• Title/Summary/Keyword: Police Role

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Effect of Police Corruption Factors on Corruption Level through Occupational Identity and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Police Officers (경찰부패 요인이 경찰공무원의 직업정체성과 조직시민행동을 매개로 경찰부패에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Kyung Kook;Kim, Taek
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2021
  • The issue of controlling police corruption is very important that in terms of public services where police administration is in direct contact with citizens. In this study, individual, organizational, cultural, and legislative factors are classified as independent factor variables that contribute to police corruption, and the effect of these corruption factors on the level of police corruption, and the role of occupational identity and organizational citizenship behavior of police offices in this relationship are analyzed. A survey is conducted on the public citizens for empirical analysis of this study. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows: First, organizational, cultural factors and legal-legislative factors have negative influence on the occupational identity. Second, legislative factors has negative influence on organizational citizenship behavior. Third, organizational, cultural and legislative factors have positive effects on police corruption. Finally, in terms of the effect of corruption factors on organizational citizenship behavior through occupational identity, organizational, cultural and legal-legislative factors had negative mediating effect on it.

The Method of Participatory Government to Introduce the System of Autonomous Police (참여정부의 자치경찰제 도입방안)

  • Jung, Jin-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.10
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    • pp.355-385
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    • 2005
  • As the system of autonomous police that has been debated for long time is fixed to be introduced by the program of participatory government, this treatise intends to analyze main contents and review controversial items in order to present supplementary measures. The program of participatory government to introduce autonomous police in Korea focuses on converting the autonomous police of Korea from centralized police administration in order to provide 'customized security service' that is appropriate to the regional environment. Thus, if relevant city, county or district considers that it is required to introduce the system autonomous police, the assembly may enforce the decision by enacting ordinance. For enforcement, organization in the unit of section will be established in the line of mayor, county headman and district office. The main role will be security service that is closely related to the life of inhabitants such as crime prevention, patrol, traffic crackdown, etc. as well as public health, sanitation and environmental control which are being performed by autonomous organization at present. However some expected controversial items may be summarized in the following 3 points on the premise of accepting the program of government. First, the point at issue related to the basic function of police. The basic function of police is generally understood as order keeping function such as anterior and preventive job and law enforcing function such as posterior and suppressing job. By the way, the program of government does not endow the autonomous police with investigation right for general crime, thereby raising the controversy that our autonomous police is nothing but the assistant of police. Furthermore, the present national police also expresses its dissatisfaction to the transfer of authority. Second, the issue of balance of security service between self-governing bodies may be raised. The security environment is different between self-governing bodies and thus demand of security is different. Therefore, the security service of autonomous police will reveal difference in qualitative aspect for each self-governing body. Moreover, it can be easily anticipated that the quality of security service may be different as per the financial independence degree. Third, the point at issue anticipated with the operation funded by the budget of self-governing body. As autonomous police is operated by the budget of self-governing body, the following problems may be raised; (1) since police administration is subordinated to general administration, the concentration may be weakened (2) the cooperation between policy agencies may be impeded (3) owing to the difficult in possessing spare police, the mobility of police may be somewhat reduced.

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A Study on Improvement of the police disaster crisis management system (경찰의 재난위기관리 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Yongtae;Kim, Moonkwi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.556-569
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    • 2015
  • With about 75% of the population of Korea criticizing the government's disaster policy and a failure to respond to large-scale emergency like the Sewol ferry sinking means that there is a deep distrust in the government. In order to prevent dreadful disasters such as the Sewol ferry sinking, it is important to secure a prime time with respect to disaster safety. Improving crisis management skills and managerial role of police officers who are in close proximity to the people is necessary for the success of disaster management. With disaster management as one of the most essential missions of the police, as a part of a national crisis management, a step by step strengthening of the disaster safety management system of the police is necessary, as below. First, at the prevention phase, law enforcement officers were not injected into for profit large-scale assemblies or events, but in the future the involvement, injection should be based on the level of potential risk, rather than profitability. In the past and now, the priortiy was the priority was on traffic flow, traffic communication, however, the paradigm of traffic policy should be changed to a safety-centered policy. To prevent large-scale accidents, police investigators should root out improper routines and illegal construction subcontracting. The police (intelligence) should strengthen efforts to collect intelligence under the subject of "safety". Second, with respect to the preparatory phase, on a survey of police officers, the result showed that 72% of police officers responded that safety management was not related to the job descriptions of the police. This, along with other results, shows that the awareness of disaster safety must be adopted by, or rather changed in the police urgently. The training in disaster safety education should be strengthened. A network of experts (private, administrative, and police) in safety management should be established to take advantage of private resources with regard to crisis situtions. Third, with respect to the response phase, for rapid first responses to occur, a unified communication network should be established, and a real-time video information network should be adopted by the police and installed in the police situation room. Fourth, during the recovery phase, recovery teams should be injected, added and operated to minimize secondary damage.

The novel gene LRP15 is regulated by DNA methylation and confers increased efficiency of DNA repair of ultraviolet-induced DNA damage

  • Xu, Zhou-Min;Gao, Wei-Ran;Mei, Qi;Chen, Jian;Lu, Jing
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.230-235
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    • 2008
  • LRP15 is a novel gene cloned from lymphocytic cells, and its function is still unknown. Bioinformatic data showed that LRP15 might be regulated by DNA methylation and had an important role in DNA repair. In this study, we investigate whether the expression of LRP15 is regulated by DNA methylation, and whether overexpression of LRP15 increases efficiency of DNA repair of UV-induced DNA damage in HeLa cells. The results showed (1) the promoter of LRP15 was hypermethylated in HeLa cells, resulting a silence of its expression. Gene expression was restored by a demethylating agent, 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine, but not by a histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A; (2) overexpression of LRP15 inhibited HeLa cell proliferation, and the numbers of cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle in cells transfected with LRP15 increased about 10% compared with controls; (3) cyclin B1 level was much lower in cells overexpressing LRP15 than in control cells; and (4) after exposure to UV radiation, the LRP15-positive cells showed shorter comet tails compared with the LRP15-negative cells. From these results we conclude that the expression of LRP15 is controlled by methylation in its promoter in HeLa cells, and LRP15 confers resistance to UV damage and accelerates the DNA repair rate.

Influence of Police Officer's Networking on Humint Application (경찰관의 인적네트워크수준이 휴민트를 이용한 경찰활동에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Jae-Hun;Kim, Sang-Woon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.606-613
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate on Humint, one of the intelligence activity conducted by police officer to prevent the possibility of crime in advance and to handle crime in short time. Also, this study aims to identify how interpersonal relationship of police influences Humint acquisition in order to find out the influence of Humint on actual policy activity. For completion, this study conducted survey on current police officer and developed the study based on these data. Humint refers to information acquired by contact between people and to information acquired by intangible contact. Humint, the intangible information, is delivered fast and identifies the other's hidden intention. Humint also approaches inaccessible information and has strength of acquiring information based on five senses instead of using machine. Humint plays vital role in human relations. The investigation on the influence of level, trust, and range of human relations on Humint application demonstrated that people with wide human relations applied Humint effectively on identifying trend. Also, people with wide range of human relations used Humint effectively when utilizing information to handle the crime.

Improvement of the Working System for Forensic Agents (과학수사요원의 근무제도 개선방안)

  • Cho, Min-Sang;Jo, Hyun-Bin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2015
  • Areas of forensic have been used as a tool in many fields of police investigation, detective, such as research relating to the criminal investigation. Despite it is failure to obtain a central role and status, forensic is nonetheless necessary. This study recognizes the importance of police and forensic activities, and in reviewing the level of support for actual condition of science and forensic investigations, and it has tried to find the problems. Based on this, this study discusses development plans of the working system to explore whether it can improve the efficiencies of forensic activities from the realistic restrictions. These days, one of the main problems that police forensic activities encounter is lack of labor and human resources on the arrested. Therefore, this study aimed to looking for realistic ways to improve efficiencies of forensic agents First, changing the working system and the restructuring the command system requires a long-term perspective. In other words, a regional forensic system is required. Second, the establishment of a Police Investagation Specialization to ensure the professionalism of the investigation is necessary. Third, the system should improve forensic specialties. Fourth, the R&D organization should established to improve the capability for forensic investigations.

A Public Opinion Survey on the Crime Prevention of the Private Security (민간경비의 범죄예방 역할에 대한 시민의식조사)

  • Gong, Bae-Wan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.16
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2008
  • This study is trying to analyse the private security prevention role of citizen, For this analyse the public opinion survey on the crime prevention of the private security was carried in Kyungnam area about the crime prevention system and the storage and institution, the role of the crime prevention of private security etc. So that, we have experimented a fact-finding survey about civil consciousness. The result of this fact-finding survey about crime prevention system is on the hand pointed out the circumscription of the police power, and the other hand they have the age-old ceremonies on the dependence about police system. Because the public security order needs the compelling power to maintenance the peace and this power is exercising only by police. They don't have the trust about the role of the private security as the crime prevention institution. But, they consider the private security is just for anyone in particular and special class by their demand. And also, they consider the private security is very expensive to utilize for their security in the everyday life. There for, some people have trust for the private security and if they have a chance for the security, they consider to utilize the private security for their safe life as an security agency. The private security has a powerful experts and so many high-tech equipments for the security. Thus, we have to find a solution to get the best out of it. Because the private security is also a part of crime prevention institution as the police agency.

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A Study on the Mutual Cooperation of Private Security and Local Government (지방자치단체와 민간경비의 상호협력에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Sang-Wk;Lee, Min-Hyong
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.11
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    • pp.105-128
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    • 2006
  • The suggestions that follow are about the plan for the cooperation between private security and local government and the enhancement of its service for facing the change of public peace environment. Fist, by a local government collecting funds, the business for revitalization of local economics should be done to enhance local economic independence. Second, the autonomous right of a local government should be reinforced and the center for taking complete charge of local security should be established in the self-governing body. Third, the private security should be connected with the local characteristics, the role of which enlarged as well. For this developing the model of security service for the local area and working together between private security and police should be achieved. Fourth, it is necessary for a local government to entrust the private security with its public security service. For this it should be achieved to set up the range of local security service and inform local residents of the advantage of security service entrusted to private security. Finally, in connection with the new system of local police, it is necessary to have clear grasp of the work related to the private security among local police services and private security business and local police should take partial charge of the public peace service. Through the cooperation between private security and local government, the role of private security will be enlarged and its business revitalized as well.

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The Relationships among Job Stressors, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Police Officials-Focusing on Moderating Effects of Social Support (경찰공무원의 직무스트레스요인과 직무만족, 조직몰입 간의 관계 - 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Bae, Jeom-Mo
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2014
  • Author analyzed the relationship among job stressors, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of police officials. And the Author analyzed the moderating effect of social support on the relationship between job stressors, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. First, I found that job stressors associated with characteristics of the job or the organization affect job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job stressors significantly affecting job satisfaction were found to be perceived uncontrol and role ambiguity. Second, the job satisfaction's impact on organizational commitment in the impact relationship was significantly very large. Third, despite the role overload, the group with a high social support had a high job satisfaction. In addition, if there is high level of social support, job satisfaction could significantly increase organizational commitment.

The Maltreated Runaway.Juvenile Delinquent Situation and the Police Assistance Policy (아동학대로 인한 가출.비행 청소년의 현상과 경찰의 조력 방안)

  • Park, Eun-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.316-324
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    • 2009
  • Child abuse is becoming the cause of runaway young people and is related with the criminal act and the misconduct occurrence. Seriously, the social problem which raises is that the abused child has become the adult, again the children of oneself will abuse again. On the based of the research, this study reviewed the concept of the child abused, the type of the child abused, the theoretical approach of the runaway and juvenile delinquent. The runaway youth compare to the general youth that the abused child was significant p<.05. Base on the data the police officer reviewed the assistance for the abused child.