• 제목/요약/키워드: Pressure-resistant tank

검색결과 6건 처리시간 0.021초

수소전기차 내압용기 안전성 강화를 위한 안전 벨류 체인 연구 (A Study on the Safety Value Chain for Reinforcing the Safety of Pressure Vessels in Hydrogen Electric Vehicles)

  • 이준석;김영현;한성길;김호경;오태석
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2024
  • As the importance of eco-friendly carbon neutrality is emphasized around the world, hydrogen-electric vehicles are expected to grow rapidly, and as of July 2003, Korea has 32,500 hydrogen cars and 363 hydrogen vans. Hydrogen cars have the advantage of short charging time and long mileage. However, the safety issue of internal pressure-resistant tank is still one of the important challenges in this field. To improve this, the establishment of a safety value chain to strengthen safety is the key. In this study, a method of developing and applying a safety value chain was studied to reinforce the safety of hydrogen-resistant tank. This study is expected to contribute to the expansion of safe and reliable hydrogen supply by actively applying these safety strategies to the hydrogen electric vehicle industry.

Wind loads and wind-resistant behaviour of large cylindrical tanks in square-arrangement group. Part 1: Wind tunnel test

  • Liu, Qing;Zhao, Yang;Cai, Shuqi;Dong, Shilin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.483-493
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    • 2020
  • Large cylindrical floating-roof tanks, constructed as oil containers, are usually distributed regularly in open area and easily exposed to severe wind loads. However, wind pressures around these grouped squat tanks appear to have not been clearly given in design codes or thoroughly studied in existing researches. This paper conducts a detailed investigation on wind loads on the external wall of a four-tank group in square arrangement. To achieve that, wind tunnel tests are carried out on both empty and full tank groups, considering various wind angles and spacing. Results show that 3 regions in elevation can be identified on the tank shell according to the circumferential wind pressure distribution. The upper 2 regions cover a relatively small portion of the shell where excessive negative pressures are spotted, setting an alarm to the design of the top angle and stiffening rings. By comparing results on grouped tanks to those on an isolated tank, grouping effects concerning wind angle, tank position in group and spacing are discussed. Deviations on pressure distributions that will compromise structural safety are outlined, including the increase of negative pressures, the shift of maximum pressure locations as well as the change of positive pressure range. And, several potentially unfavourable wind pressure distributions are selected for further analyses.

Wind loads and wind-resistant behaviour of large cylindrical tanks in square-arrangement group. Part 2: CFD simulation and finite element analysis

  • Liu, Qing;Zhao, Yang;Cai, Shuqi;Dong, Shilin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.495-508
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    • 2020
  • To investigate the structural behaviour of grouped tanks under wind loads, 2 problems need to be figured out, wind pressures on tank shells and critical loads of the shell under these pressure distribution patterns. Following the wind tunnel tests described in the companion paper, this paper firstly seeks to obtain wind loads on the external wall in a squarely-arranged cylindrical tank group by numerical simulation, considering various layouts. The outcomes demonstrate that the numerical method can provide similar results on wind pressures and better insights on grouping effects through extracted streamlines. Then, geometrically nonlinear analyses are performed using several selected potentially unfavourable wind pressure distributions. It is found that the critical load is controlled by limit point buckling when the tank is empty while excessive deformations when the tank is full. In particular, significant reductions of wind resistance are found on grouped full tanks compared to the isolated tank, considering both serviceability and ultimate limit state, which should receive special attention if the tank is expected to resist severe wind loads with the increase of liquid level.

소형 압력 용기의 변형 및 파열 경향에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Propensity for the Deformation and Failure of a Small Pressurized Cylinder)

  • 임상식;장갑만;이진한;최예루;김기범
    • 에너지공학
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.146-149
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    • 2014
  • 캠핑 문화에서 주로 사용되던 부탄의 경우 증기압이 낮아 안전성의 확보가 쉽지만, 기화점이 높아 사용자의 부주의와 사고를 유발하는 계기가 되었다. 이와 같은 연유로 최근 부탄 연료의 불편함을 대체 할 캠핑용 연료로써 프로판 공급의 필요성이 대두 되었고, 프로판 용기의 개발이 진행되었다. 프로판은 연료 특성상 높은 증기압을 가지고 있어, 용기 제작에 있어 내압 성능이 가장 중요한 요소이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 소형 프로판 용기의 내압 성능을 결정하는 하부 경판 변화에 따른 역학적 변화를 이론적으로 접근하였으며, 수압가압 실험을 통해 압력 용기의 변형 및 파열 특성을 관찰 하였다. 프로판 용기 하부 경판의 두께가 0.25 mm증가 시 2.5 MPa의 내압성능이 향상되고, 곡률반경이 62 mm 감소 시 내압성능이 1.5 MPa 향상 되었다. 이론과 실험 결과의 비교를 토대로 향후 소형 프로판 압력 용기의 개선 방안을 제시하였으며, 이는 추후 소형 프로판 압력 용기의 보급에 있어 기초 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.

공동주택의 노후 급수관 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 부천시 공동주택을 중심으로 (The Replacement Plans for Aged Public Water Supply Pipes in Apartment Buildings : Especially Apartment Buildings in Bucheon)

  • 이용화;허용철
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.228-232
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    • 2015
  • The water supply galvanized steel pipes of apartment buildings in Bucheon city constructed with building permission before 1994 have many problems such as leaks, the water containing rust, and low water pressure due to corrosion. Therefore, this study aims to find a way to renew the water supply pipes under investigation through a survey. As a result, when replacing the galvanized steel pipe with the corrosion-resistant pipe, the water supply system should also be changed from the gravity tank system to the booster pump system and the hygienic water storage tank. It is necessary to redraft the long-term repair plan including the replacement of the water supply system. Also, it is necessary to save the allowance reserve according to the modified long-term repair plan.

풍력발전기용 밀폐형 변압기의 식물성 절연유에 대한 열적특성 연구 (Thermal Analysis of Vegetable Insulation Oil for Hermetically Sealed Wind Turbine Transformer)

  • 이성원;이준엽;김준수;우재희;김동해
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2012
  • 변압기 외부에 방열핀을 설치한 밀폐형 오일변압기는 절연유의 온도상승으로 인해 부피가 팽창할 경우 방열핀의 내부 부피가 확장되어 압력상승을 방지한다. 본 연구에서는 생분해도가 높아 환경친화적 이고, 인화점 및 발화점이 높아 화재의 위험도가 낮은 식물성 절연유를 이용하여 당사 풍력발전기에 적용할 밀폐형 오일변압기를 개발하였다. 열 유동 전산수치해석 기법을 이용하여 식물성 절연유 냉각성능을 광유 및 실리콘유와 비교 분석 하였으며, 밀폐형 오일변압기의 개발을 위하여 변압기 중신부의 열적 안전성을 확보하고 절연유의 온도변화에 따른 내부 압력변화에 대응이 가능한 팽창형 방열핀을 개발하였다. 추가로 온도상승시험을 통하여 수치해석 결과와 시험 결과를 비교 분석 하였으며, 식물성 절연유를 사용한 밀폐형 오일 변압기의 설계 고려사항을 도출하였다.