• 제목/요약/키워드: Planning Policy

검색결과 2,171건 처리시간 0.022초

유기농마케팅조직의 성공사례 및 성공요인 연구 (A Study on Success Factors and Successful Case of Organic Marketing Initiatives)

  • 유덕기
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.157-184
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    • 2011
  • This work is based on the experience of active and successful organic marketing initiatives, and aims to provide advice for genuine and practical sustainability. To make successful marketing possible we describe, on the one hand, the main challenges of the market and policy environment for organic marketing initiatives and, on the other hand, key factors for management. Management planning is a key issue for successful marketing and is therefore the focus of special attention in this work. This paper summarises and highlights those key factors which influence the operations of an organic marketing initiative. These include the role of key individuals, the role of innovation, the importance of strategic planning and clear objectives, the role of coherence, motivation and identity, brand policy, the role of networks, the importance of market research, public funding, economies of scale, systematized cooperation, hazards and risks in general.

조선 도장공정 운영전략 수립을 위한 사전모의실험기법 (Rough-cut simulation algorithm for the decision of operations policy at the block paint shop in shipbuilding)

  • 정귀훈;박창규;민상규;박주철;조규갑
    • 산업공학
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2001
  • This paper introduces the case study that has been performed at the block paint shop, Hyundai Heavy Industries. First of all, the overall production processes of shipbuilding and research activities conducted by Korean are reviewed with a view-point of production planning. Then HYPOS(Hyundai heavy industries Painting shop Operation System) project is briefly described, which has several modules such as planning module, scheduling module, work order module, and DB(database) management module. Although the HYPOS system has several modules, this paper mainly focuses on the planning module that utilizes the rough-cut simulation algorithm to make a decision about the policy for production schedule. The HYPOS has been operated since June, 2000 and the operation data has been collected for the purpose of future evaluation about the performance of HYPOS system. The evaluation of HYPOS will be shown in a public domain as soon as the enough operation data is available.

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How Does Family Succession Impact Family Firms' Innovation?

  • Ballal, Juili Milind;Bapat, Varadraj
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.302-324
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    • 2019
  • Family business is the oldest and the most prevalent type of entity in the world. In India, 85% of the enterprises are owned and/or managed by families, contributing to two-third of GDP. Thus the survival of family firms, which also generates 79% of private sector employment, is of paramount importance. Effective succession planning and innovation to gain competitive edge are the two key ways to ensure family firm survival. In this paper, the interplay between family succession and innovation is qualitatively studied using case study approach. Successors and Predecessors are interviewed to gain insights in the areas of succession planning and innovation. It is observed that family succession has a positive relationship with innovation, i.e. the presence of founding family members in the ownership and/or management of the enterprise has a positive influence on innovation tendency of the family firms. The findings contribute to the family business literature on succession planning and innovation, and their inter-relationship.

The Effects of Technological Capabilities and Entrepreneurship on Technological Innovation of Technology-based Start-ups in Korea

  • Ahn, Seungku;Kim, Juil;Lee, Kwang-Hoon
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.90-107
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    • 2021
  • This paper analyses how technological capabilities and entrepreneurship of technology-based start-ups affect their performance. In this paper, a multiple regression analysis was conducted on 248 technology-based start-ups. The effects of indicators of technological capacity like R&D intensity, R&D organization, technology competitiveness, patents, and certification were analyzed. Factors affecting sales were R&D intensity and technological competitiveness. Technology competitiveness and patents were the significant factors influencing product competitiveness. The factor that positively influenced organizational performance, customer performance, and achievement of start-up goals was technological competitiveness. The results of such an analysis should be designed to discover and foster long-term innovation potential, rather than relying on short-term financial performance.

2010년까지의 간호사 인력 수요 및 공급 추계 (The Supply and Demand Projection of Nurses in Korea)

  • 박현애;최영희;이선자
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.146-168
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    • 1993
  • The study was conducted to project supply and demand of the nurses till year 2010 based on analysis of supply and demand of nurses up to year 1991. Results of the study will provide invaluable information for nurses manpower planning as well as overall health manpower planning for the 21th century. It is projected that nurses will be oversupplied based on the current prductivity which is undesirable situation if the quality of care is considered, and undersupplied based on the the medical law as well as optimal productivity. Thus, it is desirable to increase active supply of nurses. One of the ways of increasing active supply would be increasing the size of training and education. But, considering low employment rate of nurses which is about 59% better way of solving problems related to nurses shortage would be improvement in nurses' employment rate. According to simulation study done as part of this study, if nurses' employment rate goes up to 80%, there is no need for increasing the size of training to meet the demand at the level of medical law.

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Urban Land Use Planning with a PSS-based Land Use Change Projection Model

  • Kweon, Ihl;Kim, Jung-Wook
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.515-532
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    • 2002
  • Planning Support System (PSS), an alternative framework of computer-aided planning system combining geographic information system (GIS), urban models, and visualization tools, has been actively researched and applied in many developed countries. This paper introduces a PSS-based land use change model, What if\ulcorner PSS, by applying it to Chongju City, Korea. This model application study used the spatial database, Restricted Development Zone (RDZ), and other hypothetical land supply- and demand-related policies of Chongju City. The collaborative PSS model supported land use planning process by helping users to speedily and easily create and test policy-oriented scenarios. The study found that the fully operational PSS model was readily applicable and useful to Korean local land use planning. The paper discusses the conceptual model framework, data requirement, application process, model output, and practical usage. This study would be considered as a prototypical approach of PSS-based land use plan making for Korean cities.

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경기도 도시공원의 지정.조성 분석을 통한 개선방안 연구 (Recommendations for the Improved Urban Park Policy in Gyeonggi Province through Analyzing Designation and Creation Rationale)

  • 성현찬
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2007
  • This study aims at providing basic policy materials to build a basis for supplying and creating urban parks balanced across Gyeonggi province and improving the quality of life of residents through, an extensive analysis of all city parks in cities/counties in Gyeonggi province. The study result showed that first, the number of parks is only 40% of the adequate number and, thus, accessibility of Gyeonggi province residents to parks in neighborhoods is significantly low. Second, a proportion of park types in children's park, neighborhood park, urban nature park is 67% : 24% : 2%, which is adequate in Gyeonggi province as a whole. Third, as for the area of parks per resident, the area of designated park is $17.7m^2$/person, which is over three times of legal requirement in urban planning area ($6m^2$/person). However, created park area is only $5.6m^2$/person, which fails to meet the legal requirement. Fourth, when park area of each city was compared, the areas varied significantly across cities. The Gyeonggi provincial government needs to secure funds aggressively and accelerate setting up and expanding facilities at designated parks located within the current urban areas. The findings from this study should be used as important materials when developing supply & demand policies for urban parks in Gyeonggi province. The study implicates that independent park policies and management by each city/county as well as the establishment and management of a comprehensive park policy at a provincial level is significantly important.

농어촌도로 정비사업의 정책적 전개방향 (An Alternative Strategy on Minor Rural Road Improvement Project)

  • 최수명;최동진
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2002
  • Since legislation of Rural Minor Road Improvement Act 1990, a quarter of its total length had been paved now. However, over 80% of arterial road length(national+provincial roads) had been paved, so, road improvement policy should be focussed on the local road(county+rural minor roads) from now. Generally, in the greater part of coastal plain and island areas, arterial road intensity(total road length/total catchment area) is relatively low, but local road intensity is relatively high. So, in terms of balanced development, much more efforts for rural minor road improvement should be concentrated in coastal plain and islands areas. In Chonnam Province, the maximum differentials of minor rural road improvement ratio was over 20%(the lowest; 14.1% in Goheung, the highest; 35.6% in Goksung) in 1999, but the improvement budget have been allocated in proportion to unpaved road length of each county by the provincial government. However, the differentials should not be fairly narrowed in the near future if the present budget allocation policy be maintained. To solve this problem, target differentials of rural minor road improvement between regions should be set up for each planning year and road improvement budget be allocated according to this policy change.

농업생산기반시설 경관형성에 관련된 제도, 심의 및 정책 여건에 관한 연구 (Studies on the Government Act, Deliberation, and Policy related with Landscape Formation of Agricultural Production Facilities)

  • 김영태;조동범
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2019
  • Agricultural production facilities that have been established to support improving food production, farm income, and reduction of farming time have remarkable achievements as value-neutral devices or infrastructures, but recently they are pointed out as a factor that hinders landscape by changing the contextual values of rural area. Despite this timelessness, research on the landscape design of agricultural production facilities has not been conducted until now. Based on these research necessities, this study aims to improve the process of reviewing the landscape of agricultural production facilities by analyzing the impact of activities, policies, plans. The results of this study are as follows. First, the analysis of the literature and the related data were carried out. This presents the structural limitations of why landscape review is difficult in the process of reviewing plans and the limitations of current landscape laws, deliberations, and plans. The process of reviewing the plan has formed a functionally oriented closed network, and the government policy does not properly control the landscape design of agricultural production facilities. From the viewpoint of the study, results can be used as basic data for the study of the lack of agricultural production facilities and landscape.

국내 도시물류정책의 추세 분석과 발전 방향: 물류기본계획의 변화를 중심으로 (Trend Analysis and Development Direction of Domestic Urban Logistics Policy: Focusing on the Change of Logistics Master Plan)

  • 최창호
    • 한국ITS학회 논문지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.96-114
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 우리나라 도시물류를 대상으로 과거 추세를 분석하고 미래 변화를 전망하여 도시발전에 선제적으로 대응할 수 있는 정책 방향을 제시하였다. 연구 범위는 물류정책기본법에서 제시하는 국가물류기본계획과 지역물류기본계획의 변화를 중심으로 하였다. 연구 진행은 국가물류기본계획을 근간으로 과거부터 현재까지 도시물류와 관련된 정책 변화를 살펴봄과 더불어 장래 예상되는 물류환경 변화에 대응하는 국가의 정책기조를 파악하였다. 그리고 이를 서울시 도시물류기본계획의 내용과 접목시켜 앞으로 도시물류기본계획에서 계속 추진하거나 새롭게 추가해야 할 물류정책을 제안하였다. 정책 제안은 장래 물류환경을 정책적, 사회적, 기술적 변화로 구분하여 제시하였다. 분야별로는 도시계획(10개 정책), 교통계획·ITS(8개 정책), 물류기술·ITS(6개 정책) 및 법·제도(8개 정책) 등이다. 정책의 지속성으로 구분하면 현재 추진 중인 정책이 계속되어야 할 것은 15개, 앞으로 새롭게 도입해야 할 정책은 17개이다.