• 제목/요약/키워드: Policy Based Service

검색결과 2,200건 처리시간 0.024초

의약분업 이후 병원 약제부서의 업무내용 및 인력구조 변화 분석 (An Analysis of the Change in Job Contents and Personnel Structure of Hospital Pharmacy Services after the Implementation of the Separation of Prescription and Drug Dispensing Policy)

  • 윤경일;류시원
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2002
  • It has been 2 years since the implementation of the separation of prescription and drug dispensing policy. This study analyzes the effects of the policy on the job contents and personnel structure of hospital pharmacy. The main purposes of the analysis are to determine if the policy has causes the increase of professional activities of pharmacists in hospital and to investigate whether the hospital pharmacy is equipped with enough manpower to provide high quality pharmaceutical service as intended by the policy. The level of professionality of pharmacists' activities is measured by the number of activities of direct involvement in inpatient care such as participation in patient rounding, medication consultation, the number of hospital committee the pharmacists involved and the number of continuous education pharmacists took. The adequacy of personnel structure to provide high quality pharmaceutical care is measured by the level of compliance to the governmental standard of hospital pharmacy personnel. In order to collect the data, surveys were performed for two periods: year 1999 (before the implementation of the policy) and year 2001 (after the implementation of the policy). The results show that the pharmacists' participation in inpatient rounding decreased and that the inpatient medication history management activities, operation of ward pharmacy, participation in hospital committee increased. In personnel structure, the average number of pharmacist per hospital decreased and the number of prescription processing per pharmacist increased. Based on the results this study concludes that the professional activities of hospital pharmacists has increased a little and there were structural changes in hospital pharmacy service activities to increase the professionalism in providing care. However, the pharmacy departments were understaffed hampering the strive to increase the provision of professional pharmaceutical service in hospitals.

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거버넌스 시대 정책프로세스 차별화 전략 - 구미시 혁신사례를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Differentiation Strategies of Policy Process in governance Using the Case of Gumi City)

  • 이홍희;이승희
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국디지털정책학회 2006년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.197-204
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    • 2006
  • This paper tried to develop differentiation strategies of policy process in governance. Firstly, we reviewed model of policy making(output-oriented model and process-oriented model, normative or idealistic approach and realistic or empirical approach, rational model and cognitive model etc). Now gumi city is making the policy based on the process-oriented model, realistic or empirical approach, cognitive model. So gumi city was winner the test of provinces innovation in 2005. Therefore, when we make the policy, consider these factor: citizen and public service personnel participate policy making process and control policy quality.

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에너지 절약형 농촌 지역시설 보급 지원을 위한 정책 개발 연구 (Formulation of "Supporting Policy of Energy Saving Facilities" for Rural Community)

  • 김강섭;정종술;이상정
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents the real condition and problems of rural communities, shift of social paradigm, and also discussed the results and efforts of existing energy supporting policy by literature review. The aim of this study is to suggest the new supporting policy of energy saving facilities for rural communities, and to show its necessity, framework, promotion method, and connection plan with existing policy. Based on this study, mainly three results can be drawn as follows; first, this new policy is required that not only suggestive reason such as energy crisis and social atmosphere, but also, financial support and welfare service for resident of rural area. Second, the various rural facilities including residence must be planed sustainable energy saving system by this new policy. And the third, this policy should be simultaneously adopted with rural development policy, and must drive forward that is closely connected with a related policy.

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국립세종도서관 직무개발 및 조직개편 전략 연구 (A Study on the Job Development and Reorganization Strategy of the National Library of Korea, Sejong)

  • 윤희윤;오선경
    • 한국비블리아학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.159-182
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    • 2023
  • 2013년 12월 출범한 국립세종도서관은 한국 정책정보 특화도서관과 세종시 복합문화시설로 각광받아 왔다. 그럼에도 본질적 정체성, 조직적 위상, 사무분장과 핵심역량, 정책자료 수집과 서비스 등은 여전히 취약하고 부실하다. 이에 본 연구는 정체성 정립 및 고품질 정책정보서비스의 전국적 제공을 위한 직무모형을 개발하고, 전략적 조직개편 방안을 제시하였다. 직무모형은 기존 72개에 38개를 추가하여 총 110개로 제안하였다. 이를 기반으로 단기 조직개편 모형(2023-2024)은 관장 직급을 현재 4급(서기관)에서 고위공무원단(직무등급은 나급)으로, 과장을 5급(사무관)에서 4급으로 상향 조정하였다. 하부조직은 현재 3과(기획관리과, 정책자료과, 서비스이용과)를 4과(기획행정과, 자료수집개발과, 정책정보서비스과, 대중서비스문화과)로 개칭·확대하고 인력은 총 51명으로 구성하였다. 중장기 모형(2025-2032)은 하부조직을 4과 1실(기획행정과, 자료수집개발과, 정책정보서비스과, 대중서비스문화과, 정책정보연구실)로 확대하고, 소요인력을 총 61명으로 제시하였다. 이를 위해서는 거시적·전략적 목표인 '한국 정책정보센터'를 표방한다는 논지로 이해집단을 설득시키고, 전략적 조직개편 및 직제개정에 모든 역량을 집중해야 한다.

의료보장유형이 심부전 입원 환자의 의료서비스 이용에 미친 영향분석: Propensity Score Matching 방법을 사용하여 (The Effects of Insurance Types on the Medical Service Uses for Heart Failure Inpatients: Using Propensity Score Matching Analysis)

  • 최소영;곽진미;강희정;이광수
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2016
  • Background: This study aims to analyze the effects of insurance types on the medical service uses for heart failure inpatients using propensity score matching (PSM). Methods: 2014 National inpatient sample based on health insurance claims data was used in the analysis. PSM was applied to control factors influencing the service uses except insurance types. Negative binomial regression was used after PSM to analyze factors that had influences on the service uses among inpatients. Subjects were divided by health insurance type, national health insurance (NHI) and medical aid (MA). Total charges and length of stay were used to represent the medical service uses. Covariance variables in PSM consist of sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age, Elixhauser comorbidity index) and hospital characteristics (hospital types, number of beds, location, number of doctors per 50 beds). These variables were also used as independent variables in negative binomial regression. Results: After the PSM, length of stay showed statistically significant difference on medical uses between insurance types. Negative binomial regression provided that insurance types, Elixhauser comorbidity index, and number of doctors per 50 beds were significant on the length of stay. Conclusion: This study provided that the service uses, especially length of stay, were differed by insurance types. Health policy makers will be required to prepare interventions to narrow the gap of the service uses between NHI and MA.

국립세종도서관 정책정보서비스 개선 전략 연구 (A Study on the Improvement Strategies of Policy Information Services for National Library of Korea, Sejong)

  • 최재황;정홍상;박성재;이재영;이종욱
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제54권1호
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    • pp.71-88
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구의 목적은 국립세종도서관 정책정보서비스의 고도화를 위해 서비스 현황 및 문제점을 파악하고, 이를 바탕으로 개선 전략을 제시하는데 있다. 이를 위해 정책정보서비스 제공자와 이용자를 면담 조사하였으며, 서비스 제공 및 이용 상의 문제점을 파악하였다. 서비스 제공자 면담을 통해 서비스 제공 체계의 분산 및 이원화에 따른 문제점과 서비스 유형별 제공 상의 문제점을 식별하였고, 서비스 이용자 면담을 통해 주요 이용자 유형, 서비스 이용 전반에 대한 인식, 서비스 유형별 이용 상의 문제점, 정책정보 이용절차 상의 문제점을 제시하였다. 연구결과에 기초하여 개선 전략을 여섯 영역(수집, 서비스, 조직, 시스템, 홍보, 협력)으로 나누어 제안하였다. 이들 전략을 바탕으로 정책정보서비스의 개선이 이루어진다면 정책정보 이용자의 정보요구를 효과적으로 충족시켜 서비스 이용의 활성화에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

Policy Routing Network에서의 SLA 파라메터 측정 (SLA Parameter Measurement Of Policy Routing Network)

  • 심회정;남지승
    • 한국정보처리학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보처리학회 2001년도 추계학술발표논문집 (하)
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    • pp.1597-1600
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    • 2001
  • In-Service-Monitoring을 통하여 네트웍 계층에서 성능저하와 전달되어지는 QOS의 영향을 감시하여 Pro-Active 매니지먼트가 가능하다. 그 결과로서 SLA 보증을 위반하기 전에 성능저하를 조기 발견하여 행동을 취한 수 있게 한다. 본 논문에서는 사용자의 요구조건을 만족하기 위한 네트웍의 구성과 SLA 측정의 제약조건들을 고려하고 Policy Based Routing이 적용되는 네트웍에서 Technology-Specific Parameter인 IP Packet Loss Ratio, IP 패킷전송지연, 패킷지터, 가용도등의 SLA Parameter를 측정하였다.

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A Trusted Sharing Model for Patient Records based on Permissioned Blockchain

  • Kim, Kyoung-jin;Hong, Seng-phil
    • 인터넷정보학회논문지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2017
  • As there has been growing interests in PHR-based personalized health management project, various institutions recently explore safe methods of recording personal medical and health information. In particular, innovative medical solution can be realized when medical researchers and medical service institutes can generally get access to patient data. As EMR data is extremely sensitive, there has been no progress in clinical information exchange. Moreover, patients cannot get access to their own health data and exchange it with researchers or service institutions. It can be operated in terms of technology, yet policy environment are affected by state laws as well as Privacy and Security Policy. Blockchain technology-independent, in transaction, and under test-is introduced in the medical industry in order to settle these problems. In other words, medical organizations can grant preliminary approval on patient information exchange by using the safely encrypted and distributed Blockchain ledger and can be managed independently and completely by individuals. More apparently, medical researchers can gain access to information, thereby contributing to the scientific advance in rare diseases or minor groups in the world. In this paper, we focused on how to manage personal medical information and its protective use and proposes medical treatment exchange system for patients based on a permissioned Blockchain network for the safe PHR operation. Trusted Model for Sharing Medical Data (TMSMD), that is proposed model, is based on exchanging information as patients rely on hospitals as well as among hospitals. And introduce medical treatment exchange system for patients based on a permissioned Blockchain network. This system is a model that encrypts and records patients' medical information by using this permissioned Blockchain and further enhances the security due to its restricted counterfeit. This provides service to share medical information uploaded on the permissioned Blockchain to approved users through role-based access control. In addition, this paper presents methods with smart contracts if medical institutions request patient information complying with domestic laws by using the distributed Blockchain ledger and eventually granting preliminary approval for sharing information. This service will provide an independent information transaction and the Blockchain technology under test will be adopted in the medical industry.

정부 정보의 활용을 위한 서비스디자인 -동북지방통계청의 국민디자인단 사례를 중심으로- (Service Design for Utilizing Government Information -Focusing on the Case of Gov3.0 Design Group for East North Statistics-)

  • 이윤주;백수현;김선아
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 정부 정보나 공공데이터의 활용과 국민이 체감할 수 있는 서비스를 제공하기 위해 수요자 중심의 서비스 디자인을 활용해 정책 서비스 개발을 혁신하고자 하였다. 2015년 대구지역 동북지방통계청이 운영한 국민디자인단의 사례는 통계청이 보유하고 있는 GIS공간정보에 대한 데이터마이닝과 카드사의 실시간 결제정보를 활용해 예비창업자들을 위한 '창업 의사결정 지원'서비스를 제안하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 서비스디자인의 프로세스와 방법론을 채택하였고, 다양한 이해 관계자의 참여를 통해 이루어졌다. 본 연구를 통해 서비스디자인을 기반으로 한 국민디자인단 활동은 정부 정보 공개에 기반 한 공공서비스를 혁신하는데 유효함을 시사한다. 또한, 정부가 정보나 공공데이터를 국민에게 유용한 형태로 공개하거나 개방하고자 할 때 고려할 수 있는 접근 방법으로서 가치 있는 연구로 사료된다.

주요 국가도서관의 장애인서비스 정책 연구 (A Study on the National Library Service Policy for the Disabled Persons in Developed Countries: Focusing on the U.S.A., the U.K., and Japan)

  • 윤희윤
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.215-240
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    • 2007
  • 어느 국가를 막론하고 장애인은 정보접근과 도서관 이용에서 많은 어려움을 겪을 수밖에 없기 때문에 국가차원에서 정보격차를 해소하기 위한 정책을 수립하고 강화하는데 주력하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 영미와 일본의 국가도서관을 중심으로 장애인서비스를 위한 법제, 조직체계, 지원시스템 등의 정책을 정밀 분석한 다음에 새로 발족한 국립중앙도서관 장애인도서관지원센터의 위상정립 및 운영방안을 제안하였다.

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