• Title/Summary/Keyword: Price Effect

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Differences in Perceived Risk and Product Attitudes : Focus on Korea and Thailand Consumers

  • Kim, Moon-Jung;Kim, Eun-Hee
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The purpose of this research is to examine the differences and interaction effects of perceived risk and product attitudes between Korea and Thailand consumers in accordance with price discount and product types. Research design, data, and methodology - A questionnaire survey was conducted in Korea and Thailand. There were a total of 327questionnaires received, and 322 of them were valid. Respondents consisted of 163 Koreans and 159 Thai consumers. Each question is measured in a Likert-type five-point scale. To verify the difference and interaction effects of perceived risk and product attitudes, ANOVA analysis was carried out. Results - This research found that the perceived risk of Thailand consumers in accordance with price discount and product types is confirmed to be larger than Korean consumers. The difference of product attitudes of Thailand consumers is higher than those of Korean consumers. Thus, product attitudes in accordance with country type and price discount types are verified with the interaction effect. The difference of product attitudes in accordance with price discount type and product types are not founded. The main effect was not verified. Conclusions - The finding of this study can be used as useful information to Korean and Thai retailers looking to enter the global market.

Quantifying the Price Effect of Deregulation as a Pro-competition Policy

  • Choi, Dong Ook;Kim, Yunhee
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.24-35
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    • 2015
  • This research constructs a data set regarding competition policy through a comprehensive review of previous studies, and performs a meta-analysis to quantitatively assess the price effects of deregulation. A structural econometric model is used to eliminate possible biases from heterogeneity of the studies,such as in publication types and measurement methods. Four types of regulations that deter competition are characterized and three groups of industries are made for drawing practical implications. We fnd that deregulation to promote competition reduces prices by 0.23% and that these estimated price effects are more stable when we control for the publication types and measurement ways. Easing regulations that restrict consumers' choice is shown to be most effcient in promoting competition, lowering prices by 0.7%. This is followed by eliminating the limitation in the number of frms in the industry, with 0.2% price reduction. Overall, the network and service industries are shown to be more responsive to deregulation than the R&D industry. These results could shed light on policy implementation when a pro-competition policy is called for due to restrictive regulations in the corresponding industries.

The Effects of Widening Daily Stock Price Limits on the Relevance between Audit Quality and Stock Return

  • JI, Sang-Hyun;YOON, Ki-Chang
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2020
  • The study investigates the effect of the widened daily stock price limits on the usefulness of accounting information in Korea: 1) whether investors place a higher importance on audit quality, an indicator of the reliability of accounting information, and 2) whether there are differences in the relationships between audit quality and stock-price earning-rates two years before and after June 15, 2016. This study employs samples of two years (2013 to 2015) before the widening and two years after the widening (2016 to 2017). The samples are limited to the companies listed on the Korea Stock Exchange, accounting settled in December, collected from Fn-Guide and TS-2000 of the Korea Listed Companies Association. The results show that the positive association between audit quality and stock return was increased during the later period, compared to the preceding period. This tendency was more evident in companies with higher debt ratios and companies with lower levels of income smoothing, which is considered to have higher risks. The findings suggest that it is the first study evaluating the effect of widening daily stock price limits, made on June 15, 2015, on the usefulness of audit quality information by examining the relevance between audit quality and stock return.

The Behavior of Stock Prices on Ex-Dividend Day in Korea

  • Park, Cheol;Park, Soo-Cheol
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.221-263
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    • 2009
  • This paper studies the behaviour of stock prices on the ex-dividend day in the Korean stock market. Since a majority of listed Korean firms are December firms whose fiscal year end in December and whose ex-dividend day falls on the same calendar day in the year, we use stock prices of Non-December firms to estimate the general stock price movements not related to cash dividends. We estimate excess returns on days around the ex-dividend day. Our major findings are (a) there is no tax clientele effect in Korea, (b) the opening price stock prices fell by the amount of the current cash dividend per share until 2001, but it does not fall as much as the current dividend per share since 2001. Furthermore, in contrast to the U.S. and the Japanese findings, (c) stocks earned negative excess returns on the ex-dividend day until 2001, after which all stocks are earning positive excess returns on the ex-dividend day, and (d) the closing stock price on the ex-dividend day that used to be even higher than the cum-dividend price until 2001 is lower than the opening stock price since 2001. The evidence suggests a structural break has happened around the year 2001.

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The Change of Clothing Expenditures and its Determinants in Korean A Time-series Analysis (Part ll) (우리나라 소비자의 피복비 지출구조 변화양상과 결정요인에 대한 종적 연구(제2보))

  • 정수진;이은영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.1139-1152
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    • 1997
  • Clothing consumption expenditure (UX) data of Korean consumers during the period of 1965 to 1993 were analyzed by time series analysis technique. According to the results of regression analysis, current income and UX of the year before showed most significant influences on the current UX. This means that the absolute and permanent income hypotheses can be accepted in case of clothing expenditures. However the effect of income decreased as the economy developed. The relative price of clothing had weak or no influence on clothing expenditures. It was also found out that CSX of the year before, the change of income, relative price of clothing ware the factors that affected clothing expenditures. From the estimation of Houthakker-Taylor state adjustment model, a negative stock coefficient was obtained. That is, clothing is subject to an inventor effect and Korean consumers regard clothing as one of the durable goods. To define whether clothing is a "luxury" or a "necessity", income and relative price elasticity of clothing expenditures were estimated. Income elasticity of clothing is slightly below 1.0 in case of national aggregate expenditures, and slightly above 1.0 in case of urban consumers' expenditures. Income elasticity has declined over time. Meanwhile the coefficient of price elasticity is not significant, indicating that the relative price of clothing have little connection with clothing expenditure.lothing expenditure.

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The Impact of Quality and Price on the Loyalty of Electronic Money Users: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

  • PUTRA, Pratama;JAYADI, Riyanto;STEVEN, Ignatius
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1349-1359
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    • 2021
  • The electronic money market in Indonesia continues to experience an increase in the number of users and volume of transactions. However, the electronic money market, especially server-based, in Indonesia is becoming concentrated into a few issuers. Electronic money issuers compete in price and promotion wars to gain new customers and maintain their existing ones. This paper presents an analysis of the orientation and factors that influence the loyalty in electronic money products. The research model variables in this study are adopted from the E-Service Quality and Marketing Mix categories. These variables are hypothesized to affect the perceived value and then customer loyalty. The research population consists of all Indonesians who use server-based electronic money, with a sample of 400 individuals. The results show that, in the E-Service Quality group, reliability, responsiveness, and security significantly affect perceived value, while the perceived price and perceived promotional benefits significantly affect perceived value in the Marketing Mix group. The perceived price has the highest effect on the perceived value and customer loyalty, while the perceived value has a significant effect on customer loyalty. Finally, it was found that the customer is more sensitive to the price than quality in using electronic money.

Impact of Spatial Accessibility Index, Based on Road Network and Actual Trips, on Housing Price (도로 네트워크와 통행량 기반의 공간 접근성 지수가 주택가격에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae, Jung Pyo;Sung, Hyungun
    • Journal of Korea Planning Association
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to empirically identify the effect of spatial accessibility, based on travel, on housing prices in the Korean capital region. More specifically, it has two research purposes: First, investigating the effect of comprehensive spatial accessibility, based on road network and actual trips from origin to destination, on average apartment price (Korean Won per square meter) at the level of Eup, Myeon and Dong; Second, identifying better accessibility index between Hansen's and Kalogirou and Foley's ones. The former represents a road-based travel time decay function with destination trips, while the latter is a function with origin trips as well as destination ones. The study employs spatial economic models considering spatial auto-correlative relationship as an appropriate methodology with such control independent indicators as population density, road density, educational environment and distances from CBDs. Analysis results demonstrate that spatial accessibility, based on road network and actual trips from origin to destination, has a statistically significant impacts on housing price in the region. Our empirical evidence proves that the Hansen index is more appropriate than the other in estimating housing price impacts.

The Information Effect of the Rating Change Announcements on the Capital Market (신용등급 변경공시의 정보효과)

  • Park, Hyoung-Jin;Lee, Soon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.107-133
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    • 2005
  • The object of this study is to examine the informational effect of the rating change announcement on the capital market. For this study, daily stock prices from January 1993 to February 2001 and daily bond prices from July 2000 to February 2001, for the bond market are used. In the stock market, we could not observe any statistically significant stock price reaction to rate change announcements from July 2000 to February 2001. However, if rating agencies announce more than two degradation for the period of January 1993 to February 2001, statistically negative significant stock price reactions are observed. On the other hand, there is no statistically significant stock price reaction to any other rating change announcement. In the bond market, there is no statistically test on the bond price reaction, but the general directions of bond price movements are consistent with the effect we can expect from rating change announcements. Generally, when the rating agencies degraded more than two grades at once, a cumulative abnormal returns move negatively during the overall period. In this case, we can say that rating agencies' role is to confirm information or investor's expectations. However, for the other cases, we could not observe my significant movement before or on the event data.

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A Study on the Road Traffic Noise Restriction Factors that Affect the Price of Apartment Complexes (아파트 가격에 영향을 미치는 도로교통소음 제한인자에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Ill;Choi, Hyung-Il;Cheong, Kyung-Hoon;Jung, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.389-400
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    • 2009
  • In this research, we measured the number of lanes, distance, disposition of apartment that are affecting the road traffic noise to evaluate the current condition of G city's road traffic noise. We decide on a basis regarding an apartment price formation factor, and the apartment current price and the results that compared. To have a point scale, we set the maximum road traffic noise at a 8 lane road for 5 points, give 4 points for a 6 lane road, which has a $2.1{\sim}2.5\;dB(A)$ difference compared to a 8 lane road, give 3 points for a 4 lane road, which has a $5.2{\sim}5.5\;dB(A)$ difference compared to a 8 lane road, and set 2 points for a 2 lane road and lower. If we set the standard floor plan as horizontal and a living room facing the roadside, the horizontal and living room facing the opposite side of the road is 1 point because it differs by 14.1 dB(A), and the vertical is 3 points since the difference is 5.3 dB(A). If we make grades by the distance, making standard the fifth floor with little soundproof effect from apartment to road, we observe a measurement below 2.9 dB(A) at a distance of less than 10 m and 5 dB(A), decreased at a distance of 20 m. Therefore, 4 points were given for less than 10m, 3 points for $10{\sim}20\;m$, 2 points for more than 20 m as we can apply the effect of a decay distance of line sound source and the decrease in noise effects of more than 6 dB(A), 1 point for more than 40m, and 0 points for more that 80 m since it is negligible. 28 apartments got 0 points because there is no effect of road traffic noise from other apartments, and 50 apartments where only the road at one side effect them got $5{\sim}10$ points. 4 apartments (17-2, 6-3, 10-4, 3-3) received over 20 points. 15 cases showed a difference between developer price and resale price, and 11 cases (73%) among them showed the same trend (price increases with a low road traffic noise restriction factor point) with the point of road traffic noise restriction factor. 4 cases demonstrated the opposite trend, showing price increases with a high restriction factor point. Among the 4 cases, case numbers 2,6 and 9 appear to be more affected by the location factor (business district) than the road traffic noise restriction factor, and case number 1 appears to be affected by the building factor (openness and direction).

An Effect of Consumers' Types of Buying Behavior Values and Types of Price Discount on Product Attitude (소비자들의 구매행위 가치관 유형과 제품의 가격할인 유형이 제품태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun Hee;Kim, Hwa Dong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2014
  • This study examined whether there is difference in consumers' product attitude according to the type of buying behavior values and the type of price discount among their lifestyle. First, the factors of values comprising consumers' buying behavior were derived as frugal buying, impulse buying, quality buying, and principle buying. Cluster analysis showed that the types of buying behavior value included high quality impulse buying, reasonable buying and practical buying. Second, it was found that there were differences in product attitude according to the type of consumers' buying behavior values. Third, interaction effect was found between the type of price discount and consumers' product attitude according to the type of buying behavior values. Fourth, among the factors of value comprising consumers' buying behavior, frugal buying factor has an effect on the product attitude with price discount of 50% and quality buying and impulse buying factors have an effect on the product attitude with bundle price discount (1+1). The above mentioned result of study suggests that when a company establishes a strategy of price discount, it should consider sales promotion strategy taking account of consumers' buying behavior values and type of product price discount.