing a method of augmenting driving amenity by improving the internal lighting facilities in the tunnel. The study is conducted by investigating internal landscapes of tunnels by lighting colors, which are currently being operated. The Color Planning System (CPS), developed by SHARP Co. Ltd, is exploited for selecting adjective that express the sensitivity image on lighting colors. The CPS is an example that applies to sensitivity of human body for products design development. The CPS takes the following process to define the color : 1) expressing "Pvoduct's Image" as "A Word (adjective)" and 2) referring "A Word" to "Image Scale", and 3) determining the color through this "Image Panel". The study is processed by making a questionnaire using the semantic differential (SD) scale, grasping the consciousness structure of experimental persons through the Factor Analysis, and building a model in which dependent variable is "Degree of Preference" about internal landscape in tunnel using LISREL(LInear Structural RELations).

Study of the Washing Condition for High Quality of Solar Salt (고품질 천일염 생산을 위한 세정 조건 연구)

  • Han, Jae Woong;Kim, Hoon;Lee, Hyo-Jai
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.298-303
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the washing conditions for high-quality solar salt. The salinity of the washing water was set to 5 % to prevent yield loss, and the temperatures of the washing water were 5, 10, 17.5, and 20 ℃. After washing the solar salt, the moisture content, salinity, insoluble matter, and sandy powder were measured from the solar salt. In addition, the color properties, L*[lightness], a*[redness], b*[yellowness], and yield were measured. The moisture content of the salt showed a tendency to increase when the temperature of the washing water was above 10 ℃, and the salinity and yield tended to decrease as the temperature of the washing water was high. The amount of insoluble matter decreased with decreasing temperature of the washing water. In the case of sandy powder, the highest value was 0.67 % at a washing water temperature of 5 ℃, and the value was 0.57 % under the other temperature conditions. Regarding the color properties, the b* [yellowness] of the color of the solar salt increased when the washing water temperature was high. This appeared to decrease the appearance quality. According to the above results, a washing water temperature above 10 ℃ was appropriate. The development of design factors of a high-quality solar salt production system is expected with experiments to define the drying conditions after the washing process.

Strategy and Development of Recycling Technology for End-of-Life Vehicles(ELVs) in Germany

  • Kim, Jae-Ceung
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.16-36
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    • 2005
  • The quantity of passenger cars in industrial countries has been significantly increased in recent years. According to prognoses, this tendency is likely to continue in the forthcoming future. As a direct consequence, an increase of End-of Life-Vehicles (ELV) will confront us with the problem of "ELV-Recycling". In order to cope with this situation, the European regulation for the treatment of End-of-Life-Vehicles (09/2000) has been transferred to national law in Germany (ELV-Regulation from 1 July 2002). The long term aim is to reduce residues from the ELV-treatment to less than 5 wt% from 30 wt% within the next 10 years (2015). For that reason, there is a need for innovative and more efficient recycling techniques tailored to future materials in automobiles. The design process at automotive industry is continuously changing due to the strong demand on optional equipment and new technical solutions for fuel saving. Light materials, such as aluminum and plastics, consequently become more important and cause a decrease of ferrous metals. Since plastic materials are often used as compounds, a separation into initial material types by means of mechanical recycling methods is not possible. For that reason, efficient recycling can only be realized by introducing recycling-friendly car designs. In the end an integrated approach of auto makers and recycling industry is of decisive significance for the fulfillment of future regulations.

A Study on Selection Attributes of Traditional Liquor by Life-style of Eating-out Consumers (외식소비자의 라이프스타일에 따른 전통주 선택속성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Ju;Lee, Jae-Hoon;Song, Heung-Gyu
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.90-107
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    • 2012
  • This research has been conducted to discover the consumer's behavior in the purchase and consumption of korean alcoholic beverages. The intent of these works are to contribute to the growth of the traditional alcoholic beverages markets by giving necessary data for the marketing strategies and the development of favorite beverage to meet the consumer's tastes. The surveys have been conducted against a group of people ranging from their 20's to 60's randomly picked from seoul. The duration of the surveys was from August 1st to September 30th, 2010. We also examined the relationship between the selection attributes of traditional liquor and purchase satisfaction by consumer's life-styles. SPSS 18.0 statistical package was used to process data. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, a reliability test, K-means cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression were executed. As a result, through factor analysis and cluster analysis, authors identified 6 factors in the selection attributes of traditional liquor(characteristics, taste & fragrance, popularity, design, harmony, interest), 4 consumer groups(expert, fan, beginner, indifference), 4 consuming lifestyles(social oriented consuming style, maniac consuming style, pursuit of knowledge consuming style, outsider consuming style). Among the selection attributes of traditional liquor, taste & fragrance and popularity had effects on purchase satisfaction.

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