• Title/Summary/Keyword: Predominant frequency

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Characteristics of Coupled Acoustic Wave Propagation in Metal Pipe (금속 배관의 연성된 음향 전파 특성)

  • Kim, Ho-Wuk;Kim, Min-Soo;Lee, Sang-Kwon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2008
  • The circular cylinder pipes are used in the many industrial areas. In this paper, the acoustic wave propagation in the pipe containing a gas is researched. First of all, the theory for the coupled acoustic wave propagation in a pipe is investigated. Acoustic wave propagation in pipe can not be occurred independently between the wave of the fluid and the shell. It requires complicated analysis. However, as a special case, the coupled wave in a high density pipe containing a light density medium is corresponded closely to the uncoupled in-vacuo shell waves and to the rigid-walled duct fluid waves. The coincidence frequencies of acoustic and shell modes contribute to the predominant energy transmission. The coincidence frequency means the frequency corresponding to the coincidence of the wavenumber in both acoustic and shell. In this paper, it is assumed that the internal medium is much lighter than the pipe shell. After the uncoupled acoustic wave in the internal medium and uncoupled shell wave are considered, the coincidence frequencies are found. The analysis is successfully confirmed by the verification of the experiment using the real long steel pipe. This work verifies that the coupled wave characteristic of the shell and the fluid is occurred as predominant energy transmission at the coincidence frequencies.

On the Hull Vibration of the Training Ship Sae-Ba-Da (실습선 새바다호의 선체진동에 관하여)

  • Park, Jung-Hui
    • Journal of Korea Fishing Vessel Association
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    • v.29
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 1986
  • This paper describes on the measurement of the deck vibration produced by the main engine vibration of stern trawler MIS SAE-BA-DA (2,275GT, 3,600PS) while the ship is cruising and drifting. The obtained results are as follows; 1. The deck vibration level was the highest point at vertical line which pass main engine and the lowest point at vertical line which pass top bridge while the crusing. 2. The vibration source level of the main engine, screw shaft and screw propeller were respectively 110, 90 and 80% while the crusing. 3. The main deck vibration pressure level at the check points 2, 20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 86m from the bow to stern was respectively 9, 8, 7, 10, 22, 45, 18, 23%. 4. The frequency distributions of the main engine, screw shaft, screw propeller vibration were from 3Hz to 10KHz, predominant frequency was 1KHz, each vibration accelration the highest level were respectively 1.3, 0.8, 0.5mm/$S^2$. 5. The predominant frequency distributions of the main deck, second deck, bridge deck and top bridge deck's vibration were from 10 to 30Hz, and each vibration accelration level were respe¬ctively 0.7, 0.05, 0.07, 0.04mm/$S^2$.

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Studies on Chromosome Aberrations Induced N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea in CHO cells (N-ethyl-N-nitrsourea와 N-methyl-N-nitrosourea에 의한 CHO 세포의 염색체 이상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Choon-Kwang
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 1981
  • Chromosome aberrations induced by ENU and MNU were investigated in CHO cells at various doses and times after treatment. The results obtained were as follows: The frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by ENU and MNU drastically depends on the length of the post-treatment period and the concentration of these chemicals. In ENU-treated groups, the major type of aberration was chromatid deletions in earlier samples but the frequency of chromatid exchanges increased with time, revealing, predominant type at 24 hours after treatment with $10^-3$ M. In MNU-treated groups, chromatid deletions were also major type but frequency of chromatid exchanges were predominant from 12 hours after treatment with $10^-4$ and $10^-5$ M.

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The Underwater Noise of Fishing Gears in Operation (망어구의 수중소음에 관한 연구)

  • 윤갑동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1980
  • An underwater recording system was designed to measure the sound spectra of the underwater noises produced by fishing gears in operation. Recorded were noi~es from three types of fishing gears: an anchovy set net, three anchovy boat seine net and a stern trawlnet. Acoustic analysis were made using a heterodyne analyzer, a digital frequency analyzer and a level recorder. The no;'e produced by the anchovy set net was found in the high frequency region of the onset of ambient noise spectrum with a slope of - 6 dB/octave. Here the ambient noise spectrum is higher, though similar in shape, than Knudsen spectrum, and is attributed to the breaking action of the coastal wave. Measured noise spectra during the fishing operations of the anchovy boat seine nets are attributed to the background noise of the sea in the presence of the fishing vessels. The frequency distribution of the noise was 20~5, 000 Hz in the case of two steel anchovy boat seiners, and 20-3,000 Hz in the case of the wooden anchovy boat seiner. The predominant frequency range was 250~350 Hz and maximum sound pressure level was 122 dB (re $1\muPa$) in the case of the steel boat and ] 17 dB in the case of the wooden boat. The noises produced by the trawl fishing gears are remarkably higher than the background noi~e in the presence of the fishing vessel. The frequency distribution of the noi~e was 20-6,300 Hz. The predominant frequency range was 100~200 Hz and maximum sound pressure level was 137 dB ( re $1\muPa$) . The noise spectra were not so much different from that caused by vibrations of the towing cable and the structure of the ground rope of the trawl net towed in an experimental tank.

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A Study on the Colors and Coloration of Jeogori of Chosun Dynasty and the Modern Period of Korea

  • Lee, Jee-Hyun
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2007
  • The subject of study concerns the color characteristics of clothing/accessories from �Chosun�a nd modern Korea. It particularly focuses on the colors of the �Jeogori? traditional jacket) which represents Korean traditional clothing. Color data were collected from 353 woman�s �Jegori�s from �Chosun�a nd modern Korea and divided into the predominant colors & sub colors, and analyzed with HV/C and PCCS. According to the analysis, the representative the predominant color of 'Chosun Jeogori' for woman is YR, Y and side one is R, YR. The p, dp, sf, ltg colors are frequently found and the freshness of most of them is medium or low which shows a calm-feeling. The p, and ltg tones are often found as a the predominant color and p, dp are also often found as a the side color. In the 'Chosun Jeogori' for woman, the predominant colors and the side colors spread in a similar frequency and most of them have medium or low freshness of the color that shows a calm-feeling. The side color is one of the R colors and it shows characteristics of traditional coloring such as �Jajoo Goreum? Among the �Jeogori�f or modern women, the R, YR, Y, and B colors are often used for the single-color �Jeogori? the Y, GY, N, G colors are for the colorful �Jeogori? The P, lt, and b tons of the color are often used for a single-color �Jeogori�a nd the p, lt, and W are for the colorful �Jeogori? For the colorful �Jeogori? the side color have a high freshness which shows that a strong image was used frequently as the dp, s, dk tons of the color were often used. According to an analysis of the coloring, the predominant color and the side color of �Chosun Jeogori�a re applied to create a harmony of analogy & contrast in one aspect of Moon & Spencer�s view. It is found that the predominant color and the side color are similar or contrasting in one view of the color harmony, except that the traditional the �Jeogori�i s colored by ideological and symbolic meanings. The predominant color and the side color of modern the �Jeogori�a re complementary colors which are applied to the indistinct relationship or contrasting harmony in one aspect of Moon & Spencer�s view of the color harmony. The characteristics of the color as above show that traditional the �Jeogori�r egards the side color as both the harmony of the colors in general and also of symbolic meaning, while modern the �Jeogori�f or woman has a tendency toward a cultural transition and is mixed with new colors focusing more on its the predominant color than on the general harmony and character of ideological & traditional coloring.

Sociomedical Study on the Person Recieved Permanent Sterilization Method in Busan Area (부산 일부 지역의 영구불임 피술자들에 대한 사회의학적 조사)

  • Song, Ill-Yong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 1979
  • This study was carried out for the evaluation on the sociomedical characteristics of 1,580 cases who had recieved vasectomy and laparoscopic sterilization at the Busan Family Planning Clinic from January 1975 to December 1973. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In age distribution, the most predominant age group consited of 30.34 years as 44.7%. In regional distribution, the most predominant region was Youngdo Ku in the vasectomy group and Dong Ku in the laparoscopic sterilization group. 2. The educational level showed that the high school graduates(49.2%) in the vasectomy group and the primary school graduates(47.0%) in the laparoscopic sterilization group were the highest each other. 3. The most predominant experienced contraceptive method before accepted permanant sterilization operation was oral pills and non-experienced contraceptive method group was 54.1% of the total. 4. By the span of marital life before accepted permanant sterilization operation, the 5-9 years group was the highest. 5. The average number of living children per family was 2.54 in the vasectomy group and 3.0 in the laparoscopic sterilization group. 6. The average frequency of pregnancy per case was 2 in the vasectomy group and 3 in the laparoscopic sterilization group and the most predominant frequency of induces abortion was 1 per case. 7. The most predominant motive of accepting the sterilization operation were family planning education at the reserve forces training in the vasectomy group and at the mother's club in the laparoscopic sterilization group. 8. By the residing status of the cases, rented room was the highest as 69.4%.

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On accessory chromosomes in Secale cereale (IV) Further study on ferquency and geographical distribution of rye with accessory chromosomes in Korea (호밀의 부속염색체에 관한 연구(IV) 한국산 호밀의 부속염색체의 출현빈도 (속보))

  • 이웅직
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 1968
  • Further study on the frequency and geographical distribution of rye with accessory chromosomes in Korea was carried out in 1996. All of the 15 populations of rye investigated were found to have accessory chromosomes and the frequencies of accessories were ranged from 15 to 54%. The study from 1963 to 1966 shows that the frequency of accessory ranging from 30 to 40% is predominant.

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Engineering Characteristics of Micro Earthquake Records Occurred in Kyungsang Basin (경상분지내 미소지진의 공학적 특성)

  • 박정옥
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1999
  • Small earthquake records with magnitude 2.7-4.8 recorded in Kyungsang Basin during 1995-1997 were analysed. Total of 87 records consisted of 16 events instrumented at 11 stations,. Mean dominant period at each station mean zero period acceleration of each component and the acceleration response spectra were analysed. Spectral value increases as magnitude increases and the predominant frequency band expands to low frequency zone as magnitude increases.

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Regional Characteristics of Cold Surges over the South Korea (한반도에서의 지역에 따른 상이한 한파 발생 특징)

  • Sung, Hyun-Joon;Kim, Baek-Min
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2020
  • We investigate regional differences in the characteristics of cold surges that occurred over the South Korea during winter season (December-February, 1981/1982~2017/2018). A significant regional contrast of cold surge characteristics exists and we found that this is closely related to the spatially inhomogeneous distribution of winter-mean climatological surface temperature in association with the complex topography of the Korean peninsula. For the regions of the temperature below -1℃ (Region1; R1), the frequency of cold surges is inversely proportional to the surface temperature almost linearly. In case of the regions above -1℃ (Region2; R2), cold surge frequency does not exhibit any clear dependency on the surface temperature. Duration and number of occurrences of cold surge between the two regions showed clear difference. Dynamical evolution of cold surges before the onset showed a sharp contrast between R1 and R2. In R1, cold surface air temperature (SAT) was already predominant over East-Asia before the onset and the cold temperature was sustained after the occurrence. On the contrary, warm SAT was predominant over East-Asia before the onset in R2. The SAT suddenly drops just after the cold surge occurrence. We present different origin of wave activity and propagation characteristics between the two types: Wave-activity flux (WAF) was relatively weaker and wave disturbances moved eastward in R1 along with the WAF mainly directing eastward. In case of R2, WAF was stronger and directing southeastward in the upstream of South Korea movement erasing predominant warmer air eventually causing sudden temperature drops over southern provinces over South Korea.

A Study of response Spectrums and characteristics of Time-Frequency Domain of Microearthquakes in the Central Part of South Korea (남한 중부지역 미소지진들의 응답 스펙트럼 및 시간-주파수 영역에서의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이전희
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.72-82
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    • 1999
  • The microearthquake and explosion events recorded in the seismic KNUE(Korea National University of Education) network were analyzed. The seismic data were recorded from Dec. 1997 to Dec. 1998. Total of 118 records consisted of 24 earthquake and 4 explosion events were instrumented at 6 stations. Spectral values increases as magnitude increases and the predominant frequency band expands to low frequency. zone as magnitude increases. Three-dimensional spectrograms(time frequency. amplitude) were also synthesized in order to discriminate microearthquakes and artificial underground explosions. The waves from microearthquakes show that frequency content of dominant amplitude appeared above 10 Hz and the discrimination can be performed in almost all the frequency domain of 3-d spectrogram.

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